Select Publications


Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Wise M, 2023, Submission COVID-19 Response Inquiry, UNSW and SLHD, Sydney

Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Olliek M; Page J; Wise M; Page J; Wise M, 2023, An Equity-Focused Health Impact Assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sydney Local Health District: Technical Report.,,

Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Olliek M; Page J; Wise M, 2023, An equity-focused health impact assessment of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sydney Local Health District. Supplementary Material., SLHD and UNSW, Sydney,,

Haigh F; Alloun E; Standen C; Olliek M; Page J; Wise M; Page J, 2023, Equity-focused health impact assessment (EFHIA) of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sydney Local Health District (SLHD): Summary Report, SLHD and UNSW, Sydney,,

Harris-Roxas B; Cave B; Dreaves H; Gulis G; Haigh F; Harris E; Hirono K; Jabot F; Rise M; Rivadeneyra A; Roué le Gall A; Simos J; St Pierre L; Wise M, 2018, International Union for Health Promotion and Education Position Paper on Health Impact Assessment, International Union for Health Promotion and Education - IUHPE, Saint-Maurice, France,

de Leeuw EJ; Wise M, 2015, Population health development in the Latrobe Valley. A literature review of world best practice in building healthy communities and health systems,,

Wise M; Hirono KT; Harris E, 2015, Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment of Healthy Together Victoria, Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW Australia

Hirono KT; Wise M; Harris E, 2015, Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment of the Quit Victoria Review 2012-2105., Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW Australia

Harris E; Baum F; Wise M; Furler J; Lawless A; Harris P; Harris-Roxas B; Haigh FA; Kemp L; Hurley C, 2013, The impact of Equity Focused Health Impact Assessments on local planning for after hours care to better meet the needs of vulnerable populations, University of New South Wales Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, Sydney,

Harris P; Sainsbury P; Haigh FA; Wise M, 2012, Submission to the NSW Planning System Review Green Paper

Wise M; Haigh FA; Collins L, 2012, The Health Street Project: A Rapid Health Impact Assessment, Sydney

Harris P; Haigh FA; Wise M, 2011, Submission to the NSW Planning System Review Issues Paper, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation / Sydney and Sydney South West Local Health Districts

Harris PJ; Wise M; Dunn S; Kurko J, 2010, Influencing healthy planning and policy development in local government: Summary report,

Christl B; Harris PJ; Wise M, 2009, A Review of the Evidence of the Impact of Public Transport on Population Health in Australia, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation, part of the UNSW Research Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, Sydney

Tang KC; Chen J; Bauman A; Wise M, 2001, Report for the Department of Health Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on the Study of Community, Organisational and Workforce Capacity in Health Promotion and Education

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