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Select Publications
Napier JJ, 2013, They Sing the Wedding of God: An Ethnomusicological Study of the Mahadevji ka Byavala as Performed by the Nath-Jogis of Alwar, McFarland
Napier J, 2023, 'Young Australian Performers of South Indian Background: From Tradition to Glocalism and Back', in Australasian Music, at Home and Abroad, Australian Scholarly Publishing, pp. 219 - 240
Napier J; Fabian D, 2018, 'Musical practices in Australia: Reflections on the past and present', in Fabian D; Napier J (ed.), Diversity in Australia's Music: Themes Past, Present, and for the Future, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 2 - 21, http://www.cambridgescholars.com/diversity-in-australias-music
Napier J, 2018, 'The Company You Keep', in Fabian D; Napier J (ed.), Diversity in Australia's Music: Themes Past, Present and for the Future, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 158 - 171
Napier JJ, 2016, 'Sung Countries: Geographies and identities in minority song repertoires in Australia and India.', in Santosh KS; Pal S; Prasad GJV (ed.), Indo-Australian Connections: Retrospect and Prospects, Pinnacle Learning, New Delhi, pp. 115 - 134
Napier JJ, 2011, 'Kodova Song as private resistance', in Desrocjes M; Pichette M-H; Dauphi C; Smith GE (ed.), Territoires musicaux mise en scene, Les Presses de L'Universite de Montreal, Montreal, pp. 209 - 226
Napier JJ, 2010, 'Giving the Oldest Trees New Roots: Asian Music in Australia', in Jordan S (ed.), World Music: Global Sounds in Australia, UNSW Press, Sydney, pp. 140 - 161
Napier JJ, 2009, 'Vanished Islands: The Assimilation of the Extraneous to Conventional Pieces in Three Distinct Repertoires', in Mackinlay E; Bartleet B-L; Barney K (ed.), Musical Islands, Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle on Tyne, pp. 345 - 359, http://www.c-s-p.org/Flyers/Musical-Islands--Exploring-Connections-between-Music--Place-and-Research1-4438-0956-X.htm
Napier JJ, 2008, 'Old There, Young Here: Migration, Musical Adaptation and Youth Culture in Australia', in Hewitt N; Geary D (ed.), Diaspora(s): Movements and Cultures, CCCP, Nottingham, pp. 123 - 140
Fabian D; Napier J, (ed.), 2018, Diversity in Australia's Music: Themes Past, Present, and for the Future, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, http://www.cambridgescholars.com/diversity-in-australias-music
Yuan M; Napier J, 2024, 'We know who they are, because of what they sing: Miao song taxonomy in Fenghuang county, China', Ethnomusicology Forum, 33, pp. 115 - 141, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17411912.2024.2391125
Napier J, 2019, 'Structure and Proportion in Hindustani Ālāp', Empirical Musicology Review, 14, pp. 53 - 65, http://dx.doi.org/10.18061/emr.v14i1-2.5502
Napier J, 2019, 'Structure and Proportion in Hindustani Ālāp.', Empirical Musicology Review, 14, pp. 53 - 65, http://dx.doi.org/10.18061/emr.v14i1-2.5502
Napier J, 2019, '"There Should Be No Performances" Relocating Kodava Songs in a Changing Tradition', PULS Journal for Ethnomusicology and Ethnochoreology, 4, pp. 103 - 122, http://carkiv.musikverk.se/www/epublikationer/Puls_04.pdf#_ga=2.195055020.1001030736.1560199674-1690871592.1551437121
Napier JJ, 2017, ''Kodava Hero', Appear Only Once Before Me’: The Assimilation of ‘Internal Exotics’ in Indian Film Songs.', Journal of Music Research Online, 8, http://www.jmro.org.au/index.php/mca2/article/view/181
Napier JJ, 2011, '“This is our culture, only for ourselves. Thank you for being interested”: Kodava song and the public non-assertion of difference', Global Media Journal: Australian Edition, 4, pp. 1 - 14, http://www.commarts.uws.edu.au/gmjau/v4_2010_2/john_napier_RA.html
Napier JJ, 2007, 'Of Jogis and mediators, musicologists and administrators: an elaborated field note', Australian Humanities Review, 41, pp. 1 - 17
Napier JJ, 2007, 'The Distribution of Authority in the Performance of North Indian Vocal Music', Ethnomusicology Forum, 16, pp. 271 - 301
Napier JJ, 2006, 'A 'failed' unison or conscious differentiation: The notion of 'heterophony' in North Indian vocal performance', International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 37, pp. 85 - 108
Napier JJ, 2006, 'A subtle novelty: Repetition, transmission and the valorisation of innovation within North Indian classical music', Critical Studies in Improvisation, 1, pp. 1 - 17
Napier JJ, 2006, 'Re-organization and rhetoric: Changes in the social organization of North Indian classical music', Musicology Australia, 27, pp. 35 - 53
Napier JJ, 2005, 'The svarmandal and its 'ancestors': from organological to aesthetic', Galpin Society Journal, 58, pp. 124 - 131
Napier JJ, 2003, 'An old tradition but a very new practice', Asian Music, 35, pp. 115 - 134
Napier JJ, 2003, 'An old tradition but a very new practice: Accompaniment and thesaturation aesthetic in Indian music', Asian Music, 35, pp. 115 - 134
