Select Publications


Moein F; Xue J; Dent B; Mackay R, 2016, Review of the historical data characterizing latrobe valley brown coal consolidation behaviour,

Book Chapters

Xiao L; Xue JF; Shahkolahi A, 2023, 'Effect of asphalt geogrid reinforcement on pavement response considering spatial variability in asphalt layer', in Geosynthetics: Leading the Way to a Resilient Planet, CRC Press, pp. 1288 - 1294,

Darzins T; Qiu H; Xue J, 2021, 'A preliminary laboratory study of fatigue performance of geogrid-reinforced asphalt beam', in Transportation Infrastructure Engineering, Materials, Behavior and Performance, pp. 67 - 77,

Couling C; Tolooiyan A; Mackay R; Xue J, 2020, 'Measurement of pore water pressure properties of unsaturated brown coal using triaxial test', in Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications, CRC Press, pp. 1531 - 1535,

Edited Books

Sanjay Kumar S, (ed.), 2021, ICE Handbook of Geosynthetic Engineering: Geosynthetics and their applications

Journal articles

Wang Z; Chen Y; Xie Y; Xue J, 2025, 'Investigation of geogrid-reinforced unbound granular material behavior using constant radial stiffness triaxial tests', Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 53, pp. 728 - 743,

Xie Y; Wang C; Guo Y; Cui H; Xue J, 2025, 'Improved mechanical and thermal properties of sustainable ultra-high performance geopolymer concrete with cellulose nanofibres', Journal of Building Engineering, 102,

Liu Z; Chen X; Liu B; Xue J, 2025, 'Undrained cyclic and post-cyclic shear behaviour of sand with varying liquefaction degrees: insights from DEM', Computers and Geotechnics, 180,

Xie Y; Wang C; Wang H; Guo Y; Cui H; Xue J, 2024, 'Potential improvement in the mechanical performance and thermal resistance of geopolymer with appropriate microplastic incorporation: A sustainable solution for recycling and reusing microplastics', Waste Management, 189, pp. 137 - 147,

Xiao L; Xue J; Xu W, 2024, 'Influence of subgrade spatial variability on strain-alleviating ability of geogrids and rutting life in flexible pavement', Transportation Geotechnics, 49,

Liu B; Xue J; Lehane BM; Yin ZY, 2024, 'Micromechanical investigation of the aging mechanism in sand', Computers and Geotechnics, 175,

Xiao L; Xue J, 2024, 'Effects of subgrade spatial variability on critical strains and effectiveness of geogrid reinforcement in flexible pavement', Acta Geotechnica, 19, pp. 6073 - 6089,

Mao H; Hu C; Xue J; Li T; Chang H; Fu Z; Sun W; Lu J; Wang J; Yu S, 2024, 'Experimental and Meshless Numerical Simulations on the Crack Propagation of Semi-Circular Bending Specimens Containing X-Shaped Fissures Under Three-Point Bending', Materials, 17,

Xie Y; Xue J, 2024, 'Experimental investigations of water retention curves of fresh and decomposed municipal solid wastes under multiple drying and wetting cycles', Acta Geotechnica, 19, pp. 4989 - 4999,

Xie Y; Xue J, 2024, 'Laboratory investigation and prediction of permeability of fresh to five-year-old municipal solid wastes of low and high food contents', Waste Management, 183, pp. 101 - 111,

Liu B; Xue J; Lehane BM; Yin ZY, 2024, 'Time-dependent soil–structure interaction analysis using a macro-element foundation model', Engineering Structures, 308,

Liu Z; Xue J; Xiao J; Kong Q, 2024, 'Behaviours of geogrid-reinforced asphalt pavement over a localized void under cyclic loading', Transportation Geotechnics, 46,

Liu Z; Ma J; Xiao J; Xue J; Yang F, 2024, 'Physical modelling of cyclic loading-induced footing settlement with nearby pit excavation', International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 24, pp. 236 - 249,

Xie Y; Wang H; Guo Y; Wang C; Cui H; Xue J, 2024, 'Mechanical performance and water resistance of biochar admixture lightweight magnesium oxychloride cement', Science of the Total Environment, 912,

Xie Y; Wang H; Guo Y; Wang C; Cui H; Xue J, 2024, 'Effects of microplastic contamination on the hydraulic, water retention, and desiccation crack properties of a natural clay exposed to leachate', Journal of Environmental Management, 351, pp. 119858,

Xiao J; Ma J; Liu Z; Xue J, 2024, 'The effects of excavating twin tunnels during cyclic loading on the progressive settlement of existing footing', Engineering Failure Analysis, 156,

Gallage C; Wimalasena K; Jayakody S; Gui Y; Xue J; Shahkolahi A; Chow R, 2024, 'Enhancing soft subgrade performance with geocomposite-embedded capping layer: utilising Australian granular pavement design chart for assessing geocomposite benefits', Road Materials and Pavement Design, 25, pp. 2563 - 2580,

Liu Z; Xiao J; Xue J; Liu M, 2024, 'The effects of changing the deviatoric and spherical stresses during cyclic loading on the drained response of asand', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 61, pp. 31 - 45,

Xiao L; Xue J, 2023, 'Effect of spatial variability in asphalt layer on critical pavement strains', Construction and Building Materials, 408,

