Select Publications

Journal articles

Allik M; Bailey G; Cummings A; Falster K; Gilbert R; Griffiths L; Jay M; Nickel N; Phillips-Beck W; Pilkington R, 2024, 'Constantly changing, constantly adapting: Lives and life-course data of children and childhood social care', International Journal of Population Data Science, 9,

Andersen A-MN; Aradhya S; Bilsteen JF; Bowden N; Early E; Falster K; Flatø M; Fleming M; French R; Hagemann E; Harron K; Keating J; Mika G; Mitchell R; Montgomerie A; Nickell N; Papanicolas I; Pilkington R; Romitti P; Ratnasingham S; Smithers L; Valdés N; Wilson B, 2024, 'IPDLN Workshop: Opportunities for Cross-Country Comparisons of Linked Administrative Education and Health Data', International Journal of Population Data Science, 9,

Andersen A-MN; Aradhya S; Bilsteen JF; Bowden N; Early E; Falster K; Flatø M; Fleming M; French R; Hagemann E; Harron K; Keating J; Mika G; Mitchell R; Montgomerie A; Nickell N; Papanicolas I; Pilkington R; Romitti P; Ratnasingham S; Smithers L; Valdés N; Wilson B, 2024, 'IPDLN Workshop: Opportunities for Cross-Country Comparisons of Linked Administrative Education and Health Data', International Journal of Population Data Science, 9,

Gibbs AAM; Laupland KB; Edwards F; Ling W; Channon-Wells S; Harley D; Falster K; Paterson DL; Harris PNA; Irwin AD, 2024, 'Trends in Enterobacterales Bloodstream Infections in Children', Pediatrics, 154,

Falster K; Pilkington R; Ahmed T; Montgomerie A; Hanly M; Newton BJ; Brownell M; Edwards B; Lingam R; Shakeshaft A; Cretikos M; Stewart J; Hawkins K; McLean K; Lynch J, 2024, 'Early life child protection contacts and developmental risk at age five: a whole-of-population cohort study of 479,413 children in two Australian states.', International Journal of Population Data Science, 9,

Pilkington R; Falster K; Hanly M; Montgomerie A; Ahmed T; Newton BJ; Edwards B; Lingam R; Shakeshaft A; Cretikos M; Stewart J; Hawkins K; McLean K; Lynch J, 2024, 'The scale and timing of child protection system contacts from 0-18 years: a study of 1.9 million Australian children', International Journal of Population Data Science, 9,

Young C; Burgess L; Falster K; Zoega H; Banks E; Clapham K; Woolfenden S; Cutmore M; Williamson A, 2024, 'Mental health–related service and medicine use among a cohort of urban Aboriginal children and young people: Data linkage study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 58, pp. 787 - 799,

Powell M; Pilkington R; Varney B; Havard A; Lynch J; Dobbins T; Oei JL; Ahmed T; Falster K, 2024, 'The burden of prenatal and early life maternal substance use among children at risk of maltreatment: A systematic review', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 823 - 847,

Tran DT; Robijn AL; Varney B; Zoega H; Brew BK; Chambers GM; Falster K; Lingam R; Pearson SA; Havard A, 2024, 'Data Resource Profile: The Early Life Course data platform for research on perinatal and early childhood exposures and outcomes in Australia', International Journal of Epidemiology, 53,

Hu N; Gelaw YA; Katz I; Fernandez E; Falster K; Hanly M; Newton BJ; Stephensen J; Hotton P; Zwi K; Lingam R, 2024, 'Developmental trajectories of socio-emotional outcomes of children and young people in out-of-home care – Insights from data of Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS)', Child Abuse and Neglect, 149,

Lima F; O’Donnell M; Gibberd AJ; Falster K; Banks E; Jones J; Williams R; Eades F; Harrap B; Chenhall R; Octoman O; Eades S, 2024, 'Aboriginal Children Placed in Out-of-Home Care: Pathways Through the Child Protection System', Australian Social Work, 77, pp. 471 - 485,

