Select Publications


Hui B; Regan D; Gray R, 2019, Modelling of the infectious syphilis outbreak in Indigenous Australians: guidance for Multi-Jurisdictional Syphilis Outbreak Working Group

Callander D; Ali H; Donovan B; Guy R; Grulich A; Regan D; Fairley C; Reid T; Wand H, 2016, Genital Warts Surveillance Network Report 2004-2015,

Hocking J; Fairley C; Gunn J; Donovan B; Kaldor J; Low N; Law M; Temple-Smith M; Regan D; Wilson D; Ward J; Imrie J; Carter R; Mitchell A; Saville M; Gertig D; Sanci L; Pirotta M; Tabrizi S; Chen M; Hellard M, 2013, Australian Chlamydia Control Effectiveness Pilot (ACCEPt) Interim Evaluation Report

Philp D; Korostil I; Conway EL; Stein A; Regan D, 2010, Estimating the impact of a vaccine against human papillomavirus types 6, 11, 16 and 18 on the incidence of infection in Australia

Wilson DP; Hoare A; Regan DG; Wand HC; Law MG, 2008, Mathematical models to investigate recent trends in HIV notifications among men who have had sex with men in Australia, National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research, University of NSW, Australia, Mathematical models to investigate recent trends in HIV notifications among men who have had sex with men in Australia,$file/Final+NCHECR+Modelling+Report.pdf

Regan D; Philp D; Hocking J; Law M, 2006, Dynamic mathematical model of HPV 16 transmission in Australia: Report

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