Journal articles
Munari SC; Wilkinson AL; Asselin J; Owen L; Read P; Finlayson R; Martin S; Bell C; O’Connor CC; Carter A; Guy R; McNulty A; Varma R; Chow EPF; Fairley CK; Donovan B; Stoove M; Goller JL; Hocking J; Hellard ME; Aung HL; Dimech W; Apostolellis A; Cogle A; Quinn B; Bradley C; Coase D; Heath-Paynter D; Lewis D; Nolan D; Huddy E; Sanguineti E; Douglas F; Amin J; Davies J; Doumany J; Bastian L; Charleton M; Gunathilake M; Campbell M; Pony M; Alliance S; Roth N; Cunningham P; Rees T; Baillie G; Nguyen T; Polkinghorne V; Traeger M; Watson N, 2024, 'Chlamydia retesting remains low among young women in Australia: an observational study using sentinel surveillance data, 2018–2022', Sexual Health, 21,
Heron JE; McManus H; Vickers T; Ryan K; Wright E; Carter A; Stoove M; Asselin J; Grulich A; Donovan B; Guy R; Varma R; Chen M; Ryder N; Lewis DA; Templeton DJ; O’Connor CC; Gracey DM; Bastian L; Bateson D; Bowden S; Boyd M; Callander D; Aung HL; Cogle A; Costello J; Dimech W; Dittmer J; El-Hayek C; Ellard J; Fairley C; Franklin L; Hellard M; Hocking J; Kim J; McGill S; Nolan D; Patel P; Pendle S; Polkinghorne V; Nguyen L; Nguyen T; Reed P; Roth N; Selvey C; Traeger M; Walker M; West M, 2023, 'Renal impairment associated with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for antiretroviral therapy and HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis: An observational cohort study', PLoS ONE, 18,
Wong HTH; Wang P; Sun Y; Newman CE; Vujcich D; Vaughan C; O'Connor CC; Jin D; Ogilvie E; Zhang Y; Mao L; Carter A, 2023, 'Is sex lost in translation? Linguistic and conceptual issues in the translation of sexual and reproductive health surveys', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 25, pp. 1 - 17,
Traeger MW; Guy R; Asselin J; Patel P; Carter A; Wright EJ; Grulich A; McManus H; Fairley CK; Chow EPF; McNulty A; Finlayson R; Bell C; Owen L; Marshall L; Russell D; O'Donnell D; Donovan B; Hellard ME; Stoové MA; Bastian L; Bateson D; Bowden S; Boyd M; Callander D; Cogle A; Costello J; Dimech W; Dittmer J; El-Hayek C; Ellard J; Franklin L; Hocking J; Kim J; McGill S; Nolan D; Pendle S; Polkinghorne V; Nguyen L; Nguyen T; O'Connor C; Reed P; Roth N; Ryder N; Selvey C; Vickers T; Walker M; Watchirs-Smith L; West M, 2022, 'Real-world trends in incidence of bacterial sexually transmissible infections among gay and bisexual men using HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Australia following nationwide PrEP implementation: an analysis of sentinel surveillance data', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 22, pp. 1231 - 1241,
Harney BL; Sacks-Davis R; Van Santen DK; Traeger M; Wilkinson AL; Asselin J; El-Hayek C; Fairley CK; Roth N; Bloch M; Matthews G; Donovan B; Guy R; Stoové M; Hellard ME; Doyle JS; Bastian L; Bateson D; Bowden S; Boyd M; Callander D; Carter A; Cogle A; Costello J; Dimech W; Dittmer J; Ellard J; Franklin L; Kim J; Mcgill S; Nolan D; Patel P; Pendle S; Polkinghorne V; Nguyen L; Nguyen T; O'connor C; Reed P; Ryder N; Selvey C; Vickers T; Walker M; Watchirs-Smith L; West M, 2022, 'The Incidence of Hepatitis C Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men in Australia, 2009-2019', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 74, pp. 1804 - 1811,
Wong HTH; Jin D; Wang P; Sun Y; Mao L; Zhang Y; Ogilvie E; Vujcich D; Newman C; O’Connor CC; Vaughan C; Carter A; O'Connor C, 2021, 'Using Videoconferencing Focus Groups in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research With Chinese Im/Migrants in Australia', Qualitative Health Research, 31, pp. 2757 - 2769,
