Select Publications
Journal articles
2014, 'Developing principles for predicting ionic liquid effects on reaction outcome. A demonstration using a simple condensation reaction', Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 12, pp. 7092 - 7099,
,2014, 'Incrementally increasing the length of a peptide backbone: Effect on macrocyclisation efficiency', Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 12, pp. 4598 - 4601,
,2014, 'Effect of ionic liquid (Bmim[NTf2]) on the rate of reaction in the synthesis of some new azole compounds as antifungal agents', Science Research, 2, pp. 125 - 131
,2013, 'Probing the importance of ionic liquid structure: A general ionic liquid effect on an S
2013, 'Towards solvent-controlled reactivity in ionic liquids', Pure and Applied Chemistry, 85, pp. 1979 - 1990,
,2013, 'Does the cation really matter? the effect of modifying an ionic liquid cation on an S
2013, 'Towards reaction control using an ionic liquid: Biasing outcomes of reactions of benzyl halides', RSC Advances, 3, pp. 15698 - 15704,
,2012, 'Using an Electrical Potential to Reversibly Switch Surfaces between Two States for Dynamically Controlling Cell Adhesion', Angewandte Chemie, 124, pp. 7826 - 7830,
,2012, 'A novel route to copper(II)detection using ‘click’ chemistry- induced aggregation of gold nanoparticles', Analyst, 137, pp. 82 - 86,
,2012, 'Investigating the origin of entropy-derived rate accelerations in ionic liquids', Faraday Discussions, 154, pp. 365 - 371,
,2012, 'Using an electrical potential to reversibly switch surfaces between two states for dynamically controlling cell adhesion', Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 51, pp. 7706 - 7710,
,2011, 'ChemInform Abstract: Recent Advances in the NMR Spectroscopy of Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine', ChemInform, 42,
,2011, 'Oxidative acetylenic coupling reactions as a surface chemistry tool', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13, pp. 15624 - 15632
,2011, 'Recent Advances in the NMR Spectroscopy of Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine', Annual Reports on Nmr Spectroscopy, 73, pp. 63 - 82
,2010, 'ChemInform Abstract: Wet Chemical Routes to the Assembly of Organic Monolayers on Silicon Surfaces via the Formation of Si—C Bonds: Surface Preparation, Passivation and Functionalization', ChemInform, 41,
,2010, 'Ionic liquid impact on reaction outcomes: A rational mechanism-based approach', ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 240,
,2010, 'A comparative study of electrochemical reduction of 4-nitrophenyl covalently grafted on gold and carbon', Electroanalysis, 22, pp. 1824 - 1830,
,2010, 'A Comparative Study of Modifying Gold and Carbon Electrode with 4-Sulfophenyl Diazonium Salt', Electroanalysis, 22, pp. 1283 - 1289,
,2010, 'Antifouling behaviour of silicon surfaces modified with self-assembled monolayers containing both ethylene glycol and charged moieties', Surface Science, 604, pp. 1388 - 1394,
,2010, 'Dynamics of water in agar gels studied using low and high resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy', International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 45, pp. 2502 - 2507,
,2010, 'Ionic liquids through the looking glass: theory mirrors experiment and provides further insight into aromatic substitution processes', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12, pp. 1873 - 1878,
,2010, 'The effects of ionic liquids on azide-alkyne cycloaddition reactions', Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 8, pp. 5354 - 5358,
,2010, 'Wet chemical routes to the assembly of organic monolayers on silicon surfaces via the formation of Si–C bonds: surface preparation, passivation and functionalization', Chemical Society Reviews, 39, pp. 2158 - 2183,
,2009, '79Br NMR spectroscopy as a practical tool for kinetic analysis', Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 47, pp. 342 - 347
