Select Publications

Journal articles

Carland JE; Carland DJ; Brett J; Stocker SL; Roberts DM; Day RO; Laba TL, 2024, 'Economic evaluations of therapeutic drug monitoring interventions in acute hospital-based settings: A systematic review', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 90, pp. 2038 - 2066,

Rodgers C; Siefried KJ; Ritter A; Belackova V; Treloar C; Jauncey M; Ezard N; Roberts D; Steele M; van den Brink W; Strang J; Oviedo-Joekes E; Lintzeris N; Dunlop AJ; Bell J, 2024, 'Implementation of time-limited parenteral hydromorphone in people with treatment-resistant injecting opioid use disorder: a protocol for a single-site, uncontrolled, open-label study to assess feasibility, safety and cost', BMJ Open, 14, pp. e082553,

Harris O; Siefried KJ; Chiew A; Jamshidi N; Chung DT; Moore N; Nic Ionmhain U; Roberts DM; Ezard N; Brett J, 2024, 'Trends in reported GHB-related presentations to Sydney emergency departments between 2012 and 2021', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 36, pp. 604 - 608,

Roberts DM; Beaulieu J, 2024, 'Metabolic complications of poisoning', Medicine (United Kingdom), 52, pp. 344 - 347,

Dhaliwal N; Roberts DM, 2024, 'Clinical outcomes associated with orphenadrine deliberate self-poisoning: a retrospective poisons centre study', Clinical Toxicology, 62, pp. 168 - 173,

Roberts DM; Jiranantakan T; McDonald C; Cullinan U; Brown J, 2024, 'Increased prevalence of pentylone and dipentylone in combination with other drugs in New South Wales, Australia', Clinical Toxicology, 62, pp. 781 - 782,

Ong SH; Thomson AB; Wright NE; Nic Ionmhain U; Roberts DM, 2024, 'The impact of updated national guidelines for managing unintentional paediatric liquid paracetamol exposures: a retrospective poisons centre study', Clinical Toxicology, 62, pp. 770 - 775,

Wilkes R; Roberts DM; Liknaitzky P; Brett J, 2024, 'The psychedelic call: analysis of Australian Poisons Information Centre calls associated with classic psychedelics', Clinical Toxicology, 62, pp. 242 - 247,

Koh QX; Wise S; Raubenheimer JE; Debono D; Roberts DM; Carland JE, 2024, 'Unintentional poisoning in older Australians: a retrospective audit of New South Wales Poisons Information Centre data', Clinical Toxicology, 62, pp. 625 - 635,

Ghannoum M; Gosselin S; Hoffman RS; Lavergne V; Mégarbane B; Hassanian-Moghaddam H; Rif M; Kallab S; Bird S; Wood DM; Roberts DM; Alhatali B; Anseeuw K; Berling I; Bouchard J; Bunchman TE; Calello DP; Chin PK; Doi K; Galvao T; Goldfarb DS; Hoegberg LCG; Kebede S; Kielstein JT; Lewington A; Li Y; Macedo EM; MacLaren R; Mowry JB; Nolin TD; Ostermann M; Peng A; Roy JP; Shepherd G; Vijayan A; Walsh SJ; Wong A; Yates C, 2023, 'Extracorporeal treatment for ethylene glycol poisoning: systematic review and recommendations from the EXTRIP workgroup', Critical Care, 27,

Rafizadeh A; Kolahi AA; Shariati S; Zamani N; Roberts DM; Hassanian-Moghaddam H, 2023, 'The danger of the toxicity and inefficacy of alcohol-based hand rubs in Iran during COVID-19: a cross-sectional study', Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control, 12,

Freestone J; Ezard N; Bourne A; Brett J; Roberts DM; Hammoud M; Nedanoski A; Prestage G; Siefried KJ, 2023, 'Understandings, attitudes, practices and responses to GHB overdose among GHB consumers', Harm Reduction Journal, 20, pp. 121,

Yang JJ; Brett J; Sordo A; Reuter SE; Stocker SL; Day RO; Roberts DM; Carland JE, 2023, 'The Influence of a Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Service on Vancomycin-Associated Nephrotoxicity', Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 64, pp. 19 - 29,

Stefani M; Musgrave K; Sevastos J; Penny M; Day RO; Roberts DM, 2023, 'Optimizing the dosing of vancomycin in patients receiving intermittent haemodialysis with low-flux filters, and the potential impact of dosing software', Nephrology, 28, pp. 534 - 539,

Ghannoum M; Roberts DM, 2023, 'Management of Poisonings and Intoxications', Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 18, pp. 1210 - 1221,