Newton BJ; Gray P; Cripps K; Falster K; Katz I; Chiswell K; Wellington L; Ardler R; Frith F; Jones T; Kent M; Tong N, 2024, 'Restoring Children From Out-of-Home Care: Insights From an Aboriginal-Led Community Forum', Child and Family Social Work,

Hunkin H; Malvaso CG; Chittleborough CR; Gialamas A; Montgomerie A; Falster K; Lynch J; Pilkington RM, 2024, 'Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Multisystemic Therapy and Functional Family Therapy Targeting Antisocial Behavior in Adolescence', Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,

Economidis G; Farnbach S; Eades AM; Falster K; Shakeshaft A, 2023, 'Enablers and barriers to the implementation of Multisystemic Therapy for Child Abuse and Neglect (MST-CAN) into the routine delivery of child protection services in New South Wales, Australia', Children and Youth Services Review, 155,

Economidis G; Pilkington R; Lynch J; Dobbins T; Shakeshaft A; Powell M; Eades AM; Falster K, 2023, 'The effect of family-based therapy on child physical abuse and neglect: a narrative systematic review', International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 6, pp. 633 - 674,

Harrap B; Gibberd A; O'Donnell M; Simons K; Jones J; Lima F; McAullay D; Falster K; Banks E; Eades S, 2023, 'Cumulative incidence of child protection system contacts among a cohort of Western Australian Aboriginal children born 2000 to 2013', Child Abuse and Neglect, 143,

DeLacy J; Burgess L; Cutmore M; Sherriff S; Woolfenden S; Falster K; Banks E; Purcell A; Kong K; Coates H; Curotta J; Douglas M; Slater K; Thompson A; Stephens J; Sherwood J; McIntyre P; Tsembis J; Dickson M; Craig J; Gunasekera H, 2023, 'Ear health and hearing in urban Aboriginal children', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 47,

Economidis G; Farnbach S; Falster K; Eades AM; Shakeshaft A, 2023, 'Identifying enablers and barriers to the implementation of Functional family Therapy – Child Welfare (FFT-CW®) into the routine delivery of child protection services in New South Wales, Australia', Children and Youth Services Review, 149, pp. 106927,

Bruno C; Havard A; Hanly M; Falster K; Nassar N; Edwards B; Guastella AJ; Pearson SA; Zoega H, 2022, 'Children's Relative Age and Medicine Treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Across Australian Jurisdictions with Different School Enrolment Policies', Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 32, pp. 349 - 357,

Gibberd AJ; Tyler J; Falster K; Preen DB; Hanly M; Clarke MJ; McNamara BJ; Eades SJ; Scurrah KJ, 2021, 'Pregnancy and birth characteristics of Aboriginal twins in two Australian states: a data linkage study', BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21,

Falster K; Hanly M; Edwards B; Banks E; Lynch JW; Eades S; Nickel N; Goldfeld S; Biddle N, 2021, 'Preschool attendance and developmental outcomes at age five in Indigenous and non-Indigenous children: A population-based cohort study of 100 357 Australian children', Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 75, pp. 371 - 379,

Falster K; Hanly M; Pilkington R; Eades S; Stewart J; Jorm L; Lynch J, 2020, 'Cumulative Incidence of Child Protection Services Involvement before Age 5 Years in 153670 Australian Children', JAMA Pediatrics, 174, pp. 995 - 997,

Skinner A; Falster K; Gunasekera H; Burgess L; Sherriff S; Deuis M; Thorn A; Banks E, 2020, 'Asthma in urban Aboriginal children: A cross-sectional study of socio-demographic patterns and associations with pre-natal and current carer smoking', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 56, pp. 1448 - 1457,

