Select Publications

Book Chapters

Provis J; Madigan M, 2014, 'Foveal Development and Photoreceptor Development', in Trese M; Capone A; Keats BJB; Caputo G (ed.), Pediatric Retina, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp. 57 - 65

Kingston Z; Provis JM; Madigan M, 2014, 'Development and Developmental Disorders of Vitreous', in Sebag J (ed.), Vitreous: In Health and Disease, Springer Publishing, New york, pp. 95 - 112,

Yee KMP; Feener EP; Gao B; Aiello LP; Madigan M; Provis JM; Ross-Cisneros F; Sadun AA; Sebag J, 2014, 'Vitreous Cytokines and Regression of the Fetal Hyaloid Vasculature', in Sebag J (ed.), Vitreous: In Health and Disease, Springer Publishing, New york, pp. 41 - 56,

Kingston ZS; Provis JM; Madigan MC, 2014, 'Development and developmental disorders of vitreous', in Vitreous: In Health and Disease, pp. 95 - 111,

Yee KMP; Sebag J; Feener EP; Gao B; Aiello LP; Madigan MC; Provis J; Ross-Cisneros FN; Sadun AA, 2014, 'Vitreous cytokines and regression of the fetal hyaloid vasculature', in Vitreous: In Health and Disease, pp. 41 - 55,

Jalbert I; Golebiowski B; Stapleton FJ; Madigan MC, 2012, 'Eye Health and Inflammation', in Garg ML; Wood LG (ed.), Nutrition and Physical Activity in Inflammatory Diseases, CABI, Boston, pp. 376 - 389,

Hao J; Madigan MC; Cozzi PJ; Kearsley J; Li Y; Hao J, 2011, 'Angiogenesis, Lymphangiogenesis and Vasculogenic Mimicry in Human Prostate Cancer Therapy', in Berhardt LV (ed.), Advances in Medicine and Biology, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, pp. 49 - 90,

Penfold PL; Wong J; van Driel D; Provis J; Madigan MC, 2005, 'Immunology & Age-Related Macular Degeneration', in Penfold PL; Provis JM (ed.), Macular Degeneration, Springer-Verlag,

Journal articles

Thananjeyan AL; Arnold J; Lee M; Au C; Pye V; Madigan MC; Cherepanoff S, 2024, 'Basal Linear Deposit: Normal Physiological Ageing or a Defining Lesion of Age-Related Macular Degeneration?', Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13,

Madigan M; Wu CS; Cioanca V; Conway R, 2024, 'Insights into human choroid melanocyte and stromal cells', Acta Ophthalmologica, 102,

Duong HT; Phan MAT; Madigan MC; Stapleton F; Wilcsek G; Willcox M; Golebiowski B, 2023, 'Culture of primary human meibomian gland cells from surgically excised eyelid tissue', Experimental Eye Research, 235, pp. 109636,

Wu CL; Cioanca AV; Gelmi MC; Wen L; Di Girolamo N; Zhu L; Natoli R; Conway RM; Petsoglou C; Jager MJ; McCluskey PJ; Madigan MC, 2023, 'The multifunctional human ocular melanocortin system', Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, 95,

Shu W; Wang JZ; Zhu X; Wang K; Cherepanoff S; Conway RM; Madigan MC; Lim LA; Zhu H; Zhu L; Murray M; Zhou F, 2023, 'Lapatinib dysregulates HER2 signaling and impairs the viability of human uveal melanoma cells', Journal of Cancer, 14, pp. 3477 - 3495,

Chao C; Tajbakhsh Z; Stapleton F; Mobeen R; Madigan M; Jalbert I; Golebiowski B; Briggs N, 2022, 'Corneal epithelial dendritic cells, tear neuropeptides and corneal nerves continue to be affected more than 12 months after LASIK', Acta Ophthalmologica, 101, pp. e302 - e314,

Shu W; Zhu X; Wang K; Cherepanoff S; Conway RM; Madigan MC; Zhu H; Zhu L; Murray M; Zhou F, 2022, 'The multi-kinase inhibitor afatinib serves as a novel candidate for the treatment of human uveal melanoma', Cellular Oncology, 45, pp. 601 - 619,

Zhang S; Wang K; Zhu X; Cherepanoff S; Conway RM; Madigan MC; Zhu L; Murray M; Zhou F, 2022, 'The unfolded protein response and the biology of uveal melanoma', Biochimie, 197, pp. 9 - 18,

Chen Y; Coorey NJ; Zhang M; Zeng S; Madigan MC; Zhang X; Gillies MC; Zhu L; Zhang T, 2022, 'Metabolism Dysregulation in Retinal Diseases and Related Therapies', Antioxidants, 11,

