Select Publications

Journal articles

Thavaneswaran S; Sim H-W; Grady J; Espinoza D; Huang ML; Lin F; Mcgrath M; Desai J; Charakidis M; Brown M; Kansara M; Simes J; Thomas D, 2024, 'A phase II trial of larotrectinib in tumors with NTRK fusions or extremes of NTRK mRNA overexpression identified by comprehensive genomic profiling', ONCOLOGIST,

Haggstrom L; Chan WY; Nagrial A; Chantrill LA; Sim HW; Yip D; Chin V, 2024, 'Chemotherapy and radiotherapy for advanced pancreatic cancer', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2024,

Kornfeld B; Taha A; Kyang L; Sim HW; Dewhurst S; McCloy R; Chin V; Earls P; Parker A; Leavers B; Forstner D; Floros P; Crawford J; Gallagher R, 2024, 'Oncological outcomes post transoral robotic surgery (TORS) for HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, a single-centre retrospective Australian study', Journal of Robotic Surgery, 18,

Hayes AG; Jonker B; Teng C; Lemech C; Killen AJ; Sim HW; McCormack AI, 2024, 'Approach to the Patient: New Era Emerges for Craniopharyngioma Management', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 109, pp. 2986 - 2996,

Hallal SM; Sida LA; Tűzesi CÁ; Shivalingam B; Sim HW; Buckland ME; Satgunaseelan L; Alexander KL, 2024, 'Size matters: Biomolecular compositions of small and large extracellular vesicles in the urine of glioblastoma patients', Journal of Extracellular Biology, 3,

Pereira BA; Ritchie S; Chambers CR; Gordon KA; Magenau A; Murphy KJ; Nobis M; Tyma VM; Liew YF; Lucas MC; Naeini MM; Barkauskas DS; Chacon-Fajardo D; Howell AE; Parker AL; Warren SC; Reed DA; Lee V; Metcalf XL; Lee YK; O'Regan LP; Zhu J; Trpceski M; Fontaine ARM; Stoehr J; Rouet R; Lin X; Chitty JL; Porazinski S; Wu SZ; Filipe EC; Cadell AL; Holliday H; Yang J; Papanicolaou M; Lyons RJ; Zaratzian A; Tayao M; Da Silva A; Vennin C; Yin J; Dew AB; McMillan PJ; Goldstein LD; Deveson IW; Croucher DR; Samuel MS; Sim HW; Batten M; Chantrill L; Grimmond SM; Gill AJ; Samra J; Jeffry Evans TR; Sasaki T; Phan TG; Swarbrick A; Sansom OJ; Morton JP; Pajic M; Parker BL; Herrmann D; Cox TR; Timpson P, 2024, 'Temporally resolved proteomics identifies nidogen-2 as a cotarget in pancreatic cancer that modulates fibrosis and therapy response', Science Advances, 10,

Satgunaseelan L; Lee M; Iannuzzi S; Hallal S; Deang K; Stanceski K; Wei H; Mason S; Shivalingam B; Sim HW; Buckland ME; Alexander KL, 2024, '‘The Reports of My Death Are Greatly Exaggerated’—Evaluating the Effect of Necrosis on MGMT Promoter Methylation Testing in High-Grade Glioma', Cancers, 16,

Satgunaseelan L; Sy J; Shivalingam B; Sim HW; Alexander KL; Buckland ME, 2024, 'Prognostic and predictive biomarkers in central nervous system tumours: the molecular state of play', Pathology, 56, pp. 158 - 169,

Pham JP; Rodrigues A; Goldinger SM; Sim H-W; Liu JJ, 2024, 'Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors in advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Experimental Dermatology, 33,

Jiang DM; Parshad S; Zhan L; Sim HW; Siu LL; Liu G; Shapiro JD; Price TJ; Jonker DJ; Karapetis CS; Strickland AH; Zhang W; Jeffery M; Tu D; Ng S; Sabesan S; Shannon J; Townsend A; O'Callaghan CJ; Chen EX, 2023, 'Plasma Cetuximab Concentrations Correlate With Survival in Patients With Advanced KRAS Wild Type Colorectal Cancer', Clinical Colorectal Cancer, 22, pp. 457 - 463,

