Select Publications

Book Chapters

Heighes PT; Doig GS; Simpson F, 2016, 'Timing and Indications for Enteral Nutrition in the Critically Ill', in Nutrition Support for the Critically Ill, Springer International Publishing, pp. 55 - 62,

Doig GS; Simpson F; Heighes PT, 2015, 'Mortality in intensive care and the role of enteral nutrition in trauma patients', in Diet and Nutrition in Critical Care, pp. 1333 - 1338,

Doig GS; Simpson F; Heighes PT, 2015, 'Mortality in Intensive Care and the Role of Enteral Nutrition in Trauma Patients', in Diet and Nutrition in Critical Care, Springer New York, pp. 1333 - 1338,

Doig GS; Simpson F; Heighes PT, 2014, 'Mortality in Intensive Care and the Role of Enteral Nutrition in Trauma Patients', in Diet and Nutrition in Critical Care, Springer New York, pp. 1 - 7,

Doig GS; Simpson F, 2009, 'CHAPTER 145 Parenteral Nutrition', in Critical Care Nephrology, Elsevier, pp. 751 - 756,

Doig GS; Simpson F, 2009, 'Parenteral Nutrition', in Critical Care Nephrology, Elsevier, pp. 751 - 756,

Harvey S; Brampton W; Cooper A; Doig G; Rowan K; Sibbald W; Young D, 2001, 'Pulmonary artery catheters for adult intensive care patients', in Harvey S (ed.), , John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,

Sibbald WJ; Doig GS; Morisaki H, 1995, 'Role of RBC Transfusion Therapy in Sepsis', in Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 191 - 206,

Journal articles

Ho S; Ly A; Ohno-Matsui K; Kalloniatis M; Doig GS, 2023, 'Diagnostic accuracy of OCTA and OCT for myopic choroidal neovascularisation: a systematic review and meta-analysis', Eye (Basingstoke), 37, pp. 21 - 29,

Ke L; Lin J; Doig GS; van Zanten ARH; Wang Y; Xing J; Zhang Z; Chen T; Zhou L; Jiang D; Shi Q; Lin J; Liu J; Cheng A; Liang Y; Gao P; Sun J; Liu W; Yang Z; Zhang R; Xing W; Zhang A; Zhou Z; Zhou T; Liu Y; Tong F; Wang Q; Pan A; Huang X; Fan C; Lu W; Shi D; Wang L; Li W; Gu L; Xie Y; Sun R; Guo F; Han L; Zhou L; Zheng X; Shan F; Liu J; Ai Y; Qu Y; Li L; Li H; Pan Z; Xu D; Zou Z; Gao Y; Yang C; Kou Q; Zhang X; Wu J; Qian C; Zhang W; Zhang M; Zong Y; Qin B; Zhang F; Zhai Z; Sun Y; Chang P; Yu B; Yu M; Yuan S; Deng Y; Zhao L; Zang B; Li Y; Zhou F; Chen X; Shao M; Wu W; Wu M; Zhang Z; Li Y; Guo Q; Wang Z; Gong Y; Song Y; Qian K; Feng Y; Fu B; Liu X; Li Z; Gong C; Sun C; Yu J; Tang Z; Huang L; Ma B; He Z; Zhou Q; Yu R; Tong Z; Li W, 2022, 'Actively implementing an evidence-based feeding guideline for critically ill patients (NEED): a multicenter, cluster-randomized, controlled trial', Critical Care, 26,

Ho S; Doig GS; Ly A, 2022, 'Attitudes of optometrists towards artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of retinal disease: A cross-sectional mail-out survey', Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 42, pp. 1170 - 1179,

Doig GS, 2021, 'Comment on "the Impact of Preoperative Immune Modulating Nutrition on Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Gastrointestinal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis"', Annals of Surgery, 274, pp. E703 - E704,

Ye B; Huang M; Chen T; Doig G; Wu B; Chen M; Tu S; Chen X; Yang M; Zhang G; Li Q; Pan X; Zhao L; Xia H; Chen Y; Ke L; Tong Z; Bellomo R; Windsor J; Li W, 2021, 'The Impact of Normal Saline or Balanced Crystalloid on Plasma Chloride Concentration and Acute Kidney Injury in Patients With Predicted Severe Acute Pancreatitis: Protocol of a Phase II, Multicenter, Stepped-Wedge, Cluster-Randomized, Controlled Trial', Frontiers in Medicine, 8,

Kang P; Kalloniatis M; Doig GS, 2021, 'Using Updated PubMed: New Features and Functions to Enhance Literature Searches', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 326, pp. 479 - 480,

Ke L; Dong X; Chen T; Doig GS; Li G; Ye B; Zhou J; Xiao X; Tong Z; Li W, 2021, 'Early on-demand drainage or standard management for acute pancreatitis patients with acute necrotic collections and persistent organ failure: A pilot randomized controlled trial', Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences, 28, pp. 387 - 396,

