Select Publications


Hallam B; Chan C, 2021, Hydrogen Passivation and Laser Doping for Silicon Solar Cells

Book Chapters

Hallam B; Wright M; Ciesla A, 2021, 'Hydrogen passivation of bulk defects', in Hydrogen Passivation and Laser Doping for Silicon Solar Cells, Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 115 - 177,

Soufiani AM; Chan C; Ji ; Hallam B, 2021, 'Laser-doped selective emitter formation and the passivation of laser-induced defects', in Hydrogen Passivation and Laser Doping for Silicon Solar Cells, Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 337 - 394,

Hallam B; Ciesla A; Kim M; Herguth A, 2021, 'The boron-oxygen defect system', in Hydrogen Passivation and Laser Doping for Silicon Solar Cells, Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 179 - 248,

Chan C; Hallam B, 2021, 'Applications of laser doping', in Hydrogen Passivation and Laser Doping for Silicon Solar Cells, pp. 395 - 436,

Wright M; Hallam B; Chan C, 2021, 'Conclusion and future outlook', in Hydrogen Passivation and Laser Doping for Silicon Solar Cells, pp. 437 - 460,

Hamer P; Sun C; Hallam B, 2021, 'Hydrogen passivation mechanisms', in Hydrogen Passivation and Laser Doping for Silicon Solar Cells, pp. 25 - 74

Wright M; Hallam B; Chan C; Green M, 2021, 'Industrial silicon solar cells', in Hydrogen Passivation and Laser Doping for Silicon Solar Cells, pp. 1 - 24,

Chen R; Ciesla A; Vaqueiro-Contreras M; Chen D; Wright M; Hallam B; Peaker T, 2021, 'Negative impacts of hydrogen in silicon', in Hydrogen Passivation and Laser Doping for Silicon Solar Cells, pp. 249 - 303,

Journal articles

Vicari Stefani B; Kim M; Wright M; Soeriyadi A; Nyapshaev I; Emtsev K; Hallam B, 2025, 'Ring Defects Associated with Boron–Oxygen-Related Degradation in p-Type Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells', Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 6,

Gandhi HH; Hoex B; Hallam BJ, 2025, 'Private equity renewable energy investments in India', Heliyon, 11,

Chang YC; Zhang Y; Wang L; Wang S; Wang H; Huang CY; Chen R; Chan C; Hallam B, 2025, 'Silver-lean metallization and hybrid contacts via plating on screen-printed metal for silicon solar cells manufacturing', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 33, pp. 158 - 169,

Zhang Y; Wang S; Wang L; Sun Z; Chang YC; Chen R; Chan C; Okamoto K; Ao Y; Wang D; Dhamrin M; Kosuke T; Hallam B, 2024, 'Ultra-Lean Silver Screen-Printing for Sustainable Terawatt-Scale Photovoltaic', Solar RRL, 8,

Vicari Stefani B; Kim M; Zhang Y; Hallam B; Green MA; Bonilla RS; Fell C; Wilson GJ; Wright M, 2023, 'Historical market projections and the future of silicon solar cells', Joule, 7, pp. 2684 - 2699,

Sun Z; Wang L; Luo H; Hamer P; Ye H; Hallam B, 2023, 'Study of the Hydrogen Passivation Effect of Low-Temperature-Deposited Amorphous Silicon Layers on SiGe Solar Cells Grown on a Silicon Substrate', ACS Applied Energy Materials, 6, pp. 12064 - 12071,

Kim M; Drury S; Altermatt P; Wang L; Zhang Y; Chan C; Dias P; Hallam B, 2023, 'Identifying methods to reduce emission intensity of centralised Photovoltaic deployment for net zero by 2050: Life cycle assessment case study of a 30 MW PV plant', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 31, pp. 1493 - 1502,

Wright M; Vicari Stefani B; Jones TW; Hallam B; Soeriyadi A; Wang L; Altermatt P; Snaith HJ; Wilson GJ; Bonilla RS, 2023, 'Design considerations for the bottom cell in perovskite/silicon tandems: a terawatt scalability perspective', Energy and Environmental Science, 16, pp. 4164 - 4190,

Hallam B; Kim M; Zhang Y; Wang L; Lennon A; Verlinden P; Altermatt PP; Dias PR, 2023, 'The silver learning curve for photovoltaics and projected silver demand for net-zero emissions by 2050', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 31, pp. 598 - 606,

