Select Publications

Book Chapters

Bonnitcha J; Mathew A, 2024, 'Article 6 of the ARSIWA and Article 7 of the ARIO', in Kulick A; Waibel M (ed.), General International Law in International Investment Law: A Commentary, Oxford University Press

Bonnitcha J, 2022, 'The Impact of Investment Treaties on the Rule of Law in Myanmar', in Calamita NJ; Berman A (ed.), Investment Treaties and the Rule of Law Promise The Internalisation of International Commitments in Asia, pp. 127 - 165,

Bonnitcha J; Poulsen L; Yackee J, 2021, 'A World Without (Treaty-based) ISDS: Costs and Benefits', in Elsig M; Polanco R; van den Bossche P (ed.), International Economic Dispute Settlement Demise or Transformation?, Cambridge University Press, pp. 191 - 219

Wordsworth S; Bonnitcha J, 2018, 'Investment Treaty Arbitration', in Foxton D; Joseph D (ed.), Singapore International Arbitration: Law & Practice, 2nd Edition,

Bonnitcha J, 2018, 'International Investment Arbitration in Myanmar: Bounded Rationality, but Not as We Know It', in Nijhoff International Investment Law Series, pp. 335 - 360,

Bonnitcha J; Skovgaard Poulsen LN; Waibel M, 2017, 'Investment Treaties, Foreign Investment, and Development', in The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime, Oxford University Press, pp. 155 - 180,

Bonnitcha J; Skovgaard Poulsen LN; Waibel M, 2017, 'List of Agreements', in , Oxford University Press, pp. xv - xxii,

Bonnitcha J; Skovgaard Poulsen LN; Waibel M, 2017, 'List of Decisions', in , Oxford University Press, pp. xxiii - xxviii,

Bonnitcha J; Skovgaard Poulsen LN; Waibel M, 2017, 'List of Tables', in , Oxford University Press, pp. xiii - xiv,

Bonnitcha J; Skovgaard Poulsen LN; Waibel M, 2017, 'Preface', in , Oxford University Press, pp. v - vii,

Bonnitcha J, 2017, 'The Principle of Good Governance in the Reasoning of Investor-State Arbitral Tribunals', in Cordonier Segger M-C; Weeramantry CG (ed.), Sustainable Development Principles in the Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals 1992-2012, Routledge, pp. 583 - 594

Bonnitcha J, 2017, 'The principle of good governance in the reasoning of investor-State arbitral tribunals', in Segger MCC (ed.), SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES IN THE DECISIONS OF INTERNATIONAL COURTS AND TRIBUNALS: 1992-2012, ROUTLEDGE, pp. 583 - 594

Bonnitcha J, 2015, 'Chapter 10: Democracy, development and compensation under investment treaties: The case of transition from authoritarian rule', in International Investment Law and Development, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 285 - 308,

Bonnitcha J, 2015, 'Democracy, Development and Compensation under Investment Treaties', in International Investment Law and Development Bridging the Gap, Edward Elgar Publishing

Poulsen L; Bonnitcha J; Yackee J, 2015, 'Transatlantic Investment Treaty Protection', in Rule-Makers or Rule-Takers? Exploring the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Rowman & Littlefield

Bonnitcha J, 2015, 'Democracy, development and compensation under investment treaties: The case of transition from authoritarian rule', in International Investment Law and Development: Bridging the Gap, pp. 285 - 308,

Wordsworth S; Bonnitcha J, 2014, 'Investment Treaty Arbitration in Singapore', in Singapore International Arbitration Law and Practice, Lexis Nexus

Bonnitcha J; Aisbett E, 2013, 'An economic analysis of the substantive protections provided by investment treaties', in Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2011-2012, Oxford University Press, pp. 681 - 704

Bonnitcha J, 2011, 'Outline of a normative framework for evaluating interpretations of investment treaty protections', in Evolution in Investment Treaty Law and Arbitration, pp. 117 - 144,

Khoday K; Bonnitcha J, 2011, 'Globalization and Inclusive Governance in China and India', in Sustainable Development in World Investment Law, Kluwer Law International

Taillant D; Bonnitcha J, 2011, 'International Investment Law and Human Rights', in Sustainable Development in World Investment Law, Kluwer Law International

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