Hanly M; Falster K; Banks E; Lynch J; Chambers GM; Brownell M; Dillon A; Eades S; Jorm L, 2020, 'Role of maternal age at birth in child development among Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian children in their first school year: a population-based cohort study', The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 4, pp. 46 - 57,

Williamson A; Gibberd A; Hanly MJ; Banks E; Eades S; Clapham K; Falster K, 2019, 'Social and emotional developmental vulnerability at age five in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children in New South Wales: A population data linkage study', International Journal for Equity in Health, 18, pp. 120,

Hanly M; Edwards B; Goldfeld S; Craven RG; Mooney J; Jorm L; Falster K, 2019, 'School starting age and child development in a state-wide, population-level cohort of children in their first year of school in New South Wales, Australia', Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 48, pp. 325 - 340,

Williamson A; Skinner A; Falster K; Clapham K; Eades SJ; Banks E, 2018, 'Mental health-related emergency department presentations and hospital admissions in a cohort of urban Aboriginal children and adolescents in New South Wales, Australia: Findings from SEARCH', BMJ Open, 8,

Gunasekera H; Miller HM; Burgess L; Chando S; Sheriff SL; Tsembis JD; Kong KM; Coates HLC; Curotta J; Falster K; McIntyre PB; Banks E; Peter NJ; Craig JC, 2018, 'Agreement between diagnoses of otitis media by audiologists and otolaryngologists in Aboriginal Australian children', Medical Journal of Australia, 209, pp. 29 - 35,

Falster K; Hanly M; Banks E; Lynch J; Brownell M; Chambers GM; Eades S; Jorm L, 2018, 'Maternal age and offspring developmental vulnerability at age five: A population-based cohort study of Australian children', PLoS Medicine, 15, pp. e1002558,

Thurber K; Burgess L; Falster K; Banks E; Möller H; Ivers R; Cowell C; Isaac V; Kalucy D; Fernando P; Woodall C; Clapham K; Moeller H, 2018, 'Relation of child, caregiver, and environmental characteristics to childhood injury in an urban Aboriginal cohort in New South Wales, Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42, pp. 157 - 165,

Möller H; Falster K; Ivers R; Clapham K; Harvey L; Jorm L; Moeller H, 2018, 'High rates of hospitalised burn injury in Indigenous children living in remote areas: a population data linkage study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42, pp. 108 - 109,

Hanly M; Falster K; Chambers G; Lynch J; Banks E; Homaira N; Brownell M; Eades S; Jorm L, 2018, 'Gestational Age and Child Development at Age Five in a Population-Based Cohort of Australian Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Children', Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 32, pp. 114 - 125,

Falster K; Jorgensen M; Hanly M; Banks E; Brownell M; Eades S; Craven R; Goldfeld S; Randall D; Jorm L, 2017, 'Data Resource Profile: Seeding Success: A crosssectoral data resource for early childhood health and development research in Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children', International Journal of Epidemiology, 46, pp. 1365 - 1366j,

Möller H; Harvey L; Falster K; Ivers R; Clapham KF; Jorm L, 2017, 'Indigenous and non-indigenous Australian children hospitalised for burn injuries: A population data linkage study', Medical Journal of Australia, 206, pp. 392 - 397,

Möller H; Falster K; Ivers R; Falster MO; Clapham K; Jorm L, 2017, 'Closing the Aboriginal child injury gap: targets for injury prevention', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 41, pp. 8 - 14,

Falster K; Banks E; Lujic S; Falster M; Lynch J; Zwi K; Eades S; Leyland AH; Jorm L, 2016, 'Inequalities in pediatric avoidable hospitalizations between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children in Australia: A population data linkage study', BMC Pediatrics, 16,

Möller H; Falster K; Ivers R; Falster M; Randall D; Clapham K; Jorm L, 2016, 'Inequalities in hospitalized unintentional injury between aboriginal and non-aboriginal children in New South Wales, Australia', American Journal of Public Health, 106, pp. 899 - 905,

