Select Publications

Journal articles

Bostock C; Rowe A; Gooi CH; Williams C, 2025, 'Fear of Administrative Law? Student Emotions Around Studying Administrative Law at an Australian University', Legal Education Review, 35,

Bostock C, 2023, 'The Impact of Criminal Deportation on Victim-Survivors of Domestic Violence in Australia', UNSW Law Journal, 43, pp. 1 - 15,

Bostock C; Cabarrus J, 2020, 'Short Shrift to International Non-Refoulement Obligations? Australia's Approach to Criminal Deportation', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFUGEE LAW, 32, pp. 597 - 622,

Bostock C, 2020, 'The Value of Adjudicative Independence: Overlapping Conceptions of Administrative Justice in the AAT's Review of Visa Cancellations', Australian Journal of Administrative Law, 27, pp. 154 - 164,

Bostock C, 2018, 'Expulsion: A comparative study of Australia and France', AIAL Forum, 92, pp. 87 - 102

Bostock C, 2011, 'The Effect of Ministerial Directions on Tribunal Independence', Australian Journal of Administrative Law, 18, pp. 161 - 171,

Bostock C, 2010, 'Procedural fairness and the AAT’s review of visa cancellation decisions on character grounds', Australian Journal of Administrative Law, 17, pp. 77 - 91

Bostock CMJ, 2002, 'The international legal obligations owed to the asylum seekers on the MV Tampa', International Journal of Refugee Law, 14, pp. 279 - 301,

Conference Presentations

Bostock C; Simmons F, 2021, 'Vulnerability and administrative decision-making', presented at Kerr’s Vision Splendid for Administrative Law: Still Fit for Purpose?, Australian Institute for Administrative Law and Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, 21 October 2021 - 22 October 2021

Bostock C, 2020, 'Procedural fairness and migration decision-making at the AAT', presented at Law Council of Australia Immigration Law Conference, Melbourne, 05 March 2020 - 07 March 2020

Bostock C, 2018, 'Expulsion: A comparative study of Australia and France', presented at National Administrative Law Conference, 27 September 2018


Boughey J; Appleby G; Bostock C; Blayden L, 2021, Submission to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry: The performance and integrity of Australia’s administrative review system,


Bostock C, 2021, Not “just another piece of material”: the value of Tribunal review,


Bostock C; Appleby G; Blayden L; Boughey J, 2021, A principled approach to key reforms of Australia's administrative review system,

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