Summary -
Clinical Associate Professor Mark Montebello is the Clinical Director and Senior Staff Specialist in Addiction Medicine and Psychiatry, at Drug and Alcohol Services, Northern Sydney Local Health District. He is the Accredited Medical Practitioner for the Royal North Shore Hospital Involuntary Drug and Alcohol Treatment Unit, a Honorary Senior Lecturer at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales,...view more
Summary -
Clinical Associate Professor Mark Montebello is the Clinical Director and Senior Staff Specialist in Addiction Medicine and Psychiatry, at Drug and Alcohol Services, Northern Sydney Local Health District. He is the Accredited Medical Practitioner for the Royal North Shore Hospital Involuntary Drug and Alcohol Treatment Unit, a Honorary Senior Lecturer at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, and a Clinical Associate Professor, Specialty of Addiction Medicine, Northern Clinical School, University of Sydney.
More information at https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1776-3974
Key publications 2017 to 2020 -
- Corbett RJ, Blakemore SK, Martin EG, Monds LA, Montebello ME. A call for concern: Frailty in middle-aged adults with alcohol use disorder. Drug and Alcohol Review (2023). DOI: 10.1111/dar.13734
- Black E, Bruno R, Mammen K, Mills L, Siefried KJ, Deacon RM, Shakeshaft A, Dunlop AJ, Ezard N, Montebello M, Childs S, Reid D, Holmes J, Lintzeris N. Substance use, socio-demographic characteristics, and self-rated health of people seeking alcohol and other drug treatment in New South Wales: baseline findings from a cohort study. MJA (2023). http://doi.org/10.5694/mja2.52039
- Grover C, Monds L, Montebello M. A survey of Australian psychiatrists' and psychiatry trainees' knowledge of and attitudes towards psychedelics in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Australasian Psychiatry (2023). 10.1177/10398562231155125
- Black E, Mammen K, Deacon RM, Ezard N, Mills L, Dunlop AJ, Montebello M, Reid D, Childs S, Bruno R, Shakeshaft A, Siefried KJ, Farrell M, Holmes J, Lintzeris N. Health and social characteristics of clients reporting amphetamine type substance use at entry to public alcohol and other drug services in New South Wales, Australia, 2016–2019. Drug Alcohol Review (2023). DOI: 10.1111/dar.13588
- Valerio H, Conway A, Alavi M, Treloar C, Silk D, Murray C, Henderson C, Amin J, Read P, Degenhardt L, Christmass M, Montebello M, Dore G, Grebely J. Awareness of hepatitis C virus infection status among people who inject drugs in a setting of universal direct-acting antiviral therapy: The ETHOS Engage study. International Journal of Drug Policy (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2022.103876
- Mills L, Dunlop A, Montebello M, Copeland J, Bruno R, Jefferies M, McGregor I, Lintzeris N. Correlates of treatment engagement and client outcomes: Results of a randomised controlled trial of nabiximols for the treatment of cannabis use disorder. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13011-022-00493-z
- Conway A, Valerio H, Alavi M, Silk D, Treloar C, Hajarizadeh B, Marshall AD, Martinello M, Milat A, Dunlop A, Murray C, Prain B, Henderson C, Amin J, Read P, Marks P, Degenhardt L, Hayllar J, Reid D, Gorton C, Lam T, Christmass M, Wade A, Montebello M, Dore GJ, Grebely J. A testing campaign intervention consisting of peer-facilitated engagement, point-of-care HCV RNA testing, and linkage to nursing support to enhance hepatitis C treatment uptake among people who inject drugs: the ETHOS Engage Study. Viruses (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/v14071555
- Valerio H, Alavi M, Conway A, Silk D, Treloar C, Martinello M, Milat A, Dunlop A, Murray C, Henderson C, Amin J, Read P, Marks P, Degenhardt L, Stevens A, Prain B, Hayllar J, Reid D, Montebello M, Wade A, Christmass M, Cock V, Dore GJ, Grebely J. Declining prevalence of current HCV infection and increased treatment uptake among people who inject drugs: The ETHOS Engage study. International Journal of Drug Policy (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2022.103706
- Montebello M, Jefferies M, Mills L, Bruno R, Copeland J, McGregor I, Rivas C, Jackson MA, Silsbury C, Dunlop A, Lintzeris N. Mood, sleep, and pain comorbidity outcomes in cannabis dependent patients: Findings from a nabiximols versus placebo randomised controlled trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109388
- Farrell M, Shahbazi J, Byrne M, Grebely J, Lintzeris N, Chambers M, Larance B, Ali R, Nielsen S, Dunlop A, Dore GJ, McDonough M, Montebello M, Nicholas T, Weiss R, Rodgers C, Cook J, Degenhardt L. Outcomes of a single-arm implementation trial of extended-release subcutaneous buprenorphine depot injections in people with opioid dependence. Int J Drug Policy (2022).https://doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103492
