Select Publications


Berengut JC; Epelbaum E; Flambaum VV; Hanhart C; Meißner U-G; Nebreda J; Peláez JR, 2013, Varying the light quark mass: impact on the nuclear force and Big Bang nucleosynthesis,

Stadnik YV; Gossel GH; Flambaum VV; Berengut JC, 2012, Resonant scattering of light in a near-black-hole metric,

Spencer-Smith AF; Gossel GH; Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2012, Bound states of spin-half particles in a static gravitational field close to the black hole field,

Dzuba VA; Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Roberts B, 2012, Revisiting parity non-conservation in cesium,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Ong A, 2012, Highly charged ions with E1, M1, and E2 transitions within laser range,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Ong A, 2012, Optical transitions in highly-charged californium ions with high sensitivity to variation of the fine-structure constant,

Berengut JC; Kava EM; Flambaum VV, 2012, A reanalysis of quasar absorption spectra results suggesting a spatial gradient in values of the fine-structure constant,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2012, Comment on "Global Positioning System Test of the Local Position Invariance of Planck's Constant",

Berengut JC, 2011, Isotope shifts and relativistic shifts of Cr II for study of alpha-variation in quasar absorption spectra,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2011, Transitions in Zr, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Hg, Ac and U ions with high sensitivity to variation of the fine-structure constant,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Kava EM, 2011, Search for variation of fundamental constants and violations of fundamental symmetries using isotope comparisons,

Curran SJ; Tanna A; Koch FE; Berengut JC; Webb JK; Stark AA; Flambaum VV, 2011, Measuring space-time variation of the fundamental constants with redshifted submillimetre transitions of neutral carbon,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Ong A, 2011, Hole transitions in multiply-charged ions for precision laser spectroscopy and searching for alpha-variation,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; King JA; Kozlov MG; Murphy MT; Webb JK, 2010, Atomic transition frequencies, isotope shifts, and sensitivity to variation of the fine structure constant for studies of quasar absorption spectra,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2010, Astronomical and laboratory searches for space-time variation of fundamental constants,

Lybarger WE; Berengut JC; Chiaverini J, 2010, Precision measurement of the 5 2S1/2 - 4 2D5/2 quadrupole transition isotope shift between 88Sr+ and 86Sr+,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; King JA; Curran SJ; Webb JK, 2010, Is there further evidence for spatial variation of fundamental constants?,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2010, Manifestations of a spatial variation of fundamental constants on atomic clocks, Oklo, meteorites, and cosmological phenomena,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2010, Enhanced laboratory sensitivity to variation of the fine-structure constant using highly-charged ions,

Gossel GH; Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2010, Energy levels of a scalar particle in a static gravitational field close to the black hole limit,

Ong A; Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2010, The effect of spin-orbit nuclear charge density corrections due to the anomalous magnetic moment on halonuclei,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; King-Lacroix J, 2009, Magnetic blackbody shift of hyperfine transitions for atomic clocks,

Berengut JC; Dmitriev VF; Flambaum VV, 2009, Effect of quark-mass variation on big bang nucleosynthesis,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Porsev SG, 2009, A proposed experimental method to determine $\alpha$-sensitivity of splitting between ground and 7.6 eV isomeric states in Th-229,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2008, Isotope shift calculations in Ti II,

Berengut JC; Loch SD; Ballance CP; Pindzola MS, 2006, Electron-impact ionization of the metastable excited states of Li+,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2005, Calculation of isotope shifts and relativistic shifts in CI, CII, CIII and CIV,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2005, Improved calculation of relativistic shift and isotope shift in Mg I,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Marchenko MV, 2004, Calculation of the dependence of transition frequencies on the fine structure constant and the search for variation of alpha in QSO spectra,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG; Marchenko MV; Murphy MT; Webb JK, 2004, Laboratory spectroscopy and the search for space-time variation of the fine structure constant using QSO spectra,

Kozlov MG; Korol VA; Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2004, Space-time variation of the fine structure constant and evolution of isotope abundances,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Marchenko MV, 2004, The alpha-dependence of transition frequencies for some ions of Ti, Mn, Na, C, and O, and the search for variation of the fine structure constant,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2003, Configuration interaction calculation for the isotope shift in Mg I,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2003, Isotope shift calculations for atoms with one valence electron,

Flambaum VV; Berengut JC, 2000, Atom made from charged elementary black hole,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Gribakin GF, 1999, Unusual statistics of interference effects in neutron scattering from compound nuclei,

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