Select Publications

Journal articles

Huang-Lung J; Rai A; Duong A; Balakrishnan A; Khan A; Husudo J; Gyawali R; Nazarian J; Ford B; Rhee J; Jalbert I; Keay L, 2025, '‘Whatever the GP says, is what I'll do’—A qualitative study of patient perspectives in accessing primary eye care for type 2 diabetes', Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 45, pp. 67 - 76,

Grant MP; McCarthy D; Kearney C; Collins A; Sundararajan V; Rhee JJ; Philip JAM; Emery JD, 2024, 'General practice utilisation by Australian cancer patients in the last year of life', FAMILY PRACTICE,

Harrison NJ; Dodd RH; Sharman AR; Marshall HM; Stone E; Rhee JJ; Yap ML; Mccullough S; Paul C; Bowden JA; Bonevski B; Rankin NM, 2024, '"Because That is the Right Thing to do": A Focus Group Study of Australian Expert Perspectives on Offering Smoking Cessation Support in Lung Cancer Screening', NICOTINE & TOBACCO RESEARCH,

Tran M; Rhee J; Hu W; Magin P; Shulruf B, 2024, 'General practice trainee, supervisor and educator perspectives on the transitions in postgraduate training: a scoping review', Family Medicine and Community Health,

Grant M; McCarthy D; Kearney C; Collins A; Sundararajan V; Rhee J; Philip J; Emery J, 2024, 'Correction to: Primary care usage at the end of life: a retrospective cohort study of cancer patients using linked primary and hospital care data (Supportive Care in Cancer, (2024), 32, 5, (273), 10.1007/s00520-024-08458-7)', Supportive Care in Cancer, 32,

Yeoh LH; Tan B; Rhee J; Sinclair C, 2024, 'Attitudes and Perceptions on Advance Care Planning Among Chinese-Speaking Older Australians', American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 41, pp. 814 - 823,

Marshall KH; Riddiford-Harland DL; Meller AE; Kruger V; Kirsebom M; Tran M; Caplan GA; Naganathan V; Cullen J; Gonski P; Zwar N; O'Keeffe JA; Krysinska K; Rhee JJ, 2024, 'Feasibility and acceptability of facilitated advance care planning in outpatient clinics: A qualitative study of health-care professionals experience', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 43, pp. 314 - 322,

Rhee JJ; Grant M; Senior H; Monterosso L; McVey P; Johnson C; Aubin M; Nwachukwu H; Bailey C; Fallon-Ferguson J; Yates P; Williams B; Mitchell G, 2024, 'Facilitators and barriers to general practitioner and general practice nurse participation in end-of-life care: systematic review', BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 14, pp. E12 - E22,

Mitchell G; Aubin M; Senior H; Johnson C; Fallon-Ferguson J; Williams B; Monterosso L; Rhee JJ; McVey P; Grant M; Nwachukwu H; Yates P, 2024, 'General practice nurses and physicians and end of life: a systematic review of models of care', BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 14, pp. E23 - E29,

Senior H; Grant M; Rhee JJ; Aubin M; McVey P; Johnson C; Monterosso L; Nwachukwu H; Fallon-Ferguson J; Yates P; Williams B; Mitchell G, 2024, 'General practice physicians' and nurses' self-reported multidisciplinary end-of-life care: a systematic review', BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 14, pp. E1 - E11,

Rhee JJ; Teo PCK; Mitchell GK; Senior HE; Tan AJH; Clayton JM, 2024, 'General practitioners (GPs) and end-of-life care: a qualitative study of Australian GPs and specialist palliative care clinicians', BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 14, pp. E652 - E659,

Grant M; McCarthy D; Kearney C; Collins A; Sundararajan V; Rhee J; Philip J; Emery J, 2024, 'Primary care usage at the end of life: a retrospective cohort study of cancer patients using linked primary and hospital care data', Supportive Care in Cancer, 32,

Marshall KH; Riddiford-Harland DL; Meller AE; Caplan GA; Naganathan V; Cullen J; Gonski P; Zwar NA; O’Keeffe JA; Krysinska K; Rhee JJ, 2024, 'Feasibility and Acceptability of Facilitated Advance Care Planning in Outpatient Clinics: A Qualitative Study of Patient and Caregivers Experiences', Journal of Applied Gerontology, 43, pp. 339 - 348,

Redwood L; Saarinen K; Ivers R; Garne D; de Souza P; Bonney A; Rhee J; Mullan J; Thomas SJ, 2024, 'Alcohol consumption and health-related quality of life in regional, rural and metropolitan Australia: analysis of cross-sectional data from the Community Health and Rural/Regional Medicine (CHARM) study', Quality of Life Research, 33, pp. 349 - 360,

Kabir A; Conway DP; Ansari S; Tran A; Rhee JJ; Barr M, 2024, 'Impact of multimorbidity and complex multimorbidity on healthcare utilisation in older Australian adults aged 45 years or more: A large population-based cross-sectional data linkage study', BMJ Open, 14,

