Select Publications

Journal articles

Shanahan MD; Doran CM; Digiusto EA; Bell JR; Lintzerisa N; White J; Ali RL; Saunders JB; Mattick RP; Gilmour S, 2006, 'A cost-effectiveness analysis of heroin detoxification methods in the Australian National Evaluation of Pharmacotherapies for Opioid Dependence (NEPOD)', Addictive Behaviors, 31, pp. 371 - 387

Digiusto EA; Shakeshaft AP; Ritter A; Mattick RP; White J; Lintzeris N; Bell JR; Saunders J, 2006, 'Effects of pharmacotherapies for opioid dependence on participants` criminal behaviour and expenditure on illicit drugs: An Australian National Evaluation (NEPOD)', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 39, pp. 171 - 189

Morley K; Teesson M; Reid SC; Sannibale C; Thomson CL; Phung N; Weltman MD; Bell JR; Richardson K; Haber PS, 2006, 'Naltrexone versus acamprosate in the treatment of alcohol dependence: a multi-centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial', Addiction, 101, pp. 1451 - 1462

Dean AJ; Bell J; Christie MJ; Mattick RP, 2005, 'Síntomas depresivos durante el mantenimiento con buprenorfina frente a metadona: hallazgos de un ensayo controlado distribuido al azar en la dependencia de opioides', European psychiatry (Ed. Española), 12, pp. 185 - 191,

Bell JR; Byron G; Morris A; Gibson AE, 2004, 'A Pilot study of buprenorphine-naloxone comgination tablet (Suboxone) in treatment of opioid dependence', Drug and Alcohol Review, 23, pp. 311 - 317

Rae F; Bell JR; Young MR; Mattick RP, 2004, 'A randomised, controlled trial of low dose naltrexone for the treatment of opioid dependence', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 75, pp. 79 - 88

Dean A; Bell JR; Christie MJ; Mattick RP, 2004, 'Depressive symptoms during buprenorphine vs. methadone maintenance: findings from a randomised, controlled trial in opioid dependence', European Psychiatry, 19, pp. 510 - 513

Doran CM; Shanahan M; Mattick RP; Ali R; White J; Bell J, 2003, 'Buprenorphine versus methadone maintenance: A cost-effectiveness analysis', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 71, pp. 295 - 302,

Gibson AE; Doran CM; Bell JR; Ryan A; Lintzeris N, 2003, 'A comparison of buprenorphine treatment in clinic and primary care settings: a randomised trial', Medical Journal of Australia, 179, pp. 38 - 42

Gibson AE; Doran CM; Bell GA; Ryan A; Lintzeris N, 2003, 'A comparison of buprenorphine treatment in clinic and primary care settings: a randomised trial', Medical Journal of Australia, 179, pp. 38 - 42

Doran CM; Shanahan MD; Mattick RP; Ali RL; Bell JR; White J, 2003, 'Burprenorphine verus methadone maintenance: a cost-effectiveness analysis', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 71, pp. 295 - 302

Breen CL; Harris S; Lintzeris N; Mattick RP; Hawken L; Bell JR; Ritter A; Lenne M; Mendoza E, 2003, 'Cessation of methadone maintenance treatment using uprenorphine: transfer from methadone to buprenorphine and subsequent buprenorphine reductions', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 71, pp. 49 - 55

Lintzeris N; Bell J; Bammer G; Jolley DJ; Rushworth L, 2002, 'A randomized controlled trial of buprenorphine in the management of short-term ambulatory heroin withdrawal', Addiction, 97, pp. 1395 - 1404,

Glasgow N; Taylor JW; Young MR; Bell JR; Bammer G, 2001, 'Accelerated withdrawal from methadone maintenance therapy using naltrexone and minimal sedation: a case series analysis', Drug and Alcohol Review, 20, pp. 213 - 222

Nilssen O; Parker GB; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Bell JR, 2001, 'Assessing depression in drug- and alcohol- dependent subjects: The utility of a cognitive-based approach', Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, pp. 409 - 412

Bell JR; Zador D, 2000, 'A Risk-Benefit analysis of methadone maintenance treatment', Drug Safety, pp. 179 - 188

Bell JR, 2000, 'Quality Assurance in Methadone Maintenance Treatment', Substance Use and Misuse, pp. 1735 - 1756

Bell J, 2000, 'Quality improvement for methadone maintenance treatment.', Subst Use Misuse, 35, pp. 1735 - 1756,

Bell JR; Young MO; Masterman SC; Morris A; Mattick RP; Bammer G, 1999, 'A pilot study of naltrexone-accelerated detoxification in opioid dependence', Medical Journal of Australia, 171, pp. 26 - 30

Bell JR; Young MO; Masterman SC; Mattick RP; Bammer G, 1999, 'A pilot study of naltrexone-accelerated detoxification in opioid dependence', Medical Journal of Australia, 171, pp. 26 - 30

Bell JR; Young MO; Masterman SC; Morris A; Mattick RP; Bammer G, 1999, 'A Pilot Study of Naltrexone-Accelerated Detoxification in Opoid Dependence', Medical Journal of Australia, 171, pp. 26 - 30

