Select Publications

Journal articles

van der Hulst MK; Magoss D; Massop Y; Veenstra S; van Loon N; Dogan I; Coletti G; Theelen M; Hoeks S; Huijbregts MAJ; van Zelm R; Hauck M, 2024, 'Comparing Environmental Impacts of Single-Junction Silicon and Silicon/Perovskite Tandem Photovoltaics-A Prospective Life Cycle Assessment', ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 12, pp. 8860 - 8870,

Gillespie SC; Gautier J; van der Burgt JS; Anker J; Geerligs BLJ; Coletti G; Garnett EC, 2024, 'Silicon-Inspired Analysis of Interfacial Recombination in Perovskite Photovoltaics', Advanced Energy Materials,

Singh M; Datta K; Amarnath A; Wagner F; Zhao Y; Yang G; Bracesco A; Phung N; Zhang D; Zardetto V; Najafi M; Veenstra SC; Coletti G; Mazzarella L; Creatore M; Wienk MM; Janssen RAJ; Weeber AW; Zeman M; Isabella O, 2023, 'Crystalline silicon solar cells with thin poly-SiOx carrier-selective passivating contacts for perovskite/c-Si tandem applications', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 31, pp. 877 - 887,

Juhl MK; Heinz FD; Coletti G; Rougieux FE; Sun C; Contreras MV; Niewelt T; Krich J; Schubert MC, 2023, 'On the Conversion between Recombination Rates and Electronic Defect Parameters in Semiconductors', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 13, pp. 524 - 534,

Zhang D; Datta K; Zardetto V; Veenstra S; Coletti G; Janssen RAJ, 2023, 'Validated Method for Evaluating the Four-Terminal Perovskite/Si Tandem Cell Performance and its Efficiency Potential', Solar RRL, 7,

Zhou Z; Rougieux F; Siriwardhana M; Coletti G, 2022, 'Characterisation of striations in n-type silicon wafer processed with polysilicon contacts', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 248,

Zhou Z; Juhl MK; Vaqueiro-Contreras M; Rougieux F; Coletti G, 2022, 'Electronic Properties of Light- and Elevated Temperature-Induced Degradation in Float-Zone Silicon', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 12, pp. 1369 - 1376,

Manshanden P; Coletti G; Rosca V; Jansen MJ; De Groot K; De Graaff GJ; Creatore M; Simurka L; Najafi M; Zardetto V; Dogan I; Fledderus H; Veenstra SC, 2022, 'Quantifying the performance gain of 100 cm2bifacial four terminal perovskite-Si tandem modules', EPJ Photovoltaics, 13,

Zhu Y; Rougieux F; Grant NE; De Guzman JAT; Murphy JD; Markevich VP; Coletti G; Peaker AR; Hameiri Z, 2021, 'Electrical characterization of thermally activated defects in n-type float-zone silicon', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 11, pp. 26 - 35,

Zhu Y; Juhl MK; Coletti G; Hameiri Z, 2021, 'Erratum to “Reassessments of minority carrier traps in silicon with photoconductance decay measurements”', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 11, pp. 241 - 242,

Zhu Y; Sun C; Niewelt T; Coletti G; Hameiri Z, 2020, 'Investigation of two-level defects in injection dependent lifetime spectroscopy', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 216,

Coletti G; Luxembourg SL; Geerligs LJ; Rosca V; Burgers AR; Wu Y; Okel L; Kloos M; Danzl FJK; Najafi M; Zhang D; Dogan I; Zardetto V; Di Giacomo F; Kroon J; Aernouts T; Hüpkes J; Burgess CH; Creatore M; Andriessen R; Veenstra S, 2020, 'Bifacial four-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells and modules', ACS Energy Letters, 5, pp. 1676 - 1680,

Chen J; Ge K; Chen B; Guo J; Yang L; Wu Y; Coletti G; Liu H; Li F; Liu D; Wang Z; Xu Y; Mai Y, 2019, 'Establishment of a novel functional group passivation system for the surface engineering of c-Si solar cells', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 195, pp. 99 - 105,

Vargas C; Nie S; Chen D; Chan C; Hallam B; Coletti G; Hameiri Z, 2019, 'Degradation and recovery of n-type multi-crystalline silicon under illuminated and dark annealing conditions at moderate temperatures', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 9, pp. 355 - 355,

Vargas C; Coletti G; Chan C; Payne D; Hameiri Z, 2019, 'On the impact of dark annealing and room temperature illumination on p-type multicrystalline silicon wafers', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 189, pp. 166 - 174,

Zhu Y; Juhl MK; Coletti G; Hameiri Z, 2019, 'Reassessments of minority carrier traps in silicon with photoconductance decay measurements', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 9, pp. 652 - 652,

Bernardini S; Naerland TU; Coletti G; Bertoni MI, 2018, 'Defect Parameters Contour Mapping: A Powerful Tool for Lifetime Spectroscopy Data Analysis', Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 255,

Vargas C; Kim K; Coletti G; Payne D; Chan C; Wenham S; Hameiri Z, 2018, 'Carrier-induced degradation in multicrystalline silicon: Dependence on the silicon nitride passivation layer and hydrogen released during firing', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 8, pp. 413 - 420,