Agar MR; Nowak AK; Hovey EJ; Barnes EH; Simes J; Vardy JL; Wheeler HR; Kong BY; Leonard R; Hall M; Tim E; Spyridopoulos D; Sim HW; Lwin Z; Dowling A; Harrup R; Jennens R; Kichenadasse G; Dunlop T; Gzell C; Koh ES, 2023, 'Acetazolamide versus placebo for cerebral oedema requiring dexamethasone in recurrent and/or progressive high-grade glioma: phase II randomised placebo-controlled double-blind study', BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 13, pp. 354 - 362,

Pham JP; On L; Ardolino L; Hurwitz J; Salaun H; Sim HW; Joshua AM, 2023, 'Efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibition in metastatic uveal melanoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis', Melanoma Research, 33, pp. 316 - 325,

Sim HW; Lorrey S; Khasraw M, 2023, 'Advances in Treatment of Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH)-Wildtype Glioblastomas', Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports, 23, pp. 263 - 276,

Gan HK; Day BW; Harrup R; Johns TG; Lwin Z; Scott AM; Sim HW; Koh ES, 2023, 'Clinical Trials in the Brain Tumour Population: Challenges and Strategies for the Future', Current Oncology Reports, 25, pp. 589 - 598,

Pitiyarachchi O; Lee YC; Sim HW; Srirangan S; Mapagu C; Kirk J; Harnett PR; Balleine RL; Bowtell DDL; Samimi G; Brand AH; Marsh DJ; Beale P; Anderson L; Bouantoun N; Provan P; Ramus SJ; DeFazio A; Friedlander M, 2023, 'Older age should not be a barrier to testing for somatic variants in homologous recombination DNA repair-related genes in patients with high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma', Translational Oncology, 31,

Chan WY; Sim HW; Abdi Haryono M; Yip D; Chin V, 2023, 'Immune checkpoint inhibitors for advanced pancreatic cancer', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023,

Lim J; Akbar Ali S; Prawira A; Sim HW, 2023, 'Impact of travel distance on outcomes for clinical trial patients: the Kinghorn Cancer Centre experience', Internal Medicine Journal, 53, pp. 242 - 249,

Klingberg D; Bae S; Zhou DDX; Sim HW; Cai R; Anazodo A; Grimison P; Lewis C; Lee YC, 2023, 'Association of chemotherapy dose intensity and age with outcomes in patients with Ewing's family sarcoma', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology,

Trinder SM; McKay C; Power P; Topp M; Chan B; Valvi S; McCowage G; Govender D; Kirby M; Ziegler DS; Manoharan N; Hassall T; Kellie S; Heath J; Alvaro F; Wood P; Laughton S; Tsui K; Dodgshun A; Eisenstat DD; Endersby R; Luen SJ; Koh ES; Sim HW; Kong B; Gottardo NG; Whittle JR; Khuong-Quang DA; Hansford JR, 2023, 'BRAF-mediated brain tumors in adults and children: A review and the Australian and New Zealand experience', Frontiers in Oncology, 13,

Pham JP; Hurwitz J; Cosman R; Goldinger SM; Sim HW; Dummer R; Joshua AM, 2023, 'Efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) in advanced mucosal melanoma (MM): A systematic review and metaanalysis', ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, 34, pp. S677 - S677,

Halkett GKB; Breen LJ; Berg M; Sampson R; Sim HW; Gan HK; Kong BY; Nowak AK; Day BW; Harrup R; James M; Saran F; Mcfarlane B; Tse C; Koh ES, 2022, 'Determining the Research Priorities for Adult Primary Brain Tumours in Australia and New Zealand: A Delphi Study with Consumers, Health Professionals, and Researchers', Current Oncology, 29, pp. 9928 - 9955,

