Journal articles
Chou A; Waddell N; Cowley MJ; Gill AJ; Chang DK; Patch AM; Nones K; Wu J; Pinese M; Johns AL; Miller DK; Kassahn KS; Nagrial AM; Wasan H; Goldstein D; Toon CW; Chin V; Chantrill L; Humphris J; Mead RS; Rooman I; Samra JS; Pajic M; Musgrove EA; Pearson JV; Morey AL; Grimmond SM; Biankin AV, 2013, 'Clinical and molecular characterization of HER2 amplified-pancreatic cancer', Genome Medicine, 5, pp. 78,
Kemp MW; Molloy TJ; Pajic M; Chapman E, 2013, 'Peer relationships and the biomedical doctorate: A key component of the contemporary learning environment', Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 35, pp. 370 - 385,
Chin VT; Nagrial A; Chantrill LA; Chang DK; Chou A; Humprhis J; Cowley M; Wu J; DiPetro R; Watson C; Spielman C; Steinmann A; Pinese M; Pettitt J; Johns A; Waddell N; Grimmond S; Timpson P; Biankin AV; Pajic M, 2013, 'From functional genomics to precision medicine: The therapeutic potential of targeting ROCK signaling in pancreatic cancer.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31, pp. e15029 - e15029,
Kemp MW; Pajic M; Molloy TJ; Chapman E, 2013, 'Perceived assessment requirements in the contemporary biomedical doctorate: A case-study from a research intensive australian university', International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 8, pp. 105 - 120,
Alexandrov LB; Nik-Zainal S; Wedge DC; Aparicio SAJR; Behjati S; Biankin AV; Bignell GR; Bolli N; Borg A; Børresen-Dale AL; Boyault S; Burkhardt B; Butler AP; Caldas C; Davies HR; Desmedt C; Eils R; Eyfjörd JE; Foekens JA; Greaves M; Hosoda F; Hutter B; Ilicic T; Imbeaud S; Imielinsk M; Jäger N; Jones DTW; Jonas D; Knappskog S; Koo M; Lakhani SR; López-Otín C; Martin S; Munshi NC; Nakamura H; Northcott PA; Pajic M; Papaemmanuil E; Paradiso A; Pearson JV; Puente XS; Raine K; Ramakrishna M; Richardson AL; Richter J; Rosenstiel P; Schlesner M; Schumacher TN; Span PN; Teague JW; Totoki Y; Tutt ANJ; Valdés-Mas R; Van Buuren MM; Van 'T Veer L; Vincent-Salomon A; Waddell N; Yates LR; Zucman-Rossi J; Andrew Futreal P; McDermott U; Lichter P; Meyerson M; Grimmond SM; Siebert R; Campo E; Shibata T; Pfister SM; Campbell PJ; Stratton MR, 2013, 'Signatures of mutational processes in human cancer', Nature, 500, pp. 415 - 421,
Alexandrov LB; Nik-Zainal S; Wedge DC; Aparicio SAJR; Behjati S; Biankin AV; Bignell GR; Bolli N; Borg A; Børresen-Dale A-L; Boyault S; Burkhardt B; Butler AP; Caldas C; Davies HR; Desmedt C; Eils R; Eyfjörd JE; Foekens JA; Greaves M; Hosoda F; Hutter B; Ilicic T; Imbeaud S; Imielinski M; Jäger N; Jones DTW; Knappskog S; Kool M; Lakhani SR; López-Otín C; Martin S; Munshi NC; Nakamura H; Northcott PA; Pajic M; Papaemmanuil E; Paradiso A; Pearson JV; Puente XS; Raine K; Ramakrishna M; Richardson AL; Richter J; Rosenstiel P; Schlesner M; Schumacher TN; Span PN; Teague JW; Totoki Y; Tutt ANJ; Valdés-Mas R; Van Buuren MM; Van 'T Veer L; Vincent-Salomon A; Waddell N; Yates LR; Zucman-Rossi J; Futreal PA; McDermott U; Lichter P; Meyerson M; Grimmond SM; Siebert R; Campo E; Shibata T; Pfister SM; Campbell PJ; Stratton MR, 2013, 'Erratum: Signatures of mutational processes in human cancer', Nature, 502, pp. 258 - 258,
Chang DK; Jamieson N; Johns A; Scarlett CJ; Pajic M; Biankin AV; et A, 2013, 'Histomolecular phenotypes and outcome in adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of vater', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31, pp. 1348 - 1356,