- Jackson MA, Brown AL, Johnston J, Clancy R, McGregor I, Bruno R, Lintzeris N, Montebello M, Luksza J, Bowman J, Phung N, Allsop D, Dunlop AJ. The use and effects of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists by NSW cannabis treatment clients. Journal of Cannabis Research Vol 3, 33 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s42238-021-00091-z
- Kwon I, Blazey A, Montebello M. The successful treatment of Kamini dependence with depot buprenorphine (Buvidal) – a case report. Australasian Psychiatry May 20 (2021). DOI: 10.1177/10398562211014214
- Kwon I, Montebello M, Bittoun R. Tobacco dependence management in a smoke-free inpatient drug and alcohol unit. Australasian Psychiatry Dec 10 (2020) 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1177/1039856220975287
- Grebely J, Read P, Cunningham E, Weltman M, Matthews G, Dunlop A, Montebello M, Martinello M, Gilliver R, Marks P, Applegate T, Dore G. Elbasvir and grazoprevir for hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection in people with recent injecting drug use (DARLO-C): an open-label, single-arm, phase 4, multicentre trial. Health Sci Rep (2020) 3:e151. https://doi.org/10.1002/hsr2.151
- Lintzeris N, Mills L, Dunlop A, Copeland J, McGregor I, Bruno R, Kirby A, Montebello M, Hall M, Jefferies M, Kevin R, Bhardwaj A. Cannabis use in patients 3 months after ceasing nabiximols for the treatment of cannabis dependence: Results from a placebo-controlled randomised trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 215 (2020) 18220. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108220
- Mills L, Lintzeris N, Bruno R, Montebello M, Dunlop A, Deacon R, Copeland J, Jefferies M, Rivas C, Mammen K. Validation of the Australian Treatment Outcomes Profile for use in clients with cannabis dependence. Drug and Alcohol Review (2020). DOI: 10.1111/dar.13050
Broad Research Areas:
Drug Related Harm / Addiction, Psychiatry, Medical Education
Specific Research Keywords:
Addiction psychiatry, addiction medicine, cannabis, amphetamines, smoking cessation
My Grants
- Since December 2022: Principal Investigator - Rapid Identification of Intoxication to Enable a Safer Society. ARC funded DP220103174 1/1/23-31/12/25 ($525,427). On grant application as Chief Investigator Number 4. Multisite trial led by Lauren Monds, Northern Sydney Local Health District. Additional funding from Ramsay Research and Teaching Fund Scheme 30/8/23 ($57,673.44). On grant application as Chief Investigator A.
- Since July 2021: Principal Investigator - ETHOS III Study - Enhancing hepatitis C testing and treatment among people who inject drugs in drug treatment settings: the ETHOS III Study. NH&MRC funded GNT2006282 1/3/22-28/2/27 ($1,349,603). On grant application as Associate Investigator. Multisite trial led by Jason Grebely, Kirby Institute.
- Since July 2021: Principal Investigator - A randomised controlled trial of cannabidiol (CBD) in the treatment of cannabis dependence. NH&MRC funded GNT2014980 1/7/22-31/7/26 ($2,120,137). On grant application as Associate Investigator. Multisite trial led by Nicholas Lintzeris, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District.
- Since July 2021: Principal Investigator - A randomised, double-blind, controlled trial of MDMA-assisted exposure therapy for comorbid alcohol use disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. NH&MRC funded MRF2014615 1/1/22-31/12/25 ($1,951,246). On grant application as Associate Investigator. Multisite trial led by Paul Haber, Sydney Local Health District.
- Since June 2021: Associate Investigator - A randomised controlled trial of N-acetyl cysteine for the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder. NH&MRC funded GNT2001375 1/7/21-30/6/25 ($1,294,923.44). On grant application as Associate Investigator. Multisite trial led by Kirsten Morley, Sydney Local Health District.
- Since January 2014: Associate Investigator - Randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study of lisdexamphetamine for the treatment of methamphetamine dependence. NH&MRC funded GNT1109466 1/1/16-31/12/21 ($1,303,735.21). On grant application as Associate Investigator. Multisite trial with NDARC, St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, Hunter New England Local Health District, Western Sydney Local Health District, Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia, National Drug Research Institute.
- 2014-2017: Associate Investigator - An RCT of cannabinoid replacement therapy (Sativex®) for the management of treatment-resistant cannabis dependent patients. NH&MRC funded GNT1088902 1/1/15-31/12/17 ($762,711.30). On grant application as Associate Investigator. Collaboration partners - NDARC, Sydney University, Hunter New England Local Health District, Western Sydney Local Health District.