Yuile A; Satgunaseelan L; Alexander KL; Thavaneswaran S; Krasovitsky M; Buckland M; Lee M; Wei G; Kastelan M; Wong M; Wilson I; Bayly A; Varikat W; Sim H-W; Kong B; Lwin Z; Turner C; Back M; Miller S; Lee A; Wheeler H, 2022, 'CSIG-13. CLINICAL IMPACT OF CDKN2A/B DELETIONS IN IDH-MUTANT ASTROCYTOMAS', Neuro-Oncology, 24, pp. vii41 - vii41,

Sim H-W; Lwin Z; Barnes E; McDonald K; Koh E-S; Rosenthal M; Foote M; Back M; Wheeler H; Buckland M; Walsh K; Fisher L; Leonard R; Hall M; Ashley D; Yip S; Simes J; Sulman E; Khasraw M, 2022, 'CTNI-42. GENOME-WIDE DNA METHYLATION PATTERNS IN VERTU: A RANDOMIZED PHASE II TRIAL OF VELIPARIB, RADIOTHERAPY AND TEMOZOLOMIDE IN PATIENTS WITH MGMT-UNMETHYLATED GLIOBLASTOMA', Neuro-Oncology, 24, pp. vii81 - vii81,

Doherty MK; Tam VC; McNamara MG; Jang R; Hedley D; Chen E; Dhani N; Tang P; Sim HW; O’Kane GM; DeLuca S; Wang L; Pedutem T; Knox JJ, 2022, 'Randomised, Phase II study of selumetinib, an oral inhibitor of MEK, in combination with cisplatin and gemcitabine chemotherapy for patients with advanced biliary tract cancer', British Journal of Cancer, 127, pp. 1473 - 1478,

Kong BY; Sim HW; Barnes EH; Nowak AK; Hovey EJ; Jeffree R; Harrup R; Parkinson J; Gan HK; Pinkham MB; Yip S; Hall M; Tu E; Carter C; Koh ES; Lwin Z; Dowling A; Simes JS; Gedye C, 2022, 'Multi-Arm GlioblastoMa Australasia (MAGMA): Protocol for a multiarm randomised clinical trial for people affected by glioblastoma', BMJ Open, 12,

Kong BY; Carter C; Nowak AK; Hovey E; Lwin Z; Haghighi N; Gan HK; Sim HW; Ziegler DS; Barton K; Parkinson J; Leonard R; Khasraw M; Foote M, 2022, 'Barriers and potential solutions to international collaboration in neuro-oncology clinical trials: Challenges from the Australian perspective', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 18, pp. 259 - 266,

Krasovitsky M; Lee YC; Sim HW; Chawla T; Moore H; Moses D; Baker L; Mandel C; Kielar A; Hartery A; O'Malley M; Friedlander M; Oza AM; Wang L; Lheureux S; Wilson M, 2022, 'Interobserver and intraobserver variability of RECIST assessment in ovarian cancer', International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 32, pp. 656 - 661,

Sim HW; Galanis E; Khasraw M, 2022, 'PARP Inhibitors in Glioma: A Review of Therapeutic Opportunities', Cancers, 14,

Malone ER; Sim HW; Stundzia A; Pierre S; Metser U; O’Malley M; Sacher AG; Sridhar SS; Hansen AR, 2022, 'Predictive radiomics signature for treatment response to nivolumab in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma', Canadian Urological Association Journal, 16,

Matsuyama M; Sachchithananthan M; Leonard R; Besser M; Nowak AK; Truran D; Vajdic CM; Zalcberg JR; Gan HK; Gedye C; Varikatt W; Koh ES; Kichenadasse G; Sim HW; Gottardo NG; Spyridopoulos D; Jeffree RL, 2022, 'What matters for people with brain cancer? Selecting clinical quality indicators for an Australian Brain Cancer Registry', Neuro-Oncology Practice, 9, pp. 68 - 78,

Kong BY; Sim HW; Nowak AK; Yip S; Barnes EH; Day BW; Buckland ME; Verhaak R; Johns T; Robinson C; Thomas MA; Giardina T; Lwin Z; Scott AM; Parkinson J; Jeffree R; Lourenco RDA; Hovey EJ; Cher LM; Kichendasse G; Khasraw M; Hall M; Tu E; Amanuel B; Koh ES; Gan HK, 2021, 'LUMOS - Low and Intermediate Grade Glioma Umbrella Study of Molecular Guided TherapieS at relapse: Protocol for a pilot study', BMJ Open, 11,

