Select Publications

Conference Presentations

McMillan T; Rau G; Timms WA; Andersen MS; Murray T, 2019, 'How confined is my aquifer? Tidal analysis of water level data to characterise confinement', presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 08 April 2019 - 12 April 2019,

Rutlidge H; McDonough L; Oudone P; Andersen M; Baker A; Meredith K; O'Carroll D; Marjo C; Mustonen O, 2018, 'Natural organic matter in groundwater: Carbon source or sink?', presented at 45th IAH, Daejeon, Korea, 09 September 2018 - 14 September 2018,

McDonough L; Oudone P; Rutlidge H; Meredith K; Andersen M; O'Carroll D; Chapelle F; Baker A, 2018, 'Factors Affecting Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Groundwater', presented at Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, 12 August 2018 - 17 August 2018

Rutlidge H; Oudone P; McDonough L; Andersen MS; Baker A; Meredith K; O'Carroll D, 2017, 'Insights in groundwater organic matter from Liquid Chromatography-Organic Carbon Detection', presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11 December 2017 - 15 December 2017,

Meredith KJ; Andersen MS; O'Carroll D; Baker ANDY; Bryan E; Zainuddin N; Rutlidge H; McDonough L, 2017, 'Tracing organic carbon processes in a shallow coastal sandy aquifer', presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11 December 2017 - 15 December 2017,

McDonough L; Rutlidge H; Andersen M; O'Carroll D; Oudone P; Meredith K; Marjo C; Baker A, 2017, 'Groundwater Organic Matter: Carbon Source or Sink?', presented at Australasian Groundwater Conference, Sydney, 11 July 2017 - 13 July 2017

Rau GC; Acworth ; Halloran ; Timms ; Cuthbert ; Andersen , 2017, 'Using atmospheric and Earth tides as a natural tracer to hydraulically characterise groundwater systems', presented at Australasian Groundwater Conference, UNSW Sydney, Australia, 11 July 2017 - 13 July 2017

Rutlidge H; Andersen MS; Eberhard S; Rau G; Auhl A, 2017, 'Groundwater drawdown: Biogeochemical implications for streambed water quality', presented at Australasian Groundwater Conference, UNSW Sydney, 11 July 2017 - 13 July 2017

Cuthbert ; Rau GC; Halloran ; Andersen ; Acworth ; Tellam JH, 2017, 'A new approach to using streambed thermal signatures to charaterise spatio-temporal patterns of transitory groundwater-surface water interactions', presented at HydroEco 2017, University of Birmingham, UK, 18 June 2017 - 23 June 2017

Rau GC; Turner IL; Austin M; Andersen MS, 2016, 'Experimental investigation of the flow dynamics within sandy coastal barriers under different water level and wave conditions', presented at Salt Water Intrusion Meeting & Asia-Pacific Coastal Aquifer Management Meeting, Cairns, Australia, 04 July 2016 - 08 July 2016,

Markowska M; Baker AB; Andersen MS; Jex C; Cuthbert MO; Rau G; Graham PW; Rutlidge H; Marjo C; Treble PC, 2015, 'Cave Monitoring to Determine the Controls on δ18O From a Modern Speleothem Record in Semi-arid SE Australia.', presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14 December 2015 - 18 December 2015

Coleborn ; Lupingna A; Flemons I; Nagra G; Treble PC; Andersen MS; Baker A; Tozer M; Fairchild IJ; Baker AB; Meehan S, 2015, 'Wildfire on Karst: an Overview', presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 14 December 2015 - 18 December 2015

Fairchild IJ; Baker AB; Andersen MS; Treble PC, 2015, 'Mass balance approaches to understanding evolution of dripwater chemistry', presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 14 December 2015 - 18 December 2015,

Andersen MS; Rutlidge H; Eberhard S; Halloran L; Neilson B; Rau G; Li C; Salma A; Chen J; Moll C; Murphy C; Cuthbert M; Baker A, 2015, 'Mapping groundwater discharge and water chemistry in a perennial stream in northern New South Wales', presented at Australian Groundwater Conference, Canberra, Australia, 03 November 2015 - 05 November 2015

Markowska M; Baker A; Andersen M; Cuthbert M; Rau G; Jex C; Graham P; Rutlidge H; Hua Q; Mariethoz G; Marjo C; treble P; Adler L, 2015, 'Cave stalagmites as recorders of past recharge frequency and changes in aridity', presented at Australian Groundwater Conference, Canberra, 03 November 2015 - 05 November 2015

Zainuddin NS; Andersen ; Baker ; Crane ; O'Carroll ; marjo ; Rutlidge , 2015, 'The role of groundwater dissolved organic matter on arsenic mobilisation in a shallow alluvial aquifer in the Namoi Valley, NSW, Australia', presented at Australian Groundwater Conference 2015, Shine Dome, Canberra, 03 November 2015 - 05 November 2015