Drak D; McManus H; Vickers T; Heron JE; Vaccher S; Zablotska I; Guy R; Bavinton B; Jin F; Grulich AE; Bloch M; O'Connor CC; Gracey DM, 2021, 'Renal impairment in a large-scale HIV preexposure prophylaxis implementation cohort', AIDS, 35, pp. 2319 - 2326,
Whitford K; Callander D; Smith LW; Guy R; Kong M; Ward J; Donovan B; McManus H; Bell S; McGregor S; Menon A; Russell D; O'Connor CC, 2020, 'Two Distinct Gonorrhea Trends and Risk Factors among Women in Australia', Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 47, pp. 34 - 40,
Turner D; Drak D; O'Connor CC; Templeton DJ; Gracey DM, 2019, 'Renal function change after switching tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for tenofovir alafenamide in the HIV-positive patients of a metropolitan sexual health service', AIDS Research and Therapy, 16, pp. 40,
Whitford K; Callander D; Smith LW; Guy R; Kong M; Ward J; Donovan B; McManus H; Bell S; McGregor S; Menon A; Russell D; O'Connor CC; ACCESS collaboration , 2019, 'TWO DISTINCT GONORRHOEA TRENDS AND RISK FACTORS AMONG WOMEN IN AUSTRALIA.', Sexually transmitted diseases,
Heron JE; Norman SM; Yoo J; Lembke K; O’Connor CC; Weston CE; Gracey DM, 2019, 'The prevalence and risk of non-infectious comorbidities in HIV-infected and non-HIV infected men attending general practice in Australia', PLoS ONE, 14,
McManus H; Callander D; Donovan B; Russell DB; O'Connor CC; Davies SC; Lewis DA; Hellard ME; Chen MY; Petoumenos K; Varma R; Cogle A; Boyd MA; Grulich A; Pollard J; Medland N; Fairley CK; Guy RJ, 2019, 'Early initiation of antiretroviral therapy for people newly diagnosed with HIV infection in Australia: trends and predictors, 2004–2015', Medical Journal of Australia, 210, pp. 269 - 275,
Drak D; Barratt H; Templeton DJ; O’Connor CC; Gracey DM, 2019, 'Renal function and risk factors for renal disease for patients receiving HIV preexposure prophylaxis at an inner metropolitan health service', PLoS ONE, 14,
Jung IY; Rupasinghe D; Woolley I; O'Connor CC; Giles M; Azwa RISR; Choi JY, 2019, 'Trends in mortality among ART-treated HIV-infected adults in the Asia-Pacific region between 1999 and 2017: results from the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD) and Australian HIV Observational Database (AHOD) of IeDEA Asia-Pacific', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 22, pp. e25219,
Keen P; Jamil M; Callander D; Conway DP; McNulty A; Davies SC; Couldwell DC; Smith DE; Holt M; Vaccher SJ; Gray J; Cunningham P; Prestage G; Guy R; Read P; Varma R; O'Connor C, 2019, 'Rapid HIV testing increases testing frequency among gay and bisexual men: a controlled before–after study', Sexual Health, 16, pp. 172 - 179,
Hughes C; Puhr R; Ojaimi S; Petoumenos K; Bartlett AW; Templeton DJ; O'Connor CC; Gunathilake M; Woolley I, 2018, 'Human immunodeficiency virus-infected young people in Australia: data from the Australian HIV Observational Database', Internal Medicine Journal, 48, pp. 1447 - 1456,
Callander D; Guy R; Fairley CK; McManus H; Prestage G; Chow EPF; O'Connor CC; Grulich AE; Bourne C; Hellard M; Donovan B, 2018, 'Gonorrhoea gone wild: rising incidence of gonorrhoea and associated risk factors among gay and bisexual men attending Australian sexual health clinics', Sexual Health, 16, pp. 457 - 463,
