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Select Publications
2022, 'A visceral view of subversion in legal education – teaching and research in unusual domains as a methodology’', in Gibbon H; Golder B; Nehme M; Lixinski L; Vines P (ed.), Legal Education as a Subversive Activity, Taylor & Francis
,2019, 'Legal Education Research As an Imperative', in Imperatives for Legal Education Research Then, Now and Tomorrow, Routledge, pp. 3 - 11, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780429426070
,2019, 'Empirical Legal Education Research: Empirical research in Australia', in Golder B; Nehme M; Steel A; Vines P (ed.), Imperatives for legal education research : then, now and tomorrow, https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9780429426070
,2016, 'Governance and Anti-Doping: Beyond the Fox and the Hen House', in Haas U; Healey D (ed.), Doping in Sport and the Law, pp. 207 - 231
,2013, 'Corruption, international business transactions and the OECD', in Transnational Governance Emerging Models of Global Legal Regulation, pp. 112 - 149
,2013, 'Indigenous Corporate Governance in Australia and Beyond', in Frenkel D (ed.), Economy and Commercial Law – Selected Issues, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Greece, pp. 93 - 109
,2012, 'Corruption, International Business Transactions and the OECD', in Head M; Mann S; Kozlina S (ed.), Transnational Governance: Emerging Models of Global Legal Relation, Ashgate, UK, pp. 111 - 149