McKetin R; Ward PB; Catts SV; Mattick RP; Bell JR, 1999, 'Changes in auditory selective attention and event-related potentials following oral administration of D-amphetamine in humans', Neuropsychopharmacology, 21, pp. 380 - 390

Bell JR, 1999, 'First, do no harm: naltrexone‐accelerated detoxification', Medical Journal of Australia, 171, pp. 499 - 499,

Cadman M; Bell J, 1998, 'Doctors detected self-administering opioids in New South Wales, 1985-1994: Characteristics and outcomes', Medical Journal of Australia, 169, pp. 419 - 421,

Chan JS; Kuk A; Bell JR; Mcgilchrist CA, 1998, 'The analysis of methadone clinic data using marginal and conditional logistic models with mixture or random effects', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, pp. 1 - 10

Chan JS; Kuk A; Bell JR, 1997, 'A likelihood approach to analysing longitudinal bivariate binary data', Biometrical Journal, pp. 409 - 421

Bell JR, 1997, 'Australian trends in opioid prescribing for chronic, non-cancer pain.', Medical Journal of Australia, pp. 26 - 29

Bell JR; Mattick RP; Hay A; Chan KL; Hall WD, 1997, 'Methadone maintenance and drug-related crime', Journal of Substance Abuse, pp. 15 - 25

Bell J, 1996, 'Alternatives to non-clinical regulation: Training doctors to deliver methadone maintenance treatment', Addiction Research and Theory, 3, pp. 315 - 322,

Ward JW; Bell JR; Mattick P; Hall WD, 1996, 'Methadone maintenance therapy for opioid dependence: a guide to appropriate use', CNS Drugs, pp. 440 - 449

Bell JR, 1995, 'Lessons from a training program for methadone prescribers', Medical Journal of Australia, 162, pp. 143 - 144,

Howard K; Bell J; Christie MJ, 1995, 'Measuring heroin use in methadone maintenance programmes', Drug and Alcohol Review, 14, pp. 27 - 34,

Bell JR; Chan KL; Kuk A, 1995, 'Investigating the influence of treatment of philosophy on the outcome of methadone maintenance', Addiction, pp. 823 - 830

BELL J; CAPLEHORN JRM; McNEIL DR, 1994, 'The effect of intake procedures on performance in methadone maintenance', Addiction, 89, pp. 463 - 471,

Robertson M; Bell J, 1993, 'Are rapid inpatient benzodiazepine detoxifications unsafe? [16]', Medical Journal of Australia, 158, pp. 578 - 579,

Caplehorn JRM; Bell J, 1993, 'Correction of error: Methadone dosage and retention of patients in maintenance treatment [16]', Medical Journal of Australia, 159, pp. 640,

Hall W; Bell J; Carless J, 1993, 'Crime and drug use among applicants for methadone maintenance', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 31, pp. 123 - 129,

CAPLEHORN JRM; BELL J; KLEINBAUM DG; GEBSKI VJ, 1993, 'Methadone dose and heroin use during maintenance treatment', Addiction, 88, pp. 119 - 124,

BELL J; HALL W; BYTH K, 1992, 'Changes in criminal activity after entering methadone maintenance', British Journal of Addiction, 87, pp. 251 - 258,

Bell J; Batey RG, 1992, 'Medicine and the addictions.', Australian and New Zealand journal of medicine, 22, pp. 202 - 203,

Ross GS; Bell J, 1992, 'Myocardial infarction associated with inappropriate use of topical cocaine as treatment for epistaxis', American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 10, pp. 219 - 222,

BELL J, 1992, 'Treatment dependence: preliminary description of yet another syndrome', British Journal of Addiction, 87, pp. 1049 - 1054,

BELL J; DIGIUSTO E; BYTH K, 1992, 'Who should receive methadone maintenance?', British Journal of Addiction, 87, pp. 689 - 694,

Caplehorn JRM; Bell J, 1991, 'Methadone dosage and retention of patients in maintenance treatment', Medical Journal of Australia, 154, pp. 195 - 199,

White A; Foy A; Caplehorn J; Bell J, 1991, 'Methadone dosage and retention of patients in maintenance treatment [6]', Medical Journal of Australia, 155, pp. 60 - 61,

BELL J, 1991, 'Pain and addiction', Drug and Alcohol Review, 10, pp. 247 - 252,

Caplehorn J; Bell J, 1991, 'Methadone dosage and retention of patients in maintenance treatment: In Reply', Medical Journal of Australia, 155, pp. 60 - 61,

Bell J; Batey RG; Farrell GC; Crewe EB; Cunningham AL; Byth K, 1990, 'Hepatitis C virus in intravenous drug users', Medical Journal of Australia, 153, pp. 274 - 276,

Bell J; Fernandes D; Batey R, 1990, 'Heroin users seeking methadone treatment', Medical Journal of Australia, 152, pp. 361 - 364,

Bell J, 1990, 'Heroin users seeking methadone treatment (I: Reply)', Medical Journal of Australia, 153, pp. 305,

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