Select Publications
2019, Australian Music and Modernism, 1960-1975, Bloomsbury Academic,
,2012, The music of David Lumsdaine : Kelly Ground to cambewarra, ASHGATE, Farnham
,, 2011, Songs for the Twenty-First Century, Hooper M, (ed.), UYMP, York
Book Chapters
2024, 'Editorial Principles', in Hooper MJ (ed.), Roger Smalley on Music: collected writings, Toccata Press, London
,2024, 'The Main Themes of Roger Smalley’s Writings', in Hooper M (ed.), Roger Smalley on Music: collected writings, Toccata Press, London
,2023, 'A Viable Path: Serialism and Gesture in Barry Conyngham's Sky (1977)', in Australasian Music, at Home and Abroad, Australian Scholarly Publishing, pp. 87 - 101
,2021, 'Studying Conyngham’s Sketches: an overview and some examples of his working methods', in Bazaar: A Celebration of Barry Conyngham, University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
,2019, 'Don Banks: Hammer Horror and Serial Composition', in Wierzbicki J (ed.), Double Lives Film Composers in the Concert Hall, Routledge,
,2017, 'The Art of Scholarship', in Perspectives on Artistic Research in Music, Rowman & Littlefield,
,2004, 'David Lumsdaine’s Kelly Ground', in Hair G (ed.), Modernism in Australian Music, 1950-2000: Eight Case Studies, edn. Original, Southern Voices, Amaroo
,Edited Books
Hooper M, (ed.), 2023, Roger Smalley on Music: collected writings, Toccata Press, London
Journal articles
2019, 'Australian Music, the 1960s and early 1970s - history, nationalism, and celebration', Resonate: engage with Australia's new music scene,
,2019, 'A note about discipline: analysis, performance, and birdsong', Journal of Music Research Online, 10,
,2019, 'Hooper, Michael. “Björn Heile and Charles Wilson, Eds. The Routledge Research Companion to Modernism in Music. Routledge. £175.” Tempo 73, no. 289 (2019): 86–87.', Tempo, pp. 86 - 87,
,2016, ''Traces of birdsong in Elliott Gyger’s opera Fly Away Peter'', Southerly: a review of Australian literature, 76, pp. 169 - 193
,2015, '‘Singing Seahorses: Eyre and the Air’', Southerly: a review of Australian literature, 75, pp. 114 - 132,
,2015, 'Confusion in the service of discovery', Tempo, 69, pp. 12 - 23,
,2014, 'FINNISSY: The History of Photography in Sound Metier MSV77501 (I Pace)', TEMPO, 68, pp. 88 - 89,
,2013, 'Collaboration and coordination in the creation of new music', Leonardo, 46, pp. 78 - 79,
,2013, 'The Pierrot Ensembles: Chronicle and Catalogue, 1912–2012', Musicology Australia, 35, pp. 302 - 303,
,2013, 'The well-tempered oboe and the tradition of innovation.', The Musical Times, 154, pp. 67 - 89,
,2012, 'The Start of Performance, or: Does Collaboration Matter?', Tempo, 66, pp. 26 - 36
,2011, '‘Energetic Gravity’', Resonate: engage with Australia's new music scene,
,2011, 'Forming, Submerging, Flames, Air: A Musical Architecture for Vic Hoyland’s Phoenix', Tempo, 65, pp. 18 - 30,
,2011, 'Reaching Higher: Finnissy’s Greatest Hits of All Time as the impetus for innovation', The Musical Times, 152, pp. 43 - 57
,Conference Papers
2016, 'Elliott Gyger's Fly Away Peter', in Roger Covell at 85, UNSW, UNSW, presented at Roger Covell 85th Celebrations, UNSW, 05 March 2016 - 05 March 2016
,Conference Presentations
2013, 'The Wardour Castle Summer Schools and the formation of British Music Theatre?', presented at RMA, London, 19 September 2013 - 21 September 2013
,2013, 'Richard Meale’s Modernism', presented at ICMSN, Liverpool, UK, 12 September 2013 - 15 September 2013
,2013, 'Four Technologies in David Lumsdaine’s Aria for Edward John Eyre', presented at Modern Soundscapes, UNSW, 10 July 2013 - 13 July 2013
,2011, 'Does Collaboration Matter?', presented at International Conference of Music Since Nineteen‐Hundred (ICMSN), Lancaster
,2011, 'The Start of Performance', presented at Performance Studies Network International Conference, Cambridge
,2011, 'The Start of Performance', presented at Performa ‘11, Conference on Performance Studies, University of Aveiro
,2010, 'Detailing the Wardour Castle Summer Schools', presented at Royal Musical Association annual conference, IMR, London
,Music Compositions
2018, The sound of persuasion, Publication: Golden Spike Press, Valencia, California, publication category: Music Compositions
,Creative Works (non-textual)
2016, Unfold, Unfold, 01 July 2016 - 01 July 2016, medium: CD, online
Fabian D (ed.), 2016, Elliott Gyger's opera Fly Away Peter, School of the Arts and Media, UNSW, Sydney
2015, When music and poetry converse,
,Hooper (ed.), 2015, [Liner Notes for the CD] David Gorton: Orfordness,
Hooper (ed.), 2014, Unfold: fresh approaches to older works, Australian Music Centre, Sydney
2014, Review: Michael Finnissy: The History of Photography in Sound. Ian Pace (pno). Métier MSV77501., Tempo, Cambridge,