Select Publications

Conference Presentations

Causer L; Andrewartha K; Walley B; Smith K; Shephard M; Wand H; Richards J; Badman S; Tangey A; Marshall-Lang R; Guy R, 2018, 'Sustainability of point-of-care testing for sexually transmissible infections in remote communities in Australia - transition from trial to program', presented at IUSTI Asia Pacific Sexual Health COngress 2018, Aukland, New Zealand, 01 November 2018 - 03 November 2018

Anazodo AC; Stern C; MaLachlan R; Gerstl B; Agresta F; Cohn R; Jayasinghe Y; Wakefield CE; Daly G; Gilbert L; Orme L; Wand H; Viney R; Gillam L; Deans R; Jetti M; Chapman M; Ledger W; Sullivan E, 2015, 'Australasian Oncofertility Registry: Monitoring referral patterns and the uptake, quality and complications of fertility preservation strategies in Australia and New Zealand.', presented at Fertility Society of Australia Conference 2015, Canberra Australia, 13 September 2015 - 15 September 2015

Ali H; Donovan B; Fairley C; Read T; Wand H; Regan D; Grulich A; Guy R, 2014, 'EVALUATING THE NATIONAL HPV VACCINATION PROGRAM IN AUSTRALIA THROUGH INPATIENT TREATMENT OF GENITAL WARTS', presented at STD Prevention Conference, GA, Atlanta, 09 June 2014 - 12 June 2014

Hengel B; Badman S; Causer L; Natoli L; Tangey A; Ward J; Tabrizi S; Whiley D; Donovan B; Fairley CK; Wilson D; Regan D; Wand H; Shephard M; Anderson D; Kaldor J; Guy R, 2014, 'TTANGO: OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF A MOLECULAR BASED CHLAMYDIA AND GONORRHOEA POINT-OF-CARE TESTING IN REMOTE AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES', presented at STD Prevention Conference, GA, Atlanta, 09 June 2014 - 12 June 2014

Falster K; Wand H; Donovan B; Anderson J; Nolan D; Watson K; Watson J; Law MG, 2009, 'Rates and predictors of hospital admissions among patients with HIV infection in New South Wales and Western Australia: The Australian HIV Observational Database Hospital Linkage Study', presented at Australasian HIV/AIDS Conference (21st Annual Conference for the Australasian Society HIV of Medicine), Brisbane, Australia, -

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