Grulich AE; Guy R; Amin J; Jin F; Selvey C; Holden J; Schmidt HMA; Zablotska I; Price K; Whittaker B; Chant K; Cooper C; McGill S; Telfer B; Yeung B; Levitt G; Ogilvie EE; Dharan NJ; Hammoud MA; Vaccher S; Watchirs-Smith L; McNulty A; Smith DJ; Allen DM; Baker D; Bloch M; Bopage RI; Brown K; Carr A; Carmody CJ; Collins KL; Finlayson R; Foster R; Jackson EY; Lewis DA; Lusk J; O'Connor CC; Ryder N; Vlahakis E; Read P; Cooper DA; Smith D; Ooi C; Martin S; Soo TM; Templeton D; Townson D; Forssman B; Doong N; Han Thai G; Anderson B; MacLeod H; Parkhill N; Cooper D; Law M, 2018, 'Population-level effectiveness of rapid, targeted, high-coverage roll-out of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in men who have sex with men: the EPIC-NSW prospective cohort study', The Lancet HIV, 5, pp. e629 - e637,
Cummins D; Waters D; Aggar C; O'Connor CC, 2018, 'Assessing Risk of HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorder', Nursing Research,
Cheung J; Puhr R; Petoumenos K; Cooper DA; Woolley I; Gunathilake M; Raymond N; Varma R; O'Connor CC; Gracey DM, 2018, 'Chronic kidney disease in Australian Human Immunodeficiency Virus-infected patients: Analysis of the Australian HIV Observational Database', Nephrology, 23, pp. 778 - 786,
Cummins D; Waters D; Aggar C; O'Connor CC, 2018, 'Potential impacts of poor communication on early diagnosis of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder', Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74, pp. 1342 - 1348,
Cummins D; Waters D; Aggar C; Crawford D; Fethney J; O'Connor C, 2018, 'Voices from Australia– concerns about HIV associated neurocognitive disorder', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 30, pp. 609 - 617,
Gunaratnam P; McManus H; Watchirs-Smith L; McGregor S; Callander D; Brown G; Lobo R; O'Connor C; Hellard M; Medland N; Lewis D; Palmer C; Law M; Gray R; Donovan B; Guy R; Han A, 2018, 'People Born in Non-Main English Speaking Countries Are Less Likely to Start HIV Treatment Early in Australia: A National Cohort Analysis, 2014-15', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 77, pp. E31 - E34,
Callander D; McManus H; Guy R; Hellard M; O'Connor CC; Fairley CK; Chow EPF; McNulty A; Lewis DA; Carmody C; Schmidt HMA; Kim J; Donovan B, 2018, 'Rising Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Incidence and Associated Risk Factors among Female Sex Workers in Australia: A Retrospective Cohort Study', Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 45, pp. 199 - 206,
Zablotska IB; Selvey C; Guy R; Price K; Holden J; Schmidt HM; McNulty A; Smith D; Jin F; Amin J; Cooper DA; Grulich AE; Parkhill N; Chant K; Cooper C; Crooks L; Allen D; Baker D; Bloch M; Bopage R; Brown K; Carr A; Carmody C; Collins K; Finlayson R; Foster R; Jackson E; Lewis D; Lusk J; O'Connor C; Ryder N; Vlahakis E; Read P; Yeung B; Levitt G; Ogilvie E; Vaccher S; Hammoud M; Watchirs-Smith L; Wabe N, 2018, 'Expanded HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) implementation in communities in New South Wales, Australia (EPIC-NSW): Design of an open label, single arm implementation trial', BMC Public Health, 18, pp. 210,
Jamil MS; McManus H; Callander D; Prestage G; Ali H; O’Connor CC; Chen M; McNulty AM; Knight V; Duck T; Keen P; Gray J; Medland N; Hellard M; Lewis DA; Grulich AE; Kaldor JM; Fairley CK; Donovan B; Guy RJ; Marshall L; Wilson D; Dickson B; Kong M; Smith LW; Cooper D; Selvey C; Holden J; Crooks L; Cooper C; Price K; de Wit J; Kelleher A; Mitchell J; Schmidt HM; Telfer B; Whittaker B; Cooper D; O'Connor C, 2018, 'Understanding the Targeting and Uptake of HIV Testing Among Gay and Bisexual Men Attending Sexual Health Clinics', AIDS and Behavior, 22, pp. 513 - 521,
