Select Publications


Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Wise M, 2023, Submission COVID-19 Response Inquiry, UNSW and SLHD, Sydney

Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Olliek M; Page J; Wise M; Page J; Wise M, 2023, An Equity-Focused Health Impact Assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sydney Local Health District: Technical Report.,,

Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Olliek M; Page J; Wise M, 2023, An equity-focused health impact assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sydney Local Health District. Supplementary Material., SLHD and UNSW, Sydney,,

Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Olliek M; Page J; Wise M; Page J, 2023, Equity-focused health impact assessment (EFHIA) of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sydney Local Health District (SLHD): Summary Report, SLHD and UNSW, Sydney,,

Lynch H; Holdroyd I; Black D; Cave B; Harris-Roxas B; Haigh F; O’Mullane M; Stevenson A; Vohra S; Ford J, 2023, Sick Britain: A call for mandatory Health Impact Assessments across government with the support of a dedicated ‘Health in All Policies’ support unit (Evidence Brief), Queen Mary University of London for The Health Foundation, London,,

Kanti-Mistry S; Johnson G; Perren K; Raffan F; Saito S; Shaw M; Harris-Roxas B; Haigh F; Mistry SK, 2021, Virtual care and Health Equity: A rapid literature review to identify equity issues in access and delivery of virtual care interventions, RPA Virtual Hospital, Sydney Local Health District, Sydney,

Haigh F; Jaques K, 2020, South Western Sydney Local Health District: Fair Health Matters Equity Framework to 2025, SWSLHD, Liverpool,

Harris-Roxas B; Haigh F; Charlesworth K, 2020, Submission to Climate Health WA Inquiry, Government of Western Australia, Perth,

Moeller H; Haigh F; Sharma A; Veerman L, 2019, Proposal for a preferred method to cost the health benefits of active transport in New South Wales, NSW Health, Sydney

Zapart S; Haigh F; Gorgioski N, 2019, Rapid and enhanced community consultation: An investigation and review, Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation (CHETRE), Sydney,

Harris M; Haigh F; Fatema K; Hirono K; Crimeen A; de Leeuw E, 2019, A literature review of gender-sensitive and equity focused service delivery models

Jaques K; Haigh F, 2019, Desktop Health Impact Assessment of Seniors Living in Claymore, CHETRE, Liverpool

Crimeen A; Jaques K; Haigh F, 2018, Health Assessment Protocol for Wollondilly Shire Council: Project Report,

Harris-Roxas B; Cave B; Dreaves H; Gulis G; Haigh F; Harris E; Hirono K; Jabot F; Rise M; Rivadeneyra A; Roué le Gall A; Simos J; St Pierre L; Wise M, 2018, International Union for Health Promotion and Education Position Paper on Health Impact Assessment, International Union for Health Promotion and Education - IUHPE, Saint-Maurice, France,

Crimeen A; Bernstein ; Zapart S; Haigh FA; Zapart S, 2018, Place-based Interventions Literature Review: A Realist Informed Review, Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation, Liverpool, Sydney,,

Jaques K; Bernstein M; Haigh FA; Zapart S; Zapart S, 2018, Reducing the Risk of Potentially Preventable Hospitalisations: A Literature Review of Community-based Approaches,

Hirono K; Haigh FA; Jaques K; Crimeen A, 2017, Integrating Health Considerations into Wollondilly Shire Council Planning Processes.,

Hirono K; Haigh FA; Jaques K; Fletcher-Lartey S; Millen L; Calalang C, 2017, Is anyone listening? Health impact assessment of the Western Sydney Airport community engagement process,

Crimeen A; Haigh FA, 2017, Submission to Environmental Impact Assessment Improvement Project Guideline 6- Draft Community and Stakeholder Engagement

Harris-Roxas BF; Haigh F; Jaques K, 2016, Health Justice Partnerships in NSW: Program logic, Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation (CHETRE), part of the UNSW Australia Research Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, a Unit of Population Health, South Western Sydney Local Health District, NSW Health, a member of the Ingham Institute, Sydney,

Hirono K; Haigh FA; Gleeson D; Harris P; Thow AM, 2015, Negotiating healthy trade in Australia: Health impact assessment of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation, part of the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Australia, Liverpool, NSW,,

MacNaughton G; Haigh F; McGill M; Koutsioumpas K; Sprague C, 2015, World Health Organization Human rights, health policy-making and programming Case Study Report: Vermont’s Human Rights-Based Approach to Universal Health Care Coverage

Hirono KT; Gleeson D; Haigh F; Harris P, 2014, The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations and the health of Australians: A policy brief., Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation, Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW Australia.