Field KM; Barnes EH; Sim HW; Nowak AK; Simes J; Rosenthal MA; Wheeler H; Hovey EJ; Cher LM, 2021, 'Outcomes from the use of computerized neurocognitive testing in a recurrent glioblastoma clinical trial', Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 94, pp. 321 - 327,

Kong B; Sim H-W; Amanuel B; Day B; Buckland M; Verhaak R; Yip S; Johns T; Lwin Z; Rosenthal M; Nowak AK; Barnes EH; Scott AM; Parkinson J; Jeffree R; Lourenco RDA; Lau P; Whittle J; Hovey E; Cher L; Kichendasse G; Hall M; Robinson C; Thomas M; Giardina T; Tu E; Khasraw M; Koh E-S; Gan H, 2021, 'INNV-08. LOW AND INTERMEDIATE GRADE GLIOMA UMBRELLA STUDY OF MOLECULAR GUIDED THERAPIES (LUMOS) STUDY', Neuro-Oncology, 23, pp. vi106 - vi107,

Kong B; Sim H-W; Koh E-S; Gan H; Barnes EH; Yip S; Nowak AK; Lau P; Cuff K; Khoo E; Lwin Z; Cooper A; Dowling A; Linton A; Harrup R; Dunlop T; Hovey E; Parkinson J; Jeffree R; Hall M; Tu E; Andrew D; Simes J; Gedye C, 2021, 'RTID-05. THE MULTI-ARM GLIOBLASTOMA AUSTRALASIA (MAGMA) TRIAL', Neuro-Oncology, 23, pp. vi193 - vi194,

Sim HW; Nowak AK; Lwin Z; Khasraw M, 2021, 'Management of glioblastoma: An Australian perspective', Chinese Clinical Oncology, 10,

Floros P; Rao A; McCloy RA; Sim HW; Chin VT; Leavers BC; Crawford JA; Gallagher RM, 2021, 'Altered presentation of oropharyngeal cancer, a 6-year review', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 91, pp. 1240 - 1245,

Hecht JR; Lonardi S; Bendell J; Sim HW; Macarulla T; Lopez CD; van Cutsem E; Muñoz Martin AJ; Oh Park J; Greil R; Wang H; Hozak RR; Gueorguieva I; Lin Y; Rao S; Ryoo BY, 2021, 'Randomized Phase III Study of FOLFOX Alone or With Pegilodecakin as Second-Line Therapy in Patients With Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer That Progressed After Gemcitabine (SEQUOIA)', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 39, pp. 1108 - 1118,

Parmar A; Qazi AA; Stundzia A; Sim HW; Lewin J; Metser U; O'Malley M; Hansen AR, 2021, 'Development of a radiomic signature for predicting response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in muscle-invasive bladder cancer', Canadian Urological Association Journal, 16,

Jiang DM; Sim HW; Espin-Garcia O; Chan BA; Natori A; Lim CH; Moignard S; Chen EX; Liu G; Darling G; Swallow CJ; Brar S; Brierley J; Ringash J; Wong R; Kim J; Rogalla P; Hafezi-Bakhtiari S; Knox JJ; Jang RW; Elimova E, 2021, 'Chemoradiotherapy Using Carboplatin plus Paclitaxel versus Cisplatin plus Fluorouracil for Esophageal or Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer', Oncology (Switzerland), 99, pp. 49 - 56,

Lamb LS; Sim HW; McCormack AI, 2020, 'Case Report: A Case of Pituitary Carcinoma Treated With Sequential Dual Immunotherapy and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Inhibition Therapy', Frontiers in Endocrinology, 11, pp. 576027,

