Select Publications

Journal articles

Chan BS; Isbister GK; Page CB; Isoardi KZ; Chiew AL; Kirby KA; Buckley NA, 2019, 'Clinical outcomes from early use of digoxin-specific antibodies versus observation in chronic digoxin poisoning (ATOM-4)', Clinical Toxicology, 57, pp. 638 - 643,

McLenachan CJ; Chua O; Chan BSH; Vecellio E; Chiew AL, 2019, 'Comparison of Wells and YEARS clinical decision rules with D-dimer for low-risk pulmonary embolus patients', Internal Medicine Journal, 49, pp. 739 - 744,

Chiew AL; Buckley NA, 2019, 'SNAP – A Large Step in the Move towards Personalised Dosing of Acetylcysteine', EClinicalMedicine, 11, pp. 3 - 4,

Depczynski B; Lee ATK; Varndell W; Chiew AL, 2019, 'The Significance of an Increased Beta-Hydroxybutyrate at Presentation to the Emergency Department in Patients with Diabetes in the Absence of a Hyperglycemic Emergency', Journal of Diabetes Research, 2019,

Hepburn K; Khor N; Micallef M; Chiew A; Somerville E; Endre Z, 2019, 'SUN-332 DIALYSIS FOR TREATMENT OF CHRONIC METHYL BROMIDE TOXICITY: A CASE REPORT', Kidney International Reports, 4, pp. S298 - S298,

Chiew AL; Wright DFB; Dobos NM; McArdle K; Mostafa AA; Newth A; Roberts MS; Isbister GK, 2018, '‘Massive’ metformin overdose', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 84, pp. 2923 - 2927,

Chiew AL; Wright DFB; Roberts MS; Isbister GK, 2018, 'Response to ‘Comment on ‘‘Massive’ metformin overdose’ by Chiew et al.’', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 84, pp. 2940 - 2941,

Chan BSH; Chiew AL; Grainger S; Page CB; Gault A; Mostafa A; Roberts MS; Buckley NA; Isbister GK, 2018, 'Bromoxynil and 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) poisoning could be a bad combination', Clinical Toxicology, 56, pp. 861 - 863,

Chiew AL; Isbister GK; Page CB; Kirby KA; Chan BSH; Buckley NA, 2018, 'Modified release paracetamol overdose: a prospective observational study (ATOM-3)', Clinical Toxicology, 56, pp. 810 - 819,

Chan BS; Mills N; Chiew A, 2018, 'Does physician education and factsheet impact on safe opioid use in emergency patients?', Canadian Journal of Addiction, 9, pp. 26 - 33,

Chiew AL; Page CB; Clancy D; Mostafa A; Roberts MS; Isbister GK, 2018, '2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) and bromoxynil herbicide ingestion', Clinical Toxicology, 56, pp. 377 - 380,

Chan BS; Becker T; Chiew AL; Abdalla AM; Robertson TA; Liu X; Roberts MS; Buckley NA, 2018, 'Vasoplegic Shock Treated with Methylene Blue Complicated by Severe Serotonin Syndrome', Journal of Medical Toxicology, 14, pp. 100 - 103,

Chiew AL; Gluud C; Brok J; Buckley NA, 2018, 'Interventions for paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdose', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018,

Chiew AL; Isbister GK; Kirby KA; Page CB; Chan BSH; Buckley NA, 2017, 'Massive paracetamol overdose: an observational study of the effect of activated charcoal and increased acetylcysteine dose (ATOM-2)', Clinical Toxicology, 55, pp. 1055 - 1065,

Chan BS; Chiew A; Isbister GK; O’Leary M; Buckley NA, 2017, 'Authors’ responses to letter to the editor re: “Efficacy and effectiveness of anti-digoxin antibodies in chronic digoxin poisonings from the DORA study (ATOM-1)”', Clinical Toxicology, 55, pp. 64,

Corcoran G; Chan B; Chiew A, 2016, 'Use and knowledge of single dose activated charcoal: A survey of Australian doctors', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 28, pp. 578 - 585,

Chiew AL, 2016, 'New guidelines for the management of paracetamol poisoning in Australia and New Zealand (vol 203, pg 215, 2015)', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 205, pp. 167 - 167,

Chan BS; Isbister GK; O’Leary M; Chiew A; Buckley NA, 2016, 'Efficacy and effectiveness of anti-digoxin antibodies in chronic digoxin poisonings from the DORA study (ATOM-1)', Clinical Toxicology, 54, pp. 488 - 494,

Chiew A; Raos MP; Isbister GK, 2016, 'Sub-mammary injection of ropivacaine resulting in severe toxicity with seizures', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 28, pp. 246 - 247,

Chiew AL; Isbister GK; Duffull SB; Buckley NA, 2016, 'Evidence for the changing regimens of acetylcysteine', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 81, pp. 471 - 481,

Isbister GK; Sellors KV; Beckmann U; Chiew AL; Downes MA; Berling I, 2015, 'Catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy resulting from life-threatening funnel-web spider envenoming', Medical Journal of Australia, 203, pp. 302 - 304.e1,

Chiew AL; Fountain JS; Graudins A; Isbister GK; Reith D; Buckley NA, 2015, 'Summary statement: New guidelines for the management of paracetamol poisoning in Australia and New Zealand', Medical Journal of Australia, 203, pp. 215 - 218,

