Select Publications


E TK; Wakefield C; Signorelli C; Day A; Vernon-Roberts A; Ooi C, 2023, Gastroenterology services for patients with Cystic Fibrosis across Australia and New Zealand: A multi-stakeholder assessment of patients’ and professionals’ perspectives,

Wong S; Awatade N; Astore M; Allan K; Carnell M; Slapetova I; Chen P-C; Capraro A; Fawcett L; Whan R; Griffith R; Ooi C; Kuyucak S; Jaffe A; Waters S, 2021, In silicoand functional characterisation of an ultra-rareCFTRmutation identifies novel lasso motif interactions regulating channel gating,

Wong S; Awatade N; Astore M; Allan K; Carnell M; Slapetova I; Chen P-C; Setiadi J; Pandzic E; Fawcett L; Widger J; Whan R; Griffith R; Ooi C; Kuyucak S; Jaffe A; Waters S, 2021, Molecular dynamics and theratyping in airway and gut organoids reveal R352Q-CFTR conductance defect,

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