Healey L; O'connor CC, 2018, 'Retaining HIV-positive patients in HIV care: A personalised approach for those at risk of loss to follow-up at an inner city sexual health service', Sexual Health, 15, pp. 91 - 92,
Boettiger DC; Law MG; Dore GJ; Guy R; Callander D; Donovan B; O'Connor CC; Fairley CK; Hellard M; Matthews G; Han A, 2017, 'Hepatitis C testing and re-testing among people attending sexual health services in Australia, and hepatitis C incidence among people with human immunodeficiency virus: Analysis of national sentinel surveillance data', BMC Infectious Diseases, 17, pp. 740,
Zablotska IB; O’Connor CC, 2017, 'Preexposure Prophylaxis of HIV Infection: the Role of Clinical Practices in Ending the HIV Epidemic', Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 14, pp. 201 - 210,
Puhr R; Petoumenos K; Youds D; Law MG; Templeton DJ; Ellis D; Bloch M; Agrawal S; Vincent T; Allen D; Smith D; Rankin A; Baker D; O'Connor CC; Thackeray O; Jackson E; McCallum K; Ryder N; Sweeney G; Cooper D; Carr A; Macrae K; Hesse K; Finlayson R; Gupta S; Langton-Lockton J; Shakeshaft J; Brown K; Idle S; Arvela N; Varma R; Lu H; Couldwell D; Eswarappa S; Smith DE; Furner V; Cabrera G; Fernando S; Cogle A; Lawrence C; Mulhall B; Boyd M; Law M; Huang R; Han A; Gunathilake M; Payne R; O'Sullivan M; Croydon A; Russell D; Cashman C; Roberts C; Sowden D; Taing K; Marshall P; Orth D; Rowling D; Latch N; Warzywoda E; Dickson B; Donohue W; Moore R; Edwards S; Boyd S; Roth NJ; Lau H; Read T; Silvers J; Zeng W; Hoy J; Watson K; Bryant M; Price S; Woolley I; Giles M; Korman T; Williams J; Nolan D; Allen A; Guelfi G; Mills G; Wharry C; Raymond N; Bargh K, 2017, 'The impact of changes in HIV management guidelines on time to treatment initiation in Australia', HIV Medicine, 18, pp. 701 - 703,
Chow EPF; Callander D; Fairley CK; Zhang L; Donovan B; Guy R; Lewis DA; Hellard M; Read P; Ward A; Chen MY; Kaldor J; Grulich A; Marshall L; O'Connor C; Wilson D; Dickson B; Ali H; Smith LW; Jackson E; Russell D; Vhalkis E; Gunathilake M; Nikitas A; O'Sullivan M; Allen D; Ryder N; Brown K; Smith D; Paramsothy Y; Palmer C; Davies S; McNulty A; Menon A; Parker A, 2017, 'Increased Syphilis Testing of Men Who Have Sex With Men: Greater Detection of Asymptomatic Early Syphilis and Relative Reduction in Secondary Syphilis', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 65, pp. 389 - 395,
Zou H; Meng X; Xu Z; Callander D; Donovan B; Grulich A; Chen M; Fairley C; O’Connor C; Hellard M; Guy R, 2017, 'Delayed HIV Testing among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Australia Has
Improved but Remains an Issue', Annals of Global Health, 83, pp. 168 - 168,
Ali H; McManus H; O’Connor CC; Callander D; Kong M; Graham S; Saulo D; Fairley CK; Regan DG; Grulich A; Low N; Guy RJ; Donovan B; O'Connor C, 2017, 'Human papillomavirus vaccination and genital warts in young indigenous Australians: National sentinel surveillance data', Medical Journal of Australia, 206, pp. 204 - 209,
Kakar S; Drak D; Amin T; Cheung J; O'Connor CC; Gracey DM, 2017, 'Screening and management practices for renal disease in the HIV-positive patient population of an inner metropolitan sexual health service', Nephrology, 22, pp. 174 - 178,
Cummins D; Murray K; Trotter G; Batterham M; Healey L; O’Connor CC, 2017, 'Can patients and their caregivers boost identification of HIV associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND)?', Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 34, pp. 24 - 33
