UNSW expects the highest standards of integrity in all aspects of research conducted by staff and HDR candidates. Research at UNSW must be conducted according to appropriate professional, ethical and legal obligations and standards, that are underpinned by a culture of integrity.
The Division of Research is pleased to announce that a new and improved version of the Research Integrity Online Training for Staff will be made available in April 2020. This training encapsulates these expectations and supports UNSW’s commitment to creating and maintaining an environment that promotes responsible research conduct in an international context. The second edition will replace the previous version of the training package that was first introduced to staff in 2017. It has been designed to adhere to the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018), and the content and assessments have been adapted to suit the UNSW context.
Staff who have completed the original version of the Research Integrity online training package are not required to complete the second version.
Useful Resources:
First Stop: Your Research Integrity Advisor
Your supervisor or Research Integrity Adviser (RIA) is your first contact if you have questions or concerns about research or the UNSW Research Code and related policies. There is a RIA in every faculty. A list of Faculty RIAs is available here.