Select Publications

Journal articles

Nazareno AL; Wood JG; Muscatello DJ; Homaira N; Hogan AB; Newall AT, 2025, 'Estimating the cost-effectiveness of maternal respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccination in Australia: A dynamic and economic modelling analysis', Vaccine, 46,

Nazareno AL; Newall AT; Muscatello DJ; Hogan AB; Wood JG, 2024, 'Modelling the epidemiological impact of maternal respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccination in Australia', Vaccine, 42,

McElwee F; Newall A, 2024, 'The Value of Flexible Vaccine Manufacturing Capacity: Value Drivers, Estimation Methods, and Approaches to Value Recognition in Health Technology Assessment', PharmacoEconomics, 42, pp. 187 - 197,

Newall AT; Nazareno AL; Muscatello DJ; Boettiger D; Viboud C; Simonsen L; Turner RM, 2024, 'The association between influenza vaccination uptake and influenza and pneumonia-associated deaths in the United States', Vaccine, 42, pp. 2044 - 2050,

Boettiger DC; Phillips AN; Newall AT; Alam SR; Mureithi M; Ferrand R; Ioannou P; Filippatos TD; Kofteridis DP; Olalla J; Pombo M; Grinspoon SK; Ribaudo HJ; Douglas PS, 2023, 'Pitavastatin and Cardiovascular Disease in HIV', New England Journal of Medicine, 389, pp. 687 - 699,

Kabir A; Randall D; Newall AT; Moore HC; Jayasinghe S; Fathima P; Liu B; McIntyre P; Gidding HF, 2023, 'Incremental effectiveness of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine against pneumonia hospitalisation among Australian Indigenous children: A record linkage study', Vaccine, 41, pp. 5454 - 5460,

Cheng Q; Poynten IM; Jin F; Grulich A; Ong JJ; Hillman RJ; Hruby G; Howard K; Newall AT; Boettiger DC, 2023, 'Cost-effectiveness of treating serendipitously diagnosed anal pre-cancerous lesions among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men living with HIV', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 37,

Newall AT; Beutels P; Kis Z; Towse A; Jit M, 2023, 'Placing a value on increased flexible vaccine manufacturing capacity for future pandemics', Vaccine, 41, pp. 2317 - 2319,

Cheng Q; Poynten IM; Jin F; Grulich A; Ong JJ; Hillman RJ; Hruby G; Howard K; Newall A; Boettiger DC, 2023, 'Cost-effectiveness of screening and treating anal pre-cancerous lesions among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men living with HIV', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 32,

He WQ; Gianacas C; Muscatello DJ; Newall AT; McIntyre P; Cheng AC; Liu B, 2022, 'Effectiveness of influenza vaccination in reducing influenza-like illness and related antibiotic prescriptions in adults from a primary care-based case-control study', Journal of Infection, 85, pp. 660 - 665,

Nazareno AL; Muscatello DJ; Turner RM; Wood JG; Moore HC; Newall AT, 2022, 'Modelled estimates of hospitalisations attributable to respiratory syncytial virus and influenza in Australia, 2009–2017', Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses, 16, pp. 1082 - 1090,

Kabir A; Newall AT; Randall D; Moore HC; Jayasinghe S; Fathima P; Liu B; Mcintyre P; Gidding HF, 2022, 'Effectiveness of 7-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Against Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Medically At-Risk Children in Australia: A Record Linkage Study', Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, 11, pp. 391 - 399,

Newall AT; Beutels P; Tuffaha HW; Hall PS; Jit M, 2022, 'How can early stage economic evaluation help guide research for future vaccines?', Vaccine, 40, pp. 175 - 177,

Muscatello DJ; Nazareno AL; Turner RM; Newall AT, 2021, 'Influenza-associated mortality in Australia, 2010 through 2019: High modelled estimates in 2017', Vaccine, 39, pp. 7578 - 7583,

Newall AT; Leong RN; Reyes JF; Curns AT; Rudd J; Tate J; Macartney K; Parashar U, 2021, 'Rotavirus Vaccination Likely to Be Cost Saving to Society in the United States', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73, pp. 1424 - 1430,

Leong RNF; Wood JG; Liu B; Menzies R; Newall AT, 2021, 'Estimating pertussis incidence in general practice using a large Australian primary care database', Vaccine, 39, pp. 4153 - 4159,

Kabir A; Newall AT; Randall D; Menzies R; Sheridan S; Jayasinghe S; Fathima P; Liu B; Moore H; McIntyre P; Gidding HF, 2021, 'Estimating pneumococcal vaccine coverage among Australian Indigenous children and children with medically at-risk conditions using record linkage', Vaccine, 39, pp. 1727 - 1735,

