Select Publications

Journal articles

Hwang YI; Hampton S; Withall AL; Snoyman P; Forsyth K; Butler T, 2024, 'Multi-sector stakeholder consensus on tackling the complex health and social needs of the growing population of people leaving prison in older age', Health and Justice, 12,

Clarke AJ; Christensen M; Balabanski AH; Dos Santos A; Barber PA; Brown A; Harwood M; Storm Mienna C; Warne DK; Ahmed M; Katzenellenbogen JM; Withall A; Radford K; Brodtmann AG, 2024, 'Prevalence of dementia among Indigenous populations of countries with a very high Human Development Index: a systematic review', The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 5,

Nguyen HXT; Hyde Z; McNamara BJ; Hughson JA; Radford K; Russell S; Flicker L; Quigley R; Malay R; Strivens E; Withall A; Lavrencic L; Draper B; Delbaere K; Cumming R; LoGiudice D, 2024, 'Strength together: examining risk and protective factors associated with dementia and cognitive impairment in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through harmonisation of landmark studies', BMC Neurology, 24, pp. 185,

Lewis ET; Anstey KJ; Radford K; Mealing N; Cardona M; Withall A; Rockwood K; Peters R, 2024, 'Levels of frailty and frailty progression in older urban- and regional-living First Nations Australians', Maturitas, 183, pp. 107962,

Hwang YI; Hagos A; Withall A; Hampton S; Snoyman P; Butler T, 2024, 'Population ageing, incarceration and the growing digital divide: Understanding the effects of digital literacy inequity experienced by older people leaving prison', PLoS ONE, 19,

Reutens S; Butler T; Hwang YIJ; Withall A, 2024, 'An examination of criminal offenders with dementia in Australian courts', Psychiatry, Psychology and Law,

Reutens S; Karystianis G; Withall A; Butler T, 2024, 'Characteristics of domestic violence perpetrators with dementia from police records using text mining', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15,

Respati T; Feriandi Y; Frederico R; Nugroho E; Pardosi JF; Withall A, 2024, 'Efficacy of a Mental Health Game-Board Intervention for Adolescents in Remote Areas: Reducing Stigma and Encouraging Peer Engagement', Open Public Health Journal, 17,

Lewis ET; Howard L; Carroll UR; Howie A; Kenning G; Withall A; Rockwood K; Cardona M; Radford K; Schreyenberg K; Peters R, 2024, 'Looking out across the front yard: aboriginal peoples’ views of frailty in the community–A qualitative study', Ethnicity and Health, 29, pp. 987 - 1007,

Poisson VO; Poulos RG; Withall AL; Reilly A; Emerson L; O’Connor CMC; O'Connor C, 2023, 'A mixed method study exploring gender differences in dementia caregiving', Dementia, 22, pp. 1862 - 1885,

Lai M; Jeon YH; McKenzie H; Withall A, 2023, 'Journey to Diagnosis of Young-Onset Dementia: A Qualitative Study of People with Young-Onset Dementia and their Family Caregivers in Australia', Dementia, 22, pp. 1097 - 1114,

Reutens S; Butler T; Hwang YIJ; Withall A; Hwang J, 2023, 'A comparison of older and younger offenders with delusional jealousy', Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 30, pp. 618 - 631,

Mantell R; Hwang YIJ; Radford K; Perkovic S; Cullen P; Withall A; Hwang J, 2023, 'Accelerated aging in people experiencing homelessness: A rapid review of frailty prevalence and determinants', Frontiers in Public Health, 11, pp. 1086215,

Mantell R; Withall A; Radford K; Kasumovic M; Monds L; Hwang YIJ, 2023, 'Design Preferences for a Serious Game-Based Cognitive Assessment of Older Adults in Prison: Thematic Analysis', JMIR Serious Games, 11,

Monds LA; Crowe A; Bravo M; Ridley N; Newcombe D; Mantell R; Lintzeris N; Withall A, 2023, 'The Feasibility of Goal Management Training to Address Cognitive Impairment in an Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Population: Findings from a Novel Case Series', International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction,

Cvejic RC; Watkins TR; Walker AR; Reppermund S; Srasuebkul P; Draper B; Withall A; Winkler D; Honan I; Mackechnie D; Trollor J, 2022, 'Factors associated with discharge from hospital to residential aged care for younger people with neuropsychiatric disorders: An exploratory case-control study in New South Wales, Australia', BMJ Open, 12, pp. e065982,

Couzner L; Day S; Draper B; Withall A; Laver KE; Eccleston C; Elliott KE; McInerney F; Cations M, 2022, 'What do health professionals need to know about young onset dementia? An international Delphi consensus study', BMC Health Services Research, 22,

