Select Publications


Bertran-Gonzalez J; Dinale C; Matamales M, 2022, Restoring functional D2- to D1-neuron correspondence enables goal-directed action control in long-lived striatal circuits, ,

Ferguson L; Matamales M; Balleine B; Bertran-Gonzalez J, 2022, Dynamic adaptation of sequential action benefits from cortico-basal ganglia-related temporal variability, ,

Ztaou S; Oh SJ; Tepler S; Fleury S; Matamales M; Bertran-Gonzalez J; Chuhma N; Rayport S, 2021, Single dose of amphetamine induces delayed subregional attenuation of striatal cholinergic interneuron activity, ,

Matamales M; McGovern A; Mi JD; Mazzone S; Balleine B; Bertran-Gonzalez J, 2019, D1 and D2 systems converge in the striatum to update goal-directed learning, ,

Morse A; Leung B; Heath E; Bertran-Gonzalez J; Pepin E; Chieng B; Balleine B; Laurent V, A Novel GPCR-Based Memory Process is Necessary for the Influence of Predictive Learning on Choice, ,

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