Madumelu C; Cai Y; Hollemann C; Peibst R; Hoex B; Hallam BJ; Soeriyadi AH, 2023, 'Assessing the stability of p+ and n+ polysilicon passivating contacts with various capping layers on p-type wafers', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 253,

Vaqueiro-Contreras M; Hallam B; Chan C, 2023, 'Review of Laser Doping and its Applications in Silicon Solar Cells', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 13, pp. 373 - 384,

Puthen Veettil B; Zhang Y; Payne D; Juhl M; Huang S; Hallam B; Bagnall D, 2023, 'Microwave annealing of silicon solar cells', Applied Physics Letters, 122,

Underwood R; Kim M; Drury S; Zhang Y; Wang L; Chan C; Hallam B, 2023, 'Abundant Material Consumption Based on a Learning Curve for Photovoltaic toward Net-Zero Emissions by 2050', Solar RRL, 7,

Wright M; Soeriyadi AH; Kim M; Wright B; Stefani BV; Andronikov D; Nyapshaev I; Abolmasov S; Abramov A; Bonilla RS; Hallam B, 2022, 'On the kinetics of high intensity illuminated annealing of n-type SHJ solar cells: 0.4%abs efficiency gain in one second', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 248,

Hallam B; Kim M; Underwood R; Drury S; Wang L; Dias P, 2022, 'A Polysilicon Learning Curve and the Material Requirements for Broad Electrification with Photovoltaics by 2050', Solar RRL, 6,

Gandhi HH; Hoex B; Hallam BJ, 2022, 'Strategic investment risks threatening India's renewable energy ambition', Energy Strategy Reviews, 43,

Vicari Stefani B; Wright M; Soeriyadi A; Chen D; Kim M; Wright B; Andronikov D; Nyapshaev I; Abolmasov S; Wilson G; Hallam B, 2022, 'Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells and p-type Crystalline Silicon Wafers: A Historical Perspective', Solar RRL,

Khan TA; Burr PA; Payne D; Juhl M; Das U; Hallam B; Bagnall D; Puthen Veettil B, 2022, 'Molecular dynamic simulation on temperature evolution of SiC under directional microwave radiation', Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 34, pp. 195701,

Lennon A; Lunardi M; Hallam B; Dias PR; Monteiro Lunardi M, 2022, 'The aluminium demand risk of terawatt photovoltaics for net zero emissions by 2050', Nature Sustainability, 5, pp. 357 - 363,

Chen D; Madumelu C; Kim M; Stefani BV; Soeriyadi A; Kang D; Sio HC; Zhang X; Zhu P; Hallam B; Wright M, 2022, 'Investigating the degradation behaviours of n+-doped Poly-Si passivation layers: An outlook on long-term stability and accelerated recovery', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 236,

Kim M; Wright M; Chen D; Chan C; Ciesla A; Abbott M; Hallam B, 2022, 'Defect concentration and Δn change in light- And elevated temperature-induced degradation', Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 55,

Hollemann C; Rienäcker M; Soeriyadi A; Madumelu C; Haase F; Krügener J; Hallam B; Brendel R; Peibst R, 2022, 'Firing stability of tube furnace-annealed n-type poly-Si on oxide junctions', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 30, pp. 49 - 64,

Wright M; Soeriyadi A; Wright B; Andronikov D; Nyapshaev I; Abolmasov S; Abramov A; Hallam B, 2022, 'High-Intensity Illuminated Annealing of Industrial SHJ Solar Cells: A Pilot Study', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 12, pp. 267 - 273,

Sen C; Hamer P; Soeriyadi A; Wright B; Wright M; Samadi A; Chen D; Stefani BV; Zhang D; Wu J; Jiang F; Hallam B; Abbott M, 2022, 'Impact of surface doping profile and passivation layers on surface-related degradation in silicon PERC solar cells', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 235,

Yu M; Shi Y; Deru J; Al-Dhahir I; McNab S; Chen D; Voss M; Hwu ET; Ciesla A; Hallam B; Hamer P; Altermatt PP; Wilshaw P; Bonilla RS, 2021, 'Assessing the Potential of Inversion Layer Solar Cells Based on Highly Charged Dielectric Nanolayers', Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, 15,