My Qualifications
My Awards
- November 2021: Nominated for the NSLHD MHDA Manager of the Year Award
- June 2021: Winner of the NSLHD Quality and Research Awards – Keeping People Healthy award category, for Tobacco Dependence Management in a Smoke-Free Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Service
- November 2019: Winner of the Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD) Clinician of the Year Award
- September 2019: Nominated for the 2019 RANZCP NSW Meritorious Service Award
- December 2018: Winner of the Journal of Addiction Medicine Most Downloaded Article Published in 2018 for “Transferring Patients from Methadone to Buprenorphine: The Feasibility and Evaluation of Practice Guidelines.”
- November 2018: Nominated for the Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD) Mentor of the Year Award
- 1991: Winner of the Neuromuscular Disease Research Institute Medical Student Neuropathology Prize
- 1988: Winner of the Ralph Pervan Scholarship, Currie Hall at the University of Western Australia
My Research Activities
- Since October 2023: Principal Investigator - The COQI Cohort Study - Examining clinical outcomes and quality indicators for clients attending NSW AOD treatment services Aboriginal clients. Multisite trial led by Nicholas Lintzeris, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. NSW Health funded.
- Since August 2023: Explore the strategies for facilitating oral healthcare for clients in Opioid Treatment Program: A Qualitative Study. Led by Grace Wong, Northern Sydney Local Health District.
- Since February 2023: Oral Healthcare of Opioid Treatment Program. Led by Grace Wong, Northern Sydney Local Health District.
- Since November 2022: Principal Investigator - ATS Use Among Clients in OAT: A Qualitative Study of Consumer and Clinician Perspectives. Multisite trial led by Llew Mills, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District.
- Since November 2021: Associate Investigator - Substance Use and Mental Health in Young People: Evaluating the Specialist Addiction Service for Adolescents (SASA). Led by David Gordon, Northern Sydney Local Health District and Belinda Volkow, Sydney Drug Education and Counselling Centre.
- Since September 2021: Principal Investigator - An observational cohort study to evaluate the use of finger-stick point-of-care hepatitis C RNA testing to enhance diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C virus infection among people at risk of HCV infection: The National Australian HCV Point-of-Care Testing Program. NH&MRC funded APP2013921 ($1,498,086), Gilead ($711,716), Commonwealth Department of Health ($6,500,000). I am not on the grant application. Multisite trial led by Jason Grebely, Kirby Institute.
- Since May 2021: Associate Investigator - Drug Intoxication Detection Film Study. Led by Barry Renner, Northern Sydney Local Health District.
- Since March 2021: Associate Investigator - The feasibility of using mobile gaming applications (Graze Invaders) as a means of assessing cognition in Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) clients. Led by Angelica Wong, Northern Sydney Local Health District.
- Since February 2021: Associate Investigator - Micro-dosing with buprenorphine to transfer from methadone to buprenorphine - a prospective single-arm, phase 2 clinical trial. Multisite trial led by Chris Tremonti, Sydney Local Health District.
- Since January 2021: Principal Investigator - Investigating memory reliability in intoxicated victims and witnesses of crime. Led by Lauren Monds, Northern Sydney Local Health District.
- Since February 2020: Principal Investigator - Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) client concerns and wishes regarding cognitive impairment treatment. Multisite trial led by Lauren Monds, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District / Northern Sydney Local Health District / University of Sydney.
- Since October 2019: Associate Investigator - DBS HIV Testing Pilot - NSW Dried Blood Spot Self-Sampling HIV and Hepatitis C Testing Pilot Program. Multisite trial led by Dr Anna McNulty, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. NSW Health funded.
- Since September 2019: Principal Investigator - The COQI Cohort Study - Examining clinical outcomes and quality indicators for clients attending NSW public alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment services. Multisite trial led by Nicholas Lintzeris, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. NSW Health funded.
- Since December 2018: Principal Investigator - Defining the clinical role of topiramate in the treatment of alcohol dependence in Australia. NH&MRC funded ($718,836). I am not on the grant application. Multisite trial led by Paul Haber, Sydney Local Health District.
- Since December 2018: Principal Investigator - CoLAB - An open-label, multicentre, single-arm trial of monthly injections of extended-release buprenorphine in people with opioid dependence. Indivior funded ($1,814,536 and study medication). Multisite trial led by Michael Farrell, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.
- Since May 2018: Principal Investigator - ETHOS ENGAGE Study - A non-randomized trial to assess the effect of an intervention incorporating on-site hepatitis C virus RNA testing, liver fibrosis assessment, and linkage to care to enhance scale-up of direct-acting antiviral therapy for hepatitis C virus infection among people with a history of injecting drug use, and either recent injecting drug use or receiving opioid substitution therapy. Multisite trial led by Jason Grebely, Kirby Institute.
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St Leonards, New South Wales, 2065
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