Xie Y; Wang H; Chen Y; Guo Y; Wang C; Cui H; Xue J, 2023, 'Water retention and hydraulic properties of a natural soil subjected to microplastic contaminations and leachate exposures', Science of the Total Environment, 901,

Liu B; Xue J; Lehane BM; Yin Z, 2023, 'An improved creep correction factor for footings on sand using macro-element simulations', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering, 177, pp. 179 - 190,

Xie Y; Wang H; Guo Y; Wang C; Cui H; Xue J, 2023, 'Effects of biochar-amended soils as intermediate covers on the physical, mechanical and biochemical behaviour of municipal solid wastes', Waste Management, 171, pp. 512 - 521,

Xue J; Gallage C; Qiu H; Zhong J; Southon A, 2023, 'Uncertainties in determining the responses of reinforced flexible pavements using in-situ tests', Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 51, pp. 17 - 26,

Xiao J; Ma J; Xue J; Liu Z; Bai Y, 2023, 'The drained deformation characteristics of sand subjected to lateral cyclic loading', Geomechanics and Engineering, 34, pp. 481 - 489,

Xie Y; Xue J, 2023, 'Experimental investigation of water retention curves of municipal solid wastes with different paper contents, dry unit weights and degrees of biodegradation', Waste Management, 163, pp. 73 - 84,

Xie Y; Xue J; Deane A, 2023, 'Numerical modelling of settlement of municipal solid waste in landfills coupled with effects of biodegradation', Waste Management, 163, pp. 108 - 121,

Liu B; Xue J; Lehane BM, 2023, 'Centrifuge investigation of soil–foundation–superstructure interaction under static loading', Engineering Structures, 281,

Nie G; Liu Y; Liu Z; Liang Z; Xue J; Liang Y, 2023, 'The Effects of Drainage Conditions on the Cyclic Deformation Characteristics of Over Consolidated Clayey Soil', International Journal of Civil Engineering, 21, pp. 603 - 615,

Xie Y; Xue J; Gnanendran CT; Xie K, 2023, 'Physical, geotechnical and biochemical behaviours of municipal solid waste in field and laboratory bioreactors', Waste Management, 159, pp. 39 - 51,

Liu Y; Zhang Z; Liu Z; Xue J, 2023, 'The effects of undercrossing tunnelling on the settlement of footings subjected to cyclic loading', Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 132,

Shi D; Cao D; Xue J; Deng Y; Liang Y, 2022, 'DEM studies on the effect of particle breakage on the critical state behaviours of granular soils under undrained shear conditions', Acta Geotechnica, 17, pp. 4865 - 4885,

Guo X; Chen J; Xue J; Zhang Z, 2022, 'Centrifuge model and numerical studies of strip footing on reinforced transparent soils', Geosynthetics International, 30, pp. 602 - 627,

Rao J; Qiu H; Teng G; Al Mukaddim R; Xue J; He J, 2022, 'Ultrasonic array imaging of highly attenuative materials with spatio-temporal singular value decomposition', Ultrasonics, 124,

Xie Y; Xue J; Gnanendran CT; Xie K, 2022, 'Geotechnical properties of fresh municipal solid wastes with different compositions under leachate exposure', Waste Management, 149, pp. 207 - 217,

Liu B; Lehane BM; Xue J, 2022, 'A one–dimensional elasto-viscoplastic macro-element model for creep analysis of shallow foundations on sand', Computers and Geotechnics, 142,

Chen J; Guo X; Sun R; Rajesh S; Jiang S; Xue J, 2022, 'Reply to discussion by Mirmoradi on “Physical and numerical modelling of strip footing on geogrid reinforced transparent sand”', Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 50, pp. 199 - 201,

Liu Z; Xue J, 2022, 'The deformation characteristics of a kaolin clay under intermittent cyclic loadings', Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 153,

Liu Z; Xue J, 2022, 'The deformation behaviour of an anisotropically consolidated kaolin clay under lateral cyclic loading', Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 40, pp. 1446 - 1452,

Wang JQ; Chang ZC; Xue JF; Lin ZN; Tang Y, 2021, 'Experimental investigation on the behavior of gravelly sand reinforced with geogrid under cyclic loading', Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11,

Liu Z; Xue J; Mei G, 2021, 'The impact of stress disturbance on undrained cyclic behaviour of a kaolin clay and settlement of tunnels under cyclic loading', Acta Geotechnica, 16, pp. 3947 - 3961,

Liu Z; Qian J; Yaghoubi M; Xue J, 2021, 'The effects of initial static deviatoric stress on liquefaction and pre-failure deformation characteristics of saturated sand under cyclic loading', Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 149,

Liu Z; Xue J; Ye J, 2021, 'The effects of unloading on drained cyclic behaviour of Sydney sand', Acta Geotechnica, 16, pp. 2791 - 2804,

Liu Z; Xue J; Ye J; Qian J, 2021, 'A simplified two-stage method to estimate the settlement and bending moment of upper tunnel considering the interaction of undercrossing twin tunnels', Transportation Geotechnics, 29,

Li L; Liu Z; Jin J; Xue J, 2021, 'A modified method for the prediction of Monte Carlo simulation based on the similarity of random field instances', Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 7,

Chen J; Guo X; Sun R; Rajesh S; Jiang S; Xue J, 2021, 'Physical and numerical modelling of strip footing on geogrid reinforced transparent sand', Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 49, pp. 399 - 412,

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