Zhu Y; Juhl M; Coletti G; Hameiri Z, 2018, 'On the transient negative photoconductance in n-type Czochralski silicon', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 8, pp. 421 - 427,

Bernardini S; Naerland TU; Coletti G; Bertoni MI, 2018, 'Defect Parameters Contour Mapping: A Powerful Tool for Lifetime Spectroscopy Data Analysis (Phys. Status Solidi B 8/2018)', physica status solidi (b), 255,

Bernardini S; Nærland TU; Blum AL; Coletti G; Bertoni MI, 2017, 'Unraveling bulk defects in high-quality c-Si material via TIDLS', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 25, pp. 209 - 217,

Vargas C; Zhu Y; Coletti G; Chan C; Payne D; Jensen M; Hameiri Z; Vargas Castrillon C, 2017, 'Recombination parameters of lifetime-limiting carrier-induced defects in multicrystalline silicon for solar cells', Applied Physics Letters, 110, pp. 092106 - 092106,

Zhu Y; Le Gia QT; Juhl MK; Coletti G; Hameiri Z, 2017, 'Application of the Newton–Raphson method to lifetime spectroscopy for extraction of defect parameters', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 7, pp. 1092 - 1092,

Gaspar G; Coletti G; Juel M; Würzner S; Søndenå R; Di Sabatino M; Arnberg L; Øvrelid EJ, 2016, 'Identification of defects causing performance degradation of high temperature n-type Czochralski silicon bifacial solar cells', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 153, pp. 31 - 43,

Le Donne A; Binetti S; Folegatti V; Coletti G, 2016, 'On the nature of striations in n-type silicon solar cells', Applied Physics Letters, 109,

Jensen MA; Hofstetter J; Morishige AE; Coletti G; Lai B; Fenning DP; Buonassisi T, 2015, 'Synchrotron-based analysis of chromium distributions in multicrystalline silicon for solar cells', Applied Physics Letters, 106,

Coletti G; Wu Y; Janssen G; Loffler J; Van Aken BB; Li F; Shen Y; Yang W; Shi J; Li G; Hu Z; Xiong J, 2015, '20.3% MWT silicon heterojunction solar cell-a novel heterojunction integrated concept embedding low ag consumption and high module efficiency', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 5, pp. 55 - 60,

Coletti G; Gordon I; Schubert MC; Warta W; Johannes Ovrelid E; Jouini A; Tucci M; De Cesare G, 2014, 'Challenges for photovoltaic silicon materials', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 130, pp. 629 - 633,

Coletti G; Manshanden P; Bernardini S; Bronsveld PCP; Gutjahr A; Hu Z; Li G, 2014, 'Removing the effect of striations in n-type silicon solar cells', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 130, pp. 647 - 651,

Coletti G, 2013, 'Sensitivity of state-of-the-art and high efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells to metal impurities', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 21, pp. 1163 - 1170,

Fenning DP; Hofstetter J; Bertoni MI; Coletti G; Lai B; Del Cañizo C; Buonassisi T, 2013, 'Precipitated iron: A limit on gettering efficacy in multicrystalline silicon', Journal of Applied Physics, 113,

Coletti G; Bronsveld PCP; Hahn G; Warta W; Macdonald D; Ceccaroli B; Wambach K; Le Quang N; Fernandez JM, 2011, 'Impact of metal contamination in silicon solar cells', Advanced Functional Materials, 21, pp. 879 - 890,

Bertoni MI; Hudelson S; Newman BK; Fenning DP; Dekkers HFW; Cornagliotti E; Zuschlag A; Micard G; Hahn G; Coletti G; Lai B; Buonassisi T, 2011, 'Influence of defect type on hydrogen passivation efficacy in multicrystalline silicon solar cells', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 19, pp. 187 - 191,

Paudyal BB; McIntosh KR; MacDonald DH; Coletti G, 2010, 'Temperature dependent carrier lifetime studies of Mo in crystalline silicon', Journal of Applied Physics, 107,

Kwapil W; Kasemann M; Gundel P; Schubert MC; Warta W; Bronsveld P; Coletti G, 2009, 'Diode breakdown related to recombination active defects in block-cast multicrystalline silicon solar cells', Journal of Applied Physics, 106,

Coletti G; Kvande R; Mihailetchi VD; Geerligs LJ; Arnberg L; Vrelid EJ, 2008, 'Effect of iron in silicon feedstock on p - And n -type multicrystalline silicon solar cells', Journal of Applied Physics, 104,

Kvande R; Geerligs LJ; Coletti G; Arnberg L; Di Sabatino M; Øvrelid EJ; Swanson CC, 2008, 'Distribution of iron in multicrystalline silicon ingots', Journal of Applied Physics, 104,

Cuevas A; Kerr MJ; Samundsett C; Ferrazza F; Coletti G, 2002, 'Millisecond minority carrier lifetimes in n-type multicrystalline silicon', Applied Physics Letters, 81, pp. 4952 - 4954,

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