Dodd RH; Sharman AR; Yap ML; Stone E; Marshall H; Rhee J; McCullough S; Rankin NM, 2024, '“We need to work towards it, whatever it takes.”—participation factors in the acceptability and feasibility of lung cancer screening in Australia: the perspectives of key stakeholders', Translational Lung Cancer Research, 13, pp. 240 - 255,

Tran M; Rhee J; Smith O, 2024, 'Improving feedback literacy in a primary care rotation', Medical Teacher, 46, pp. 614 - 616,

York S; Bartlett G; Harrison NJ; Marshall HM; Stone E; McCullough S; Paul C; Bonevski B; Rhee J; Weber M; McWilliams A; Brims F; Lim KP; Byrne T; Rankin NM, 2024, 'P1.01C.04 Key Stakeholder Priorities on Embedding Smoking Cessation Into Lung Cancer Screening: National Australian Consensus Workshop', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 19, pp. S144 - S144,

York S; Yap ML; Rhee J; Pitts L; Troiani JP; Stanoevska B; Harrison N; Dodd R; McWilliams A; Marshall H; Stone E; Rankin N, 2024, 'P2.04B.05 Engaging Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities to Prepare for Lung Cancer Screening Implementation in Australia', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 19, pp. S220 - S220,

Grant M; van der Waal M; Pastrana T; Rhee J; Teunissen S, 2024, 'Palliative care interventional research in general practice: a narrative review of factors affecting research conduct.', Ann Palliat Med, 13, pp. 869 - 879,

Metusela C; Mullan J; Kobel C; Rhee J; Batterham M; Barnett S; Bonney A, 2023, 'CHIME-GP trial of online education for prescribing, pathology and imaging ordering in general practice – how did it bring about behaviour change?', BMC Health Services Research, 23,

Cerni J; Hosseinzadeh H; Mullan J; Westley-Wise V; Chantrill L; Barclay G; Rhee J, 2023, 'Does Geography Play a Role in the Receipt of End-of-Life Care for Advanced Cancer Patients? Evidence from an Australian Local Health District Population-Based Study', Journal of Palliative Medicine, 26, pp. 1453 - 1465,

Bonney A; Kobel C; Mullan J; Metusela C; Rhee JJ; Barnett S; Batterham M, 2023, 'Randomised trial of general practitioner online education for prescribing and test ordering', BMJ Open Quality, 12,

Cerni J; Rhee J; Hosseinzadeh H, 2023, 'Challenges and strategies to improve the provision of end-of-life cancer care in rural and regional communities: Perspectives from Australian rural health professionals', Australian Journal of Rural Health, 31, pp. 714 - 725,

Dodd RH; Sharman AR; Marshall HM; Yap ML; Stone E; Rhee J; McCullough SAOM; Rankin NM, 2023, '"What do i think about implementing lung cancer screening? It all depends on how." Acceptability and feasibility of lung cancer screening in Australia: The view of key stakeholders about health system factors', PLoS ONE, 18, pp. e0283939,

Ivers R; Vuong K; Rhee J; Williams K, 2023, 'Demystifying human research ethics committee applications', Australian Journal of General Practice, 52, pp. 721 - 727,

Tran M; Lawrence R; BPharm CA; Manski-Nankervis JA; Heal C; Douglas K; Rhee J, 2023, 'Improving general practice research in Australia', Australian Journal of General Practice, 52, pp. 734 - 736,

Deck E; Trevena L; Rhee J; Nagarajan S; Clayton JM, 2023, 'Initiating advance care planning in New South Wales general practices using a structured conversation guide', Australian Journal of General Practice, 52, pp. 135 - 140,

Rankin N; Dodd R; Dunlop K; Marshall H; Yap ML; Rhee J; McCullough S; York S; Stone E, 2023, 'Accelerating implementation of lung cancer screening in Australia: what evidence-based strategies are recommended?', LUNG CANCER, 178, pp. S66 - S66

Rhee J; Carey M; Zucca A; Lambkin D, 2023, 'Exploring patients’ advance care planning needs during the annual 75+ health assessment: survey of Australian GPs’ views and current practice', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 29, pp. 637 - 642,

Harrison NJ; Riddiford-Harland D; York S; Marshall H; Rhee J; Stone E; Yap ML; Sharman AR; Weber M; McCullough S; Byrne T; Paul C; Bowden JA; Bonevski B; Rankin NM, 2023, 'MA03.09 Embedding Smoking Cessation into a Potential Lung Cancer Screening Program: Australian Tobacco Control Expert Perspectives', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 18, pp. S108 - S108,

Harrison N; Dodd RH; Sharman AR; Marshall H; Stone E; Rhee J; Yap ML; McCullough S; Paul C; Bowden JA; Bonevski B; Rankin NM, 2023, 'P1.01-12 “A Core Part of the Whole Thing...”: Stakeholder Views on Offering Smoking Cessation Support in Lung Cancer Screening', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 18, pp. S186 - S187,

Dunlop KLA; Marshall HM; Stone E; Sharman AR; Dodd RH; Rhee JJ; McCullough S; Rankin NM, 2022, 'Motivation is not enough: A qualitative study of lung cancer screening uptake in Australia to inform future implementation', PLoS ONE, 17,

