Select Publications

Journal articles

Healey A; Siefried KJ; Harrod ME; Franklin E; Peacock A; Barratt MJ; Brett J, 2022, 'Correlates of higher-risk drug-related behaviours at music festivals in New South Wales, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 320 - 329,

Dietze PM; Hall C; Price O; Stewart AC; Crawford S; Peacock A; Maher L, 2022, 'COVID-19 vaccine acceptability among people in Australia who inject drugs: Implications for vaccine rollout', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 484 - 487,

Price O; Man N; Bruno R; Dietze P; Salom C; Lenton S; Grigg J; Gibbs D; Wilson T; Degenhardt L; Chan R; Thomas N; Peacock A, 2022, 'Changes in illicit drug use and markets with the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions: findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System, 2016–20', Addiction, 117, pp. 182 - 194,

Darke S; Duflou J; Peacock A; Farrell M; Lappin J, 2022, 'Characteristics of fatal gabapentinoid-related poisoning in Australia, 2000–2020', Clinical Toxicology, 60, pp. 304 - 310,

Aiken A; Chan G; Yuen WS; Clare PJ; Hutchinson D; McBride N; Najman JM; McCambridge J; Upton E; Slade T; Boland VC; De Torres C; Bruno R; Kypri K; Wadolowski M; Mattick RP; Peacock A, 2022, 'Trajectories of parental and peer supply of alcohol in adolescence and associations with later alcohol consumption and harms: A prospective cohort study', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 237, pp. 109533,

Clare PJ; Aiken A; Yuen WS; Upton E; Kypri K; Degenhardt L; Bruno R; McCambridge J; McBride N; Hutchinson D; Slade T; Mattick R; Peacock A; Peacock A, 2021, 'Alcohol use among young Australian adults in May–June 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective cohort study', Addiction, 116, pp. 3398 - 3407,

Yuen WS; Bruno R; Chan GCK; McCambridge J; Slade T; Clare PJ; Aiken A; Kypri K; Hutchinson D; McBride N; Boland V; Upton E; Farrell M; Mattick RP; Peacock A; Peacock A, 2021, 'The experience of physiological and psychosocial alcohol-related harms across adolescence and its association with alcohol use disorder in early adulthood: A prospective cohort study', Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45, pp. 2518 - 2527,

Chrzanowska A; Man N; Darke S; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; Moran L; Peacock A, 2021, 'Unintentional and intentional drug poisoning deaths, Australia, 2012–2016: Drug pattern profile and demographic characteristics', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 229,

Norman T; Peacock A; Ferguson SG; Kuntsche E; Bruno R, 2021, 'Combining transdermal and breath alcohol assessments, real-time drink logs and retrospective self-reports to measure alcohol consumption and intoxication across a multi-day music festival', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 1112 - 1121,

Gibbs D; Grebely J; Sutherland R; Larney S; Butler K; Dietze PM; Starr M; Peacock A, 2021, 'Concordance between self-reported and current hepatitis C virus infection status in a sample of people who inject drugs in Sydney and Canberra, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 1349 - 1353,

Gibbs D; Price O; Grebely J; Larney S; Sutherland R; Read P; Butler K; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2021, 'Hepatitis C virus cascade of care among people who inject drugs in Australia: Factors associated with testing and treatment in a universal healthcare system', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 228,

McKetin R; Sutherland R; Peacock A; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'Patterns of smoking and injecting methamphetamine and their association with health and social outcomes', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 1256 - 1265,

Peacock A; Gibbs D; Price O; Barratt MJ; Ezard N; Sutherland R; Hill PL; Grigg J; Lenton S; Page R; Salom C; Hughes C; Bruno R, 2021, 'Profile and correlates of colorimetric reagent kit use among people who use ecstasy/MDMA and other illegal stimulants in Australia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 97,

McKetin R; Chrzanowska A; Man N; Peacock A; Sutherland R; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'Trends in treatment episodes for methamphetamine smoking and injecting in Australia, 2003–2019', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 1281 - 1286,

Conway A; Valerio H; Peacock A; Degenhardt L; Hayllar J; Harrod ME; Henderson C; Read P; Gilliver R; Christmass M; Dunlop A; Montebello M; Whitton G; Reid D; Lam T; Alavi M; Silk D; Marshall AD; Treloar C; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2021, 'Non-fatal opioid overdose, naloxone access, and naloxone training among people who recently used opioids or received opioid agonist treatment in Australia: The ETHOS Engage study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 96,

Yuen WS; Chan G; Clare P; Bruno R; Boland V; Aiken A; Kypri K; Horwood J; McCambridge J; Degenhardt L; Slade T; Wadolowski M; Hutchinson D; Najman J; McBride N; Mattick R; Peacock A, 2021, '962Adolescent Alcohol Use Trajectories: A Prospective Study of Risk Factors and Adulthood AUD Outcomes', International Journal of Epidemiology, 50,

