Select Publications

Journal articles

Birznieks I; Burton AR; Macefield VG, 2008, 'The effects of experimental muscle and skin pain on the static stretch sensitivity of human muscle spindles in relaxed leg muscles', The Journal of Physiology, 586, pp. 2713 - 2723,

Johansson RS; Birznieks I, 2004, 'First spikes in ensembles of human tactile afferents code complex spatial fingertip events', Nature Neuroscience, 7, pp. 170 - 177,

Jenmalm P; Birznieks I; Goodwin AW; Johansson RS, 2003, 'Influence of object shape on responses of human tactile afferents under conditions characteristic of manipulation', European Journal of Neuroscience, 18, pp. 164 - 176,

Birznieks I; Jenmalm P; Goodwin AW; Johansson RS, 2001, 'Encoding of direction of fingertip forces by human tactile afferents', Journal of Neuroscience, 21, pp. 8222 - 8237,

Jenmalm P; Birznieks I; Goodwin A; Johansson R, 1999, 'Differential responses in populations of fingertip tactile afferents to objects' surface curvatures.', Acta Physiol Scand, 167, pp. A24 - A25,

Birznieks I; Jenmalm P; Goodwin A; Johansson R, 1999, 'Directional encoding of fingertip force by human tactile afferents.', Acta Physiol Scand, 167, pp. A24,

Birznieks I; Burstedt MKO; Edin BB; Johansson RS, 1998, 'Mechanisms for force adjustments to unpredictable frictional changes at individual digits during two-fingered manipulation', Journal of Neurophysiology, 80, pp. 1989 - 2002,

Burstedt GKO; Birznieks I; Edin BB; Johansson RS, 1997, 'Control of forces applied by individual fingers engaged in restraint of an active object', Journal of Neurophysiology, 78, pp. 117 - 128,

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