Haigh FA; Lawless A, 2013, Equity Focused Health impact Assessment of a South Australian Stage One Afterhours Care Plan, University of New South Wales Sydney, Sydney

Harris E; Haigh FA; Baum F; Harris-Roxas B; Kemp L; Ng Chok H; Spickett J; Keleher H; Morgan R; Harris M; Dannenberg A, 2013, Effectiveness of Health Impact Assessment in New Zealand and Australia 2005-2009, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,

Harris P; Haigh FA, 2013, Reflections and Recommendations for the Health Sector collaborating with the Housing Sector’s Master Planning: lessons and experiences from Villawood East., UNSW Sydney, Sydney

Harris E; Baum F; Wise M; Furler J; Lawless A; Harris P; Harris-Roxas B; Haigh FA; Kemp L; Hurley C, 2013, The impact of Equity Focused Health Impact Assessments on local planning for after hours care to better meet the needs of vulnerable populations, University of New South Wales Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, Sydney,

Haigh FA; Harris P; Ng Chok ; Coffey J; Thornell M, 2013, Villawood East Master Plan Health Impact Assessment Report, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation, part of the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, Faculty of Medicine, University of NSW, Sydney,

Harris P; Sainsbury P; Haigh FA; Wise M, 2012, Submission to the NSW Planning System Review Green Paper

Wise M; Haigh FA; Collins L, 2012, The Health Street Project: A Rapid Health Impact Assessment, Sydney

Haigh FA; Ng Chok H; Harris P, 2011, Housing density and health: A review of the literature and Health Impact Assessments, CHETRE, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Harris P; Haigh FA; Wise M, 2011, Submission to the NSW Planning System Review Issues Paper, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation / Sydney and Sydney South West Local Health Districts

Povall S; Haigh F; Abrahams D; Scott-Samuels A, 2010, Health Equity Impact Assessment Project Report, IMPACT, Liverpool,,

Pennington A; Dreaves H; Haigh F, 2010, A comprehensive Health Impact Assessment of the City West Housing and Neighborhood Improvement Programme, IMPACT, Liverpool

Abrahams D; Haigh F; Pennington A; Dreaves H, 2009, A Health Impact Assessment of Birmingham International Airports proposed runway extension, IMPACT, Liverpool

Birley M; Abrahams D; Pennington A; Haigh F; Dreaves H, 2008, A Health Impact Assessment of the Energy from Waste facility in the State of Jersey: Stage 2, IMPACT, Liverpool

Haigh F; Pennington A; Abrahams D, 2008, A Health Impact Assessment of the proposed sports stadium and retail development in Kirkby, IMPACT, Liverpool

IMPACT ; Haigh F, 2006, An Integrated rapid Health Impact Assessment and Race Impact Assessment of ‘Making it Better, Making it Real’, IMPACT, Liverpool

Haigh F; Scott-Samuel A, 2006, The Liverpool Citysafe Trailblazers Netherley Valley Citizen’s Jury Health Impact Assessment, IMPACT, Liverpool

Haigh F; Scott-Samuel A, 2006, The Liverpool Citysafe Trailblazers Norris Green Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy Health Impact Assessment, IMPACT, Liverpool

Abrahams D; Pennington A; Scott-Samuel A; Doyle C; Metcalf O; den Broeder L; Haigh FA; Mekel O; Fehr R, 2004, European Policy Health Impact Assessment (EPHIA) a guide,

Abrahams D; Pennington A; Haigh F, 2004, Health Impact Assessment of the European Employment Strategy across the European Union, University of Liverpool, Liverpool

Haigh F; Mekel O, 2004, Health Impact Assessment of the European Employment Strategy in Germany, NRW Institute of Public Health NRW (lögd)., Bielefeld

Abrahams D; Pennington A; Scott-Samuel A; Doyle C; Metcalfe O; den Broeder L; Haigh F; Mekel O; Fehr R, 2004, Policy Health Impact Assessment for the European Union – final project report, University of Liverpool, Liverpool

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