Book Chapters
Wakeham K; Newton R; Sitas F, 2013, '23 Cancer in the Tropics', in Hunter's Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Disease, Elsevier, pp. 185 - 191,
Sewram V; Sitas F; O'Connell D; Myers J; Klaassen L, 2012, 'Oesophageal cancer in South Africa', in Esophageal Cancer: Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Treatment, pp. 53 - 76
Wakeham K; Newton R; Sitas F, 2012, 'Cancer in the Tropics', in Hunter's Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Disease: Ninth Edition, pp. 185 - 191,
Sitas F; Carrara HRO; Patel M; Hale M; Bezwoda W; Ruff P; Laikier R; Newton R; Beral V, 2000, 'Epidemiology of smoking-related cancers in South Africa', in Tobacco: The Growing Epidemic, Springer London, pp. 104 - 105,
Newton R; Sitas F; Dedicoat M; Ziegler JL, 'HIV Infection and Cancer', in AIDS in Africa, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 386 - 404,
Journal articles
Grammatopoulos T; Yeoh E; El-Haddad N; Carson-Chahhoud K; Sitas F, 2024, 'Dual tobacco smoking, electronic cigarette use and COVID-19 outcomes', European Journal of Internal Medicine, 128, pp. 156 - 157,
Bryazka D; Reitsma MB; Abate YH; Abd Al Magied AHA; Abdelkader A; Abdollahi A; Abdoun M; Abdulkader RS; Abeldaño Zuñiga RA; Abhilash ES; Abiodun OO; Abiodun O; Aboagye RG; Abreu LG; Abtahi D; Abualruz H; Abubakar B; Abu-Rmeileh NM; Aburuz S; Abu-Zaid A; Adane MM; Adebiyi AO; Adegboye OA; Adekanmbi V; Adewuyi HO; Adnani QES; Adzigbli LA; Afaghi S; Afolabi AA; Afzal MS; Afzal S; Agodi A; Agyemang-Duah W; Ahinkorah BO; Ahlstrom AJ; Ahmad A; Ahmad D; Ahmad MM; Ahmad S; Ahmad S; Ahmadi A; Ahmed A; Ahmed A; Ahmed H; Ahmed MB; Ahmed S; Ajami M; Akkaif MA; Akter E; Al Awaidy S; Al Hasan SM; Al-Ajlouni Y; Al-Aly Z; Alam K; Alam Z; Aldhaleei WA; Algammal AM; Al-Gheethi AAS; Alhabib KF; Alhalaiqa FN; Al-Hanawi MK; Ali A; Ali MU; Ali R; Ali SS; Ali W; Alif SM; Aljunid SM; Alla F; Allebeck P; Almahmeed W; Al-Marwani S; Al-Maweri S; Alomari MA; Alqahtani JS; Alqutaibi AY; Al-Raddadi RMM; Alrousan SM; Alsakarneh S; Alshahrani NZ; Altaany Z; Altaf A; Alvis-Guzman N; Al-Wardat M; Al-Worafi YM; Aly H; Aly S; Alyahya MSI; Alzoubi KH; Al-Zyoud WA; Amani R; Amin TT; Amiri S; Amu H; Amul GGH; Amusa GA; Anand T; Anderlini D; Anderson DB; Anderson JA; Sitas F; Feng X; Peprah P; Okeke S; Lin J, 2024, 'Forecasting the effects of smoking prevalence scenarios on years of life lost and life expectancy from 2022 to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet Public Health, 9, pp. e729 - e744,
Singini MG; Muchengeti M; Sitas F; Chen WC; Combes JD; Waterboer T; Clifford GM, 2024, 'Antibodies against high-risk human papillomavirus proteins as markers for noncervical HPV-related cancers in a Black South African population, according to HIV status', International Journal of Cancer, 155, pp. 251 - 260,
Schumacher AE; Kyu HH; Antony CM; Aravkin AY; Azhar GS; Bisignano C; Burkart K; Cercy KM; Chung E; Coberly K; Comfort H; Cousin E; Culbreth GT; Cunningham M; Weaver ND; Degenhardt L; Deitesfeld L; Dirac MA; Estep K; Feigin VL; Flaxman AD; Flor LS; Force LM; Fuller JE; Gakidou E; Hay SI; Ikuta KS; Jones DP; Kassebaum NJ; Kassel MB; Keller C; Kinzel KE; Krohn KJ; Lozano R; May EA; McKowen ALW; McLaughlin SA; Mehlman ML; Mestrovic T; Mokdad AH; Mosser JF; Mougin V; Naghavi M; Nesbit OD; Novotney A; Ozten Y; Pease SA; Pigott DM; Reiner RC; Robinson-Oden HE; Shaw DH; Slepak ELN; Sorensen RJD; Verghese NA; Vollset SE; Vongpradith A; Vos T; Wang D; Watson S; Weaver MR; Wells KM; Wilson S; Wool EE; Zheng P; Lim SS; Murray CJL; Boyko EJ; Chahine Y; Kalani R; Krishnamoorthy V; Khalil IA; Minja NW; Morrison SD; Nafukho FM; Olivas-Martinez A; Orellana ER; Tram KH; Aali A; Rahnavard N; Ahmadzade AM; Mohammad-Pour S; Morovatdar N; Pourali G; Zafari N; Abbafati C; Cattaruzza MS; Abbas J; Phillips MR; Abbasgholizadeh R; Emamverdi M; Friedman J; Abbasi MA; Daneshvar S; Dashti M; Ghasemzadeh A; Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attari M; Doshmangir L; Ghafourifard M; Lotfi M; Hosseini MS; Mitchell P; Sharma S; Xu L; Addo I; Biswas RK; Okeke S; Aboagye R; Huda MN; Cullen P; Sitas F; Resnikoff S; Si Y; Dai-Keller Z, 2024, 'Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet, 403, pp. 1989 - 2056,
