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Select Publications
2022, 'Biolegality: How Biology and Law Redefine Sociality', Annual Review of Anthropology, 51, pp. 383 - 399, http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev-anthro-041520-102305
,2021, 'Guidance systems: from autonomous directives to legal sensor-bilities', AI and Society, 36, pp. 521 - 534, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00146-020-01012-z
,2019, 'Human Rights, Legal Personhood and the Impersonality of Embodied Life', Law, Culture and the Humanities, pp. 1 - 20, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1743872119857068
,2019, 'Un-signing Geneva: Legal pragmatics in the management of asylum', International Journal of Law in Context, 15, pp. 20 - 32, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1744552318000113
,2017, 'Paul Ricœur’s Search for a Just Community. The Phenomenological Presupposition of a Life “with and for others”', Études Ricoeuriennes, 8, pp. 46 - 54, http://dx.doi.org/10.5195/errs.2017.416
,2017, 'Hoe te getuigen van het gebroken zelf? Essay over de verwikkelingen van Harry Kunneman en Paul Ricoeur (in Dutch)', Waardenwerk, 70/71, pp. 38 - 45, http://www.waardenwerk.net/hoe-te-getuigen-van-het-gebroken-zelf/1027732
,2016, 'The Concept of Life in Helmut Plessner's Philosophical Anthropology', Pollen, 2, pp. 85 - 90, http://pollenmagazine.com/002
,2012, 'Civilizing migrants: Integration, culture and citizenship', European Journal of Cultural Studies, 15, pp. 195 - 210, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1367549411432029
,2006, 'Ein neuer Zivilisationsdiskurs? Der Film Submission, Ayaan Hirsi Ali und der »Krieg gegen den Terror« in den Niederlanden', Feministische Studien, 24, pp. 122 - 135, http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/fs-2006-0110
,2005, 'Please, go wake up! Hirsi Ali, Submission and the "War on Terror" in the Netherlands', Feminist Media Studies, 5, pp. 325 - 340, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14680770500271487
,2005, '"Wordt Alsjeblieft Wakker!" Submission, het fenomeen "Ayaan" en de nieuwe ideologische confrontatie', Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies/ Journal for Genderstudies, pp. 44 - 58, http://en.aup.nl/en/journals/tijdschrift-voor-genderstudies.html
,2002, 'Mannelijke Onderonsjes. Onver de representatie van militarisme en mannelijkheid in Velazquez' De Overgave van Breda versus Karremans' De Opgave van Srebrenica', Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies/ Journal for Genderstudies, pp. 4 - 17, http://en.aup.nl/en/journals/tijdschrift-voor-genderstudies.html
,1999, 'Berlin 2000: Fragments of Totality', Parallax, pp. 58 - 68, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/135346499249605