Select Publications

Conference Posters

Woolley MJ; Emzir MF; Milburn GJ; Jerger M; Goryachev M; Tobar ME; Fedorov A, 2015, 'Quartz-superconductor quantum electromechanical system', Gold Coast, Australia, presented at EQuS Workshop 2015, Gold Coast, Australia, 09 December 2015 - 11 December 2015

Woolley MJ; Souquet JR; Gabelli J; Simon P; Clerk AA, 2015, 'Photon-assisted tunnelling with nonclassical microwave fields', Moscow, Russia, presented at Third International Conference on Quantum Technologies, Moscow, Russia, 13 July 2015 - 17 July 2015

Souquet JR; Woolley MJ; Gabelli J; Simon P; Clerk AA, 2014, 'Photon-assisted tunnelling with non-classical light', Canberra, presented at Australian Insitute of Physics Congress, Canberra, 07 December 2014 - 11 December 2014

Woolley MJ; Clerk AA, 2014, 'Entangling Mechanical Oscillators: Measurement-based and Coherent Feedback Approaches', Sydney, presented at EQuS Optomechanics Incubator, Sydney, 03 December 2014 - 03 December 2014

Hasan M; Woolley MJ, 2014, 'Reservoir-engineered entanglement in multimode quantum optomechanics', Sydney, presented at EQuS Optomechanics Incubator, Sydney, 03 December 2014 - 03 December 2014

Woolley MJ; Clerk AA, 2014, 'Entangling Mechanical Oscillators: Measurement-based and Coherent Feedback Approaches', Mar del Plata, Argentina, presented at Quantum Optics VII, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 27 October 2014 - 31 October 2014

Woolley MJ, 2014, 'Two-mode squeezed states in cavity optomechanics via engineering of a single reservoir', Ventura, USA, presented at Gordon Research Seminar on Mechanical Systems in the Quantum Regime, Ventura, USA, 09 March 2014 - 14 May 2014

Woolley MJ; Clerk AA, 2013, 'Entangling mechanical oscillators: Measurement-based and coherent feedback approaches', Monterey, USA, presented at Principles and Applications of the Control of Quantum Systems (PRACQSYS) 2013, Monterey, USA, 20 August 2013 - 23 August 2013

Woolley MJ; Lang C; Eichler C; Steffen L; Fink JM; Blais A; Wallraff A, 2012, 'Hong-Ou-Mandel interference of single microwave photons', Rottnest Island, Australia, presented at Inaugural Workshop on Quantum Photonic Hardware, Rottnest Island, Australia, 22 October 2012 - 25 October 2012

Woolley MJ; Clerk AA, 2012, 'Two-mode back-action-evading measurements in cavity optomechanics', Rottnest Island, Australia, presented at Inaugural Workshop on Quantum Photonic Hardware, Rottnest Island, Australia, 22 October 2012 - 25 October 2012

Woolley MJ; Doherty AC; Milburn GJ, 2010, 'Continous, indirect QND measurement of phonon number states via feedback-controlled circuit QED', Galveston, USA, presented at Gordon Research Conference on Mechanical Systems in the Quantum Regime, Galveston, USA, 21 March 2010 - 26 March 2010

Woolley MJ; Doherty AC; Milburn GJ, 2010, 'Continuous, indirect QND measurement of phonon number states via feedback-controlled circuit QED', Santa Fe, USA, presented at Twelfth Annual Southwest Quantum Information Technology (SQuInT) Workshop, Santa Fe, USA, 18 February 2010 - 21 February 2010

Woolley MJ; Doherty AC; Milburn GJ, 2009, 'Squeezing and Entanglement with Nanomechanical Resonators', Brisbane, Australia, presented at Quantum Frontiers Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 02 April 2009 - 03 April 2009

Woolley MJ; Doherty AC; Milburn GJ, 2008, 'Squeezing and Entanglement with Nanomechanical Resonators', Ventura, USA, presented at Gordon Research Conference on Mechanical Systems in the Quantum Regime, Ventura, USA, 17 February 2008 - 22 February 2008

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