Naghavi M; Ong KL; Aali A; Ababneh HS; Abate YH; Abbafati C; Abbasgholizadeh R; Abbasian M; Abbasi-Kangevari M; Abbastabar H; Abd ElHafeez S; Abdelmasseh M; Abd-Elsalam S; Abdelwahab A; Abdollahi M; Abdollahifar MA; Abdoun M; Abdulah DM; Abdullahi A; Abebe M; Abebe SS; Abedi A; Abegaz KH; Abhilash ES; Abidi H; Abiodun O; Aboagye RG; Abolhassani H; Abolmaali M; Abouzid M; Aboye GB; Abreu LG; Abrha WA; Abtahi D; Abu Rumeileh S; Abualruz H; Abubakar B; Abu-Gharbieh E; Abu-Rmeileh NM; Aburuz S; Abu-Zaid A; Accrombessi MMK; Adal TG; Adamu AA; Addo IY; Addolorato G; Adebiyi AO; Adekanmbi V; Adepoju AV; Adetunji CO; Adetunji JB; Adeyeoluwa TE; Adeyinka DA; Adeyomoye OI; Admass BA; Adnani QES; Adra S; Afolabi AA; Afzal MS; Afzal S; Agampodi SB; Agasthi P; Aggarwal M; Aghamiri S; Agide FD; Agodi A; Agrawal A; Agyemang-Duah W; Ahinkorah BO; Ahmad A; Ahmad D; Ahmad F; Ahmad MM; Ahmad S; Ahmad S; Ahmad T; Ahmadi K; Ahmadzade AM; Ahmed A; Ahmed A; Ahmed H; Ahmed LA; Ahmed MS; Ahmed MS; Ahmed MB; Ahmed SA; Ajami M; Aji B; Akara EM; Akbarialiabad H; Akinosoglou K; Akinyemiju T; Akkaif MA; Akyirem S; Al Hamad H; Al Hasan SM; Alahdab F; Alalalmeh SO; Alalwan TA; Al-Aly Z; Sharma S; Mitchell P; Cullen P; Xu L; Peprah P; Degenhardt L; Sitas F; Schutte A; Pesudovs K; Maulik PK; Godinho M; Okeke S; Hunter J; Sachdev P; Dai-Keller Z, 2024, 'Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet, 403, pp. 2100 - 2132,
Motlhale M; Sitas F; de Villiers CB; Simba H; Feliu A; Chen WC; Schüz J; Muchengeti M; McCormack V, 2024, 'Smokeless tobacco (snuff) and site-specific cancer risks in adult Black South African women: Findings from the Johannesburg Cancer Study', International Journal of Cancer,
Chen WC; Brandenburg JT; Choudhury A; Hayat M; Sengupta D; Swiel Y; Babb de Villiers C; Ferndale L; Aldous C; Soo CC; Lee S; Curtis C; Newton R; Waterboer T; Sitas F; Bradshaw D; Abnet CC; Ramsay M; Parker MI; Singh E; Lewis CM; Mathew CG, 2023, 'Genome-wide association study of esophageal squamous cell cancer identifies shared and distinct risk variants in African and Chinese populations', American Journal of Human Genetics, 110, pp. 1690 - 1703,
Motlhale M; Muchengeti M; Bradshaw D; Chen WC; Singini MG; de Villiers CB; Lewis CM; Bender N; Mathew CG; Newton R; Waterboer T; Singh E; Sitas F, 2023, 'Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, HIV-1 and Kaposi sarcoma risk in black South Africans diagnosed with cancer during antiretroviral treatment rollout', International Journal of Cancer, 152, pp. 2081 - 2089,
Kumar VA; Janusic T; Leeder SR; Sitas F, 2023, 'Revisiting the IJE’s Cohort Profile series—how have the cohorts fared?', International Journal of Epidemiology, 52, pp. 331 - 335,
Sitas F; Short G; Brooke M; Griffiths K, 2023, 'Smoking and vaping on death notification forms in Australia: Improving the reporting of preventable risk factors', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 34,
Sengayi-Muchengeti M; Singh E; Chen WC; Bradshaw D; de Villiers CB; Newton R; Waterboer T; Mathew CG; Sitas F, 2023, 'Thirteen cancers associated with HIV infection in a Black South African cancer patient population (1995-2016)', International Journal of Cancer, 152, pp. 183 - 194,
Singini MG; Singh E; Bradshaw D; Ramaliba T; Chen WC; Motlhale M; Kamiza AB; Babb de Villiers C; Muchengeti M; Mathew CG; Newton R; Bender N; Waterboer T; Sitas F, 2023, 'Usefulness of high-risk HPV early oncoprotein (E6 and E7) serological markers in the detection of cervical cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Journal of Medical Virology, 95,
Sitas F; Grulich A; Newton R, 2023, 'Obituary: Valerie Beral (28 July 1946–27 August 2022)', Cancer Epidemiology, 83, pp. 102340,
Singini MG; Singh E; Bradshaw D; Chen WC; Motlhale M; Kamiza AB; de Villiers CB; Muchengeti M; Mathew CG; Newton R; Bender N; Waterboer T; Sitas F, 2022, 'HPV types 16/18 L1 E6 and E7 proteins seropositivity and cervical cancer risk in HIV-positive and HIV-negative black South African women', Infectious Agents and Cancer, 17, pp. 14,
