Fields of Research (FoR)
Evolutionary computation, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, Engineering Design, OptimisationBiography
Hemant Kumar Singh is an Associate Professor at the School of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. He completed his PhD from UNSW in 2011 and B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur in 2007. He worked with General Electric (GE) Aviation at John F. Welch Technology Centre as a Lead Engineer during 2011-13. His research interests include...view more
Hemant Kumar Singh is an Associate Professor at the School of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. He completed his PhD from UNSW in 2011 and B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur in 2007. He worked with General Electric (GE) Aviation at John F. Welch Technology Centre as a Lead Engineer during 2011-13. His research interests include development of evolutionary computation methods with a focus on engineering design optimization problems. He has over 135 refereed publications this area. He is the recipient of two ARC Discovery Project Grants (2019-22, 2022-24), Endeavour Australia Fellowship 2018 and Australia Bicentennial Fellowship 2016, among others.
More details are available at his personal webpage: http://www.mdolab.net/Hemant/.
My Grants
- ARC Discovery Project | Singh, Ray and Sinha, Evolutionary computation for expensive bilevel multiobjective problems, 2022-25.
- ARC Discovery Project | Singh and Deb, Evolutionary computation for robust multi-objective engineering design, 2019-23.
- Endeavour Fellowship by Australian Government Department of Education and Training | Singh, 2018-19.
- University-industry collaborative grant with Staybil Pvt. Ltd. by APR Intern (formerly AMSI intern) program | Singh and Huynh, 2017-18.
- US Office of Naval Research Grant | Abbass, ElSayed and Singh, 2018-20.
- Australia-China Young Scientists Exchange Program by Australian Department of Industry, Innovation and Science and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology | Singh, 2017.
- Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme by Universities Australia and DAAD | Singh, Bhattacharjee, Ray, Mostaghim and Moritz, 2017-2018.
- Australian Bicentennial Fellowship by Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, Kings College London, UK | Singh, 2016.
- Travel Grant by Ian Potter Foundation | Singh, 2016.
My Qualifications
- PhD, University of New South Wales, Australia, 2011
- B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, 2007
My Awards
Selected awards
- Best Paper Award, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2023 | Wang, Singh, Ray, 2023
- Best Paper Nomination, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN), 2022 (one of 6 out of 87 papers) | Singh, Branke, 2022.
- Best Presentation Award, International Conference on Multi-criterion Optimization (EMO)| Wang, Singh, Ray, 2021.
- Winner, Competition on Online Data-driven Multi-objective Optimization, IEEE Congress on Evolutinoary Computation (CEC) | Habib, Singh, Chugh, Ray, Miettinen, 2019.
- Best Paper Nomination, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2018 (one of 6 out of 347 papers) | Islam, Singh, Ray, 2018.
- World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO-11) ECR Fellowship, 2015.
- Travel award by CASS (Contributing to Australian Scholarship and Science Foundation, 2015.
- Above and beyond Award, GE Aviation, India: For enhancment of advanced data matching tool, 2012.
- P3DT Quality cup, GE Aviation, India (team award):, For following ISO rigor in execution of projects, 2012.
- The Australian Society for Defence Engineering Prize, UNSW Australia: Awarded to the most outstanding thesis by a postgraduate research student completing a Masters by research or a PhD in the School of Engineering and Information Technology, 2011.
- Research presentation award, UNSW Australia: Annual faculty research day, 2010.
- Research poster award (packer's prize), UNSW Australia: Annual faculty research day, 2010.
My Research Activities
My research interest lies broadly in developing efficient evolutionary computation methods for design optimization. It encapsulates problems such as:
- Multi-/many-objective optimization and decision-making
- Constraint handling in evolutionary algorithms
- Bilevel optimization
- Computationally expensive/surrogate-assisted optimization
- Multi-concept optimization
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
Evolutionary Computation, Design Optimization, Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization and decision-making, Constrained optimization, Bilevel Optimization
Currently supervising
Kamrul Rahi | PhD, primary supervisor
Rounak Saha Niloy | Masters (research), primary supervisor
Past students:
Quang Nhat Huynh | PhD, primary supervisor, graduated 2022. Currently with Adiona, Australia.
Mohammad Mohiuddin Mamun | PhD, co-supervisor, graduated 2021. Currently with Ford Australia.
Dael Liddicoat | Masters (research), co-supervisor, graduated 2021. Currently with Australian Defence Force.
Kamrul Hasan Rahi | Masters (research), primary supervisor, graduated 2020. Currently doctoral student with UNSW Canberra, Australia.
Ahsanul Habib | Phd, co-supervisor, graduated 2019. Currently Data Analyst with Murray-Darling Basin Authority.
Shelvin Chand | PhD, primary supervisor, graduated 2018. Currently Operations Research Analyst with Dominos Pizza Enterprises Ltd., Australia.
Kalyan Shankar Bhattacharjee | Phd, co-supervisor, graduated 2018. Currently Senior Manager (Data Science, Asia Pacific) with Johnson and Johnson.
Monjurul Islam | Phd, primary supervisor, graduated 2018. Currently Lecturer with CIT, Australia.
Marwa Hassan | Masters (research), co-supervisor, graduated 2017. Currently Lecturer with UNSW Canberra, Australia.
Liu Min | Phd, co-supervisor, graduated 2014. Currently Transportation Engineer with Transurban, Australia.
My Teaching
ZEIT 3500 Engineering Structures
ZEIT 3700 Mechanical Design 1
ZEIT 4700 Mechanical Design 2
School of Engineering and Information Technology,
The University of New South Wales,
Australian Defence Force Academy,
Canberra ACT 2610, AUSTRALIA
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