Select Publications


Jones PK; Holmes D, 2011, Key Concepts in Media & Communications, 1st, Sage Publishing, London

Jones PK, 2004, Raymond Williams`s Sociology of Culture: a critical reconstruction, 1, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke (UK)

Book Chapters

Jones PK, 2006, '¿Tragic Utopianism¿ & Critique in Raymond Williams', in Imagining the Future: utopia and dystopia, edn. Original, Arena Publications, North Carlton, vic, Australia, pp. 243 - 264

Jones PK; Pusey MR, 2004, 'Class and media influence in Australia', in Heider D (ed.), Class and news, edn. 1, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland (USA), pp. 305 - 324

Jones PK, 2002, 'Williams and Markus on Production', in Grumley J; Crittenden P; Johnson P (ed.), Culture and Enlightenment: Essays for Gyorgy Markus, edn. Original, Ashgate, Aldershot, UK, pp. 111 - 129

Journal articles

Curran J; Coen S; Soroka S; Aalberg T; Hayashi K; Hichy Z; Iyengar S; Jones P; Mazzoleni G; Papathanassopoulos S; Rhee JW; Rojas H; Rowe D; Tiffen R, 2014, 'Reconsidering 'virtuous circle' and 'media malaise' theories of the media: An 11-nation study', Journalism, 15, pp. 815 - 833,

Tiffen R; Jones PK; Rowe D; Aalberg T; Coen S; Curran J; Hayashi K; Iyengar S; Mazzoleni G; Papathanassopoulos S; Rojas H; Soroka S, 2014, 'Sources in the News: A comparative study', Journalism Studies, 15, pp. 374 - 391,

Curran J; Coen S; Aalberg T; Hayashi K; Jones PK; Splendore S; Papathanassopoulos S; Rowe D; Tiffen R, 2013, 'Internet revolution revisited: A comparative study of online news', Media, Culture and Society, 35, pp. 880 - 897,

Soroka S; Andrew B; Aalberg T; Iyengar S; Curran J; Coen S; Hayashi K; Jones P; Mazzoleni G; Woong Rhee J; Rowe D; Tiffen R, 2013, 'Auntie Knows Best? Public Broadcasters and Current Affairs Knowledge', British Journal of Political Science, 43, pp. 719 - 739,

Aalberg T; Papathanassopoulos S; Soroka SN; Curran J; Hayashi K; Iyengar S; Jones PK; Mazzoleni G; Rojas H; Rowe D; Tiffen R, 2013, 'International TV news, foreign affairs interest and public knowledge : A comparative study of foreign news coverage and public opinion in 11 countries', Journalism Studies, 14, pp. 387 - 406,

Papathanassopoulos S; Coen S; Curran J; Aalberg T; Rowe D; Jones P; Rojas H; Tiffen R, 2013, 'Online Threat, But Television is Still Dominant: A comparative study of 11 nations’ news consumption', Journalism Practice, 7, pp. 690 - 704,

Wajcman J; Jones PK, 2012, 'Border communication: Media sociology and STS', Media, Culture and Society, 34, pp. 673 - 690,

Wajcman J; Jones PK, 2012, ''Border Communication: media sociology & STS (science and technology studies)'', Media Culture and Society, 34, pp. 673 - 690,

Jones PK, 2012, 'The Moment of Leveson: Beyond ‘First Amendment fundamentalism’ in news regulatory policies', Pacific Journalism Review, 18, pp. 51 - 67,

Jones PK; Pusey MR, 2010, 'Political communication & 'media system': The Australian canary.', Media Culture and Society, 32, pp. 451 - 471,

Jones PK, 2010, 'Raymond Williams & Bruno Latour: 'formalism' in the sociology of culture and technology', Sociologie de l'Art. OPuS 15, 15, pp. 59 - 84