Sitas F; Harris-Roxas B; White S; Barr M; Haigh F; Harris M, 2022, 'Smoking cessation on discharge summaries', Medical Journal of Australia, 218, pp. 46 - 46,
Groenewald P; Pacella R; Sitas F; Awotiwon OF; Vellios N; Van Rensburg CJ; Manda S; Laubscher R; Nojilana B; Joubert JD; Labadarios D; Ayo-Yusuf L; Roomaney RA; Turawa EB; Neethling I; Abdelatif N; Pillay-van Wyk V; Bradshaw D, 2022, 'Estimating the changing disease burden attributable to smoking in South Africa for 2000, 2006 and 2012', South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde, 112, pp. 649 - 661,
Smith J; Togawa K; Dresler C; Hawari F; Zain ZM; Stewart B; Warren GW; Sitas F, 2022, 'Smoking cessation after a cancer diagnosis: Commentary on special supplement in Cancer Epidemiology', Cancer Epidemiology, 79, pp. 102210,
Stewart BW; Sitas F; Currow DC, 2022, 'Country profile: Australia, New South Wales. From validation to implementation: Progressing tobacco smoking cessation among people with cancer and beyond via relevant authorities', Cancer Epidemiology, 78, pp. 102138,
Motlhale M; Sitas F; Bradshaw D; Chen WC; Singini MG; de Villiers CB; Lewis CM; Muchengeti M; Waterboer T; Mathew CG; Newton R; Singh E, 2022, 'Epidemiology of Kaposi's sarcoma in sub-Saharan Africa', Cancer Epidemiology, 78, pp. 102167,
Motlhale M; Sitas F; Bradshaw D; Chen WC; Singini MG; de Villiers CB; Lewis CM; Muchengeti M; Waterboer T; Mathew CG; Newton R; Singh E, 2022, 'Lifestyle factors associated with sex differences in Kaposi sarcoma incidence among adult black South Africans: A case-control study', Cancer Epidemiology, 78, pp. 102158,
Kricker A; Weber MF; Pawlita M; Sitas F; Hodgkinson VS; Rahman B; van Kemenade CH; Armstrong BK; Waterboer T, 2022, 'Cutaneous b HPVs, Sun Exposure, and Risk of Squamous and Basal Cell Skin Cancers in Australia', Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 31, pp. 614 - 624,
Bradshaw D; Pillay-van Wyk V; Neethling I; Roomaney RA; Cois A; Joubert JD; Nannan N; Abdelatif N; Awotiwon OF; Turawa EB; Nojilana B; Groenewald P; Matzopoulos R; Prinsloo M; Cairncross E; Wright CY; Peer N; Pacella R, 2022, 'Second Comparative Risk Assessment for South Africa (SACRA2) highlights need for health promotion and strengthened surveillance', SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 112, pp. 556 - 570,
Collaborators GBDCRF; Tran KB; Lang JJ; Compton K; Xu R; Acheson AR; Henrikson HJ; Kocarnik JM; Penberthy L; Aali A; Abbas Q; Abbasi B; Abbasi-Kangevari M; Abbasi-Kangevari Z; Abbastabar H; Abdelmasseh M; Abd-Elsalam S; Abdelwahab AA; Abdoli G; Abdulkadir HA; Abedi A; Abegaz KH; Abidi H; Aboagye RG; Abolhassani H; Absalan A; Abtew YD; Ali HA; Abu-Gharbieh E; Achappa B; Acuna JM; Addison D; Addo IY; Adegboye OA; Adesina MA; Adnan M; Adnani QES; Advani SM; Afrin S; Afzal MS; Aggarwal M; Ahinkorah BO; Ahmad AR; Ahmad R; Ahmad S; Ahmad S; Ahmadi S; Ahmed H; Ahmed LA; Ahmed MB; Rashid TA; Aiman W; Ajami M; Akalu GT; Akbarzadeh-Khiavi M; Aklilu A; Akonde M; Akunna CJ; Hamad HA; Alahdab F; Alanezi FM; Alanzi TM; Alessy SA; Algammal AM; Al-Hanawi MK; Alhassan RK; Ali BA; Ali L; Ali SS; Alimohamadi Y; Alipour V; Aljunid SM; Alkhayyat M; Al-Maweri SAA; Almustanyir S; Alonso N; Alqalyoobi S; Al-Raddadi RM; Al-Rifai RHH; Al-Sabah SK; Al-Tammemi AB; Altawalah H; Alvis-Guzman N; Amare F; Ameyaw EK; Dehkordi JJA; Amirzade-Iranaq MH; Amu H; Amusa GA; Ancuceanu R; Anderson JA; Animut YA; Anoushiravani A; Anoushirvani AA; Ansari-Moghaddam A; Ansha MG; Antony B; Antwi MH; Anwar SL; Anwer R; Anyasodor AE; Arabloo J; Arab-Zozani M; Aremu O; Argaw AM; Ariffin H; Aripov T; Arshad M; Artaman A; Arulappan J; Aruleba RT; Aryannejad A; Asaad M; Asemahagn MA; Asemi Z; Asghari-Jafarabadi M; Ashraf T; Assadi R; Athar M; Athari SS; Atout MMW; Attia S; Aujayeb A; Ausloos M; Avila-Burgos L; Awedew AF; Awoke MA; Awoke T; Quintanilla BPA; Ayana TM; Ayen SS; Azadi D; Azadnajafabad S; Azami-Aghdash S; Azanaw MM; Azangou-Khyavy M; Jafari AA; Azizi H; Azzam AYY; Babajani A; Badar M; Badiye AD; Baghcheghi N; Bagheri N; Bagherieh S; Bahadory S; Baig AA; Baker JL; Bakhtiari A; Bakshi RK; Banach M; Banerjee I; Bardhan M; Barone-Adesi F; Barra