Chan BSH; Sellors K; Chiew AL; Buckley NA, 2015, 'Use of multi-dose activated charcoal in phenytoin toxicity secondary to genetic polymorphism', Clinical Toxicology, 53, pp. 131 - 133,

Buckley NA; Chiew AL, 2015, 'Re: External validation of the paracetamol-aminotransferase multiplication product to predict hepatotoxicity from paracetamol overdose', Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 53, pp. 1152 - 1153,

Chiew AL; Buckley NA, 2014, 'Carbon monoxide poisoning in the 21st century', Critical Care, 18,

Chiew AL; Isbister GK, 2014, 'A coagulopathic dilemma: Snakes or genes', The Lancet, 383, pp. 2184,

Chiew AL; Khamoudes D; Chan BSH, 2014, 'Use of continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration therapy in dabigatran overdose', Clinical Toxicology, 52, pp. 283 - 287,

James LP; Chiew A; Abdel-Rahman SM; Letzig L; Graudins A; Day P; Roberts D, 2013, 'Acetaminophen protein adduct formation following low-dose acetaminophen exposure: Comparison of immediate-release vs extended-release formulations', European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 69, pp. 851 - 857,

Bailey AR; Sathianathan VJ; Chiew AL; Paterson AD; Chan BSH; Arora S, 2011, 'Comparison of intermittent haemodialysis, prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy and continuous renal replacement haemofiltration for lithium toxicity: A case report', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 13, pp. 120 - 122

Chiew A; Day P; Salonikas C; Naidoo D; Graudins A; Thomas R, 2010, 'The comparative pharmacokinetics of modified-release and immediate-release paracetamol in a simulated overdose model', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 22, pp. 548 - 555,

Graudins A; Chiew A; Chan B, 2010, 'Overdose with modified-release paracetamol results in delayed and prolonged absorption of paracetamol', Internal Medicine Journal, 40, pp. 72 - 76,

Brok J; Buckley N; Gluud C, 2002, 'Interventions for paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdoses.', Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online : Update Software)

Conference Papers

Chiew A; Isbister G; Stathakis P; Ress K; Buckley N, 2018, 'Acetaminophen metabolites following acute acetaminophen overdose as a biomarker for acute liver injury', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 917 - 918,

Chiew A; James L; Isbister G; Buckley N, 2018, 'Acetaminophen-protein adducts following acetaminophen overdose', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 914 - 915,

Chiew AL; Keogh S, 2017, '"Hemp oil" ingestion: the dangers of alternative therapies', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 396 - 397,

Becker T; Chiew AL; Chan BSH, 2017, 'A case report of vasoplegic shock treated with methylene blue', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 390 - 390,

Chan BSH; Chiew AL; Page CB; O'Leary M; Isbister GK; Buckley NA, 2017, 'Acute digoxin overdose and response to antibody (DORA study)', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 378 - 378,

Chan BSH; Chiew AL; Page CB; Isbister GK; Nicholas BA, 2017, 'Dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker toxicity and the renin angiotensin axis', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 459 - 459,

Chiew AL; Isbister GK; Page CB; Chan BSH; Buckley NA, 2017, 'Modified-release paracetamol overdose: a prospective observational study', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 419 - 419,

Chiew AL; James LP; Letzig LG; Isbister GK; Buckley NA, 2017, 'Paracetamol-protein adducts following modified release paracetamol overdose', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 429 - 430,

Becker T; Chiew A; Chan B, 2017, 'Intermittent haemodialysis in lamotrigine poisoning', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 760 - 760,

Chiew AL; Isbister GK; Page CB; Buckley NA, 2016, 'Massive paracetamol overdose: an observational study', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 429 - 429,

Chiew AL; James LP; Letzig LG; Isbister GK; Buckley NA, 2016, 'Paracetamol-protein adducts following acute paracetamol overdose', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 472 - 472,

Chiew AL; Luke S, 2016, 'Severe methaemoglobinaemia and the blue infusion', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 489 - 489,

Chiew AL; Isbister GK; Buckley NA, 2015, '"Massive" paracetamol overdose', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, INFORMA HEALTHCARE, pp. 380 - 380,

Chiew AL; Sellors K; Chan B, 2015, 'Sleeping Beauty: Prolonged sedation following an alprazolam and fluconazole overdose', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, INFORMA HEALTHCARE, pp. 384 - 384,

Chiew AL; Cush K; Chan BSH, 2013, 'Prolonged delirium and abnormal movements in paediatric lamotrigine ingestion', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, INFORMA HEALTHCARE, pp. 319 - 319,

Chiew AL; Brown JA; Chan BSH; Buckley NA, 2013, 'Puberty blues - copper salt exposures in Australian schools', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, INFORMA HEALTHCARE, pp. 360 - 360,

Chiew A; Chan B, 2011, 'A Tale of Two Overdoses', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, INFORMA HEALTHCARE, pp. 244 - 244,

Graudins A; Chiew A; Green D; Chan BS, 2008, 'Deliberate self-poisoning with Panadol Extend (R) results in delayed peak serum concentrations and prolonged absorption of paracetamol', in CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, INFORMA HEALTHCARE, pp. 365 - 365,

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