Niu Y; Wang K; Zhu X; Zhang S; Cherepanoff S; Conway RM; Madigan MC; Lim LA; Zhu L; Murray M; Zhou F, 2022, 'The application of natural compounds in uveal melanoma drug discovery', Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 74, pp. 660 - 680,

Phan MAT; Madigan MC; Stapleton F; Willcox M; Golebiowski B, 2022, 'Human meibomian gland epithelial cell culture models: Current progress, challenges, and future directions', Ocular Surface, 23, pp. 96 - 113,

Zeng S; Zhang T; Chen Y; Chu-Tan J; Jin K; Lee SR; Yam MX; Madigan MC; Fernando N; Cioanca A; Zhou F; Zhu M; Zhang J; Natoli R; Fan X; Zhu L; Gillies MC, 2022, 'Inhibiting the activation of MAPK (ERK1/2) in stressed Müller cells prevents photoreceptor degeneration', Theranostics, 12, pp. 6705 - 6722,

Sadig RR; Allende A; Hall G; Tran D; Madigan MC; Watson SL; Ooi KGJ, 2022, 'Motilin Receptor Expression Found in the Human Main and Accessory Lacrimal Glands', Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, 30, pp. 1553 - 1558,

Wu C-LS; Zhu L; Chen Y; Conway RM; Madigan M, 2022, 'The effects of visible and blue light exposure on growth and melanogenesis of ocular melanoma cell lines', ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA, 100,

Cheung R; Ly A; Katalinic P; Coroneo MT; Chang A; Kalloniatis M; Madigan MC; Nivison-Smith L, 2022, 'Visualisation of peripheral retinal degenerations and anomalies with ocular imaging', Seminars in Ophthalmology, 37, pp. 554 - 582,

You J; Corley SM; Wen L; Hodge C; Höllhumer R; Madigan MC; Wilkins MR; Sutton G, 2021, 'Author Correction: RNA-Seq analysis and comparison of corneal epithelium in keratoconus and myopia patients (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (389), 10.1038/s41598-017-18480-x)', Scientific Reports, 11,

Eggenberger SC; James NL; Ho C; Eamegdool SS; Tatarinoff V; Craig NA; Gow BS; Wan S; Dodds CWD; La Hood D; Gilmour A; Donahoe SL; Krockenberger M; Tumuluri K; da Cruz MJ; Grigg JR; McCluskey P; Lovell NH; Madigan MC; Fung AT; Suaning GJ, 2021, 'Implantation and long-term assessment of the stability and biocompatibility of a novel 98 channel suprachoroidal visual prosthesis in sheep', Biomaterials, 279,

Nell RJ; Menger NV; Versluis M; Luyten GPM; Verdijk RM; Madigan MC; Jager MJ; van der Velden PA, 2021, 'Involvement of mutant and wild-type CYSLTR2 in the development and progression of uveal nevi and melanoma', BMC Cancer, 21,

Eggenberger SC; James NL; Ho C; Eamegdool SS; Tatarinoff V; Craig NA; Gow BS; Wan S; Dodds CWD; La Hood D; Gilmour A; Donahoe SL; Krockenberger M; Tumuluri K; da Cruz MJ; Grigg JR; McCluskey P; Lovell NH; Madigan MC; Fung AT; Suaning GJ, 2021, 'Safety and biocompatibility of a bionic eye: Imaging, intraocular pressure, and histology data', Data in Brief, 39,

Wang JZ; Lin V; Toumi E; Wang K; Zhu H; Conway RM; Madigan MC; Murray M; Cherepanoff S; Zhou F; Shu W, 2021, 'Development of new therapeutic options for the treatment of uveal melanoma', FEBS Journal, 288, pp. 6226 - 6249,

Phan MAT; Madigan MC; Willcox M; Stapleton F; Golebiowski B, 2021, 'Semi-quantification of lipids in human meibomian gland epithelial cells using dual staining microplate assays', Experimental Eye Research, 210, pp. 108719,

Cioanca AV; Wu CL; Natoli R; Conway RM; McCluskey PJ; Jager MJ; Sitiwin EI; Eamegdool SS; Madigan MC, 2021, 'The role of melanocytes in the human choroidal microenvironment and inflammation: Insights from the transcriptome', Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, 34, pp. 928 - 945,

Zeng S; Zhang T; Madigan MC; Fernando N; Aggio-Bruce R; Zhou F; Pierce M; Chen Y; Huang L; Natoli R; Gillies MC; Zhu L, 2020, 'Interphotoreceptor Retinoid-Binding Protein (IRBP) in Retinal Health and Disease', Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 14,