Isoardi KZ; Roberts DM; Holford AG; Brown JA; Griffiths A; Soderstrom J; McDonald C; Gerostamoulos D; Sakrajda P; Turner C; Yates H; Gunja N; Greene S, 2023, 'A cluster of acute thebaine poisonings from non-food grade poppy seeds in the Australian food supply', Clinical Toxicology, 61, pp. 639 - 643,

White A; Seah V; Brown J; McDonald C; Tran J; Roberts DM, 2023, 'Acute metonitazene poisoning reversed by naloxone', Clinical Toxicology, 61, pp. 137 - 138,

Roberts DM; Ghannoum M, 2023, 'Expanding the evidence for managing metformin poisoning to support decision-making', Clinical Toxicology, 61, pp. 203 - 206,

Siefried KJ; Freeman G; Roberts DM; Lindsey R; Rodgers C; Ezard N; Brett J, 2023, 'Inpatient GHB withdrawal management in an inner-city hospital in Sydney, Australia: a retrospective medical record review', Psychopharmacology, 240, pp. 127 - 135,

Chakar B; Salter M; Roberts DM, 2023, 'Minoxidil overdose with hypotension effectively managed with norepinephrine, rather than dopamine', Clinical Toxicology, 61, pp. 133 - 134,

Freeman G; Siefried KJ; Roberts DM; Rodgers C; Nic Ionmhain U; Ramanathan J; Ezard N; Brett J, 2023, 'Phenobarbital to manage severe gamma-hydroxybutyrate withdrawal: A case series', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 27 - 32,

Penafiel R; Yoo D; Turner C; Brown JA; McDonald C; Tran J; Shaw V; Roberts DM, 2023, 'Toxicokinetics of thebaine in those consuming non-food grade poppy seeds as a tea', Clinical Toxicology, 61, pp. 644 - 648,

Rafizadeh A; Bhalla A; Sharma N; Kumar K; Zamani N; McDonald R; Roberts DM; Hassanian-Moghaddam H, 2022, 'Evaluating new simplified assays for harm reduction from methanol poisoning using chromotropic acid kits: An analytical study on Indian and Iranian alcoholic beverages', Frontiers in Public Health, 10,

Rosenbaum E; Bode MJF; Roberts DM, 2022, 'Death from severe, refractory methaemoglobinaemia: A case report to illustrate an increasingly frequent manifestation of deliberate self-poisoning', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 34, pp. 654 - 655,

Bode MJF; Huber J; Roberts DM, 2022, 'Decision-making in suicide: When is the patient not for resuscitation?', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 34, pp. 473 - 474,

Beaulieu J; Roberts DM; Gosselin S; Hoffman RS; Lavergne V; Hovda KE; Megarbane B; Lung D; Thanacoody R; Ghannoum M, 2022, 'Treating ethylene glycol poisoning with alcohol dehydrogenase inhibition, but without extracorporeal treatments: a systematic review (vol 21, pg 1, 2022)', CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY, 60, pp. 891 - 891,

Ghannoum M; Roberts DM; Goldfarb DS; Heldrup J; Anseeuw K; Galvao TF; Nolin TD; Hoffman RS; Lavergne V; Meyers P; Gosselin S; Botnaru T; Mardini K; Wood DM, 2022, 'Extracorporeal Treatment for Methotrexate Poisoning Systematic Review and Recommendations from the EXTRIP Workgroup', Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 17, pp. 602 - 622,

Murnion BP; Roberts DM, 2022, 'Responding to the rising number of suicides using barbiturates', Medical Journal of Australia, 216, pp. 187 - 188,

Premachandra K; Priyadarshini S; Roberts D, 2022, 'Dialyzability of lamotrigine by continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration', Clinical Toxicology, 60, pp. 267,

Bouchard J; Yates C; Calello DP; Gosselin S; Roberts DM; Lavergne V; Hoffman RS; Ostermann M; Peng A; Ghannoum M; Alhatali B; Anseeuw K; Bird S; Berling I; Bunchman TE; Chin PK; Doi K; Galvao T; Goldfarb DS; Hassanian H; Hoegberg LCG; Kallab S; Kebede S; Kielstein JT; Lewington A; Macedo EM; MacLaren R; Megarbane B; Mowry JB; Nolin TD; Roy JP; Vijayan A; Walsh SJ; Wong A; Wood DM, 2022, 'Extracorporeal Treatment for Gabapentin and Pregabalin Poisoning: Systematic Review and Recommendations From the EXTRIP Workgroup', American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 79, pp. 88 - 104,