F; Barrow A; Bashir NZ; Bashiri A; Basu S; Batiha A-MM; Begum A; Bekele AB; Belay AS; Belete MA; Belgaumi UI; Bell AW; Belo L; Benzian H; Berhie AY; Bermudez ANC; Bernabe E; Bhagavathula AS; Bhala N; Bhandari BB; Bhardwaj N; Bhardwaj P; Bhattacharyya K; Bhojaraja VS; Bhuyan SS; Bibi S; Bilchut AH; Bintoro BS; Biondi A; Birega MGB; Birhan HE; Bjørge T; Blyuss O; Bodicha BBA; Bolla SR; Boloor A; Bosetti C; Braithwaite D; Brauer M; Brenner H; Briko AN; Briko NI; Buchanan CM; Bulamu NB; Bustamante-Teixeira MT; Butt MH; Butt NS; Butt ZA; dos Santos FLC; Cámera LA; Cao C; Cao Y; Carreras G; Carvalho M; Cembranel F; Cerin E; Chakraborty PA; Charalampous P; Chattu VK; Chimed-Ochir O; Chirinos-Caceres JL; Cho DY; Cho WCS; Christopher DJ; Chu D-T; Chukwu IS; Cohen AJ; Conde J; Cortés S; Costa VM; Cruz-Martins N; Culbreth GT; Dadras O; Dagnaw FT; Dahlawi SMA; Dai X; Dandona L; Dandona R; Daneshpajouhnejad P; Danielewicz A; Dao ATM; Soltani RDC; Darwesh AM; Das S; Davitoiu DV; Esmaeili ED; De la Hoz FP; Debela SA; Dehghan A; Demisse B; Demisse FW; Denova-Gutiérrez E; Derakhshani A; Molla MD; Dereje D; Deribe KS; Desai R; Desalegn MD; Dessalegn FN; Dessalegni SAA; Dessie G; Desta AA; Dewan SMR; Dharmaratne SD; Dhimal M; Dianatinasab M; Diao N; Diaz D; Digesa LE; Dixit SG; Doaei S; Doan LP; Doku PN; Dongarwar D; dos Santos WM; Driscoll TR; Dsouza HL; Durojaiye OC; Edalati S; Eghbalian F; Ehsani-Chimeh E; Eini E; Ekholuenetale M; Ekundayo TC; Ekwueme DU; Tantawi ME; Elbahnasawy MA; Elbarazi I; Elghazaly H; Elhadi M; El-Huneidi W; Emamian MH; Bain LE; Enyew DB; Erkhembayar R; Eshetu T; Eshrati B; Eskandarieh S; Espinosa-Montero J; Etaee F; Etemadimanesh A; Eyayu T; Ezeonwumelu IJ; Ezzikouri S; Fagbamigbe AF; Fahimi S; Fakhradiyev IR; Faraon EJA; Fares J; Farmany A; Farooque U; Farrokhpour H; Fasanmi AO; Fatehizadeh A; Fatima W; Fattahi H; Fekadu G; Feleke BE; Ferrari AA; Ferrero S; Desideri LF; Filip I; Fischer F; Foroumadi R; Foroutan M; Fukumoto T; Gaal PA; Gad MM; Gadanya MA; Gaipov A; Galehdar N; Gallus S; Garg T; Fonseca MG; Gebremariam YH; Gebremeskel TG; Gebremichael MA; Geda YF; Gela YY; Gemeda BNB; Getachew M; Getachew ME; Ghaffari K; Ghafourifard M; Ghamari S-H; Nour MG; Ghassemi F; Ghimire A; Ghith N; Gholamalizadeh M; Navashenaq JG; Ghozy S; Gilani SA; Gill PS; Ginindza TG; Gizaw ATT; Glasbey JC; Godos J; Goel A; Golechha M; Goleij P; Golinelli D; Golitaleb M; Gorini G; Goulart BNG; Grosso G; Guadie HA; Gubari MIM; Gudayu TW; Guerra MR; Gunawardane DA; Gupta B; Gupta S; Gupta VB; Gupta VK; Gurara MK; Guta A; Habibzadeh P; Avval AH; Hafezi-Nejad N; Ali AH; Haj-Mirzaian A; Halboub ES; Halimi A; Halwani R; Hamadeh RR; Hameed S; Hamidi S; Hanif A; Hariri S; Harlianto NI; Haro JM; Hartono RK; Hasaballah AI; Hasan SMM; Hasani H; Hashemi SM; Hassan AM; Hassanipour S; Hayat K; Heidari G; Heidari M; Heidarymeybodi Z; Herrera-Serna BY; Herteliu C; Hezam K; Hiraike Y; Hlongwa MM; Holla R; Holm M; Horita N; Hoseini M; Hossain M; Hossain MBH; Hosseini M-S; Hosseinzadeh A; Hosseinzadeh M; Hostiuc M; Hostiuc S; Househ M; Huang J; Hugo FN; Humayun A; Hussain S; Hussein NR; Hwang B-F; Ibitoye SE; Iftikhar PM; Ikuta KS; Ilesanmi OS; Ilic IM; Ilic MD; Immurana M; Innos K; Iranpour P; Irham LM; Islam S; Islam RM; Islami F; Ismail NE; Isola G; Iwagami M; J LM; Jaiswal A; Jakovljevic M; Jalili M; Jalilian S; Jamshidi E; Jang S-I; Jani CT; Javaheri T; Jayarajah UU; Jayaram S; Jazayeri SB; Jebai R; Jemal B; Jeong W; Jha RP; Jindal HA; John-Akinola YO; Jonas JB; Joo T; Joseph N; Joukar F; Jozwiak JJ; Jürisson M; Kabir A; Kacimi SEO; Kadashetti V; Kahe F; Kakodkar PV; Kalankesh LR; Kalankesh LR; Kalhor R; Kamal VK; Kamangar F; Kamath A; Kanchan T; Kandaswamy E; Kandel H; Kang H; Kanno GG; Kapoor N; Kar SS; Karanth SD; Karaye IM; Karch A; Karimi A; Kassa BG; Katoto PDMC; Kauppila JH; Kaur H; Kebede AG; Keikavoosi-Arani L; Kejela GG; Bohan PMK; Keramati M; Keykhaei M; Khajuria H; Khan A; Khan AAK; Khan EA; Khan G; Khan N; Khan MAB; Khanali J; Khatab K; Khatatbeh MM; Khatib MN; Khayamzadeh M; Kashani HRK; Tabari MAK; Khezeli M; Khodadost M; Kim MS; Kim YJ; Kisa A; Kisa S; Klugar M; Klugarová J; Kolahi A-A; Kolkhir