Agar M; Nowak A; Hovey E; Barnes E; Simes J; Vardy J; Wheeler H; Leonard R; Hall M; Tim E; Spyridopoulos D; Sim H-W; Lwin Z; Dowling A; Harrup R; Jennens R; Kichenadasse G; Dunlop T; Gzell C; Koh E-S, 2020, 'QOLP-23. PHASE II RANDOMISED PLACEBO-CONTROLLED DOUBLE-BLIND STUDY OF ACETAZOLAMIDE VERSUS PLACEBO FOR CEREBRAL OEDEMA IN RECURRENT AND/OR PROGRESSIVE HIGH-GRADE GLIOMA REQUIRING TREATMENT WITH DEXAMETHASONE', Neuro-Oncology, 22, pp. ii179 - ii180,

Donskov F; Xie W; Overby A; Wells JC; Fraccon AP; Sacco CS; Porta C; Stukalin I; Lee JL; Koutsoukos K; Yuasa T; Davis ID; Pezaro C; Kanesvaran R; Bjarnason GA; Sim HW; Rathi N; Kollmannsberger CK; Canil CM; Choueiri TK; Heng DYC, 2020, 'Synchronous Versus Metachronous Metastatic Disease: Impact of Time to Metastasis on Patient Outcome-Results from the International Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Database Consortium', European urology oncology, 3, pp. 530 - 539,

Hallal S; Khani SE; Wei H; Lee MYT; Sim HW; Sy J; Shivalingam B; Buckland ME; Alexander-Kaufman KL, 2020, 'Deep sequencing of small RNAs from neurosurgical extracellular vesicles substantiates miR-486-3p as a circulating biomarker that distinguishes glioblastoma from lower-grade astrocytoma patients', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, pp. 1 - 22,

Hallal S; Azimi A; Wei H; Ho N; Lee MYT; Sim HW; Sy J; Shivalingam B; Buckland ME; Alexander-Kaufman KL, 2020, 'A comprehensive proteomic SWATH-MS workflow for profiling blood extracellular vesicles: A new avenue for glioma tumour surveillance', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, pp. 1 - 26,

Alghamdi MA; Amaro CP; Lee-Ying R; Sim HW; Samwi H; Chan KK; Knox JJ; Ko YJ; Swiha M; Batuyong E; Romagnino A; Cheung WY; Tam VC, 2020, 'Effect of sorafenib starting dose and dose intensity on survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Results from a Canadian Multicenter Database', Cancer Medicine, 9, pp. 4918 - 4928,

Fung AS; Tam VC; Meyers DE; Sim HW; Knox JJ; Zaborska V; Davies J; Ko YJ; Batuyong E; Samawi H; Cheung WY; Lee-Ying R, 2020, 'Second-line treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma after sorafenib: Characterizing treatments used over the past 10 years and real-world eligibility for cabozantinib, regorafenib, and ramucirumab', Cancer Medicine, 9, pp. 4640 - 4647,

Jiang DM; Suzuki C; Espin-Garcia O; Lim CH; Ma LX; Sun P; Sim HW; Natori A; Chan BA; Moignard S; Chen EX; Liu G; Swallow CJ; Darling GE; Wong R; Jang RW; Elimova E, 2020, 'Surveillance and outcomes after curative resection for gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma', Cancer Medicine, 9, pp. 3023 - 3032,

Ma LX; Espin-Garcia O; Lim CH; Jiang DM; Sim HW; Natori A; Chan BA; Suzuki C; Chen EX; Liu G; Brar SS; Swallow CJ; Yeung JC; Darling GE; Wong RK; Kalimuthu SN; Conner J; Elimova E; Jang RW, 2020, 'Impact of adjuvant therapy in patients with a microscopically positive margin after resection for gastric and esophageal cancers', Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, 11, pp. 356 - 365,

Lamb LS; Sim HW; McCormack AI, 2020, 'Exploring the role of novel medical therapies for aggressive pituitary tumors: A review of the literature—“are we there yet?”', Cancers, 12, pp. 308,

Ma LX; Sun P; Espin-Garcia O; Suzuki C; Jiang DM; Lim CH; Taylor K; Chan BA; Sim H-W; Natori A; Chen EX; Liu G; Knox JJ; Yeung J; Darling GE; Kim J; Kalimuthu S; Elimova E; Jang RW-J, 2020, 'Patterns of disease, treatment, and outcomes of esophageal cancer arising within a previous radiation treatment field.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 38, pp. 328 - 328,

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