Jones PK, 2009, 'Review of Alexander,J. The Civil Sphere. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. and Couldry, N., S. Livingstone and T. Markham, Media Consumption and Public Engagement: Beyond the Presumption of Attention. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. (2K words). Media Culture & Society 31(5): 858-862', Media Culture and Society, 31, pp. 858 - 862

Jones PK; Pusey MR, 2008, 'Mediated political communication in Australia: Leading issues, new evidence', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 43, pp. 583 - 599,

Jones PK, 2008, 'Review of L. Hitchens Broadcasting pluralism and diversity: A comparative study of policy and regulation', Media Culture and Society, 30, pp. 141 - 143,

Jones PK, 2007, 'Antipodean Public Spherists', Southern Review: Essays in New Humanities, 39, pp. 111 - 128

Jones PK, 2007, 'Beyond the Semantic `Big Bang`: Cultural Sociology and an Aesthetic Public Sphere', Cultural Sociology, 1, pp. 73 - 95

Jones PK, 2006, 'Review of Georgina Born Uncertain vision: Birt, Dyke and the reinvention of the BBC', Sociology - the Journal of the British Sociological Association, 40, pp. 773 - 775

Jones PK, 2006, 'Thirty years of keywords', Sociology - the Journal of the British Sociological Association, 40, pp. 1209 - 1215

Jones PK, 2006, 'Thirty Years of Keywords', Sociology - the Journal of the British Sociological Association, 40, pp. 1209 - 1215

Jones PK, 2005, 'Australian Cross-Media Ownership Rules and Freedom of Political Communication', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 28, pp. 916 - 923

Jones PK, 2004, 'Free Speech Discourse as an `Emancipatory Ideology`: a reply to Lawrence McNamara', UTS Law Review, 5, pp. 92 - 100

Jones PK, 2004, 'The Implied Constitutional Freedom of Political Communication and Australian Media Policy', UTS Law Review, 5, pp. 65 - 86

Jones PK, 2001, 'The best of both worlds? Freedom of communication and `positive` broadcasting regulation', Media Culture and Society, pp. 385 - 396

Jones PK, 2000, 'Democratic norms and means of communication: Public sphere, fourth estate, freedom of communication', Critical Horizons: Journal of Social and Critical Theory, 1, pp. 307 - 339

Jones PK, 2000, 'McLuhanist` societal projections and social theory: Some reflections', Media International Australia, Incorporating Culture and Policy, pp. 39 - 55

Jones PK, 2000, 'Paradigmatic tensions in the sociology of news', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 36, pp. 239 - 247,

Jones PK, 1999, 'The problem is always one of method¿`: Cultural materialism, political economy and cultural studies', Key Words: A Journal of Cultural Materialism, 2, pp. 28 - 46

Jones PK, 1998, 'Review essay - Between cultural studies and critical sociology', Media International Australia, Incorporating Culture and Policy, 88, pp. 121 - 133

Jones PK, 1998, 'The technology is not the cultural form? Raymond William`s sociological critique of Marshall McLuhan', Australian Canadian Studies, pp. . - .

Jones PK, 1998, 'The technology is not the cultural form? Raymond William`s sociological critique of Marshall McLuhan', Canadian Journal of Communication, pp. 421 - 452

Jones PK, 1997, 'Moral Panic: The Legacy of Stan Cohen and Stuart Hall', Media International Australia, pp. 6 - 16

Jones PK, 1997, 'The Public Media in Review', Arena Magazine, pp. 40 - 41

Jones P, 1994, 'The myth of ‘Raymond Hoggart’: On ‘Founding fathers’ and cultural policy', Cultural Studies, 8, pp. 394 - 416,

Conference Papers

Jones PK, 2002, 'Beyond `Ages` and `Eras`: sidestepping societal `projections` by typologising ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies)', in 2001 Bugs: Globalism and Pluralism, Bugs: Globalism and Pluralism 2001, Montreal, Canada, presented at Bugs: Globalism and Pluralism 2001, Montreal, Canada, 24 April 2002 - 27 April 2002

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