P; Kompani F; Koul PA; Laxminarayana SLK; Koyanagi A; Krishan K; Krishnamoorthy Y; Bicer BK; Kugbey N; Kulimbet M; Kumar A; Kumar GA; Kumar N; Kurmi OP; Kuttikkattu A; La Vecchia C; Lahiri A; Lal DK; Lám J; Lan Q; Landires I; Larijani B; Lasrado S; Lau J; Lauriola P; Ledda C; Lee S-W; Lee SWH; Lee W-C; Lee YY; Lee YH; Legesse SM; Leigh J; Leong E; Li M-C; Lim SS; Liu G; Liu J; Lo C-H; Lohiya A; Lopukhov PD; Lorenzovici L; Lotfi M; Loureiro JA; Lunevicius R; Madadizadeh F; Mafi AR; Magdeldin S; Mahjoub S; Mahmoodpoor A; Mahmoudi M; Mahmoudimanesh M; Mahumud RA; Majeed A; Majidpoor J; Makki A; Makris KC; Rad EM; Malekpour M-R; Malekzadeh R; Malik AA; Mallhi TH; Mallya SD; Mamun MA; Manda AL; Mansour-Ghanaei F; Mansouri B; Mansournia MA; Mantovani LG; Martini S; Martorell M; Masoudi S; Masoumi SZ; Matei CN; Mathews E; Mathur MR; Mathur V; McKee M; Meena JK; Mehmood K; Nasab EM; Mehrotra R; Melese A; Mendoza W; Menezes RG; Mengesha SD; Mensah LG; Mentis A-FA; Mera-Mamián AYM; Meretoja TJ; Merid MW; Mersha AG; Meselu BT; Meshkat M; Mestrovic T; Jonasson JM; Miazgowski T; Michalek IM; Mijena GFW; Miller TR; Mir SA; Mirinezhad SK; Mirmoeeni S; Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attari M; Mirzaei H; Mirzaei HR; Misganaw AS; Misra S; Mohammad KA; Mohammadi E; Mohammadi M; Mohammadian-Hafshejani A; Mohammadpourhodki R; Mohammed A; Mohammed S; Mohan S; Mohseni M; Moka N; Mokdad AH; Molassiotis A; Molokhia M; Momenzadeh K; Momtazmanesh S; Monasta L; Mons U; Montasir AA; Montazeri F; Montero A; Moosavi MA; Moradi A; Moradi Y; Sarabi MM; Moraga P; Morawska L; Morrison SD; Morze J; Mosapour A; Mostafavi E; Mousavi SM; Isfahani HM; Khaneghah AM; Mpundu-Kaambwa C; Mubarik S; Mulita F; Munblit D; Munro SB; Murillo-Zamora E; Musa J; Nabhan AF; Nagarajan AJ; Nagaraju SP; Nagel G; Naghipour M; Naimzada MD; Nair TS; Naqvi AA; Swamy SN; Narayana AI; Nassereldine H; Natto ZS; Nayak BP; Ndejjo R; Nduaguba SO; Negash WW; Nejadghaderi SA; Nejati K; Kandel SN; Van Nguyen Nguyen H; Niazi RK; Noor NM; Noori M; Noroozi N; Nouraei H; Nowroozi A; Nuñez-Samudio V; Nzoputam CI; Nzoputam OJ; Oancea B; Odukoya OO; Oghenetega OB; Ogunsakin RE; Oguntade AS; Oh I-H; Okati-Aliabad H; Okekunle AP; Olagunju AT; Olagunju TO; Olakunde BO; Olufadewa II; Omer E; Omonisi AEE; Ong S; Onwujekwe OE; Orru H; Otstavnov SS; Oulhaj A; Oumer B; Owopetu OF; Oyinloye BE; Mahesh PA; Padron-Monedero A; Padubidri JR; Pakbin B; Pakshir K; Pakzad R; Palicz T; Pana A; Pandey A; Pandey A; Pant S; Pardhan S; Park E-C; Park E-K; Park S; Patel J; Pati S; Paudel R; Paudel U; Paun M; Toroudi HP; Peng M; Pereira J; Pereira RB; Perna S; Perumalsamy N; Pestell RG; Pezzani R; Piccinelli C; Pillay JD; Piracha ZZ; Pischon T; Postma MJ; Langroudi AP; Pourshams A; Pourtaheri N; Prashant A; Qadir MMF; Syed ZQ; Rabiee M; Rabiee N; Radfar A; Radhakrishnan RA; Radhakrishnan V; Raeisi M; Rafiee A; Rafiei A; Raheem N; Rahim F; Rahman O; Rahman M; Rahman MA; Rahmani AM; Rahmani S; Rahmanian V; Rajai N; Rajesh A; Ram P; Ramezanzadeh K; Rana J; Ranabhat K; Ranasinghe P; Rao CR; Rao SJ; Rashedi S; Rashidi A; Rashidi M; Rashidi M-M; Ratan ZA; Rawaf DL; Rawaf S; Rawal L; Rawassizadeh R; Razeghinia MS; Rehman AU; Rehman IU; Reitsma MB; Renzaho AMN; Rezaei M; Rezaei N; Rezaei N; Rezaei N; Rezaei S; Rezaeian M; Rezapour A; Riad A; Rikhtegar R; Rios-Blancas M; Roberts TJ; Rohloff P; Romero-Rodríguez E; Roshandel G; Rwegerera GM; Manjula S; Saber-Ayad MM; Saberzadeh-Ardestani B; Sabour S; Saddik B; Sadeghi E; Saeb MR; Saeed U; Safaei M; Safary A; Sahebazzamani M; Sahebkar A; Sahoo H; Sajid MR; Salari H; Salehi S; Salem MR; Salimzadeh H; Samodra YL; Samy AM; Sanabria J; Sankararaman S; Sanmarchi F; Santric-Milicevic MM; Saqib MAN; Sarveazad A; Sarvi F; Sathian B; Satpathy M; Sayegh N; Schneider IJC; Schwarzinger M; Šekerija M; Senthilkumaran S; Sepanlou SG; Seylani A; Seyoum K; Sha F; Shafaat O; Shah PA; Shahabi S; Shahid I; Shahrbaf MA; Shahsavari HR; Shaikh MA; Shaka MF; Shaker E; Shannawaz M; Sharew MMS; Sharifi A; Sharifi-Rad J; Sharma P; Shashamo BB; Sheikh A; Sheikh ; Sheikhbahaei S; Sheikhi RA; Sheikhy A; Shepherd PR; Shetty A; Shetty JK; Shetty