Boettiger DC; Newall AT; Phillips A; Bendavid E; Law MG; Ryom L; Reiss P; Mocroft A; Bonnet F; Weber R; El-Sadr W; d’Arminio Monforte A; de Wit S; Pradier C; Hatleberg CI; Lundgren J; Sabin C; Kahn JG; Kazi DS, 2021, 'Cost-effectiveness of statins for primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease among people living with HIV in the United States', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 24,

Sparrow E; Wood JG; Chadwick C; Newall AT; Torvaldsen S; Moen A; Torelli G, 2021, 'Global production capacity of seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines in 2019', Vaccine, 39, pp. 512 - 520,

Newall AT; Leong RNF; Nazareno A; Muscatello DJ; Wood JG; Kim WJ, 2020, 'Delay-adjusted age- and sex-specific case fatality rates for COVID-19 in South Korea: Evolution in the estimated risk of mortality throughout the epidemic', International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 101, pp. 306 - 311,

Aik J; Turner RM; Kirk MD; Heywood AE; Newall AT, 2020, 'Evaluating food safety management systems in Singapore: A controlled interrupted time-series analysis of foodborne disease outbreak reports', Food Control, 117,

Liu BC; He WQ; Newall AT; Quinn HE; Bartlett M; Hayen A; Sheppeard V; Rose N; Raina MacIntyre C; McIntyre P, 2020, 'Effectiveness of acellular pertussis vaccine in older adults: Nested matched case-control study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71, pp. 340 - 350,

Boettiger DC; Newall AT; Chattranukulchai P; Chaiwarith R; Khusuwan S; Avihingsanon A; Phillips A; Bendavid E; Law MG; Kahn JG; Ross J; Bautista-Arredondo S; Kiertiburanakul S, 2020, 'Statins for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease prevention in people living with HIV in Thailand: a cost-effectiveness analysis', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 23,

Leong RNF; Wood JG; Liu B; McIntyre PB; Newall AT, 2020, 'High healthcare resource utilisation due to pertussis in Australian adults aged 65 years and over', Vaccine, 38, pp. 3553 - 3559,

Ward K; Mugenyi K; MacNeil A; Luzze H; Kyozira C; Kisakye A; Matseketse D; Newall AT; Heywood AE; Bloland P; Pallas SW, 2020, 'Financial cost analysis of a strategy to improve the quality of administrative vaccination data in Uganda', Vaccine, 38, pp. 1105 - 1113,

Newall AT; Wood JG; Chen C; McIntyre P; Beutels P, 2019, 'Reply to letter: Retrospective cost-effectiveness of the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination program in Australia', Vaccine, 37, pp. 7534,

Muscatello DJ; Leong RNF; Turner RM; Newall AT, 2019, 'Rapid mapping of the spatial and temporal intensity of influenza', European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 38, pp. 1307 - 1312,

Leong RNF; Wood JG; Turner RM; Newall AT, 2019, 'Estimating seasonal variation in Australian pertussis notifications from 1991 to 2016: Evidence of spring to summer peaks', Epidemiology and Infection, 147, pp. 1 - 8,

Dirmesropian S; Liu B; Wood JG; MacIntyre CR; McIntyre P; Karki S; Jayasinghe S; Newall AT, 2019, 'Pneumonia hospitalisation and case-fatality rates in older australians with and without risk factors for pneumococcal disease: Implications for vaccine policy', Epidemiology and Infection, 147,


Aik J; Heywood AE; Newall AT; Ng LC; Kirk MD; Turner R, 2018, 'Climate variability and salmonellosis in Singapore – A time series analysis', Science of the Total Environment, 639, pp. 1261 - 1267,

Chen C; Beutels P; Wood J; Menzies R; MacIntyre CR; McIntyre P; Newall AT, 2018, 'Retrospective cost-effectiveness of the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination program in Australia', Vaccine, 36, pp. 6307 - 6313,

Newall AT; Chen C; Wood JG; Stockwell MS, 2018, 'Within-season influenza vaccine waning suggests potential net benefits to delayed vaccination in older adults in the United States', Vaccine, 36, pp. 5910 - 5915,

Aik J; Newall AT; Ng LC; Kirk MD; Heywood AE, 2018, 'Use of the letter-based grading information disclosure system and its influence on dining establishment choice in Singapore: A cross-sectional study', Food Control, 90, pp. 105 - 112,

Dyda A; McIntyre P; Karki S; MacIntyre CR; Newall AT; Banks E; Kaldor J; Liu B, 2018, 'Pertussis vaccination in a cohort of older Australian adults following a cocooning vaccination program', Vaccine, 36, pp. 4157 - 4160,

Putri WCWS; Muscatello DJ; Stockwell MS; Newall AT, 2018, 'Economic burden of seasonal influenza in the United States', Vaccine, 36, pp. 3960 - 3966,

Somes MP; Turner RM; Dwyer LJ; Newall AT, 2018, 'Estimating the annual attack rate of seasonal influenza among unvaccinated individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Vaccine, 36, pp. 3199 - 3207,

