
Dr Malgorzata Nakagawa-Lagisz


Fields of Research (FoR)

Other biological sciences, Evolutionary biology, Information systems philosophy, research methods and theory, Bioavailability and ecotoxicology, Evolutionary Biology, Behavioural Ecology

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I am a biologist with research experience and skills in different fields of science. In my research I address biological questions using research synthesis on data from model organisms and other systems. My work includes meta-analyses of maternal effects, aspects of ageing, evolution and differences between the sexes. I also contribute to methodological works addressing widespread issues in meta-analysis, such as non-independence, allometric...view more

I am a biologist with research experience and skills in different fields of science. In my research I address biological questions using research synthesis on data from model organisms and other systems. My work includes meta-analyses of maternal effects, aspects of ageing, evolution and differences between the sexes. I also contribute to methodological works addressing widespread issues in meta-analysis, such as non-independence, allometric scaling, heterogeneity, data sharing, reporting quality and research synthesis guidelines, leading to improved scientific practice. I often venture outside biological topics and data, for example, into biomedical, environmental, and even social sciences.

My Grants

2020            Australian Research Council Discovery Grant

2019            Australian Research Council Discovery Grant

2017            UNSW Faculty of Science Research Grant

20062009 Individual Marie-Curie Intra-European Fellowship (FP6)

My Qualifications

2004  PhD

1999  MSc

My Research Activities

research synthesis, evidence synthesis, systematic reviews, rapid reviews, meta-analysis

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