Dixon B; Smith RJ; Campbell DJ; Moran JL; Doig GS; Rechnitzer T; MacIsaac CM; Simpson N; van Haren FMP; Ghosh AN; Gupta S; Broadfield EJC; Crozier TME; French C; Santamaria JD, 2021, 'Nebulised heparin for patients with or at risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 9, pp. 360 - 372,

Pu H; Heighes PT; Simpson F; Wang Y; Liang Z; Wischmeyer P; Hugh TJ; Doig GS, 2021, 'Early oral protein-containing diets following elective lower gastrointestinal tract surgery in adults: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials', PERIOPERATIVE MEDICINE, 10,

Lin J; Ke L; Doig GS; Ye B; Jiang Z; Liu Z; Guo F; Yin J; Yu W; Sun J; Sun L; Ding R; Xu H; Chang Z; Long Y; Qian Y; Tong Z; Li W, 2021, 'Nutritional practice in critically ill COVID-19 patients: A multicenter ambidirectional cohort study in Wuhan and Jingzhou', Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 30, pp. 15 - 21,

PU H; Heighes P; Simpson F; WANG Y; LIANG Z; Wischmeyer P; Hugh T; Doig G, 2020, 'Early Oral Protein-Containing Diets Following Elective Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Surgery in Adults: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials.', ,

Pu H; Huang X; Allingstrup MJ; Doig GS; Liang Z, 2020, 'Airway reconstruction supported by venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for patients with malignant critical central airway obstructions: A case series', Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, 61,

Kang P; Lam M; Doig G; Stapleton F, 2020, 'The myopia movement', Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 103, pp. 129 - 130,

Heighes PT; Doig GS, 2020, 'Evidence summary resources may influence clinical decision making: A case-based scenario evaluation of an evidence summary tool', Journal of Critical Care, 55, pp. 9 - 15,

Dixon B; Smith R; Artigas A; Laffey J; McNicholas B; Schmidt E; Nunes Q; Skidmore M; Lima MAD; Moran J; VanHaren F; Doig G; Ghosh A; Said S; Gupta S; Santamaria J, 2020, 'Can Nebulised Heparin Reduce Time to Extubation in SARS-CoV-2 (CHARTER Study) – Protocol', ,

Pu H; Xu Y; Doig G; Zhou Y, 2020, 'Screening and managing of suspected or confirmed novel coronavirus (COVID-19) patients: experiences from a tertiary hospital outside Hubei province', ,

Timsit JF; Citerio G; Lavilloniere M; Perner A; Ruckly S; Bakker J; Bassetti M; Benoit D; Curtis JR; Doig GS; Herridge M; Jaber S; Papazian L; Peters MJ; Singer P; Smith M; Soares M; Torres A; Vieillard-Baron A; Azoulay E, 2019, 'Determinants of downloads and citations for articles published in Intensive Care Medicine', Intensive Care Medicine, 45, pp. 1058 - 1060,

Pu H; Doig GS; Heighes PT; Allingstrup MJ; Wang A; Brereton J; Pollock C; Chesher D; Bellomo R, 2019, 'Intravenous amino acid therapy for kidney protection in cardiac surgery patients: A pilot randomized controlled trial', Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 157, pp. 2356 - 2366,

Doig GS, 2019, 'The author replies', Critical Care Medicine, 47, pp. e434,

Doig GS; McIlroy DR, 2019, 'Acute kidney injury in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: The chicken or the egg?', Critical Care Medicine, 47, pp. 1273 - 1274,

Tian F; Doig GS, 2018, 'NUTRIREA-2 trial finds that early enteral nutrition and early parenteral nutrition do not differ with regards to major clinical outcomes', Journal of Thoracic Disease, 10, pp. 1144 - 1146,

Tian F; Heighes PT; Allingstrup MJ; Doig GS, 2018, 'Early enteral nutrition provided within 24 hours of ICU admission: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials', Critical Care Medicine, 46, pp. 1049 - 1056,

Pu H; Doig GS; Heighes PT; Allingstrup MJ, 2018, 'Early enteral nutrition reduces mortality and improves other key outcomes in patients with major burn injury: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials', Critical Care Medicine, 46, pp. 2036 - 2042,

Doig GS; del Mar Fernandez M; Fernandez R, 2018, 'Reconnection to mechanical ventilation for 1 h after a successful spontaneous breathing trial: mortality data', Intensive Care Medicine, 44, pp. 139 - 140,

Zhu R; Allingstrup MJ; Perner A; Doig GS, 2018, 'The effect of IV amino acid supplementation on mortality in ICU patients may be dependent on kidney function: Post hoc subgroup analyses of a multicenter randomized trial', Critical Care Medicine, 46, pp. 1293 - 1301,

Casaer MP; Reignier J; Doig G, 2017, 'Optimal guidance for early nutrition therapy in critical illness?', Intensive Care Medicine, 43, pp. 1720 - 1722,