Iuliano AD; Roguski KM; Chang HH; Muscatello DJ; Palekar R; Tempia S; Cohen C; Gran JM; Schanzer D; Cowling BJ; Wu P; Kyncl J; Ang LW; Park M; Redlberger-Fritz M; Yu H; Espenhain L; Krishnan A; Emukule G; van Asten L; Pereira da Silva S; Aungkulanon S; Buchholz U; Widdowson MA; Bresee JS; Azziz-Baumgartner E; Cheng PY; Dawood F; Foppa I; Olsen S; Haber M; Jeffers C; MacIntyre CR; Newall AT; Wood JG; Kundi M; Popow-Kraupp T; Ahmed M; Rahman M; Marinho F; Sotomayor Proschle CV; Vergara Mallegas N; Luzhao F; Sa L; Barbosa-Ramírez J; Sanchez DM; Gomez LA; Vargas XB; Acosta Herrera AB; Llanés MJ; Fischer TK; Krause TG; Mølbak K; Nielsen J; Trebbien R; Bruno A; Ojeda J; Ramos H; an der Heiden M; del Carmen Castillo Signor L; Serrano CE; Bhardwaj R; Chadha M; Narayan V; Kosen S; Bromberg M; Glatman-Freedman A; Kaufman Z; Arima Y; Oishi K; Chaves S; Nyawanda B; Al-Jarallah RA; Kuri-Morales PA; Matus CR; Corona MEJ; Burmaa A; Darmaa O; Obtel M; Cherkaoui I; van den Wijngaard CC; van der Hoek W; Baker M; Bandaranayake D; Bissielo A; Huang S; Lopez L; Newbern C; Flem E; Grøneng GM; Hauge S; de Cosío FG; de Moltó Y; Castillo LM; Cabello MA; von Horoch M; Medina Osis J; Machado A; Nunes B; Rodrigues AP, 2018, 'Estimates of global seasonal influenza-associated respiratory mortality: a modelling study', The Lancet, 391, pp. 1285 - 1300,

Newall AT; Chaiyakunapruk N; Lambach P; Hutubessy RCW, 2018, 'WHO guide on the economic evaluation of influenza vaccination', Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses, 12, pp. 211 - 219,

Chen C, 2018, 'The role of timeliness in the cost-effectiveness of older adult vaccination: A case study of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Australia', Vaccine,

Chen C; Beutels P; Newall AT, 2018, 'Evolution over time in the cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) in older Australians due to herd protection from infant vaccination', Vaccine,

Gul D; Cohen C; Tempia S; Newall AT; Muscatello DJ, 2018, 'Influenza-associated mortality in South Africa, 2009-2013: The importance of choices related to influenza infection proxies', Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses, 12, pp. 54 - 64,

Chaiyakunapruk N; Kotirum S; Newall AT; Lambach P; Hutubessy RCW, 2018, 'Rationale and opportunities in estimating the economic burden of seasonal influenza across countries using a standardized WHO tool and manual', Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses, 12, pp. 13 - 21,

Sparrow E; Torvaldsen S; Newall A; Wood JG; Sheikh M, 2018, 'Recent advances in the development of monoclonal antibodies for rabies post exposure prophylaxis: A review of the current status of the clinical development pipeline', Vaccine, pp. 1 - 8,

Aik J; Heywood A; Newall A; Kirk M; Turner R, 2018, 'The Influence of Weather on Salmonella Cases in Singapore – A Time Series Analysis', ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2017,

Dirmesropian S; Wood JG; MacIntyre CR; Beutels P; McIntyre P; Menzies R; Reyes JF; Chen C; Newall AT, 2017, 'Cost-effectiveness of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) in older Australians', Vaccine, 35, pp. 4307 - 4314,

Cromer D; van Hoek AJ; Newall AT; Pollard AJ; Jit M, 2017, 'Burden of paediatric respiratory syncytial virus disease and potential effect of different immunisation strategies: a modelling and cost-effectiveness analysis for England', The Lancet Public Health, 2, pp. e367 - e374,

Mukerji S; MacIntyre CR; Seale H; Wang Q; Yang P; Wang X; Newall AT, 2017, 'Cost-effectiveness analysis of N95 respirators and medical masks to protect healthcare workers in China from respiratory infections', BMC Infectious Diseases, 17, pp. 464,

Reyes JF; Wood JG; Beutels P; Macartney K; McIntyre P; Menzies R; Mealing N; Newall AT, 2017, 'Beyond expectations: Post-implementation data shows rotavirus vaccination is likely cost-saving in Australia', Vaccine, 35, pp. 345 - 352,

Karki S; Dyda A; Newall A; Heywood A; MacIntyre CR; McIntyre P; Banks E; Liu B, 2016, 'Comparison of influenza vaccination coverage between immigrant and Australian-born adults', Vaccine, 34, pp. 6388 - 6395,

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