Select Publications

Book Chapters

Randolph B; Crommelin L; Loosemore M; Easthope H, 2024, 'Regulation, deregulation and reregulation: The apartment quality crisis in Sydney', in Toner P; Rafferty M (ed.), Captured: How neoliberalism transformed the Australian state, Sydney University Press, pp. 249 - 268,

Crommelin L; Troy L; Martin C; Pettit C, 2020, 'Is Airbnb a Sharing Economy Superstar? Evidence from Five Global Cities', in Disruptive Urbanism, Routledge, pp. 37 - 52,

Crommelin L, 2020, 'Making place by making things again? How artisanal makers are reshaping place in post-industrial Detroit and Newcastle', in Bishop K; Marshall N (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of People and Place in the 21st Century City, Routledge

Crommelin L, 2020, 'The Tales of Two Cities: How Urban Narratives Have Shaped the ‘Wounded’ Cities of New Orleans and Detroit', in Hidden Cities: Understanding Urban Popcultures, pp. 153 - 164,

Crommelin L, 2019, 'Urban Utopia', in Orum AM (ed.), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies,

Pettit C; Ticzon C; Reades J; Wentz EA; Ong P; Martin C; Troy L; Crommelin L, 2018, 'How Disruptive Technology is Impacting the Housing and Property Markets: An Examination of Airbnb', in Reed R; Pettit C (ed.), Real Estate and GIS: The Application of Mapping Technologies, Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 36 - 64,

Crommelin LM; Troy L; Randolph B; Easthope H, 2018, 'Everybody needs good neighbours, especially in strata: are new Australian laws enabling forced sales of strata properties justified?', in Searle G (ed.), Compulsory Property Acquisition for Urban Densification, Taylor & Francis, pp. 148 - 165,

Crommelin LM, 2016, 'Examining Place-making in Practice: Observations from the Revitalization of Downtown Detroit', in Freestone R; Liu E (ed.), Place and Placelessness Revisited, Routledge, New York, pp. 153 - 167,

Journal articles

Liu S; Ruming K; Gillon C; Pinnegar S; Crommelin L; Easthope H, 2025, '“It’s Like Winning the Lottery But Without Buying a Lottery Ticket”: Housing Market Impacts of Compact City Planning, Upzoning, and Collective Sales', Urban Policy and Research, pp. 1 - 19,

Vij A; Ardeshiri A; Crommelin L; Denham T; Washington L; Beer A, 2024, 'COVID-19, Shifting Urban Growth Dynamics and Preferences for Regional Living in Australia', Urban Policy and Research, 42, pp. 35 - 58,

Ruming KJ; Liu S; Pinnegar S; Crommelin L; Gillon C; Easthope H, 2024, 'Delivering suburban densification: Diverse resident groups and strategies of support and resistance', Urban Studies,

Crommelin L; Loosemore M; Easthope H; Randolph B, 2024, 'How information asymmetries exacerbate building defects risks for purchasers of Australian residential multi-owned properties', Building Research and Information, 52, pp. 644 - 657,

Beer A; Vij A; Baker E; Crommelin L; Dodson J; Gharaie E; Li T; Horne S, 2024, 'Disruption in regional housing: Policy responses for more resilient markets', AHURI Final Report,

Easthope H; Crommelin L; Gillon C; Pinnegar S; Ruming K; Liu S, 2023, 'Redeveloping the compact city: the challenges of strata collective sales', Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law, 16, pp. 51 - 67,

Easthope H; Crommelin L; Kerr SM; Troy L; van den Nouwelant R; Davison G, 2022, 'Planning for Lower‐Income Households in Privately Developed High‐Density Neighbourhoods in Sydney, Australia', Urban Planning, 7, pp. 213 - 228,

Evans C; Harris MS; Taufen A; Livesley SJ; Crommelin L, 2022, 'What does it mean for a transitioning urban waterfront to “work” from a sustainability perspective?', Journal of Urbanism,

