Select Publications


Doolan C; Moreau D, 2022, Flow Noise Theory, Springer

Hansen CH; Snyder S; Qui X; Brooks L; Moreau DJ, 2012, Active Control of Noise and Vibration

Book Chapters

Delhomme F; Castel A; Almeida A; Jiang C; Moreau D; Gan Y; Wang X; Wilkinson S, 2022, 'Mechanical, Acoustic and Thermal Performances of Australian Hempcretes', in CIGOS 2021, Emerging Technologies and Applications for Green Infrastructure, Springer, Singapore, pp. 753 - 761,

Doolan C; Yauwenas Y; Moreau D, 2021, 'Drone Propeller Noise Under Static and Steady Inflow Conditions', in Flinovia—Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects-III, Springer, pp. 45 - 60,

Moreau DJ; Geyer TF; Doolan CJ; Sarradj E, 2019, 'Influence of Camber on Wall-Mounted Finite Airfoil Tonal Noise Generation', in Zhou Y; Kimura M; Peng G; Lucey A; Huang L (ed.), Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, Springer, Singapore, pp. 337 - 342,

Croaker PJ; Moreau D; Awasthi M; Karimi M; Doolan C; Kessissoglou N, 2018, 'Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Flow-Induced Noise of a Wall-Mounted Airfoil', in Flinovia - Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects A Focus on Measurement, Modeling, Simulation and Reproduction of the Flow Excitation and Flow Induced Response, Springer

Moreau DJ; Doolan CJ; Alexander WN; Meyers TW; Devenport WJ, 2016, 'An Experimental Investigation of Wall-Mounted Finite Airfoil Turbulent Boundary Layer Noise', in Zhou Y; Lucey AD; Liu Y; Huang L (ed.), Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 45 - 49,

Moreau D; Coombs J; Doolan C, 2014, 'On the Flow and Noise of a Two-Dimensional Step Element in a Turbulent Boundary Layer', in Zhou Y; Liu Y; Huang L; Hodges DH (ed.), Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 225 - 230,

Journal articles

Jiang C; de Silva C; Doolan C; Moreau D, 2025, 'Design and characterisation of an open-jet pressure gradient test rig for an aeroacoustic wind tunnel', Applied Acoustics, 227, pp. 110214 - 110214,

Nair SG; Nguyen QD; Zhu Q; Karimi M; Gan Y; Wang X; Castel A; Irga P; Rocha CGD; Torpy F; Wilkinson S; Moreau D; Delhomme F, 2025, 'Suitability of calcined clay and ground granulated blast furnace slag geopolymer binder for hempcrete applications', Built Environment Project and Asset Management,

Hales ADG; Ayton LJ; Wills AO; Jiang C; De Silva C; Moreau D; Doolan C, 2024, 'A mathematical model for the interaction of anisotropic turbulence with porous surfaces', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1001,

Jayathilakage R; Hajimoahammadi A; Pour HV; Moreau D; Foster S, 2024, 'Effects of specimen characteristics, fibre and mix constituents on the acoustic performance of rubberised concrete for traffic noise walls', Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 57,

Malkki J; Yauwenas Y; Doolan C; Moreau D, 2024, 'Comparison of Small Rotor Tonal and Random Noise Decomposition Methods', Acoustics Australia, 52, pp. 323 - 337,

Mahgoub AO; Jiang C; Moreau D; Doolan C; de Silva C, 2024, 'A numerical framework to investigate isotropic turbulent inflow interacting with an airfoil's leading edge', International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 107, pp. 109337,

Jiang C; Moreau D; de Silva C; Doolan C, 2024, 'Noise generation mechanisms of a micro-tube porous trailing edge', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 571,

Jiang C; de Silva CM; Doolan CJ; Moreau DJ, 2024, 'Aeroacoustics of a Square Finite-Wall-Mounted Cylinder in Pressure-Gradient Flows', AIAA Journal, 62, pp. 4765 - 4778,

Ma CH; Awasthi M; Moreau D; Doolan C, 2023, 'Aeroacoustics of turbulent flow over a forward–backward facing step', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 563,

Malkki J; Yauwenas Y; Doolan C; Moreau D, 2023, 'Acoustic signature of sUAS rotors undergoing edgewise forward flight', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A293 - A293,

Li J; Malkki J; Yauwenas Y; Doolan C; Moreau D, 2023, 'Aeroacoustic and aerodynamic measurements of a ducted propeller', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A145 - A145,

Jiang C; Doolan C; de Silva C; Moreau D, 2023, 'Aeroacoustics of finite wall-mounted square cylinders in pressure gradient flows', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A104 - A104,

Bian Z; Yauwenas Y; Moreau D; Doolan C, 2023, 'An investigation of drone propeller noise generation in a turbulent wake', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A145 - A145,

Wills A; Awasthi M; de Silva C; Moreau D; Doolan C, 2023, 'Design and characterisation of a 3-D microphone array for windtunnel measurements', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A103 - A103,

Tan J; Moreau D; de Silva C; Fischer J; Doolan C, 2023, 'Flow noise radiated from a cylinder above a plate', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A104 - A104,

Dixon R; Jiang C; de Silva C; Moreau D; Doolan C, 2023, 'Tandem cylinder aeroacoustic sources', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A330 - A330,

Awasthi M; Wills A; Moreau D; Croaker P; Dylejko P, 2023, 'The UNSW tip clearance flow noise test rig', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A284 - A284,