Keen P; Conway DP; Cunningham P; McNulty A; Couldwell DL; Davies SC; Smith DE; Gray J; Holt M; O'Connor CC; Read P; Callander D; Prestage G; Guy R, 2017, 'Multi-centre field evaluation of the performance of the Trinity Biotech Uni-Gold HIV 1/2 rapid test as a first-line screening assay for gay and bisexual men compared with 4th generation laboratory immunoassays', Journal of Clinical Virology, 86, pp. 46 - 51,
Graham S; O'Connor CC; Morgan S; Chamberlain C; Hocking J, 2017, 'Prevalence of HIV among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Sexual Health, 14, pp. 201 - 207,
Kakar S; Drak D; Amin T; Cheung J; O'connor C; Gracey D, 2017, 'Screening and management of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in HIV-positive patients attending an Australian urban sexual health clinic', Sexual Health, 14, pp. 198 - 200,
Murray KJ; Cummins D; Batterham M; Trotter G; Healey L; O'Connor CC, 2016, 'Does the informal caregiver notice HIV associated mild cognitive impairment in people living with HIV?', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 28, pp. 221 - 227,
Giles ML; Zapata MC; Wright ST; Petoumenos K; Grotowski M; Broom J; Law MG; O'Connor CC, 2016, 'How do outcomes compare between women and men living with HIV in Australia? An observational study', Sexual Health, 13, pp. 155 - 161,
Tilley DM; Griggs E; Hoy J; Wright ST; Woolley I; Burke M; O’Connor CC, 2015, 'Treatment and disease outcomes of migrants from low- and middle-income countries in the Australian HIV Observational Database cohort', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 27, pp. 1410 - 1417,
Murray KJ; Cummins D; Batterham M; Trotter G; Healey L; O'Connor CC, 2015, 'Does the informal caregiver notice HIV associated mild cognitive impairment in people living with HIV?', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV,
Templeton DJ; Wright ST; McManus H; Lawrence C; Russell DB; Law MG; Petoumenos K; Ellis D; Bloch M; Agrawal S; Vincent T; Allen D; Smith D; Allardice K; Baker D; Odgers E; O'Connor CC; Phan S; Jackson E; McCallum K; Grotowski M; Ryder N; Taylor S; Cooper D; Carr A; Lee F; McRae K; Hesse K; Finlayson R; Gupta S; Varma R; Shakeshaft J; Brown K; McGrath V; Halligan S; Arvela N; Wray L; Thng C; Foster R; Lu H; Couldwell D; DSmith E; Furner V; Fernando S; Dubbo ; Watson J; Mulhall B; Wright S; Bendall C; Boyd M; Gunathilake M; Payne R; O'Sullivan M; White S; Russell D; Joslin J; Cashman C; Sowden D; Taing K; McGill K; Orth D; Youds D; Kelly M; Rowling D; Latch N; Warzywoda E; Dickson B; Donohue W; Moore R; Edwards S; Boyd S; NRoth J; Lau H; Read T; Silvers J; Zeng W; Hoy J; Watson K; Bryant M; Price S; Woolley I; Giles M; Korman T; Williams J; Nolan D; Guelfi G; Mills G; Wharry C; Raymond N; Bargh K; Morwood K; Roth N; Choong K; Cooper D; Han A, 2015, 'Antiretroviral treatment use, co-morbidities and clinical outcomes among Aboriginal participants in the Australian HIV Observational Database (AHOD)', BMC Infectious Diseases, 15, pp. 326,