Jamshidi N; Dhaliwal N; Hearn D; McCalman C; Wenzel R; Koutsogiannis Z; Roberts DM, 2022, 'Life-threatening barium carbonate poisoning managed with intravenous potassium, continuous veno-venous haemodialysis and endoscopic removal of retained ceramic glazes', Clinical Toxicology, 60, pp. 974 - 978,

Hlusicka J; Sevela S; Smid V; Sestak V; Roberts DM, 2022, 'Methaemoglobinaemia and oesophageal burns after accidental ingestion of an alkyl nitrite', Clinical Toxicology,

Roberts DM; Hoffman RS; Brent J; Lavergne V; Hovda KE; Porter WH; McMartin KE; Ghannoum M, 2022, 'The serum glycolate concentration: its prognostic value and its correlation to surrogate markers in ethylene glycol exposures', Clinical Toxicology, 60, pp. 798 - 807,

Beaulieu J; Roberts DM; Gosselin S; Hoffman RS; Lavergne V; Hovda KE; Megarbane B; Lung D; Thanacoody R; Ghannoum M, 2022, 'Treating ethylene glycol poisoning with alcohol dehydrogenase inhibition, but without extracorporeal treatments: a systematic review', Clinical Toxicology, 60, pp. 784 - 797,

Roberts DM; Hughes HK; Haber PS; Jones GRD, 2022, 'Variability in insulin pharmacokinetics following high-dose insulin therapy', Clinical Toxicology, 60, pp. 389 - 391,

Bouchard J; Shepherd G; Hoffman RS; Gosselin S; Roberts DM; Li Y; Nolin TD; Lavergne V; Ghannoum M; Alhatali B; Anseeuw K; Bird S; Berling I; Bunchman TE; Calello DP; Chin PK; Doi K; Galvao T; Goldfarb DS; Hassanian-Moghaddam H; Hoegberg LCG; Kallab S; Kebede S; Kielstein JT; Lewington A; Macedo EM; MacLaren R; Megarbane B; Mowry JB; Ostermann ME; Peng A; Roy JP; Vijayan A; Walsh SJ; Wong A; Wood DM; Yates C, 2021, 'Extracorporeal treatment for poisoning to beta-adrenergic antagonists: systematic review and recommendations from the EXTRIP workgroup', Critical Care, 25,

Nash E; Roberts DM; Jamshidi N, 2021, 'Reverse Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Precipitated by Chronic Cocaine and Cannabis Use', Cardiovascular Toxicology, 21, pp. 1012 - 1018,

Naidoo D; McCaskill M; Petrovski M; Turner S; Stacey S; McTaggart S; Jenkins M; Vernon B; Tasker N; Roberts DM, 2021, 'The National Paediatric Medicines Forum: Who we are and what are we doing', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 57, pp. 2022 - 2023,

Acheson LS; Siefried KJ; Clifford B; Murray E; Steele M; Clague L; Malone V; Roberts DM; Ferguson LJ; Matthews GV; Ezard N, 2021, 'One-third of people who inject drugs are at risk of incomplete treatment for Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia: a retrospective medical record review', International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 112, pp. 63 - 65,

Ghannoum M; Berling I; Lavergne V; Roberts DM; Galvao T; Hoffman RS; Nolin TD; Lewington A; Doi K; Gosselin S; Alhatali B; Anseeuw K; Bird S; Bouchard J; Bunchman TE; Calello DP; Chin PK; Goldfarb DS; Hassanian-Moghaddam H; Hoegberg LC; Kallab S; Kebede S; Kielstein JT; King JD; Li Y; Macedo EM; MacLaren R; Megarbane B; Mowry JB; Ostermann ME; Peng A; Roy JP; Shepherd G; Vijayan A; Walsh SJ; Wong A; Wood DM; Yates C, 2021, 'Recommendations from the EXTRIP workgroup on extracorporeal treatment for baclofen poisoning', Kidney International, 100, pp. 720 - 736,

Athavale A; Jamshidi N; Roberts DM, 2021, 'Kidney dysfunction has a major impact on the effect of idarucizumab for dabigatran reversal', European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 38, pp. 1005 - 1006,

