Select Publications

Book Chapters

Polly P; Coleman K; Fath T; Thai T; Yang J-L, 2020, 'The Learner-Teacher Portfolio Journey: Developing Self-Efficacy and Self-Determination in the Medical Sciences', in ePortfolios@edu: What We Know, What We Don�t Know, and Everything In-Between, The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado, pp. 125 - 145,

Polly P; Vickery R; Thai T; Yang JL; Fath T; Herbert C; Jones N; Lewis T; Pather N; Schibeci S; Cox J, 2016, 'ePortfolios, Assessment and Professional Skills in the Medical Sciences', in Rowley J (ed.), ePortfolios in Australian Universities, Springer, Singapore, pp. 47 - 64,

Yang J; Coleman K; Das M; Hawkins NJ, 2015, 'Creative Course Design and Integrative Learning and Teaching: Delivery of Specific Knowledge and Career Skills by ePortfolio Learning', in Coleman K; Flood A (ed.), Capturing Creativity through Creative Teaching, Common Ground Publishing, pp. 278 - 289

Walsh WR; Yu Y; Yang JL; Hocking R; Chapman-Sheath P; Bruce WJ, 2002, 'Biology of Biomechanics of Fracture Healing', in An YH (ed.), Internal Fixation in Osteoporotic Bone., edn. Original, Thieme, USA, pp. 22 - 39

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