Mondejar ME; Avtar R; Diaz HLB; Dubey RK; Esteban J; Gómez-Morales A; Hallam B; Mbungu NT; Okolo CC; Prasad KA; She Q; Garcia-Segura S, 2021, 'Digitalization to achieve sustainable development goals: Steps towards a Smart Green Planet', Science of the Total Environment, 794,

Ciesla A; Kim M; Wright M; Zafirovska I; Chen D; Hallam B; Chan C, 2021, 'A case study on accelerated light- and elevated temperature-induced degradation testing of commercial multi-crystalline silicon passivated emitter and rear cell modules', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 29, pp. 1202 - 1212,

Chen D; Kim M; Shi J; Vicari Stefani B; Yu Z; Liu S; Einhaus R; Wenham S; Holman Z; Hallam B, 2021, 'Defect engineering of p-type silicon heterojunction solar cells fabricated using commercial-grade low-lifetime silicon wafers', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 29, pp. 1165 - 1179,

Zhang Y; Kim M; Wang L; Verlinden P; Hallam B, 2021, 'Design considerations for multi-terawatt scale manufacturing of existing and future photovoltaic technologies: Challenges and opportunities related to silver, indium and bismuth consumption', Energy and Environmental Science, 14, pp. 5587 - 5610,

Soufiani AM; Soeriyadi A; Chan C; Hallam B, 2021, 'Improved Laser-Induced Defect Passivation and Simultaneous Elimination of Light-Induced Degradation in p-Type Czochralski Silicon', IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 11, pp. 1370 - 1379,

Chen D; Vaqueiro Contreras M; Ciesla A; Hamer P; Hallam B; Abbott M; Chan C, 2021, 'Progress in the understanding of light- and elevated temperature-induced degradation in silicon solar cells: A review', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 29, pp. 1180 - 1201,

Rauha ITS; Soeriyadi AH; Kim M; Yli-Koski M; Wright B; Vähänissi V; Hallam BJ; Savin H, 2021, 'Increased surface recombination in crystalline silicon under light soaking due to Cu contamination', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 232,

Wright M; Stefani BV; Soeriyadi A; Basnet R; Sun C; Weigand W; Yu Z; Holman Z; Macdonald D; Hallam B, 2021, 'Progress with Defect Engineering in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells', Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, 15,

Vicari Stefani B; Kim M; Wright M; Soeriyadi A; Andronikov D; Nyapshaev I; Abolmasov S; Emtsev K; Abramov A; Hallam B, 2021, 'Stability Study of Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells Fabricated with Gallium- and Boron-Doped Silicon Wafers', Solar RRL, 5,

Zhang Y; Wang L; Chen D; Kim M; Hallam B, 2021, 'Pathway towards 24% efficiency for fully screen-printed passivated emitter and rear contact solar cells', Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54,

Spindlberger L; Kim M; Aberl J; Fromherz T; Schäffler F; Fournel F; Hartmann JM; Hallam B; Brehm M, 2021, 'Advanced hydrogenation process applied on Ge on Si quantum dots for enhanced light emission', Applied Physics Letters, 118,

Chen R; Tong H; Zhu H; Ding C; Li H; Chen D; Hallam B; Chong CM; Wenham S; Ciesla A, 2020, '23.83% efficient mono-PERC incorporating advanced hydrogenation', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 28, pp. 1239 - 1247,

Hallam BJ; Hamer PG; Ciesla née Wenham AM; Chan CE; Vicari Stefani B; Wenham S, 2020, 'Development of advanced hydrogenation processes for silicon solar cells via an improved understanding of the behaviour of hydrogen in silicon', Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 28, pp. 1217 - 1238,

Madumelu C; Wright B; Soeriyadi A; Wright M; Chen D; Hoex B; Hallam B, 2020, 'Investigation of light-induced degradation in N-Type silicon heterojunction solar cells during illuminated annealing at elevated temperatures', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 218, pp. 110752,

Wright B; Madumelu C; Soeriyadi A; Wright M; Hallam B, 2020, 'Evidence for a Light-Induced Degradation Mechanism at Elevated Temperatures in Commercial N-Type Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells', Solar RRL, 4,

Repins IL; Kersten F; Hallam B; VanSant K; Koentopp MB, 2020, 'Stabilization of light-induced effects in Si modules for IEC 61215 design qualification', Solar Energy, 208, pp. 894 - 904,

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