Crommelin L; Parkinson S; Martin C; Troy L, 2021, 'Airbnb and amenity: Is short-term letting reshaping how we live in the city?', Critical Housing Analysis, 8, pp. 119 - 128,

Troy L; Randolph B; Pinnegar S; Crommelin L; Easthope H, 2020, 'Vertical Sprawl in the Australian City: Sydney’s High-rise Residential Development Boom', Urban Policy and Research, 38, pp. 18 - 36,

Crommelin L; Easthope H; Troy L; Randolph B, 2020, 'A new pathway to displacement? The implications of less-than-unanimous strata renewal laws for vulnerable residents', Australian Planner, 56, pp. 261 - 269,

King C; Crommelin L, 2019, 'A different perspective on post-industrial labor market restructuring in Detroit and Pittsburgh', Journal of Urban Affairs,

Crommelin LM; Troy L; Martin C; Pettit C, 2018, 'Is Airbnb a sharing economy superstar? Evidence from five global cities', Urban Policy and Research,

Bunker R; Crommelin L; Troy L; Easthope H; Pinnegar S; Randolph B, 2017, 'Managing the transition to a more compact city in Australia', International Planning Studies, 22, pp. 384 - 399,

Crommelin LM; Bunker R; Troy L; Randolph B; Easthope H; Pinnegar S, 2017, 'As compact city planning rolls on, a look back: lessons from Sydney and Perth', Australian Planner, 54, pp. 115 - 125,

King C; Crommelin L, 2013, 'Surfing the yinzernet: Exploring the complexities of place branding in post-industrial Pittsburgh', Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 9, pp. 264 - 278,

Conference Papers

Crommelin LM; Troy L; Easthope H, 2017, 'Inequitable density: the place of lower-income and disadvantaged residents in the compact city', Adelaide, presented at State of Australian Cities, Adelaide, 27 November 2017 - 30 November 2017,

Crommelin LM, 2013, 'Selling Newcastle to the World, and to Newcastle: a case study of the official and unofficial rebranding of Newcastle, NSW', in Ruming K; Randolph B; Gurran N (eds.), State of Australian Cities Conference 2013: Refereed Proceedings, SOAC Research Network, Sydney, presented at State of Australian Cities Conference 2013, Sydney, 27 November 2013 - 29 November 2013,

Drane JR; Cai W; Mussi E; Shi Y; Crommelin L; Wechsler Pizarro A, 2012, 'A tale of two cultures: Building community by researching community', in AARE Conference Papers - Electronic, AARE, Victoria, pp. 1 - 13, presented at AARE 2012: Australian Association for Research in Education National Conference, Sydney, - ,

Crommelin LM, 2011, 'Tales of Two Cities: How the Urban Imaginary Has Shaped Detroit and New Orleans', in Hidden Cities: Understanding Urban Popcultures, Prague, presented at, 1st Global Conference: Urban Popcultures, Prague, 08 March 2011 - 10 March 2011,

Conference Presentations

Crommelin L; van den Nouwelant R; Randolph B, 2017, 'These aren't the key workers you're looking for: Revisiting the key worker discourse from a central city productivity perspective.', presented at Australasian Housing Researchers Conference, Melbourne, 14 February 2017 - 16 February 2017,

Troy LJ; Crommelin L; Randolph B; Easthope H; Pinnegar S; Bunker R, 2016, 'Delivering the numbers: Urban renewal, the market and the planning process', presented at PIA NSW State Conference, Newcastle, 13 October 2016 - 14 October 2016

King C; Crommelin LM, 2016, 'A Different Perspective on Post-Industrial Labor Market Restructuring in Detroit and Pittsburgh', presented at Urban Affairs Association 46th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, 16 March 2016 - 19 March 2016

Crommelin LM, 2015, '"Tales from the Intersection of Creative Class Theory, Place Branding, and Urban Revitalization in the Post-industrial Cities of Detroit and Newcastle"', presented at Spaces and Flows 6th International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, Chicago, USA, 15 October 2015 - 16 October 2015,