Harliwong I; Gudkov AV; De Ridder J; Burkhart CA; Knosel T; Rummele P; Pajic M; Sartorelli AC; van der Weyden L, 2012, 'Impact of intertumoral heterogeneity on predicting chemotheraphy response of BRCA1-deficient mammary tumors', Cancer Research, 72, pp. 2350 - 2361,
Biankin AV; Waddell NJ; Kassahn KS; Gingras M-C; Muthuswamy L; Johns AL; Miller DK; Wilson PJ; Patchett A-M; Wu J; Chang DK; Cowley MJ; Gardiner BB; Song S; Harliwong I; Idrisoglu S; Nourse C; Nourbakhsh E; Manning S; Wani S; Gongora MM; Pajic M; Scarlett CJ; Gill AJ; Pinho AV; Rooman I; Anderson ML; Holmes O; Leonard C; Taylor DF; Wood SA; Xu Q; Nones K; Fink JL; Christ A; Bruxner T; Cloonan N; Kolle G; Newell F; Pinese M; Mead RS; Humphris J; Kaplan W; Jones M; Colvin EK; Nagrial AM; Humphreys ES; Chou A; Chin VT; Chantrill LA; Mawson A; Samra JS; Kench JG; Lovell JA; Daly RJ; Merrett ND; Toon C; Epari K; Nguyen NQ; Barbour A; Zeps N; Kakkar N; Zhao F; Wu YQ; Wang MJ; Muzny DM; Fisher WE; Brunicardi FC; Hodges SE; Reid JG; Drummond J; Chang K; Han Y; Lewis LR; Dinh H; Buhay CJ; Beck T; Timms L; Sam M; Begley K; Brown A; Pai D; Panchal A; Buchner N; De Borja R; Denroche RE; Yung CK; Serra S; Onetto N; Mukhopadhyay D; Tsao M; Shaw PA; Petersen G; Gallinger S; Hruban R; Maitra A; Iacobuzio-donahue CA; Schulick RD; Wolfgang ; Morgan RA; Lawlor RT; Capelli P; Corbo V; Scardoni M; Tortora G; Tempero MA; Mann KM; Jenkins NA; Perez-Mancera PA; Adams DJ; Largaespada DA; Wessels LFA; Rust AG; Stein LD; Tuveson DA; Copeland NG; Musgrove EA; Scarpa A; Eshleman JR; Hudson TJ; Sutherland RL; Wheeler DA; Pearson JV; McPherson JD; Gibbs RA; Grimmond SM, 2012, 'Pancreatic cancer genomes reveal aberrations in axon guidance pathway genes', Nature, 491, pp. 399 - 405,
Song S; Nones K; Miller DK; Harliwong I; Pinese M; Kassahn KS; Pajic M; Gill A; Johns A; Anderson ML; Holmes O; Leonard C; Taylor DF; Wood SA; Xu Q; Newell FS; Cowley MJ; Wu J; Wilson PJ; Fink L; Biankin AV; Waddell NJ; Grimmond S; Pearson JV, 2012, 'qpure: A tool to estimate tumor cellularity from genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism profiles', PLoS ONE, 7, pp. e45835,
Perez-Mancera P; Rust AG; van der Weyden L; Kristiansen GO; Kristiansen GO; Li A; Sarver AL; Silverstein KAT; Grutzmann R; Aust DE; Rummele P; Knosel T; Herd C; Stemple D; Kettleborough R; Brosnan JA; Li A; Richard GM; Knight S; Yu J; Stegeman S; Collier LS; Ten Hoeve JJ; De Ridder J; Klein A; Goggins M; Hruban R; Chang D; Biankin AV; Pinese M; Grimmond S; Wessels L; Wood S; Iacobuzio-donahue CA; Pilarsky CP; Largaespada DA; Adams DJ; Tuveson DA; Rooman I; Pavey D; Cosman P; Nagrial A; Merrett N; asghari R; Cowley M; Daly R; Musgrove E; Pajic M; Wu J; Chang D; Chantrill L; Sutherland R; Gill A; Mawson A; Chou A; Kaplan W; Toon CCW; Johns A, 2012, 'The deubiquitinase USP9X suppresses pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma', Nature, 486, pp. 266 - 270,
Chang DK; Colvin EK; Scarlett CJ; Pajic M; Pinese M; Gill AJ; Musgrove EA; Sutherland R; Kench J; Biankin AV, 2011, 'A molecular prognostic nomogram for resectable pancreatic cancer', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 29,
Chang DK; Johns A; Scarlett CJ; Pajic M; Chou A; Toon C; Samra JS; Sutherland R; Gill AJ; Biankin AV, 2011, 'Molecular pathologic phenotypes and outcome in adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 29,