Man N; Chrzanowska A; Price O; Bruno R; Dietze PM; Sisson SA; Degenhardt L; Salom C; Morris L; Farrell M; Peacock A, 2021, 'Trends in cocaine use, markets and harms in Australia, 2003–2019', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 946 - 956,

Price O; Dietze P; Sullivan SG; Salom C; Peacock A, 2021, 'Uptake, barriers and correlates of influenza vaccination among people who inject drugs in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 226,

Yuen WS; Chan G; Bruno R; Clare PJ; Aiken A; Mattick R; Farrell M; Kypri K; Slade T; Hutchinson D; McBride N; McCambridge J; Boland V; Peacock A; Peacock A, 2021, 'Trajectories of alcohol-induced blackouts in adolescence: early risk factors and alcohol use disorder outcomes in early adulthood', Addiction, 116, pp. 2039 - 2048,

Iversen J; Peacock A; Price O; Byrne J; Dunlop A; Maher L, 2021, 'COVID-19 vaccination among people who inject drugs: Leaving no one behind', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 517 - 520,

Akhurst J; Lovell M; Peacock A; Bruno R, 2021, 'A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cognitive Performance among People with Chronic Use of Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain', Pain Medicine (United States), 22, pp. 979 - 993,

Peacock A; Tran LT; Larney S; Stockings E; Santo T; Jones H; Santomauro D; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'All-cause and cause-specific mortality among people with regular or problematic cocaine use: a systematic review and meta-analysis', Addiction, 116, pp. 725 - 742,

Sutherland R; Jayathilake R; Peacock A; Dietze P; Bruno R; Reddel S; Gisev N, 2021, 'Trends and characteristics of extra-medical use of quetiapine among people who regularly inject drugs in Australia, 2011–2018', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 221,

Stewart AC; Peacock A; Djordjevic F; Cossar R; Salom C; Lenton S; Dietze P, 2021, 'Ketamine use among people who regularly use ecstasy and other illicit stimulants in Australia: Trends and characteristics of use, 2009–2019', Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 82, pp. 188 - 196,

Darke S; Duflou J; Farrell M; Peacock A; Lappin J; Peacock A, 2021, 'Characteristics and circumstances of death related to the self-administration of ketamine', Addiction, 116, pp. 339 - 345,

Yuen WS; Chan G; Bruno R; Clare P; Mattick R; Aiken A; Boland V; McBride N; McCambridge J; Slade T; Kypri K; Horwood J; Hutchinson D; Najman J; de Torres C; Peacock A, 2020, 'Adolescent alcohol use trajectories: Risk factors and adult outcomes', Pediatrics, 146,

Yuen WS; Chan G; Bruno R; Clare P; Mattick R; Aiken A; Boland V; McBride N; McCambridge J; Slade T; Kypri K; Horwood J; Hutchinson D; Najman J; de Torres C; Peacock A, 2020, 'Adolescent alcohol use trajectories: Risk factors and adult outcomes', Pediatrics, 146, pp. e2020005454,

Darke S; Peacock A; Duflou J; Farrell M; Lappin J; Peacock A, 2020, 'Characteristics and circumstances of death related to gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)', Clinical Toxicology, 58, pp. 1028 - 1033,

Colledge S; Larney S; Bruno R; Gibbs D; Degenhardt L; Yuen WS; Dietze P; Peacock A; Peacock A, 2020, 'Profile and correlates of injecting-related injuries and diseases among people who inject drugs in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 216, pp. 108267,

Boland VC; Clare PJ; Yuen WS; Peacock A; Aiken A; Wadolowski M; Hutchinson D; Najman J; Slade T; Bruno R; McBride N; Degenhardt L; Kypri K; Mattick RP; Peacock A, 2020, 'The association between parental supply of alcohol and supply from other sources to young people: a prospective cohort', Addiction, 115, pp. 2140 - 2147,

Tran LT; Peacock A; Colledge S; Memedovic S; Grebely J; Leung J; Larney S; Trickey A; Stone J; Vickerman P; Hickman M; Degenhardt L, 2020, 'Injecting risk behaviours amongst people who inject drugs: A global multi-stage systematic review and meta-analysis', International Journal of Drug Policy, 84,

Aiken A; Clare PJ; Boland VC; Degenhardt L; Yuen WS; Hutchinson D; Najman J; McCambridge J; Slade T; McBride N; De Torres C; Wadolowski M; Bruno R; Kypri K; Mattick RP; Peacock A; Peacock A, 2020, 'Parental supply of sips and whole drinks of alcohol to adolescents and associations with binge drinking and alcohol-related harms: A prospective cohort study', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 215, pp. 108204,