RS; Shibuya K; Shirkoohi R; Shirzad-Aski H; Shivakumar KM; Shivalli S; Shivarov V; Shobeiri P; Varniab ZS; Shorofi SA; Shrestha S; Sibhat MM; Malleshappa SKS; Sidemo NB; Silva DAS; Silva LMLR; Julian GS; Silvestris N; Simegn W; Singh AD; Singh A; Singh G; Singh H; Singh JA; Singh JK; Singh P; Singh S; Sinha DN; Sinke AH; Siraj S; Sitas F; Siwal SS; Skryabin VY; Skryabina AA; Socea B; Soeberg MJ; Sofi-Mahmudi A; Solomon Y; Soltani-Zangbar MS; Song S; Song Y; Sorensen RJD; Soshnikov S; Sotoudeh H; Sowe A; Sufiyan MB; Suk R; Suleman M; Abdulkader RS; Sultana S; Sur D; Szócska M; Tabaeian SP; Tabarés-Seisdedos R; Tabatabaei SM; Tabuchi T; Tadbiri H; Taheri E; Taheri M; Soodejani MT; Takahashi K; Talaat IM; Tampa M; Tan K-K; Tat NY; Tat VY; Tavakoli A; Tavakoli A; Tehrani-Banihashemi A; Tekalegn Y; Tesfay FH; Thapar R; Thavamani A; Chandrasekar VT; Thomas N; Thomas NK; Ticoalu JHV; Tiyuri A; Tollosa DN; Topor-Madry R; Touvier M; Tovani-Palone MR; Traini E; Tran MTN; Tripathy JP; Ukke GG; Ullah I; Ullah S; Ullah S; Unnikrishnan B; Vacante M; Vaezi M; Tahbaz SV; Valdez PR; Vardavas C; Varthya SB; Vaziri S; Velazquez DZ; Veroux M; Villeneuve PJ; Violante FS; Vladimirov SK; Vlassov V; Vo B; Vu LG; Wadood AW; Waheed Y; Walde MT; Wamai RG; Wang C; Wang F; Wang N; Wang Y; Ward P; Waris A; Westerman R; Wickramasinghe ND; Woldemariam M; Woldu B; Xiao H; Xu S; Xu X; Yadav L; Jabbari SHY; Yang L; Yazdanpanah F; Yeshaw Y; Yismaw Y; Yonemoto N; Younis MZ; Yousefi Z; Yousefian F; Yu C; Yu Y; Yunusa I; Zahir M; Zaki N; Zaman BA; Zangiabadian M; Zare F; Zare I; Zareshahrabadi Z; Zarrintan A; Zastrozhin MS; Zeineddine MA; Zhang D; Zhang J; Zhang Y; Zhang Z-J; Zhou L; Zodpey S; Zoladl M; Vos T; Hay SI; Force LM; Murray CJL, 2022, 'The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010–19: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019', The Lancet, 400, pp. 563 - 591,
Singini MG; Sitas F; Bradshaw D; Chen WC; Motlhale M; Kamiza AB; De Villiers CB; Lewis CM; Mathew CG; Waterboer T; Newton R; Muchengeti M; Singh E, 2021, 'Ranking lifestyle risk factors for cervical cancer among Black women: A case-control study from Johannesburg, South Africa', PLoS ONE, 16, pp. e0260319,
Reitsma MB; Kendrick PJ; Ababneh E; Abbafati C; Abbasi-Kangevari M; Abdoli A; Abedi A; Abhilash ES; Abila DB; Aboyans V; Abu-Rmeileh NM; Adebayo OM; Advani SM; Aghaali M; Ahinkorah BO; Ahmad S; Ahmadi K; Ahmed H; Aji B; Akunna CJ; Al-Aly Z; Alanzi TM; Alhabib KF; Ali L; Alif SM; Alipour V; Aljunid SM; Alla F; Allebeck P; Alvis-Guzman N; Amin TT; Amini S; Amu H; Amul GGH; Ancuceanu R; Anderson JA; Ansari-Moghaddam A; Antonio CAT; Antony B; Anvari D; Arabloo J; Arian ND; Arora M; Asaad M; Ausloos M; Awan AT; Ayano G; Aynalem GL; Azari S; B DB; Badiye AD; Baig AA; Bakhshaei MH; Banach M; Banik PC; Barker-Collo SL; Bärnighausen TW; Barqawi HJ; Basu S; Bayati M; Bazargan-Hejazi S; Behzadifar M; Bekuma TT; Bennett DA; Bensenor IM; Berfield KSS; Bhagavathula AS; Bhardwaj N; Bhardwaj P; Bhattacharyya K; Bibi S; Bijani A; Bintoro BS; Biondi A; Birara S; Braithwaite D; Brenner H; Brunoni AR; Burkart K; Butt ZA; Caetano dos Santos FL; Cámera LA; Car J; Cárdenas R; Carreras G; Carrero JJ; Castaldelli-Maia JM; Cattaruzza MSS; Chang JC; Chen S; Chu DT; Chung SC; Cirillo M; Costa VM; Couto RAS; Dadras O; Dai X; Damasceno AAM; Damiani G; Dandona L; Schutte A; Sundstorm J; Sitas F; Leung J, 2021, 'Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of smoking tobacco use and attributable disease burden in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019', The Lancet, 397, pp. 2337 - 2360,
Mnatzaganian G; Lee CMY; Robinson S; Sitas F; Chow CK; Woodward M; Huxley RR, 2021, 'Socioeconomic disparities in the management of coronary heart disease in 438 general practices in Australia.', Eur J Prev Cardiol, 28, pp. 400 - 407,
Kumar V; Janusic T; Leeder S; Sitas F, 2021, 'Has the IJE’s Cohort Profile series achieved its aims?', International Journal of Epidemiology, 50, pp. 371 - 372,
Sitas F; Harris-Roxas B; Bradshaw D; Lopez A, 2021, 'Smoking and epidemics of respiratory infections', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, online first, pp. 164 - 165,