,2009, 'Comparing the Reactivity of Alkynes and Alkenes on Silicon (100) Surfaces', Langmuir, 25, pp. 13934 - 13941,
,2009, 'Ionic liquids: Just molten salts after all?', Molecules, 14, pp. 2521 - 2534
,2009, 'Silicon (100) electrodes resistant to oxidation in aqueous solutions: An unexpected benefit of surface acetylene moieties', Langmuir, 25, pp. 2530 - 2539
,2009, 'Solvent reorganisation as the driving force for rate changes of Menschutkin reactions in an ionic liquid', Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 7, pp. 3572 - 3575
,2009, 'The central atom size effect on the structure of group 14 tetratolyls', Chemistry - a European Journal, 15, pp. 6569 - 6572
,2009, 'The effect of ionic liquids on the outcome of nitrile oxide cycloadditions', Tetrahedron Letters, 50, pp. 992 - 994
,2008, 'ChemInform Abstract: Simulations of Ionic Liquids, Solutions, and Surfaces', ChemInform, 39,
,2008, 'Click chemistry in mesoporous materials: Functionalization of porous silicon rugate filters', Langmuir, 24, pp. 5888 - 5892
,2008, 'Mechanisms of cyclisation of indolo oxime ethers. Part 2: Formation of ethyl 6,8-dimethoxypyrazolo[4,5,1-hi]indole-5-carboxylates', Tetrahedron, 64, pp. 3183 - 3189,
,2008, 'Optimization of click chemistry of ferrocene derivatives on acetylene-functionalized silicon(100) surfaces', Electroanalysis, 20, pp. 1513 - 1519
,2008, 'The importance of solvent reorganisation in the effect of an ionic liquid on a unimolecular substitution process', Chemical Communications, pp. 3576 - 3578,
,2007, 'Cover Picture: Investigating Direct Alkynylation at the Bridgehead of Bicyclic Cages Using Silver(I) Acetylides (Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2/2007)', European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2007, pp. 215 - 215,
,2007, 'Do (pentaarylcyclopentadienyl)molybdenum(vi) dioxo species catalyse alkene epoxidations? Insights from kinetics data', Journal of the Royal Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, pp. 2746 - 2748,
,2007, 'Functionalization of acetylene-terminated monolayers on Si(100) surfaces: A click chemistry approach', Langmuir, 23, pp. 9320 - 9329,
,2007, 'Investigating direct alkynylation at the bridgehead of bicyclic cages using silver(I) acetylides', European Journal of Organic Chemistry, pp. 241 - 248
,2007, 'Mechanisms of cyclisation of indolo oxime ethers I. Formation of ethyl 9,11-dimethoxy indolo[2,3-c] quinoline-6-carboxylates', Tetrahedron, 63, pp. 10615 - 10621
,2007, 'Simulations of ionic liquids, solutions, and surfaces', Accounts of Chemical Research, 40, pp. 1138 - 1145
,2006, 'Phenyl-terminated self assembled monolayers on Si(100) for low voltage transistor applications', 2006 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show - NSTI Nanotech 2006 Technical Proceedings, 3, pp. 70 - 73
,2006, 'Understanding Organic Processes in Ionic Liquids: Achievements So Far and Challenges Remaining', ChemInform, 37,
,2006, 'A Rhenium–Cyclohexane Complex with Preferential Binding of Axial CH Bonds: A Probe into the Relative Ability of CH, CD, and CC Bonds as Hyperconjugative Electron Donors?', Angewandte Chemie, 118, pp. 4598 - 4602,
,2006, 'Augmented Indoles', ChemInform, 37,
,2006, 'A rhenium-cyclohexane complex with preferential binding of axial C-H bonds: A probe into the relative ability of C-H, C-D, and C-C bonds as hyperconjugative electron donors?', Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 45, pp. 4486 - 4490,
,2006, 'Augmented Indoles', Arkivoc, pp. 67 - 75
,2006, 'Understanding organic processes in ionic liquids: Achievements so far and challenges remaining', MINI-REVIEWS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 3, pp. 253 - 269
,2005, '“One‐Step” Alkynylation of Adamantyl Iodide with Silver(I) Acetylides.', ChemInform, 36,
,2005, '`One-Step` alkynylation of adamantyl iodide with Silver(I) acetylides', Organic Letters, 7, pp. 1323 - 1325