Select Publications
Journal articles
2018, 'Converging and emerging threats to health security', Environment Systems and Decisions, 38, pp. 198 - 207,
,2018, 'Addressing unwarranted clinical variation: A rapid review of current evidence', Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 25, pp. 53 - 65,
,2017, 'Publicly available software tools for decision-makers during an emergent epidemic—Systematic evaluation of utility and usability', Epidemics, 21, pp. 1 - 12,
,2017, 'Translating real-time infectious disease modeling into routine public health practice', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 23, pp. e1 - e6,
,2017, 'Does Zika Virus Cause Microcephaly - Applying the Bradford Hill Viewpoints.', PLoS Curr, 9,
,2011, 'H1N1 in the field: The impact on Australian Defence Force Field Exercise Talisman Sabre 09', Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 14, pp. 103 - 107,
,2004, 'Haemorrhage-evoked decompensation and recompensation mediated by distinct projections from rostral and caudal midline medulla in the rat', European Journal of Neuroscience, 20, pp. 2096 - 2110,
,2003, 'Haemodynamic response to haemorrhage: Distinct contributions of midbrain and forebrain structures', Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, 108, pp. 1 - 11,
,2002, 'Noxious activation of spinal or vagal afferents evokes distinct patterns of fos-like immunoreactivity in the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray of unanaesthetised rats', Brain Research, 948, pp. 122 - 130,
,2002, 'Haemorrhage-evoked compensation and decompensation are mediated by distinct caudal midline medullary regions in the urethane-anaesthetised rat', Neuroscience, 113, pp. 555 - 567,
,2000, 'The caudal midline medulla mediates state dependent cardiovascular responses', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 12, pp. 419 - 419,
,1999, 'Ecophysiology of the hypotonic response in the salt-tolerant charophyte alga Lamprothamnium papulosum', Plant, Cell and Environment, 22, pp. 333 - 346,
,Conference Papers
2024, 'An Infectious Disease Spread Simulation to Control Data Bias', in Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, ACM, pp. 681 - 684, presented at SIGSPATIAL '24: The 32nd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,
,Conference Posters
(ed.), 2016, 'The NHMRC CRE for Integrated Systems for Epidemic Response (ISER)', Melbourne, Australia, Vol. 24, pp. 67 - 68, presented at Australasian Military Medicine Conference 2016, Melbourne, Australia, 14 October 2016 - 16 October 2016,
,Conference Presentations
2017, 'A Review of Civil-Military Cooperation and Response During Epidemic and Pandemic Events', presented at Australasian Military Medicine Conference 2017, Brisbane, Australia, 06 October 2017 - 08 October 2017,
,2016, 'ADF Forward CBRN Medical Capabilities - Preparing for Black Swans', presented at Australasian Military Medical Association 2016, Melbourne, Australia, 14 October 2016 - 16 October 2016,
,Conference Abstracts
2022, 'A blueprint for well-designed, high-performing cloth masks that can outperform a 3-layered surgical mask', in SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK, ELSEVIER, Vol. 13, pp. S164 - S164,
,(ed.), 2017, 'A Review of Civil-Military Cooperation and Response During Epidemic and Pandemic Events', in Journal of Military and Veterans' Health, Australasian Military Medicine Association, Brisbane, Australia, Vol. 25, pp. 9 - 9, presented at Australasian Military Medicine Conference 2017, Brisbane, Australia, 06 October 2017 - 08 October 2017,
,(ed.), 2017, 'Optimising the use of Technology Enhanced Learning And Teaching (TELT) in Health Services Management Education', in SHAPE Symposium 2017, University of New England, Parramatta Future Campus, 232 Church Street Parramatta, Sydney Australia, presented at SHAPE of Healthcare: Outcomes, Research, Actions, Curriculum, University of New England, Parramatta Future Campus, 232 Church Street Parramatta, Sydney Australia, 19 July 2017 - 21 July 2017,
,2016, 'The role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Health Management education: a global perspective', Sydney, presented at 10th annual Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Global Health Program Workshop, Sydney, 28 October 2016 - 01 October 2016
,(ed.), 2016, 'ADF Forward CBRN Medical Capabilities – Preparing for Black Swans', in Journal of Military and Veterans' Health, Australasian Military Medicine Association, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. 24, pp. 10 - 11, presented at Australasian Military Medical Conference 2016, Melbourne, Australia, 14 October 2016 - 16 October 2016,
,(ed.), 2016, 'The NHMRC CRE for Integrated Systems for Epidemic Response (ISER)', in Journal of Military and Veterans' Health, Australasian Military Medicine Association, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. 24, pp. 68 - 69, presented at Australian Military Medicine Conference 2016, Melbourne, Australia, 14 October 2016 - 16 October 2016,
2018, Outcomes from a Q Fever Biological Attack Scenario Exercise, from the 6th Annual CBRN International Symposium, Defence Science and Technology Group - Australia, Fisherman's Bend, Victoria, Australia, DST-Group-GD-1025
,The history of chemical warfare: a systematic review, INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols,,
2022, Open-Source Intelligence for Detection of Radiological Events and Syndromes Following the Invasion of Ukraine in 2022: Observational Study (Preprint),
,2020, The effectiveness of full and partial travel bans against COVID-19 spread in Australia for travellers from China,
,2020, Estimated Mask Use and Temporal Relationship to COVID-19 Epidemiology of Black Lives Matter Protests in 12 Cities,
,2020, The effectiveness of full and partial travel bans against COVID-19 spread in Australia for travellers from China,