Li CP; Andersen MS; Kelly B; Rau GC; McCallum A; Baker A, 2015, 'Aquifer recovery during the transition from drought to a wet period: the mechanisms and pathways to recovery', presented at Australian Groundwater Conference, Canberra, Australia, 03 November 2015 - 05 November 2015

Rutlidge HT; Andersen MS; Eberhard S; Halloran L; Neilson B; Rau G; Li C; Salma A; Chen J; Moll C; Murphy C; Baker A, 2015, 'Organic matter content and redox chemistry in upwelling and down-welling hyporheic zones of a groundwater fed stream in northern New South Wales', presented at Australian Groundwater Conference, Canberra, 03 November 2015 - 05 November 2015

Rau GC; Cuthbert MO; Andersen MS; Baker A; Rutlidge H; Markowska M; Roshan H; MARJO C; GRAHAM P; ACWORTH I, 2015, 'What controls the cave drip water temperature? Analysis and implications for paleoclimate reconstruction from speleothems', presented at Australian Groundwater Conference, Canberra, 03 November 2015 - 05 November 2015

Li CP; Andersen MS; Kelly BFJ; Rau GC; McCallum AM, 2015, 'The decline and rise of groundwater levels in the Maules Creek Catchment (Upper Namoi): Implications for groundwater resource management', presented at 2nd Australian Cotton Research Conference, Toowoomba QLD, 08 September 2015 - 10 September 2015

Zainuddin NS; Andersen ; Baker ; Howley ; O'Carroll ; Jex ; Meredith ; Wells , 2015, 'Arsenic Released and Mobility in a Coastal Aquifer', presented at Contaminated Land Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 06 May 2015 - 08 May 2015

Howley EM; Jex CN; Andersen MS; Baker AB; Zainuddin NS; Meredith K; Wells E; O'Carroll D; McDonald J; Khan S; Blyth AJ; Spencer RGM, 2014, 'Lignin degradation in a coastal groundwater aquifer: A useful tracer ?', presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., 14 December 2014 - 19 December 2014

Rutlidge HT; Andersen MS; Graham PW; Cuthbert MO; Rau G; Roshan H; Markowska M; Marjo C; Baker A, 2014, 'Artificial infiltrations informing interpretation of trace element records in speleothems', presented at Climate Change: The Karst Record VII (KR7), University of Melbourne, 29 September 2014 - 03 October 2014

Cuthbert MO; Acworth RI; Andersen MS; Larsen JR; McCallum AM; Rau GC; Tellam JH, 2014, 'Understanding three-dimensional stream-aquifer interactions in an ephemeral stream catchment and implications for groundwater recharge estimation', presented at 41st IAH International Congress "Groundwater : Challenges and Strategies", Marrakech, Morocco, 15 September 2014 - 19 September 2014

Rau GC; Frecker J; Andersen M; Undland N; Hofmann H; Gilfedder BS; Atkinson A; Cuthbert M; McCallum A; Roshan H; Cartwright I; Hollins S; Acworth I, 2014, 'Combining Radon and heat as tracers to characterise surface water and groundwater exchange pathways', presented at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April 2014 - 02 May 2014

Roshan H; andersen ; acworth , 2014, 'Evaluation of fiber optic distributed temperature sensing in characterization of borehole fractures: a laboratory experiment', presented at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 27 April 2014 - 02 May 2014

Halloran LJ; Roshan H; Andersen MS; Acworth RI, 2013, 'Passive Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction Investigation with Coiled Distributed Temperature Sensing: a New Analytical Approach', presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., 09 December 2013 - 13 December 2013

Rutlidge H; Baker A; Marjo C; Andersen MS; Graham PW; Cuthbert MO; Rau GC; Roshan H; Markowska M; Kelloway S, 2013, 'Infiltration water organic matter and trace element geochemistry in a semi-arid karst environment: implications for speleothem paleoclimatology', presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 09 December 2013 - 13 December 2013

Andersen MS; Cuthbert MO; Rau GC; Baker A; Roshan H; Rutlidge H; Marjo C; Markowska M; Graham PW, 2013, 'Drip-Water Temperatures in Caves: Surface Signals or Cave Processes? – Implications for Speleothem Deposits and Paleoclimate Archives.', presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., 09 December 2013 - 13 December 2013

Roshan H; Cuthbert ; andersen ; acworth , 2013, 'Validity of the local thermal equilibrium assumption in sediments: implications for the use of heat as a tracer', presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, U.S.A, 09 December 2013 - 13 May 2014

Halloran LJS; Roshan H; Rau G; McCallum A; Andersen MS; Acworth I, 2013, 'Effects of floods and groundwater pumping on hyporheic flows measured by coiled fibre-optic distributed temperature sensing', presented at 40th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, Perth, WA, 16 September 2013 - 20 September 2013