Napier JJ, 2001, 'Review of Geng Gong:Not just music (sound recording)', Music Forum, 8, pp. 45 - 46
Napier JJ, 2001, 'Review of Tufa: Tufa (sound recording)', Music Forum, pp. 44 - 45
Napier JJ, 2001, 'Review of Tufa: Tufa (Sound recording)', Music Forum, 8, pp. 44 - 45
Napier JJ, 2004, 'Entering a palance through the servant`s entrance: `a mid-career` approach to the learning of North Indian classical msuic', in Musemici O (ed.), Seminar of the Commission for the Education of the Professional Musician, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 165 - 174, presented at Seminar of the Commission for the Education of the Professional Musician, Barcelona, Spain, 05 July 2004 - 09 July 2004
Napier JJ, 2002, 'Traditional `fakings`: Hank Williams, Jeff Buckley, Kamr`uddin Khan and other falsetto acts', in Music Research: New Directions for a New Century -- 25th National Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia, Newcastle, NSW, presented at Music Research: New Directions for a New Century; 25th national conference of the Musicological Society of Australia, Newcastle, NSW, 03 October 2002 - 06 October 2002
Napier JJ, 2002, 'A subtle novelty', in Stevens C; Burnham D; McPherson G; Schubert E; Renwick J (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, University of New South Wales, presented at ICMPC7: 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, University of New South Wales, 17 July 2002 - 21 July 2002
Napier JJ, 2002, 'How soon is immediately', in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, University of New South Wales, presented at ICMPC7: 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, University of New South Wales, 17 July 2002 - 21 July 2002
Napier JJ, 2001, 'A song they sing themselves about themselves', in Joshi V (ed.), IV International Conference Rajastan, Jaipur, pp. 238 - 266, presented at IV International Conference Rajastan, Jaipur, 29 December 2001 - 31 December 2001
Napier JJ, 2001, 'Which hat today ? OConnor, Gorecki, Bulgarian Voices and a Lectuer`s Fashion Sense', in Musical In-Between-ness, UTS, Sydney, presented at Musical In-Between-ness, UTS, Sydney, 27 September 2001 - 29 September 2001
Napier JJ, 2000, 'Echo, appropriation, gloss: Hearing a second voice in North Indian vocal music', in Giourgoudes P (ed.), Cyprus Musicological Society 1st International Conference, Nikosia, pp. 111 - 134, presented at Cyprus Musicological Society 1st International Conference, Nikosia, 15 December 2000 - 16 December 2000
Napier JJ, (ed.), 2002, 'Musical Creativity', University of Liege, presented at Musical Creativity, University of Liege, 05 April 2002 - 08 April 2002
Busattil A; Kiek L; Robinson J; Napier J; McMahon B; Pollack L, 2017, Mavis Wood Hall, Lawson, Publication: Skorba - the Great Siege of Malta, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance), http://www.bluemountainsgazette.com.au/story/5075474/skorba-presents-a-concert-rich-in-history-and-music-at-mid-mountains-community-centre/
Busattil A; Roweth J; Napier JJ; Jarvis J, 2017, Wentworth Falls School of the Arts, Publication: Asylum, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance), https://www.bmrsg.org.au/events/save-the-date-fundraiser-asylum/
Krishnan S; Napier JJ; Gandhi A, 2017, The Living Room, Erskineville, Publication: The Dreaming Damsel, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance), https://www.iwannaticket.com.au/event/the-dreaming-damsel-MTM0MzI
Busattil A; Roweth J; Jarvis J; Napier J, 2017, Wentworth Falls School of Arts, Publication: Asylum, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance), https://www.bmrsg.org.au/events/fundraising-concert-local-bands-bridge-asylum/
Napier JJ; Taikoz ; Ligalayam Dance Company ; Lee R; Parthiban A; Anandavalli , 2016, Chowdiah Memorial Hall, Bangalore. The Music Academy, Chennai. Andhra University Convocation Hall, Vizag. Ravindra Bharati, Hyderabad. Jamshed Bhabha Hall, Mumbai., Publication: Chi Udaka Indian Tour, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance), https://www.taikoz.com/whats-on/chi-udaka-india-tour-2016
Napier J; Taikoz ; Lingalayam Dance Company ; Lee R; Parthiban A, 2016, Riverside Theatre, Parramatta, Sydney. Canberra Theatre Centre, Canberra. Nida Parade Theatre, Kensington Sydney. Memorial Entertainment Centre, Bathurst. Capitol Theatre, Tamworth. Glasshouse Theatre, Port Macquarie., Publication: Chi Udaka, Performances (Music, Theatre, Dance), https://www.taikoz.com/whats-on/chi-udaka-australia-tour-2016
Napier J; Cleworth I; Lee R; Parthiban A; Cleworth J, 2016, Chi Udaka Version 4, publication category: Music Compositions
Krishnan S; Napier J, 2015, The Dreaming Damsel, publication category: Music Compositions
Napier JJ, 2001, Sangat: melodic accompaniment
Napier JJ, 2015, Review of "Mountainous Spaces" by Andrew Alter, Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00856401.2015.1057927