
My Expertise

Ann's research conceptualises tax as a mechanism to achieve social justice across the taxpaying spectrum, ranging from improving the integrity of taxing multinationals to improving the wellbeing of financially vulnerable individuals and small businesses. This has significance and practical application across academia, the profession and government both domestically and internationally.


Fields of Research (FoR)

Taxation Law, International Law (excl. International Trade Law), Comparative Law, Public Economics- Taxation and Revenue, Optimisation


Associate Professor Ann Kayis-Kumar's research conceptualises tax as a mechanism to achieve social justice across the taxpaying spectrum; ranging from improving the integrity of taxing multinationals to improving the wellbeing of financially vulnerable individuals and small businesses.

She is the Founding Director of UNSW Tax and Business Advisory Clinic, which bridges the gap between grassroots community support and empirical research by...view more

Associate Professor Ann Kayis-Kumar's research conceptualises tax as a mechanism to achieve social justice across the taxpaying spectrum; ranging from improving the integrity of taxing multinationals to improving the wellbeing of financially vulnerable individuals and small businesses.

She is the Founding Director of UNSW Tax and Business Advisory Clinic, which bridges the gap between grassroots community support and empirical research by supporting people in serious hardship and in turn aggregating client data to identify systemic issues. Ann has presented her research team's findings at multiple Parliamentary hearings, and is also regularly involved in the media, with appearances on ABC's The Business, ABC Radio National and Channel 10's The Project. Notably, Ann's research and law reform proposals have been adopted by national reviews including the Report of the Rapid Review of Prevention Approaches to End Gender-Based Violence and the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services's Financial Abuse Inquiry. Ann also regularly presents her research at national and international conferences, including at Oxford University and the University of Cambridge.

Ann serves on industry-level committees including the ATO's Small Business and National Tax Clinic Stewardship Groups, the Law Council of Australia's Taxation Committee, and the Tax Institute’s NSW Technical and SME & Tax Practitioner Committees.

My Grants

  • Australian Government’s Australian Taxation Office National Tax Clinic Program 2022-24 – Chief Investigator on project entitled "UNSW Tax and Business Advisory Clinic"
  • Ecstra Foundation Grant 2022-24 – Chief Investigator on the project entitled "UNSW Tax Clinic – Overcoming serious financial hardship"
  • NSW Department of Communities & Justice's Investing in Women Funding Program 2022-23 – Chief Investigator on project entitled "From economic abuse to economic empowerment: Identifying and supporting financially vulnerable Indigenous women in small business"
  • Australian Human Rights Institute Seed Funds Grant 2021 – Lead Investigator on the project entitled “Let’s talk about tax – Identifying and supporting women experiencing economic abuse”
  • NSW Government’s NSW Women’s Week Grant 2021 – Chief Investigator on the project entitled “Improving financial wellbeing, financial literacy, and mental health outcomes for financially vulnerable women in NSW”
  • Australian Government’s Australian Taxation Office National Tax Clinic Program 2021 – Chief Investigator on project entitled "UNSW Tax Clinic"
  • Australian Government’s Australian Taxation Office National Tax Clinic Program 2020 – Chief Investigator on project entitled "UNSW Tax Clinic"
  • Health@Business and UNSW Medicine Collaboration Seed Funds Grant 2020 – Chief Investigator on the project entitled "Improving mental health outcomes for small businesses in financial distress"
  • CSI Business School Research Grant 2019 – Chief Investigator on the project entitled “UNSW Tax Clinic and Beyond”
  • UNSW Business School Linkage Research Seed Funding 2019 – Co-Chief Investigator on the project entitled “Counting the costs of tax advice: Value added or added burden?”
  • Australian Government’s Australian Taxation Office National Tax Clinic Pilot 2019 – Co-Chief Investigator 1 on project entitled "UNSW Tax Clinic"
  • UNSW Business School Breakthrough Research Grant 2019 – Co-Chief Investigator 1 on the project entitled “Tax Clinic”
  • UNSW Business School Special Research Grant 2018 – Chief Investigator on a SRG entitled “Reforming the Cost of Managing Tax Affairs Deduction: A Framework for Balancing Equity, Efficiency and Integrity”

My Qualifications

PhD (UNSW) | BCom (Distinction) / LLB (Honours) (UNSW) | FULT (UNSW) | GDLP (College of Law) | Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW, Federal Court & High Court of Australia (non-practising)

My Awards

  • Finalist, The Australian Financial Review (AFR) Higher Education Awards (2023)
  • Finalist, The Australian Financial Review (AFR) Higher Education Awards (2022)
  • Cedric Sandford Medal for Best Paper at the 14th International ATAX Tax Administration Conference (2021)
  • AACSB International's Innovations That Inspire Award (2021)
  • UNSW Business School's Social Engagement: UN Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) Award (2020) 
  • UNSW Business School Dean's Emerging Leadership Award (2019)
  • UNSW Business School's John Prescott Award for Outstanding Teaching Innovation (2018)
  • Best Teaching Paper, Australasian Tax Teachers Association Conference (2017)
  • Graham Hill IFA Research Prize (Fully paid participation in the IFA Congress and Poster Program in Seoul, Korea) (2017)
  • UNSW Learning and Teaching Forum: Favourite Forum Poster (2016)
  • UNSW Business School Dean’s Award for Service (2016)
  • UNSW Business School Student Research Fair: Best Higher Degree Research Poster (2015)
  • UNSW Business School 3MT Faculty Heat: Winner; and, UNSW Interfaculty 3MT Final: Highly Commended (2014)
  • University of Sydney Business School Dean’s Citation for Tutoring (2013, 2014)

My Research Supervision

Supervision keywords

Areas of supervision

Ann's research applies a combination of pure economic theory, optimisation modelling and applied legal research, with a focus on the behavioural responses incentivised by mismatches in the tax system. Ann has a strong interest in supervising research projects on the interaction of these aspects on international tax policy and law design.

My Engagement

  • Detailed Assessor, Australian Research Council (ARC)
  • Vice President (elect), Australasian Tax Teachers Association (ATTA)
  • BLS Taxation Committee Member, Law Council of Australia
  • Committee Member, The Tax Institute's SME Technical Committee
  • Committee Member, UNSW Business School Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Committee
  • Appointed Member, Westminster Tax Discussion Group
  • Member, International Fiscal Association (IFA)
  • Member, Taxation Research Network (TRN) UK
  • Research Affiliate, ANU's Tax and Transfer Policy Institute
  • Institute Associate, Australian Human Rights Institute
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School of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation (incorporating Atax)
Room 3105, Level 3, Quadrangle Building (E15)
UNSW Sydney 2052