Ebrahimi H; Aryan Z; Saeedi Moghaddam S; Bisignano C; Rezaei S; Pishgar F; Force LM; Abolhassani H; Abu-Gharbieh E; Advani SM; Ahmad S; Alahdab F; Alipour V; Aljunid SM; Amini S; Ancuceanu R; Andrei CL; Andrei T; Arabloo J; Arab-Zozani M; Asaad M; Ausloos M; Awedew AF; Baig AA; Bijani A; Biondi A; Bjørge T; Braithwaite D; Brauer M; Brenner H; Bustamante-Teixeira MT; Butt ZA; Carreras G; Castañeda-Orjuela CA; Chimed-Ochir O; Chu DT; Chung MT; Cohen AJ; Compton K; Dagnew B; Dai X; Dandona L; Dandona R; Dean FE; Derbew Molla M; Desta AA; Driscoll TR; Faraon EJA; Faris PS; Filip I; Fischer F; Fu W; Gallus S; Gebregiorgis BG; Ghashghaee A; Golechha M; Gonfa KB; Gorini G; Goulart BNG; Guerra MR; Hafezi-Nejad N; Hamidi S; Hay SI; Herteliu C; Hoang CL; Horita N; Hostiuc M; Househ M; Iavicoli I; Ilic IM; Ilic MD; Irvani SSN; Islami F; Kamath A; Kaur S; Khalilov R; Khan EA; Kocarnik JM; Kucuk Bicer B; Kumar GA; La Vecchia C; Lan Q; Landires I; Lasrado S; Lauriola P; Leong E; Li B; Lim SS; Lopez AD; Majeed A; Malekzadeh R; Manafi N; Menezes RG; Miazgowski T; Misra S; Mohammadian-Hafshejani A; Mohammed S; Mokdad AH; Molassiotis A; Monasta L; Sitas F, 2021, 'Global, regional, and national burden of respiratory tract cancers and associated risk factors from 1990 to 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 9, pp. 1030 - 1049,
Sitas F; Hawari F; Dresler C; Stewart B; Togawa K; Zain ZM; Warren G, 2021, 'Call for papers: Special supplement – Tobacco cessation after a cancer diagnosis', Cancer Epidemiology, 71, pp. 101884 - 101884,
Chen WC; Singh E; Muchengeti M; Bradshaw D; Mathew CG; Babb de Villiers C; Lewis CM; Waterboer T; Newton R; Sitas F, 2020, 'Johannesburg Cancer Study (JCS): contribution to knowledge and opportunities arising from 20 years of data collection in an African setting', Cancer Epidemiology, 65, pp. 101701,
Kricker A; Weber MF; Brenner N; Banks E; Pawlita M; Sitas F; Hodgkinson VS; Rahman B; van Kemenade CH; Armstrong BK; Waterboer T, 2020, 'High ambient solar UV correlates with greater beta HPV seropositivity in New South Wales, Australia', Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 29, pp. 49 - 56,
Li W; Wang D; Zhang H; Zhang Y; Zheng W; Xue X; Shen W; Sitas F; Jiang G, 2020, 'The methodology for assessing smoking-attributed mortality based on all causes of death surveillance in Tianjin, China, 2010-2015', Tobacco Induced Diseases, 18, pp. 21,
Mnatzaganian G; Lee CMY; Robinson S; Sitas F; Chow CK; Woodward M; Huxley RR, 2020, 'Socioeconomic disparities in the management of coronary heart disease in 438 general practices in Australia', European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 28, pp. 1 - 10,
Lee CMY; Mnatzaganian G; Woodward M; Chow CK; Sitas F; Robinson S; Huxley RR, 2019, 'Sex disparities in the management of coronary heart disease in general practices in Australia', Heart, 105, pp. 1898 - 1904,
Black A; Sitas F; Chibrawara T; Gill Z; Kubanje M; Williams B, 2019, 'HIV-attributable causes of death in the medical ward at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, South Africa', PLoS ONE, 14, pp. e0215596,
Sitas F; Bradshaw D; Egger S; Jiang G; Peto R, 2019, 'Smoking counts: Experience of implementing questions on smoking on official death certification systems', International Journal of Epidemiology, 48, pp. 633 - 639,
Fitzmaurice C; Abate D; Abbasi N; Abbastabar H; Abd-Allah F; Abdel-Rahman O; Abdelalim A; Abdoli A; Abdollahpour I; Abdulle ASM; others ; Sitas F, 2019, 'Global, regional, and national cancer incidence, mortality, years of life lost, years lived with disability, and disability-adjusted life-years for 29 cancer groups, 1990 to 2017: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study', JAMA oncology, 5, pp. 1749 - 1768,
Lee C; Mnatzaganian G; Woodward M; Chow C; Sitas F; Robinson S; Huxley R, 2019, 'Sex Disparities in the Management of Coronary Heart Disease in Primary Care in Australia', Heart Lung and Circulation, 28, pp. s372 - s373,
Sitas F; a member of the Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer , 2019, 'Type and timing of menopausal hormone therapy and breast cancer risk: individual participant meta-analysis of the worldwide epidemiological evidence', The Lancet, 394, pp. 1159 - 1168,