Wright ST; Law MG; Cooper DA; Keen P; McDonald A; Middleton M; Woolley I; Kelly M; Petoumenos K; Ellis D; Bloch M; Agrawal S; Vincent T; Allen D; Little JL; Smith D; Mincham C; Baker D; Ieroklis V; Templeton DJ; O'Connor CC; Phan S; Jackson E; McCallum K; Grotowski M; Taylor S; Carr A; Lee F; Hesse K; Sinn K; Norris R; Finlayson R; Prone I; Patel A; Varma R; Shakeshaft J; Brown K; McGrath V; Halligan S; Wray L; Read P; Lu H; Couldwell D; Furner V; Fernando S; Chuah J; Watson J; Lawrence C; Mulhall B; McManus H; Bendall C; Boyd M; Ryder N; Payne R; Russell D; Doyle-Adams S; Sowden D; Taing K; McGill K; Orth D; Youds D; Gibson A; Magon H; Dickson B; Donohue W; Moore R; Edwards S; Liddle R; Locke P; Roth NJ; Lau H; Read T; Silvers J; Zeng W; Hoy J; Watson K; Bryant M; Price S; Giles M; Hoy J; Williams J; Nolan D; Robinson J; Morwood K; Roth N; Choong K; Li PCK; Lee MP; Vanar S; Faridah S; Kamarulzaman A; Choi JY; Vannary B; Ditangco R; Tsukada K; Pujari S; Makane A; Ng OT; Sasisopin AJ; Han A, 2015, 'Temporal trends of time to antiretroviral treatment initiation, interruption and modification: Examination of patients diagnosed with advanced HIV in Australia', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 18, pp. 19463,
Han N; Wright ST; O'Connor CC; Hoy J; Ponnampalavanar S; Grotowski M; Zhao HX; Kamarulzaman A; Ellis D; Bloch M; Franic T; Agrawal S; McCann L; Cunningham N; Vincent T; Allen D; Little JL; Smith D; Gray C; Baker D; Vale R; Templeton DJ; Dijanosic C; Jackson E; McCallum K; Taylor S; Cooper D; Carr A; Lee F; Hesse K; Sinn K; Norris R; Finlayson R; Prone I; Shakeshaft J; Brown K; McGrath C; McGrath V; Halligan S; Wray L; Read P; Lu H; Couldwell D; Furner V; Watson J; Lawrence C; Mulhall B; Law M; Petoumenos K; McManus H; Bendall C; Boyd M; Kulatunga A; Knibbs P; Chuah J; Ngieng M; Dickson B; Russell D; Downing S; Sowden D; Broom J; Taing K; Johnston C; McGill K; Orth D; Youds D; Kelly M; Gibson A; Magon H; Donohue W; Moore R; Edwards S; Liddle R; Locke P; Roth NJ; Nicolson J; Lau H; Read T; Silvers J; Zeng W; Watson K; Bryant M; Price S; Woolley I; Giles M; Korman T; Williams J; Nolan D; Skett J; Robinson J; Mean CV; Saphonn V; Vohith K; Zhang FJ; Li PCK; Lee MP; Kumarasamy N; Saghayam S; Ezhilarasi C; Pujari S, 2015, 'HIV and aging: Insights from the Asia Pacific HIV Observational Database (APHOD)', HIV Medicine, 16, pp. 152 - 160,
Ali H; O’Connor CC; Callander D; Saulo D; Graham S; Kong M; Regan DJ; Grulich AE; Fairley CK; Guy RJ; Donovan B, 2015, 'LB1.3 The impact of hpv vaccination on genital warts in aboriginal australians: analysis of national data', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 91, pp. A78.1 - A78,
Smith LW; Callander D; Ali H; Bourne C; O’Connor C; Lewis D; Forrester B; Hounsfield V; Kaldor J; Hellard M; Donovan B; Guy R, 2015, 'P03.05 Chlamydia re-testing at sexual health clinics has increased but further initiatives are needed for young people', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 91, pp. A87.2 - A88,
O'Connor CC; Ali H; Guy RJ; Templeton DJ; Fairley CK; Chen MY; Dickson BM; Marshall LJ; Grulich AE; Hellard ME; Kaldor JM; Donovan B; Ward JS, 2014, 'High chlamydia positivity rates in indigenous people attending Australian sexual health services', Medical Journal of Australia, 200, pp. 595 - 598,
McManus H; Petoumenos K; Franic T; Kelly MD; Watson J; O’Connor CC; Jeanes M; Hoy J; Cooper DA; Law MG; O'Connor C; Templeton D; Han A, 2014, 'Determinants of Suicide and Accidental or Violent Death in the Australian HIV Observational Database', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e89089 - e89089,
Tilley DM; O'Connor CC; Adusumilli S; Smith M; Marin-Zapata C; Ooi C; Templeton DJ, 2014, 'Cervical screening uptake and abnormalities among women attending sexual health clinics for HIV care', Sexual Health, 11, pp. 288 - 290,
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