Doolan C; Kisler R; Jiang C; de Silva C; Moreau D, 2023, 'Theoretical prediction of unsteady wall pressure during turbulence-airfoil-interaction', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A104 - A105,

Hales ADG; Ayton LJ; Jiang C; Mahgoub A; Kisler R; Dixon R; De Silva C; Moreau D; Doolan C, 2023, 'A mathematical model for the interaction of anisotropic turbulence with a rigid leading edge', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 970,

Awasthi M; McCreton S; Moreau DJ; Doolan CJ, 2022, 'Supersonic cylinder wake dynamics', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 945,

Ding Y; de Silva CM; Doolan CJ; Moreau DJ, 2022, 'Investigation of the mean pressure field in the wing-wall junction region', International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 94,

Zhang T; Geyer T; De Silva C; Fischer J; Doolan C; Moreau D, 2021, 'Experimental Investigation of Tip Vortex Formation Noise Produced by Wall-Mounted Finite Airfoils', Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 34, pp. 04021079,

Zhang Z; McCreton SF; Awasthi M; Wills AO; Moreau DJ; Doolan CJ, 2021, 'The flow features of Transverse Jets In Supersonic Crossflow', Aerospace Science and Technology, 118,

Jiang C; Moreau D; Fischer J; Doolan C, 2021, 'Additively Manufactured Sound-Absorbing Porous Structures for Airfoil Trailing-Edge Noise Control', Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 34,

Ding Y; Zhang T; Geyer TF; De Silva CM; Doolan CJ; Moreau DJ, 2021, 'Experimental Investigation of the Flow Characteristics and Noise Generation at the Wing-Wall Junction', Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 34,

Geyer TF; Moreau DJ, 2021, 'A study of the effect of airfoil thickness on the tonal noise generation of finite, wall-mounted airfoils', Aerospace Science and Technology, 115,

Schneehagen E; Geyer T; Sarradj E; Moreau D, 2021, 'Aeroacoustic noise reduction by application of end plates on wall-mounted finite airfoils', Experiments in Fluids: experimental methods and their applications to fluid flow, 26, pp. 106 - 106,

Smith S; Brandner P; Pearce B; Venning J; Moreau D; David C, 2021, 'Steady and unsteady loading on a hydrofoil immersed in a turbulent boundary layer', Journal of Fluids and Structures, 102, pp. 103225 - 103225,

Ma R; Liu Z; Zhang G; Doolan CJ; Moreau DJ, 2020, 'Acoustic analysis of a forced-oscillating cylinder in flow using a hybrid method', Aerospace Science and Technology, 106,

Delhomme F; Hajimohammadi A; Almeida A; Jiang C; Moreau D; Gan Y; Wang X; Castel A, 2020, 'Physical properties of Australian hurd used as aggregate for hemp concrete', Materials Today Communications, 24,

Awasthi M; Rowlands J; Moreau DJ; Doolan CJ, 2020, 'The Effect of Aspect Ratio on Wall Pressure Fluctuations at a Wing-Plate Junction', Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 142,

Zhang T; Moreau D; Geyer T; Fischer J; Doolan C, 2020, 'Dataset on tip vortex formation noise produced by wall-mounted finite airfoils with sinusoidal and porous tip geometries', Data in Brief, 30, pp. 105471,

Rastan MR; Sohankar A; Moreau DJ; Doolan CJ; Awasthi M, 2020, 'Modulation of aerodynamic characteristics of a finite wall-mounted square cylinder through steady jet injection', Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 112,

Zhang T; Moreau D; Geyer T; Fischer J; Doolan C, 2020, 'Dataset on tip vortex formation noise produced by wall-mounted finite airfoils with flat and rounded tip geometries', Data in Brief, 28, pp. 105058,

Wills AO; Awasthi M; Moreau DJ; Doolan CJ, 2020, 'Schlieren image velocimetry for wall-bounded supersonic flows', AIAA Journal, 58, pp. 4174 - 4177,

Ma R; Liu Z; Zhang G; Doolan CJ; Moreau DJ, 2019, 'Control of Aeolian tones from a circular cylinder using forced oscillation', Aerospace Science and Technology, 94,

Porteous R; Moreau DJ; Doolan CJ, 2019, 'The effect of the incoming boundary layer thickness on the aeroacoustics of finite wall-mounted square cylinders', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146, pp. 1808 - 1816,

Rastan MR; Sohankar A; Doolan C; Moreau D; Shirani E; Alam MM, 2019, 'Controlled flow over a finite square cylinder using suction and blowing', International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 156, pp. 410 - 434,

Karimi M; Croaker P; Skvortsov A; Moreau D; Kessissoglou N, 2019, 'Numerical prediction of turbulent boundary layer noise from a sharp-edged flat plate', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 90, pp. 522 - 543,

Ma R; Liu Z; Doolan CJ; Moreau DJ; Czarnecki M, 2019, 'Hybrid artificial boundary conditions for the application of blunt-body aerodynamic noise prediction', Archives of Acoustics, 44, pp. 105 - 116,

Yauwenas Y; Porteous R; Moreau DJ; Doolan CJ, 2019, 'The effect of aspect ratio on the wake structure of finite wall-mounted square cylinders', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 875, pp. 929 - 960,

Awasthi M; Moreau DJ; Doolan CJ, 2018, 'Flow structure of a low aspect ratio wall-mounted airfoil operating in a low Reynolds number flow', Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 99, pp. 94 - 116,

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