Clare PJ; Dobbins T; Bruno R; Peacock A; Boland V; Yuen WS; Aiken A; Degenhardt L; Kypri K; Slade T; Hutchinson D; Najman JM; McBride N; Horwood J; McCambridge J; Mattick RP; Peacock A, 2020, 'The overall effect of parental supply of alcohol across adolescence on alcohol-related harms in early adulthood—a prospective cohort study', Addiction, 115, pp. 1833 - 1843,

Gisev N; Brett J; Peacock A, 2020, 'Extra-medical use of antipsychotics: what can be learnt from experiences with other prescription medicines?', Addiction, 115, pp. 1203 - 1205,

Sutherland R; Allsop S; Peacock A, 2020, 'New psychoactive substances in Australia: patterns and characteristics of use, adverse effects, and interventions to reduce harm', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 33, pp. 343 - 351,

Sutherland R; Dietze PM; Gisev N; Bruno R; Campbell G; Memedovic S; Peacock A, 2020, 'Patterns and correlates of prescribed and non-prescribed pregabalin use among a sample of people who inject drugs in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 39, pp. 568 - 574,

Darke S; Duflou J; Farrell M; Peacock A; Lappin J, 2020, 'Characteristics and circumstances of synthetic cannabinoid-related death', Clinical Toxicology, 58, pp. 368 - 374,

Larney S; Tran LT; Leung J; Santo T; Santomauro D; Hickman M; Peacock A; Stockings E; Degenhardt L, 2020, 'All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality among People Using Extramedical Opioids: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', JAMA Psychiatry, 77, pp. 493 - 502,

Sutherland R; Peacock A; Nielsen S; Bruno R, 2020, 'Alprazolam use among a sample of Australians who inject drugs: Trends up to six years post regulatory changes', International Journal of Drug Policy, 79,

Dietze PM; Peacock A; Peacock A, 2020, 'Illicit drug use and harms in Australia in the context of COVID-19 and associated restrictions: Anticipated consequences and initial responses', Drug and Alcohol Review, 39, pp. 297 - 300,

Colledge S; Leung J; Grebely J; Degenhardt L; Peacock A; Hickman M; Vickerman P; Stone J; Trickey A; Larney S, 2020, 'Socio-demographic and ecological factors associated with anti-HCV prevalence in people who inject drugs: A systematic review', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 209,

Newcombe D; Knaebe B; Malloy R; Peacock A; Bruno R, 2020, 'Mixing alcohol and energy drinks: associations with risk-taking, alcohol consumption and motivations in a New Zealand sample', Journal of Substance Use, 25, pp. 157 - 162,

Larney S; Leung J; Grebely J; Hickman M; Vickerman P; Peacock A; Stone J; Trickey A; Dumchev KV; Colledge S; Cunningham EB; Lynskey M; Mattick RP; Degenhardt L, 2020, 'Global systematic review and ecological analysis of HIV in people who inject drugs: National population sizes and factors associated with HIV prevalence', International Journal of Drug Policy, 77,

Colledge S; Larney S; Peacock A; Leung J; Hickman M; Grebely J; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2020, 'Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicidality and self-harm among people who inject drugs: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 207,

Colledge S; Leung J; Larney S; Peacock A; Grebely J; Hickman M; Cunningham E; Trickey A; Stone J; Vickerman P; Degenhardt L, 2020, 'Frequency of injecting among people who inject drugs: A systematic review and meta-analysis', International Journal of Drug Policy, 76,

Larney S; Peacock A; Tran LT; Stockings E; Santomauro D; Santo T; Degenhardt L, 2020, 'All-Cause and Overdose Mortality Risk among People Prescribed Opioids: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', Pain Medicine (United States), 21, pp. 3700 - 3711,

Hines LA; Trickey A; Leung J; Larney S; Peacock A; Degenhardt L; Colledge S; Hickman M; Grebely J; Cunningham EB; Stone J; Dumchev K; Griffiths P; Vickerman P; Mattick RP; Lynskey M, 2020, 'Associations between national development indicators and the age profile of people who inject drugs: results from a global systematic review and meta-analysis', The Lancet Global Health, 8, pp. e76 - e91,

Peacock A; Gisev N; Memedovic S; Larance B; Brown J; Cairns R; Buckley N; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2020, 'Opioid use and harms associated with a sustained-release tapentadol formulation: A post-marketing surveillance study.', Drug Alcohol Depend, 206, pp. 107697,

Gibbs D; Peacock A; O'Keefe D; Butler K; Bruno R; Lenton S; Burns L; Larney S, 2020, 'Use of alcohol swabs to clean injecting sites among people who regularly inject drugs in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 39, pp. 83 - 92,

Colledge S; Leung J; Larney S; Peacock A; Grebely J; Hickman M; Cunningham E; Trickey A; Stone J; Vickerman P; Degenhardt L, 2020, 'Frequency of injecting among people who inject drugs: A systematic review and meta-analysis.', Int J Drug Policy, 76, pp. 102619,

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