Crommelin LM, 2015, '"Innovation in urban image change: insights from Newcastle, NSW and Detroit, Michigan"', presented at LESANZ Annual Conference 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 29 April 2015 - 01 May 2015,

Crommelin LM, 2014, 'Exploring the Diversity of Economic Revitalisation Efforts in Post-Industrial Cities: A Case Study of Informal Reimaging Strategies in Detroit and Newcastle', presented at Knowledge/Culture/Society, University of Western Sydney, Parramatta, 03 November 2014 - 05 November 2014,

Crommelin LM, 2013, 'Detroit: From the poster child of decline to the poster child of DIY?', presented at Urban Affairs Association, 43rd Conference - Building the 21st Century City: Inclusion, Innovation, and Globalization, San Francisco, 03 April 2013 - 06 April 2013,

Crommelin LM, 2012, 'Post-Industrial Place-Making: Exploring Tactical Urbanism as a Revitalization Strategy.', presented at Association of Collegiate Schools and Planning, 53rd Annual Conference: Resurgence of Planning in a New Century., Cincinnati, OH, 01 November 2012 - 04 November 2012,

King C; Crommelin LM, 2012, 'Reaffirming the Yinzer in Post-industrial Pittsburgh', presented at Spaces and Flows, Third International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, Detroit, MI, 11 October 2012 - 12 October 2012

Crommelin LM, 2011, 'The Tales of Two Cities: The Role of Popular Culture in Shaping the Recoveries of Detroit and New Orleans', presented at Urban Affairs Association, 41st Conference - Reclaiming the City: Building a Just and Sustainable Future, New Orleans, LA, 16 March 2011 - 19 March 2011,


Kerr S-M; Crommelin L; Easthope H, 2023, Housing Suitability Literature Review, UNSW

Easthope H; Palmer J; Sharam A; Nethercote M; Pignatta G; Crommelin L, 2023, Delivering sustainable apartment housing: New build and retrofit, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne, 400,,,%20doi:%2010.18408/ahuri7128201

Liu E; Ng M; Kerr S; Crommelin L; Debnath R; Lin Y; Pettit C, 2023, Regional NSW Housing Metrics - Consultation report

Martin C; Hulse K; Ghasri M; Ralston L; Crommelin L; Goodall Z; Parkinson S; O'Brien Webb E; Ghasrikhouzani M; Baldry E; McCausland R, 2022, Regulation of residential tenancies and impacts on investment, AHURI Ltd, Melbourne, 391,,

Ng M; Crommelin L; Pettit C, 2022, Housing Delivery Targets and Benchmarks in New South Wales

Crommelin L; Denham T; Troy L; Harrison J; Gilbert H; Dühr S; Pinnegar S, 2022, Understanding the lived experience and benefits of regional cities, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI),

Vij A; Ardeshiri A; Li T; Beer A; Crommelin L, 2022, Understanding what attracts new residents to smaller cities, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne, 375,,

Beer A; Crommelin L; Vij A; Dodson J; Dühr S; Pinnegar S, 2022, Growing Australia’s smaller cities to better manage population growth,

Crommelin L; Thompson S; Easthope H; Loosemore M; Yang H; Buckle C; Randolph B, 2021, Cracks in the Compact City: tackling defects in multi-unit strata housing, City Futures Research Centre,,

Easthope H; Crommelin L; Troy L; Davison G; Nethercote M; Foster S; van den Nouwelant R; Kleeman A; Randolph B; Horne R, 2020, Improving outcomes for apartment residents and neighbourhoods, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, 329,,

Pettit C; Crommelin L; Sharam A; Hulse K, 2018, The potential of new technologies to disrupt housing policy, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI),

Crommelin L; Troy L; Martin C; Parkinson S, 2018, Technological disruption in private housing markets: the case of Airbnb, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne, 305,,

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