Nell RJ; Menger NV; Versluis M; Luyten GPM; Verdijk RM; Madigan MC; Jager MJ; van der Velden PA, 2020, 'Involvement of mutant and wild-type CYSLTR2 in the development and progression of uveal nevi and melanoma', ,

Eamegdool SS; Sitiwin EI; Cioanca AV; Madigan MC, 2020, 'Extracellular matrix and oxidative stress regulate human retinal pigment epithelium growth', Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 146, pp. 357 - 371,

Sitiwin E; Madigan MC; Gratton E; Cherepanoff S; Conway RM; Whan R; Macmillan A, 2019, 'Shedding light on melanins within in situ human eye melanocytes using 2-photon microscopy profiling techniques', Scientific Reports, 9,

Mobeen R; Stapleton F; Chao C; Madigan M; Briggs N; Golebiowski B, 2019, 'Corneal epithelial dendritic cell density in the healthy human cornea: A meta-analysis of in-vivo confocal microscopy data', Ocular Surface, 17, pp. 753 - 762,

Ooi KGJ; Rao A; Goh JSK; Gracie G; Cherepanoff S; Madigan MC; Watson SL, 2019, 'HMG-CoA reductase expression in human eyelid tissue and in a human meibomian gland epithelial cell line', Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 257, pp. 785 - 790,

Zhang T; Zhu L; Madigan MC; Liu W; Shen W; Cherepanoff S; Zhou F; Zeng S; Du J; Gillies MC, 2019, 'Human macular müller cells rely more on serine biosynthesis to combat oxidative stress than those from the periphery', eLife, 8,

Diep MQ; Madigan MC, 2019, 'Choroidal detachments: what do optometrists need to know?', Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 102, pp. 116 - 125,

Masri RA; Lee SCS; Madigan MC; Grünert U, 2019, 'Particle-mediated gene transfection and organotypic culture of postmortem human retina', Translational Vision Science and Technology, 8,

Krilis M; Qi M; Qi J; Wong JWH; Guymer R; Liew G; Hunyor AP; Madigan M; McCluskey P; Weaver J; Krilis SA; Giannakopoulos B, 2018, 'Dual roles of different redox forms of complement factor H in protecting against age related macular degeneration', Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 129, pp. 237 - 246,

You J; Corley SM; Wen L; Hodge C; Höllhumer R; Madigan MC; Wilkins MR; Sutton G, 2018, 'RNA-Seq analysis and comparison of corneal epithelium in keratoconus and myopia patients', Scientific Reports, 8, pp. 389,

Leahy KE; Madigan MC; Sarris M; Watson SL; McCluskey P; White AJR, 2018, 'Investigation of corneal endothelial changes post selective laser trabeculoplasty', Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 46, pp. 730 - 737,

Zhang T; Gillies MC; Madigan MC; Shen W; Du J; Grünert U; Zhou F; Yam M; Zhu L, 2018, 'Disruption of De Novo Serine Synthesis in Müller Cells Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Aggravated Oxidative Damage', Molecular Neurobiology, 55, pp. 7025 - 7037,

Cioanca AV; McCluskey PJ; Eamegdool SS; Madigan MC, 2018, 'Human choroidal melanocytes express functional Toll-like receptors (TLRs)', Experimental Eye Research, 173, pp. 73 - 84,

Chu-Tan JA; Rutar M; Saxena K; Aggio-Bruce R; Essex RW; Valter K; Jiao H; Fernando N; Wooff Y; Madigan MC; Provis J; Natoli R, 2018, 'MicroRNA-124 dysregulation is associated with retinal inflammation and photoreceptor death in the degenerating retina', Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 59, pp. 4094 - 4105,

Cherepanoff S, 2018, 'Tumour Expression of Histone Deacetylases in Uveal Melanoma', Ocular Oncology and Pathology, pp. 1 - 9,

You J; Munoz-Erazo L; Wen L; Hodge C; Madigan MC; Sutton G, 2018, 'In-Vitro Effects of Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein 1 (SFRP1) On Human Corneal Epithelial Cells', Current Eye Research, 43, pp. 455 - 459,

Lu YZ; Fernando N; Natoli R; Madigan M; Valter K, 2018, '670nm light treatment following retinal injury modulates Müller cell gliosis: Evidence from in vivo and in vitro stress models', Experimental Eye Research, 169, pp. 1 - 12,

Delaveris A; Stahl U; Madigan M; Jalbert I, 2018, 'Comparative performance of lissamine green stains', Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 41, pp. 23 - 27,

Chao C; Golebiowski B; Stapleton F; Zhao X; Chen S; Madigan M, 2018, 'Conjunctival MUC5AC+ Goblet Cell Index: relationship with corneal nerves and dry eye', Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, pp. 2249 - 2257

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