Select Publications


Gatt C; Xie Y; Wahi K; Johansson EMV; Zanini F, 2024, Integrating microscopy and transcriptomics from individual uncultured eukaryotic plankton,

Gatt C; Xie Y; Wahi K; Johansson EMV; Zanini F, 2024, Integrating microscopy and transcriptomics from individual uncultured eukaryotic plankton,

Xu Y; Ahn J; Zanini F, 2024, Fast and lightweight cell atlas approximations across organs and organisms,

Gatt C; Xie Y; Wahi K; Johansson E; Zanini F, 2024, Integrating microscopy and transcriptomics from individual uncultured eukaryotic plankton,

Xie Y; Habibalahi A; Anwer A; Wahi K; Gatt C; Johansson E; Holst J; Goldys E; Zanini F, 2024, Integration of hyperspectral imaging and transcriptomics from individual cells with HyperSeq,

Wahi K; Freidman N; Wang Q; Devadason M; Quek L-E; Pang A; Lloyd L; Larance M; Zanini F; Harvey K; O’Toole S; Guan YF; Holst J, 2024, Macropinocytosis mediates resistance to loss of glutamine transport in triple-negative breast cancer,

Antonov M; Csárdi G; Horvát S; Müller K; Nepusz T; Noom D; Salmon M; Traag V; Welles BF; Zanini F, 2023, igraph enables fast and robust network analysis across programming languages,

Ghita L; Yao Z; Xie Y; Duran V; Cagirici HB; Samir J; Osman I; Agudelo Rojas OL; Sanz AM; Sahoo MK; Robinson ML; Gelvez RM; Bueno N; Luciani F; Pinsky BA; Montoya JG; Estupiñan Cardenas MI; Villar Centeno LA; Rojas Garrido EM; Rosso F; Quake SR; Zanini F; Einav S, 2022, Global and cell type-specific immunological hallmarks of severe dengue progression,

Horvát S; Podkalicki J; Csárdi G; Nepusz T; Traag V; Zanini F; Noom D, 2022, IGraph/M: graph theory and network analysis for Mathematica,

Schnegg-Kaufmann A; Thoms J; Bhuyan GS; Hampton H; Vaughan L; Rutherford K; Kakadia P; Johansson E; Failes T; Arndt G; Koval J; Lindeman R; Warburton P; Rodriguez-Meira A; Mead A; Unnikrishnan A; Bohlander S; Papaemmanuil E; Faridani O; Jolly C; Zanini F; Pimanda J, 2022, Single cell genotyping of matched bone marrow and peripheral blood cells in treatment naive and AZA-treated MDS and CMML,

Putri GH; Anders S; Pyl PT; Pimanda JE; Zanini F, 2021, Analysing high-throughput sequencing data in Python with HTSeq 2.0,

Meyers NL; Ashuach T; Lyons DE; Simoneau CR; Erickson AL; Bouhaddou M; Nguyen TT; Khalid MM; Taha TY; Natarajan V; Baron JL; Neff N; Zanini F; Mahmoud T; Quake SR; Krogan NJ; Cooper S; McDevitt TC; Yosef N; Ott M, 2021, Hepatitis C Virus Infects and Perturbs Liver Stem Cells,

Durham ND; Agrawal A; Waltari E; Croote D; Zanini F; Davidson E; Fouch M; Smith O; Carabajal E; Pak JE; Doranz BJ; Robinson M; Sanz AM; Albornoz LL; Rosso F; Einav S; Quake SR; McCutcheon KM; Goo L, 2019, Functional characterization and lineage analysis of broadly neutralizing human antibodies against dengue virus identified by single B cell transcriptomics,

Brodin J; Zanini F; Thebo L; Lanz C; Bratt G; Neher RA; Albert J, 2016, Establishment and stability of the latent HIV-1 DNA reservoir,

Zanini F; Puller V; Brodin J; Albert J; Neher R, 2016, In-vivo mutation rates and fitness landscape of HIV-1,

Zanini F; Brodin J; Thebo L; Lanz C; Bratt G; Albert J; Neher RA, 2015, Population genomics of intrapatient HIV-1 evolution,

Zanini F; Neher RA, 2013, Deleterious synonymous mutations hitchhike to high frequency in HIV-1 env evolution,

Zanini F; Neher RA, 2012, FFPopSim: An efficient forward simulation package for the evolution of large populations,

Heinen M; Zanini F; Roosen-Runge F; Fedunová D; Zhang F; Hennig M; Seydel T; Schweins R; Sztucki M; Antalík M; Schreiber F; Nägele G, 2011, Viscosity and Diffusion: Crowding and Salt Effects in Protein Solutions,

Zanini F; Che X; Knutsen C; Liu M; Suresh NE; Domingo-Gonzalez R; Dou SH; Pryhuber GS; Jones RC; Quake SR; Cornfield DN; Alvira CM, Developmental Diversity and Unique Sensitivity to Injury of Lung Endothelial Subtypes During a Period of Rapid Postnatal Growth,

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