Mowry JB; Shepherd G; Hoffman RS; Lavergne V; Gosselin S; Nolin TD; Vijayan A; Kielstein JT; Roberts DM; Ghannoum M; Alhatali B; Anseeuw K; Bird S; Berling I; Bouchard J; Bunchman TE; Calello DP; Chin PK; Doi K; Galvao T; Goldfarb DS; Hassanian H; Hoegberg LC; Kallab S; Kebede S; Lewington A; Li Y; Macedo EM; MacLaren R; Megarbane B; Ostermann ME; Peng A; Roy JP; Walsh SJ; Wong A; Wood DM; Yates C, 2021, 'Extracorporeal treatments for isoniazid poisoning: Systematic review and recommendations from the EXTRIP workgroup', Pharmacotherapy, 41, pp. 463 - 478,

Roberts JA; Joynt GM; Lee A; Choi G; Bellomo R; Kanji S; Mudaliar MY; Peake SL; Stephens D; Taccone FS; Ulldemolins M; Valkonen MM; Agbeve J; Baptista JP; Bekos V; Boidin C; Brinkmann A; Buizen L; Castro P; Cole CL; Creteur J; De Waele JJ; Deans R; Eastwood GM; Escobar L; Gomersall C; Gresham R; Jamal JA; Kluge S; König C; Koulouras VP; Lassig-Smith M; Laterre PF; Lei K; Leung P; Lefrant JY; Llauradó-Serra M; Martin-Loeches I; Mat Nor MB; Ostermann M; Parker SL; Rello J; Roberts DM; Roberts MS; Richards B; Rodríguez A; Roehr AC; Roger C; Seoane L; Sinnollareddy M; Sousa E; Soy D; Spring A; Starr T; Thomas J; Turnidge J; Wallis SC; Williams T; Wittebole X; Zikou XT; Paul SK; Lipman J; Andresen M; Baltazar SF; Barbar S; Costa E; Durand D; Freitas R; Frey OR; Guerra Valero Y; Haughton M; Koeberer A; Kollef M; Klein K; Mehta R; McKenzie C; Muller L; Nair P; Nayyar V; Ordóñez Mejia JL; Panagou GL; Paxton J; Peck L; Samanta M; Vincent JL; Wan R; Young H, 2021, 'The Effect of Renal Replacement Therapy and Antibiotic Dose on Antibiotic Concentrations in Critically Ill Patients: Data from the Multinational Sampling Antibiotics in Renal Replacement Therapy Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 72, pp. 1369 - 1378,

Cashman H; Roberts DM; Welch S; Joseph J, 2021, 'A case of a markedly elevated dabigatran concentration resistant to the approved dose of idarucizumab', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 616 - 617,

Premachandra KH; Day RO; Roberts DM, 2021, 'Managing hyperuricemia and gout in chronic kidney disease: A clinical conundrum', Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 30, pp. 245 - 251,

Roberts DM; Premachandra KH; Chan BS; Auld R; Jiranantakan T; Ewers C; McDonald C; Shaw V; Brown JA, 2021, 'A cluster of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) poisonings following insufflation of a white powder sold as cocaine', Clinical Toxicology, 59, pp. 969 - 974,

Lavergne V; Ghannoum M; Gosselin S; Goldfarb D; Nolin TD; Dargan PI; Roberts DM, 2021, 'Assessing the effect of extracorporeal treatments for lithium poisoning', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87, pp. 214 - 215,

Stocker SL; Carland JE; Reuter SE; Stacy AE; Schaffer AL; Stefani M; Lau C; Kirubakaran R; Yang JJ; Shen CFJ; Roberts DM; Marriott DJE; Day RO; Brett J, 2021, 'Evaluation of a Pilot Vancomycin Precision Dosing Advisory Service on Target Exposure Attainment Using an Interrupted Time Series Analysis', Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 109, pp. 212 - 221,

Wong A; Hoffman RS; Walsh SJ; Roberts DM; Gosselin S; Bunchman TE; Kebede S; Lavergne V; Ghannoum M; Alhatali B; Anseeuw K; Berling I; Bouchard J; Bird S; Chin P; Doi K; Galvao T; Goldfarb D; Hassanian H; Hoegberg L; Kallab S; Kielstein J; Li Y; Macedo E; MacLaren R; Megarbane B; Mowry J; Nolin TD; Osterman M; Peng A; Roy JP; Vijayan A; Wood D; Yates C, 2021, 'Extracorporeal treatment for calcium channel blocker poisoning: systematic review and recommendations from the EXTRIP workgroup', Clinical Toxicology, 59, pp. 361 - 375,

Bode MJF; Premachandra KH; Roberts DM, 2021, 'Increases in NT-proBNP in the poisoned patient are probably multifactorial', Clinical Toxicology, 59, pp. 1035 - 1036,

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