Day S; Couzner L; Laver KE; Withall A; Draper B; Cations M, 2022, 'Cross-sector learning collaboratives can improve post-diagnosis care integration for people with young onset dementia', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e6135 - e6144,

Hagos AK; Butler TG; Howie A; Withall AL, 2022, 'Optimizing the Care and Management of Older Offenders: A Scoping Review', Gerontologist, 62, pp. E508 - E519,

Sly N; Soomro M; Withall AL; Cullen P; Turner RM; Flahive SR, 2022, 'Players', parents' and staffs' perceptions of injury prevention exercise programmes in youth rugby union', BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 8, pp. e001271,

Hagos AK; Withall A; Ginnivan NA; Snoyman P; Butler T, 2022, 'Barriers and enablers to health and social services for older prisoners transitioning to community', International Journal of Prisoner Health, 18, pp. 124 - 137,

Yashadhana A; Howie A; Veber M; Cullen P; Withall A; Lewis E; McCausland R; Macniven R; Andersen M, 2022, 'Experiences and perceptions of ageing among older First Nations Australians: A rapid review', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 41, pp. 8 - 19,

Cations M; Day S; Laver K; Withall A; Draper B, 2022, 'Post-diagnosis young-onset dementia care in the National Disability Insurance Scheme', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56, pp. 270 - 280,

Day S; Roberts S; Launder NH; Goh AMY; Draper B; Bahar-Fuchs A; Loi SM; Laver K; Withall A; Cations M, 2022, 'Age of Symptom Onset and Longitudinal Course of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, and Vascular Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 85, pp. 1819 - 1833,

Macniven R; Delbaere K; Lewis E; Radford K; Canuto K; Dickson M; Richards J; Gwynn J; Withall A, 2022, 'Community co-selection of measures to evaluate the health and wellbeing impact of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community running groups', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 34, pp. 17 - 23,

Lewis ET; Howard L; Cardona M; Radford K; Withall A; Howie A; Rockwood K; Peters R, 2021, 'Frailty in Indigenous Populations: A Scoping Review', Frontiers in Public Health, 9, pp. 785460,

Hwang YI; Ginnivan NA; Simpson PL; Baidawi S; Withall A; Williams B; Butler T; Hwang J, 2021, 'COVID-19 and incarcerated older adults: a commentary on risk, care and early release in Australia', International Journal of Prisoner Health, 17, pp. 245 - 257,

Haber PS; Riordan BC; Winter DT; Barrett L; Saunders J; Hides L; Gullo M; Manning V; Day CA; Bonomo Y; Burns L; Assan R; Curry K; Mooney-Somers J; Demirkol A; Monds L; McDonough M; Baillie AJ; Clark P; Ritter A; Quinn C; Cunningham J; Lintzeris N; Rombouts S; Savic M; Norman A; Reid S; Hutchinson D; Zheng C; Iese Y; Black N; Draper B; Ridley N; Gowing L; Stapinski L; Taye B; Lancaster K; Stjepanović D; Kay-Lambkin F; Jamshidi N; Lubman D; Pastor A; White N; Wilson S; Jaworski AL; Memedovic S; Logge W; Mills K; Seear K; Freeburn B; Lea T; Withall A; Marel C; Boffa J; Roxburgh A; Purcell-Khodr G; Doyle M; Conigrave K; Teesson M; Butler K; Connor J; Morley KC, 2021, 'New Australian guidelines for the treatment of alcohol problems: an overview of recommendations', Medical Journal of Australia, 215, pp. S3 - S32,

Day CA; Bonomo Y; Burns L; Assan R; Curry K; Mooney--Somers J; Demirkol A; Monds L; Reid S; Norman A; Hutchinson D; Zheng C; Iese Y; Black N; Memedovic S; Draper BM; Ridley N; White N; Pastor A; Wilson S; Freeburn B; Boffa JD; Purcell-Khodr G; Doyle M; Jaworski AL; Lea T; Roxburgh A; Logge W; Withall A; Conigrave KM, 2021, 'Providing appropriate treatment and care to people with alcohol problems: a summary for key specific populations', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 215, pp. S21 - S27

Herro A; Lee KY; Withall A; Peisah C; Chappell L; Sinclair C, 2021, 'Elder Mediation Services among Diverse Older Adult Communities in Australia: Practitioner Perspectives on Accessibility', Gerontologist, 61, pp. 1141 - 1152,

Cations M; Loi SM; Draper B; Swaffer K; Velakoulis D; Goh AMY; Withall A, 2021, 'A call to action for the improved identification, diagnosis, treatment and care of people with young onset dementia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 55, pp. 837 - 840,