Foo D; Rhee J, 2022, 'Factors influencing early presentation to general practitioners for non–screen detected breast cancer', Australian Journal of General Practice, 51, pp. 595 - 603,

Fox J; Thamm C; Mitchell G; Emery J; Rhee J; Hart NH; Yates P; Jefford M; Koczwara B; Halcomb E; Steinhardt R; O’Reilly R; Chan RJ, 2022, 'Cancer survivorship care and general practice: A qualitative study of roles of general practice team members in Australia', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e1415 - e1426,

Zucca AC; Carey M; Sanson-Fisher RW; Rhee J; Nair BR; Oldmeadow C; Evans TJ; Chiu S, 2022, 'Effect of a financial incentive on responses by Australian general practitioners to a postal survey: a randomised controlled trial', Medical Journal of Australia, 216, pp. 585 - 586,

Harris MF; Rhee J, 2022, 'Achieving continuity of care in general practice: the impact of patient enrolment on health outcomes', Medical Journal of Australia, 216, pp. 460 - 461,

Nagarajan SV; Lewis V; Halcomb E; Rhee J; Morton RL; Mitchell GK; Tieman J; Phillips JL; Detering K; Gavin J; Clayton JM, 2022, 'Barriers and facilitators to nurse-led advance care planning and palliative care practice change in primary healthcare: a qualitative study', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 28, pp. 151 - 157,

Vilapakkam Nagarajan S; Lewis V; Halcomb EJ; Rhee J; Tieman J; Clayton JM, 2022, 'Australian general practice experiences of implementing a structured approach to initiating advance care planning and palliative care: a qualitative study', BMJ open, 12, pp. e057184,

Mullan J; Metusela C; Guppy M; Pond D; Ivers R; Hoffman R; Rhee J; Hespe C; Davis A; Barnett S; Bonney A, 2022, 'Development of a COVID-19 virtual community of practice in New South Wales', Australian Journal of General Practice, 51, pp. 263 - 269,

Thamm C; Fox J; Hart NH; Rhee J; Koczwara B; Emery J; Milley K; Nund RL; Chan RJ, 2022, 'Exploring the role of general practitioners in addressing financial toxicity in cancer patients', Supportive Care in Cancer, 30, pp. 457 - 464,

Dunlop KLA; Marshall HM; Stone E; Sharman AR; Dodd R; Rhee J; McCullough S; Rankin NM, 2022, 'EP01.03-006 Potential Drivers of Lung Cancer Screening Participation in Australia: A Qualitative Study to Inform Future Implementation', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 17, pp. S174 - S174,

Dodd RH; Sharman AR; Rhee J; Marshall H; Stone E; Yap ML; McCullough S; McWilliams A; Rankin NM, 2022, 'EP01.03-012 Acceptability and Feasibility of Lung Cancer Screening in Australia: The View of Key Stakeholders', Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 17, pp. S177 - S177,

Thompson B; Philcox S; Devereaux B; Metz A; Croagh D; Windsor J; Davaris A; Gupta S; Barlow J; Rhee J; Tagkalidis P; Zimet A; Sharma A; Manocha R; Neale RE, 2021, 'A decision support tool for the detection of pancreatic cancer in general practice: A modified Delphi consensus', Pancreatology, 21, pp. 1476 - 1481,

Bonney A; Metusela C; Mullan J; Barnett S; Rhee J; Kobel C; Batterham M, 2021, 'Clinical and healthcare improvement through My Health Record usage and education in general practice (CHIME-GP): a study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial', Trials, 22,

Chan RJ; Buhagiar S; Teleni L; Simonsen C; Turner J; Rawson C; Hart NH; Jones L; Gordon L; Joseph R; Agbejule OA; Henderson F; Rhee J; Ryan M; Carrington C; Mapp S, 2021, 'Partnering with general practitioners to optimize survivorship for patients with lymphoma: a phase II randomized controlled trial (the GOSPEL I trial)', Trials, 22,

Bennett RJ; Barr CM; Conway N; Fletcher S; Rhee J; Vitkovic J, 2021, 'Promoting hearing loss support in general practice: a qualitative concept-mapping study', Public Health Research and Practice, 31,

Carey M; Zucca A; Rhee J; Sanson-Fisher R; Norton G; Oldmeadow C; Evans T; Nair K, 2021, 'Essential components of health assessment for older people in primary care: a cross-sectional survey of Australian general practitioners', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45, pp. 506 - 511,

Ugalde A; Winter N; Sansom-Daly UM; Rhee J; Jongebloed H; Bergin RJ; Livingston PM, 2021, 'Effective integration of caregivers and families as part of the care team for people with cancer', Australian Journal of General Practice, 50, pp. 527 - 531,

Ruiz H; Halcomb E; Seale H; Horgan A; Rhee J, 2021, 'Knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of general practitioners and general practice nurses regarding influenza vaccination for young children', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 27, pp. 276 - 283,

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