Doig GS, 2017, 'Albumin may significantly increase mortality in burn patients: Re-analysis of a systematic review', Burns, 43, pp. 449 - 450,

Gunst J; Doig GS, 2017, 'The optimal blood glucose target in critically ill patients: more questions than answers', Intensive Care Medicine, 43, pp. 110 - 112,

Benoit DD; Doig G; Timsit JF, 2016, 'Focus on adequate antimicrobial treatment and de-escalation in the ICU', Intensive Care Medicine, 42, pp. 1856 - 1858,

Singer P; Citerio G; Doig G, 2016, 'Focus on nutrition', Intensive Care Medicine, 42, pp. 1319 - 1321,

Simpson F; Doig GS, 2016, 'Bedside nutrition evaluation and physical assessment techniques in critical illness', Current Opinion in Critical Care, 22, pp. 303 - 307,

Oshima T; Deutz NE; Doig G; Wischmeyer PE; Pichard C, 2016, 'Protein-energy nutrition in the ICU is the power couple: A hypothesis forming analysis', Clinical Nutrition, 35, pp. 968 - 974,

Timsit JF; Citerio G; Lavilloniere M; Perner A; Smith M; Ruckly S; Bassetti M; Bakker J; Benoit D; Curtis JR; Doig G; Herridge M; Jaber S; Papazian L; Peters M; Singer P; Soares M; Torres A; Viellard-Baron A; Azoulay E, 2015, 'Determinants of downloads and citations for articles published in intensive care medicine', Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 3,

Doig GS; Simpson F; Bellomo R; Heighes PT; Sweetman EA; Chesher D; Pollock C; Davies A; Botha J; Harrigan P; Reade MC, 2015, 'Intravenous amino acid therapy for kidney function in critically ill patients: a randomized controlled trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 1197 - 1208,

Doig GS; Simpson F, 2015, 'CALORIES trial offers confirmatory evidence that parenteral nutrition does not cause infectious complications in critically ill patients', Evidence-Based Medicine, 20, pp. 60,

Doig GS; Roberts I; Bellomo R, 2015, 'The tens of thousands of lives saved by randomized clinical trials in critical care', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 701 - 704,

Timsit JF; Perner A; Bakker J; Bassetti M; Benoit D; Cecconi M; Randall Curtis J; Doig GS; Herridge M; Jaber S; Joannidis M; Papazian L; Peters MJ; Singer P; Smith M; Soares M; Torres A; Vieillard-Baron A; Citerio G; Azoulay E, 2015, 'Year in review in Intensive Care Medicine 2014: III. Severe infections, septic shock, healthcare-associated infections, highly resistant bacteria, invasive fungal infections, severe viral infections, Ebola virus disease and paediatrics', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 575 - 588,

Simpson F; Doig GS, 2015, 'Physical assessment and anthropometric measures for use in clinical research conducted in critically ill patient populations: An analytic observational study', Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 39, pp. 313 - 321,

Perner A; Citerio G; Bakker J; Bassetti M; Benoit D; Cecconi M; Curtis JR; Doig GS; Herridge M; Jaber S; Joannidis M; Papazian L; Peters MJ; Singer P; Smith M; Soares M; Torres A; Vieillard-Baron A; Timsit JF; Azoulay E, 2015, 'Year in review in Intensive Care Medicine 2014: II. ARDS, airway management, ventilation, adjuvants in sepsis, hepatic failure, symptoms assessment and management, palliative care and support for families, prognostication, organ donation, outcome, organisation and research methodology', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 389 - 401,

Citerio G; Bakker J; Bassetti M; Benoit D; Cecconi M; Curtis JR; Doig GS; Herridge M; Jaber S; Joannidis M; Papazian L; Perner A; Peters MJ; Singer P; Smith M; Soares M; Torres A; Vieillard-Baron A; Timsit JF; Azoulay E, 2015, 'Year in review in Intensive Care Medicine 2014: I. Cardiac dysfunction and cardiac arrest, ultrasound, neurocritical care, ICU-acquired weakness, nutrition, acute kidney injury, and miscellaneous', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 179 - 191,

Preiser JC; van Zanten ARH; Berger MM; Biolo G; Casaer MP; Doig GS; Griffiths RD; Heyland DK; Hiesmayr M; Iapichino G; Laviano A; Pichard C; Singer P; Van den Berghe G; Wernerman J; Wischmeyer P; Vincent JL, 2015, 'Metabolic and nutritional support of critically ill patients: Consensus and controversies', Critical Care, 19,

Citerio G; Marzorati C; Timsit JF; Perner A; Bakker J; Bassetti M; Benoit D; Curtis JR; Doig GS; Herridge M; Jaber S; Papazian L; Peters MJ; Singer P; Smith M; Soares M; Torres A; Vieillard-Baron A; Azoulay E, 2015, 'Outcome of manuscripts rejected from intensive care medicine: An in silico study', Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 3,

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