Hendriks S; Peetoom K; Bakker C; Van Der Flier WM; Papma JM; Koopmans R; Verhey FRJ; De Vugt M; Köhler S; Withall A; Parlevliet JL; Uysal-Bozkir Ö; Gibson RC; Neita SM; Nielsen TR; Salem LC; Nyberg J; Lopes MA; Dominguez JC; De Guzman MF; Egeberg A; Radford K; Broe T; Subramaniam M; Abdin E; Bruni AC; Di Lorenzo R; Smith K; Flicker L; Mol MO; Basta M; Yu D; Masika G; Petersen MS; Ruano L, 2021, 'Global Prevalence of Young-Onset Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', JAMA Neurology, 78, pp. 1080 - 1090,

Cations M; Day S; Laver K; Withall A; Draper B, 2021, 'People with young-onset dementia and their families experience distinctive impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions', International Psychogeriatrics, 33, pp. 839 - 841,

Withall A; Karystianis G; Duncan D; Hwang YI; Kidane AH; Butler T; Hwang J, 2021, 'Domestic Violence in Residential Care Facilities in New South Wales, Australia: A Text Mining Study', Gerontologist, 62, pp. 223 - 231,

Ginnivan NA; Chomik R; Hwang YI; Piggott J; Butler T; Withall A; Hwang J, 2021, 'The ageing prisoner population: demographic shifts in Australia and implications for the economic and social costs of health care', International Journal of Prisoner Health, 18, pp. 325 - 334,

Poisson VO; Withall A; Reilly A; Poulos RG, 2020, 'Are male carers of people with dementia underutilising support services?', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 39, pp. 389 - 390,

Cations M; Withall A; Low LF; Radford K; Trollor J; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Gonski P; Broe GA; Cumming RG; Draper B, 2020, 'Clustering and Additive Effects of Nongenetic Risk Factors in Non-Autosomal-Dominant Degenerative and Vascular Young Onset Dementia', Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 34, pp. 128 - 134,

Du Toit SHJ; Withall A; O'Loughlin K; Ninaus N; Lovarini M; Snoyman P; Butler T; Forsyth K; Surr CA, 2019, 'Best care options for older prisoners with dementia: A scoping review', International Psychogeriatrics, 31, pp. 1081 - 1097,

Cations M; Withall A; Draper B, 2019, 'Modifiable risk factors for young onset dementia', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 32, pp. 138 - 143,


Ginnivan NA; Butler TG; Withall AN, 2018, 'The rising health, social and economic costs of Australia’s ageing prisoner population', Medical Journal of Australia, 209, pp. 422 - 424.e1,

Ridley N; Batchelor J; Draper B; Demirkol A; Lintzeris N; Withall A, 2018, 'Cognitive screening in substance users: Diagnostic accuracies of the Mini-Mental State Examination, Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination–Revised, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment', Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 40, pp. 107 - 122,

Cations M; Draper B; Low L-F; Radford K; Trollor J; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Gonski P; Broe GA; Withall A, 2018, 'Non-Genetic Risk Factors for Degenerative and Vascular Young Onset Dementia: Results from the INSPIRED and KGOW Studies', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 62, pp. 1747 - 1758,

Soomro M; Withall A; Cohen A; Turner R, 2018, 'The evolving definition of Concussion over time', Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 21, pp. S96 - S96,

Cations M; Withall A; Horsfall R; Denham N; White F; Trollor J; Loy C; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Gonski P; Demirkol A; Cumming RG; Draper B, 2017, 'Why aren't people with young onset dementia and their supporters using formal services? Results from the INSPIRED study', PLoS One, 12, pp. e0180935 - e0180935,

Cations M; Withall A; White F; Trollor J; Loy C; Gonski P; Brodaty H; Draper B, 2017, 'WHY AREN’T PEOPLE WITH YOUNG ONSET DEMENTIA AND THEIR CAREGIVERS USING FORMAL SERVICES?', Innovation in Aging, 1, pp. 1403 - 1403,

Monds LA; Ridley NJ; Rivas C; Withall A; Draper B; Lintzeris N, 2017, 'Cognition and adaptive functioning in older people attending drug and alcohol services', International Psychogeriatrics, 29, pp. 815 - 823,

Thompson CL; Henry JD; Rendell PG; Withall A; Kochan NA; Sachdev P; Brodaty H, 2017, 'Prospective memory function and cue salience in mild cognitive impairment: Findings from the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 39, pp. 941 - 953,

Hayes V; Demirkol A; Ridley N; Withall A; Draper B, 2016, 'Alcohol-related cognitive impairment: current trends and future perspectives', Neurodegenerative disease management, 6, pp. 509 - 523,

Lintzeris N; Monds LA; Rivas G; Leung S; Withall A; Draper B, 2016, 'The Australian Treatment Outcomes Profile instrument as a clinical tool for older alcohol and other drug clients: A validation study', Drug and Alcohol Review, 35, pp. 673 - 677,

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