McCallum AM; Cuthbert MO; Roshan H; Rau GC; Andersen MS; Acworth RI, 2013, 'Estimating surface water goundwater intercations using temperature time series for non-uniform and transient conditions', presented at 40th IAH International Convention, Perth, Australia, 15 September 2013 - 20 September 2013

Rau GC; Andersen MS; McCallum AM; Roshan H; Cuthbert MO; Acworth RI, 2013, 'Heat as a Tracer of Groundwater Flow: Recent Advances and Future Challenges', presented at 40th IAH International Convention, Perth, Australia, 15 September 2013 - 20 September 2013

Andersen MS; Cuthbert CO; Rau GC; Roshan H; Rutlidge H; Marjo C; Markowska M; Graham PW; Baker A, 2013, 'A groundwater recharge experiment in karst: Wellington Caves, NSW,', presented at 40th IAH convention, Perth, WA, Australia, 15 September 2013 - 20 September 2013

Roshan H; Young M. ; andersen ; acworth , 2013, 'Evaluating thermal response of fiber optic distributed temperature sensing', presented at 40th IAH convention, Perth, WA, Australia, 15 September 2013 - 20 September 2013

Andersen MS; McCallum AM; Giambastiani B; Rau GC; Kelly BFJ; Acworth RI; Meredith KT, 2012, 'Investigations of surface water groundwater interactions in a water stressed semi-arid cattchment', presented at Groundwater - Surface water Interactions Workshop, Canberra, ATC Australia, 27 March 2012 - 28 March 2012

Andersen MS; Rau GC; McCallum A; Meredith K; Acworth RI, 2011, 'Constraining water fluxes through the streambed of a semi-arid losing stream using natural tracers: heat and radioisotopes', presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 05 December 2011 - 09 December 2011,

Rau GC; Andersen MS; Acworth RI, 2011, 'Is thermal dispersivity significant for the use of heat as a tracer?', presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 05 December 2011 - 09 December 2011,

Andersen MS; Rau GC; McCallum A; Acworth RI, 2011, 'Redox processes and arsenic release in the streambed of a semi-arid losing stream', presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 05 December 2011 - 09 December 2011,

Andersen MS; Rau GC; McCallum A; Meredith K; Acworth RI, 2011, 'Groundwater recharge and geochemical processes in a semi-arid losing stream using temperature, isotopes and geochemistry.', presented at 11th Australasian Environmental Isotope Conference & 4th Australasian Hydrogeology Research Conference, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 12 July 2011 - 14 July 2011,

Andersen MS; Rau GC; Mccallum AM; Acworth RI, 2010, 'On the Temporal Variability of Streambed Hydraulic Conductivity', presented at Groundwater 2010, Canberra, ATC, Australia, 31 October 2010 - 04 November 2010,

Andersen MS; Timms WA, 2010, 'Groundwater Research at Maules Creek & Water Quality in the Namoi Catchment', presented at 2010 Cotton Science Conference, Narrabri, NSW, 26 October 2010 - 28 October 2010

Andersen MS; Rau GC; Mccallum AM; Acworth RI, 2010, 'Investigations of surface water groundwater interactions in a water stressed semi-arid catchment', presented at University of Copenhagen Geocenter seminar, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 September 2010

McCallum A; Andersen MS; Rau GC; Acworth RI, 2010, 'Investigation of surface water-groundwater interactions and temporal variability of streambed hydraulic conductivity using streambed temperature data', presented at XXXVIII - IAH Congress, Krakow, Poland, 12 September 2010 - 17 September 2010,

Rau GC; Andersen MS; Acworth RI, 2010, 'Uncertainty of vertical streambed seepage rates under realistic field conditions using diel temperature fluctuations', presented at 38th IAH Congress, Krakow, Poland, 12 September 2010 - 17 September 2010

Andersen MS; Acworth RI, 2010, 'Water quality and ecological implications of changing dynamics in surface water groundwater interactions', presented at USGS seminar, Menlo Park, CA, USA, 15 July 2010

McCallum AM; Andersen MS; Kelly B; Giambastiani B; Acworth RI, 2009, 'Hydrologic Investigation of River Aquifer Interactions in the Namoi River', presented at Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, 2009 Maules Creek Groundwater Forum, Maules Creek, NSW, 20 November 2009

Rau GC; Andersen MS; McCallum AM; Acworth RI, 2009, 'Investigating Testing Methods Using Natural Heat as a Tracer to Quantify Surface Water Groundwater Connectivity: Maules Creek, NSW', presented at Cotton Catchment Communities CRC, 2009 Science Forum, Narrabri, NSW, 17 August 2009 - 19 August 2009

Rau GC; Andersen MS; McCallum AM; Acworth RI, 2009, 'Field investigation using natural heat as a tracer to quantify surface water groundwater connectivity in Maules Creek, NSW, Australia', presented at Joint IAHS & IAH Convention, Hyderabad, India

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