Select Publications

Journal articles

Maher MJ, 2024, 'Which are the true defeasible logics?', Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics,

Maher MJ, 2023, 'Defeasible Reasoning via Datalog', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 23, pp. 986 - 1028,

EITER T; MAHER M; PONTELLI E; DE RAEDT LUC; TRUSZCZYNSKI M, 2023, 'The Collection of Papers Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of TPLP, Part II', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 23, pp. 1 - 1,

Maher MJ, 2022, 'On Signings and the Well-Founded Semantics', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 22, pp. 115 - 127,

Eiter T; Maher M; Pontelli E; De Raedt L; Truszczynski M, 2022, 'Introduction to the Collection of Papers Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of TPLP', THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LOGIC PROGRAMMING, 22, pp. 770 - 775,

Maher MJ, 2021, 'Approximating Defeasible Logics to Improve Scalability', ,

Governatori G; Maher MJ; Olivieri F, 2021, 'Strategic argumentation', Journal of Applied Logics, 8, pp. 1679 - 1748

Maher MJ, 2021, 'Defeasible Reasoning via Datalog$^\neg$', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 23 (5), 986-1028, 2021,

Maher MJ, 2020, 'Corruption and Audit in Strategic Argumentation', ,

Maher MJ, 2020, 'A lemma on closures and its application to modularity in logic programming semantics', ,

Maher MJ; Tachmazidis ILIAS; Antoniou G; Wade S; Cheng LONG, 2020, 'Rethinking Defeasible Reasoning: A Scalable Approach', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming,

Governatori G; Maher MJ, 2017, 'Annotated defeasible logic', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 17, pp. 819 - 836,

Maher MJ, 2017, 'Contractibility for open global constraints', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 17, pp. 365 - 407,

Maher MJ, 2017, 'Relating concrete defeasible reasoning formalisms and abstract argumentation', Fundamenta Informaticae, 155, pp. 233 - 260,

Ahmed M; Anwar A; MAHMOOD A; Shah Z; Maher MJ, 2015, 'An Investigation of Performance Analysis of Anomaly Detection Techniques for Big Data in SCADA Systems', ICST Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 2, pp. e5,

Ahmed M; Mahmood AN; Maher MJ, 2015, 'An Efficient Technique For Network Traffic Summarization Using Multiview Clustering And Statistical Sampling', EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems, 2, pp. 1 - 9,

Maher MJ, 2013, 'Relative Expressiveness of Defeasible Logics II', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 13, pp. 579 - 592,

Maher M, 2012, 'Relative Expressiveness of Defeasible Logics', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 12, pp. 793 - 810,

Billington D; Antoniou G; Governatori G; Maher M, 2010, 'An inclusion theorem for defeasible logics', ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 12,

Maher M, 2009, 'Local consistency for extended CSPs', Theoretical Computer Science, 410, pp. 4769 - 4783

Falaschi M; Maher M, 2007, 'Introduction Special Issue on Multiparadigm Languages and Constraint Programming', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 7, pp. 1 - 2

Maher M; Antoniou G; Billington D; Governatori G, 2006, 'Embedding defeasible logic in logic programming', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 6, pp. 703 - 735

Antoniou G; Billington D; Governatori G; Maher MJ, 2005, 'Embedding Defeasible Logic into Logic Programming', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 6, pp. 6,

Wang J; Topor RW; Maher M, 2005, 'Rewriting Union Queries Using Views', Constraints, 10, pp. 219 - 251

Governatori G; Maher MJ; Antoniou G; Billington D, 2004, 'Argumentation semantics for defeasible logic', Journal of Logic and Computation, 14, pp. 675 - 702,

Maher MJ, 2004, 'Propositional Defeasible Logic has Linear Complexity', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 1, pp. 6,

Maher MJ, 2002, 'A Model-Theoretic Semantics for Defeasible Logic', ,

Jaffar J; Maher MJ, 2002, '', Constraints, 7, pp. 227 - 228,

MAHER MJ; ROCK A; ANTONIOU G; BILLINGTON D; MILLER T, 2001, 'EFFICIENT DEFEASIBLE REASONING SYSTEMS', International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 10, pp. 483 - 501,

MAHER MJ, 2001, 'Propositional defeasible logic has linear complexity', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 1, pp. 691 - 711,

Antoniou G; Billington D; Governatori G; Maher MJ, 2001, 'Representation results for defeasible logic', ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2, pp. 255 - 287,

Antoniou G; Billigton D; Governatori G; Maher MJ, 2000, 'A flexible framework for defeasible logics', ,

Antoniou G; Maher MJ; Billington D, 2000, 'Defeasible logic versus Logic Programming without Negation as Failure', The Journal of Logic Programming, 42, pp. 47 - 57,

Brodsky A; Lassez C; Lassez J-L; Maher MJ, 1999, '', Journal of Automated Reasoning, 23, pp. 83 - 104,

Jaffar J; Maher M; Marriott K; Stuckey P, 1998, 'The semantics of constraint logic programs1Note that reviewing of this paper was handled by the Editor-in-Chief.1', The Journal of Logic Programming, 37, pp. 1 - 46,

Brodsky A; Jaffar J; Maher MJ, 1997, '', Constraints, 2, pp. 279 - 304,

Maher MJ, 1997, 'Constrained dependencies', Theoretical Computer Science, 173, pp. 113 - 149,

Maher MJ; Stuckey PJ, 1995, 'On inductive inference of cyclic structures', Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 15, pp. 167 - 208,

Barbuti R; Codish M; Giacobazzi R; Maher MJ, 1995, 'Oracle Semantics for Prolog', Information and Computation, 122, pp. 178 - 200,

Jaffar J; Maher MJ, 1994, 'Constraint logic programming: a survey', The Journal of Logic Programming, 19-20, pp. 503 - 581,

Maher MJ, 1993, 'A transformation system for deductive database modules with perfect model semantics', Theoretical Computer Science, 110, pp. 377 - 403,

Jaffar J; Maher MJ; Stuckey PJ; Yap RHC, 1993, 'Projecting CLPR constraints', New Generation Computing, 11, pp. 449 - 469,

Lassez J-L; Maher MJ, 1992, 'On Fourier's algorithm for linear arithmetic constraints', Journal of Automated Reasoning, 9, pp. 373 - 379,

Jaffar J; Lassez J-L; Maher MJ, 1986, 'Comments on “general failure of logic programs”', The Journal of Logic Programming, 3, pp. 115 - 118,

Lassez J-L; Maher MJ, 1985, 'Optimal fixedpoints of logic programs', Theoretical Computer Science, 39, pp. 15 - 25,

Jaffar J; Lassez J-L; Maher MJ, 1984, 'A theory of complete logic programs with equality', The Journal of Logic Programming, 1, pp. 211 - 223,

Lassez J-L; Maher MJ, 1984, 'Closures and fairness in the semantics of programming logic', Theoretical Computer Science, 29, pp. 167 - 184,

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