Möller H; Falster K; Ivers R; Jorm L, 2015, 'Inequalities in unintentional injuries between indigenous and non-indigenous children: A systematic review', Injury Prevention, 21, pp. e144 - e152,

Falster K; Jorm L; Eades S; Lynch J; Banks E; Brownell M; Craven R; Einarsdóttir K; Randall D; Goldfeld S; Leyland A; Best E; Chilvers M, 2015, 'What factors contribute to positive early childhood health and development in Australian Aboriginal children? Protocol for a population-based cohort study using linked administrative data (The Seeding Success Study)', BMJ Open, 5, pp. e007898,

Falster K; Randall D; Banks E; Eades S; Gunasekera H; Reath J; Jorm L, 2013, 'Inequalities in ventilation tube insertion procedures between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children in New South Wales, Australia: A data linkage study', BMJ Open, 3,

Wand HC; Falster K; Wilson DP; Law MG; Maher L, 2012, 'Disproportionate impact of combination antiretroviral therapy on AIDS incidence in Australia: Results from a modified back-projection model', AIDS and Behavior, 16, pp. 360 - 367,

Falster KA; Wand HC; Donovan BJ; Anderson JS; Nolan D; Watson K; Watson J; Law MG, 2010, 'Hospitalizations in a cohort of HIV patients in Australia, 1999-2007', AIDS, 24, pp. 1329 - 1339

Falster K; Choi JY; Donovan B; Duncombe C; Mulhall B; Sowden D; Zhou J; Law MG, 2009, 'AIDS-related and non-AIDS-related mortality in the Asia-Pacific region in the era of combination antiretroviral treatment', AIDS, 23, pp. 2323 - 2336,

Choi JY; Donovan BJ; Duncombe CJ; Mulhall BP; Sowden D; Zhou J; Law MG; Falster K, 2009, 'AIDS-related and non-AIDS-related mortality in the Asia-Pacific region in the era of combination antiretroviral treatment.', AIDS, 23, pp. 2323 - 2336,

Kumar B; Selmer R; Lindman A; Tverdal A; Falster KA; Meyer H, 2009, 'Ethnic differences in SCORE cardiovascular risk in Oslo, Norway', European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, 16, pp. 229 - 234

Falster K; Kaldor J; Maher L, 2009, 'Hepatitis C virus acquisition among injecting drug users: A cohort analysis of a national repeated cross-sectional survey of needle and syringe program attendees in Australia, 1995-2004', Journal of Urban Health - Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 86, pp. 106 - 118

Egger S; Petoumenos K; Kamarulzaman A; Hoy JF; Sungkanuparph S; Chuah J; Falster KA; Zhou J; Law MG, 2009, 'Long term patterns in CD4 response are determined by an interaction between baseline CD4 cell count, viral load and time: The Asia Pacific HIV Observational Database (APHOD)', JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 50, pp. 513 - 520

Falster KA; Petoumenos K; Chuah J; Mijch AM; Mulhall BP; Kelly M; Cooper DA, 2009, 'Poor baseline immune function predicts an incomplete immune response to combination antiretroviral treatment despite sustained viral suppression.', JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 50, pp. 307 - 313

Monforte A; Abrams D; Pradier C; Weber R; Reiss P; Bonnet F; Kirk O; Law MG; de Witt S; Friis-Moller N; Phillips AN; Sabin C; Lundgren JD, 2008, 'HIV-induced immunodeficiency and mortality from AIDS-defining and non-AIDS-defining malignancies.', AIDS, pp. 2143 - 2153

Falster KA; Gelgor L; Shaik A; Zablotska Manos I; Prestage G; Grierson J; Thorpe R; Pitts M; Anderson JS; Chuah J; Mulhall BP; Petoumenos K; Kelleher AD; Law MG, 2008, 'Trends in antiretroviral treatment use and treatment response in three Australian states in the first decade of combination antiretroviral treatment', Sexual Health, 5, pp. 141 - 154

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