Chang DK; Colvin EK; Scarlett CJ; Pajic M; Pinese M; Gill AJ; Musgrove EA; Sutherland R; Kench J; Biankin AV; New South Wales Pancreatic Cancer Network , 2011, 'A molecular prognostic nomogram for resectable pancreatic cancer.', J Clin Oncol, 29, pp. 154,
Chang DK; Johns A; Scarlett CJ; Pajic M; Chou A; Toon C; Samra JS; Sutherland R; Gill AJ; Biankin AV; New South Wales Pancreatic Cancer Network , 2011, 'Molecular pathologic phenotypes and outcome in adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater.', J Clin Oncol, 29, pp. 196,
Scarlett CJ; Chang DK; Stoddart ES; Colvin EK; Mawson A; Jones MD; Tobelmann PE; Pajic M; Daly RJ; Biankin AV, 2010, 'High S100A2 Calcium-Binding Protein Expression Defines a Metastatic Phenotype in Pancreatic Cancer', PANCREAS, 39, pp. 1345 - 1346,
Chang D; Johns A; Scarlett C; Pajic M; Chou A; Jones M; Samra J; Henshall S; Musgrove E; Sutherland R; Gill A; Biankin A, 2010, 'Histology and Molecular Pathology Define Clinically Relevant Phenotypes in Carcinoma of the Ampulla of Vater', PANCREAS, 39, pp. 1313 - 1314,
Pajic M; Kersbergen A; Van Diepen F; Pfauth A; Jonkers J; Borst P; Rottenberg S, 2010, 'Tumor-initiating cells are not enriched in cisplatin-surviving BRCA1;p53-deficient mammary tumor cells in vivo', Cell Cycle, 9, pp. 3804 - 3815,
Zander SAL; Kersbergen A; Van Der Burg E; De Water N; Van Tellingen O; Gunnarsdottir S; Jaspers JE; Pajic M; Nygren AOH; Jonkers J; Borst P; Rottenberg S, 2010, 'Sensitivity and acquired resistance of BRCA1;p53-deficient mouse mammary tumors to the topoisomerase I inhibitor topotecan', Cancer Research, 70, pp. 1700 - 1710,
Rottenberg S; Pajic M; Jonkers J, 2010, 'Studying drug resistance using genetically engineered mouse models for breast cancer.', Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 596, pp. 33 - 45,
Borst P; Rottenberg S; Jonkers J; Zander S; Pajic M; Jaspers J, 2010, 'The contribution of ABC transporters to drug resistance in a realistic mouse mammary tumor model', Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, 203, pp. 64 - 64,
Pajic M; Iyer JK; Kersbergen A; Van Der Burg E; Nygren AOH; Jonkers J; Borst P; Rottenberg S, 2009, 'Moderate increase in Mdr1a/1b expression causes in vivo resistance to doxorubicin in a mouse model for hereditary breast cancer', Cancer Research, 69, pp. 6396 - 6404,
Rottenberg S; Nygren AOH; Pajic M; Van Leeuwen FWB; Van Der Heijden I; Van Wetering KD; Liu X; De Visser KE; Gilhuijs KG; Van Tellingen O; Schouten JP; Jonkers J; Borst P, 2007, 'Selective induction of chemotherapy resistance of mammary tumors in a conditional mouse model for hereditary breast cancer', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104, pp. 12117 - 12122,
Chung S; Wei A; Connor DE; Webb GC; Molloy TJ; Pajic M; Diwan AD, 2007, 'Nucleus pulposus cellular longevity by telomerase gene therapy', Spine, 32, pp. 1188 - 1196
Pajic M; Norris MD; Cohn RJ; Haber M, 2005, 'The role of the multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 gene in neuroblastoma biology and clinical outcome', Cancer Letters, 228, pp. 241 - 246
Pajic M; Bebawy M; Hoskins JM; Roufogalis BD; Rivory LP, 2004, 'Effect of short-term morphine exposure on P-glycoprotein expression and activity in cancer cell lines', Oncology Reports, 11, pp. 1091 - 1095,
Ivanovic V; Filipovic V; Pajic M; Santini A, 1987, 'Tertiary dentine formation in dogs' teeth in response to lining materials.', J Dent, 15, pp. 85 - 87,
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