Bao X; Hanson AL; Madeleine MM; Wang SS; Schwartz SM; Newell F; Pettersson-Kymmer U; Hemminki K; Tiews S; Steinberg W; Rader JS; Castro F; Safaeian M; Franco EL; Coutlée F; Ohlsson C; Cortes A; Marshall M; Mukhopadhyay P; Cremin K; Johnson LG; Garland SM; Tabrizi SN; Wentzensen N; Sitas F; Trimble C; Little J; Cruickshank M; Frazer IH; Hildesheim A; Brown MA; Duncan EL; Sun YP; Leo PJ, 2018, 'HLA and KIR associations of cervical neoplasia', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 218, pp. 2006 - 2015,
Day FL; Sherwood E; Chen TY; Barbouttis M; Varlow M; Martin J; Weber M; Sitas F; Paul C, 2018, 'Oncologist provision of smoking cessation support: A national survey of Australian medical and radiation oncologists', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 14, pp. 431 - 438,
Dicker D; Nguyen G; Abate D; Abate KH; Abay SM; Abbafati C; Abbasi N; Abbastabar H; Abd-Allah F; Abdela J; Abdelalim A; Abdel-Rahman O; Abdi A; Abdollahpour I; Abdulkader RS; Abdurahman AA; Abebe HT; Abebe M; Abebe Z; Abebo TA; Aboyans V; Abraha HN; Abrham AR; Abu-Raddad LJ; Abu-Rmeileh NME; Accrombessi MMK; Acharya P; Adebayo OM; Adedeji IA; Adedoyin RA; Adekanmbi V; Adetokunboh OO; Adhena BM; Adhikari TB; Adib MG; Adou AK; Adsuar JC; Afarideh M; Afshin A; Agarwal G; Aggarwal R; Aghayan SA; Agrawal S; Agrawal A; Ahmadi M; Ahmadi A; Ahmadieh H; Ahmed MLCB; Ahmed S; Ahmed MB; Aichour AN; Aichour I; Aichour MTE; Akanda AS; Akbari ME; Akibu M; Akinyemi RO; Akinyemiju T; Akseer N; Alahdab F; Al-Aly Z; Alam K; Alebel A; Aleman AV; Alene KA; Al-Eyadhy A; Ali R; Alijanzadeh M; Alizadeh-Navaei R; Aljunid SM; Alkerwi A; Alla F; Allebeck P; Allen CA; Alonso J; Al-Raddadi RM; Alsharif U; Altirkawi K; Alvis-Guzman N; Amare AT; Amini E; Ammar W; Amoako YA; Anber NH; Andrei CL; Androudi S; Animut MD; Anjomshoa M; Anlay DZ; Ansari H; Ansariadi A; Ansha MG; Antonio CAT; Appiah SCY; Aremu O; Areri HA; Ärnlöv J; Arora M; Artaman A; Aryal KK; Degenhardt L; Sitas F; Resnikoff S; Maulik PK; Boufous S; Sachdev P; Dolan K; Jha V; Ye P; Bhaumik S; Pesudovs K; Rahimi K; Schutte A; Gelaw Y; Banstola A; Iqbal U, 2018, 'Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality and life expectancy, 1950-2017: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017', The Lancet, 392, pp. 1684 - 1735,
Griswold MG; Fullman N; Hawley C; Arian N; Zimsen SRM; Tymeson HD; Venkateswaran V; Tapp AD; Forouzanfar MH; Salama JS; Abate KH; Abate D; Abay SM; Abbafati C; Abdulkader RS; Abebe Z; Aboyans V; Abrar MM; Acharya P; Adetokunboh OO; Adhikari TB; Adsuar JC; Afarideh M; Agardh EE; Agarwal G; Aghayan SA; Agrawal S; Ahmed MB; Akibu M; Akinyemiju T; Akseer N; Al Asfoor DH; Al-Aly Z; Alahdab F; Alam K; Albujeer A; Alene KA; Ali R; Ali SD; Alijanzadeh M; Aljunid SM; Alkerwi A; Allebeck P; Alvis-Guzman N; Amare AT; Aminde LN; Ammar W; Amoako YA; Amul GGH; Andrei CL; Angus C; Ansha MG; Antonio CAT; Aremu O; Ärnlöv J; Artaman A; Aryal KK; Assadi R; Ausloos M; Avila-Burgos L; Avokpaho EFGA; Awasthi A; Ayele HT; Ayer R; Ayuk TB; Azzopardi PS; Badali H; Badawi A; Banach M; Barker-Collo SL; Barrero LH; Basaleem H; Baye E; Bazargan-Hejazi S; Bedi N; Béjot Y; Belachew AB; Belay SA; Bennett DA; Bensenor IM; Bernabe E; Bernstein RS; Beyene AS; Beyranvand T; Bhaumik S; Bhutta ZA; Biadgo B; Bijani A; Bililign N; Birlik SM; Birungi C; Bizuneh H; Bjerregaard P; Bjørge T; Borges G; Bosetti C; Boufous S; Bragazzi NL; Brenner H; Butt ZA; Degenhardt L; Charlson F; Sitas F; Maulik PK; Calabria B; Leung J; Ye P; Schutte A; Jha V, 2018, 'Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016', The Lancet, 392, pp. 1015 - 1035,
Xu H; Egger S; S Velentzis L; L O'Connell D; Banks E; Darlington-Brown J; Canfell K; Sitas F, 2018, 'Hormonal contraceptive use and smoking as risk factors for high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in unvaccinated women aged 30–44 years: A case-control study in New South Wales, Australia', Cancer Epidemiology, 55, pp. 162 - 169,
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