Select Publications


Cortis N; Naidoo Y; Wong M; Bradbury B, 2023, Gender-based Occupational Segregation: A National Data Profile, Fair Work Commission,,

Treloar C; Bradbury B; Naidoo Y; Cama E; Brener L; Caruana T; Calabrese S; Dorsch P; Philips J; Goldie C; Broady T; Treloar C, 2023, Community attitudes towards poverty and inequality, 2023: Snapshot report,

Bedford M; Bradbury B; Naidoo Y, 2023, Budget Standards for Low Paid Families, Fair Work Commission, Melbourne,,

Davidson P; Bradbury B; Wong M; Hill T, 2023, Inequality in australia 2023: Overview, Australian Council of Social Service and UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,

Davidson P; Bradbury B; Wong M, 2023, Poverty in Australia 2023: Who is affected, Australian Council of Social Service and UNSW Sydney, Sydney, 20,

Davidson P; Bradbury B; Wong M, 2022, Poverty in Australia 2022: A snapshot, Australian Council of Social Service, in partnership with UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Davidson P; Bradbury B; Hill T; Wong M, 2021, Inequality in Australia: Who is affected and why?, Australian Council of Social Service, Sydney,,

Bradbury B; Hill T, 2021, Australian income support since 2000: those left behind, ACOSS and UNSW, Sydney, 2,,

Randolph B; Liu E; Bradbury B, 2020, Poverty, Property and Place: A geographic analysis of poverty after housing costs in Australia,,

Davidson P; Bradbury B; Hill T; Wong M, 2020, Inequality in Australia: Part 1, Overview ., Australian Council of Social Service and UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,

Davidson P; Bradbury B; Hill T; Wong M, 2020, Poverty in Australia 2020: Part 1, Overview, ACOSS, Sydney, ACOSS/UNSW Poverty and Inequality Partnership Report No. 3,,

Davidson P; Bradbury B; Wong M, 2020, Poverty in Australia 2020: Part 2, Who is affected?, ACOSS, Sydney, ACOSS/UNSW Poverty and Inequality Partnership Report No. 4,,

Hamilton M; Hodgson H; Bradbury B; Ip M; Adamson E; Van Toorn G, 2020, Security in old age for older single women without children,

Davidson P; Saunders P; Bradbury B; Wong M, 2018, Poverty in Australia 2018, Australian Council of Social Service and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, 2,

Saunders PG; Wong M; Bradbury B; Davidson P, 2018, Inequality in Australia 2018, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Yates J; Ong R; Bradbury BW, 2016, Housing as the fourth pillar of Australia's retirement income system,,

Eardley T; Gendera S; Abello D; Bradbury B; Flaxman S, 2012, Better Practice in Financial Management Program Services Review of Effectiveness and Efficiency, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney

Bray JR; Gray M; Hand ; Bradbury ; Eastman C; Katz , 2012, Evaluating New Income Management in the Northern Territory (first evaluation report), 11/2012,,

Bradbury BW; Mendolia , 2012, Living standards after retirement: perceptions and expenditure patterns, 2/2012

Bradbury BW; Zhu A, 2012, The Impact of Separation on Labour Supply, Income Support Receipt and Income., Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Report for the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

Bradbury BW, 2011, Young Motherhood and Child Outcomes, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, SPRC Reports, SPRC Report 1/2011,

Bradbury BW; Gubhaju B, 2010, Housing costs and living standards among the elderly, Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, Occassional Paper Series, Occassional Paper 31,

Saunders PG; Hill T; Bradbury BW, 2008, Poverty in Australia: Sensitivity analysis and recent trends, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, SPRC Reports, Report 4/08,

Bradbury BW, 2007, Child outcomes and family socio-economic characteristics: LSAC outcomes and the family environment (final report), 9/2007

Bradbury BW, 2002, Methods to Address Requirements for Changes in Funding Disability Services Brought About by External Change, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, Methods to Address Requirements for Changes in Funding Disability Services Brought About by External Change

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