Select Publications


Leschied AW; Saklofske DH; Flett GL, 2018, Handbook of School-Based Mental Health Promotion An Evidence-Informed Framework for Implementation, Springer

Darke S; Torok M; Kaye SS; Duflou J, 2009, Cardiovascular disease risk factors and symptoms among regular psychostimulant users, University of NSW, Sydney, Australia,

Book Chapters

Werner-Seidler A; Beames JR; Torok M, 2022, 'Preventative Interventions for Childhood and Adolescent Disorders', in Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, Second Edition, pp. 196 - 216,

Werner-Seidler A; Beames JR; Torok M, 2022, 'Preventative Interventions for Childhood and Adolescent Disorders', in Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, Second Edition, pp. V5:196-V5:216,

Calear A; Werner-Seidler A; Tye M; Christensen H, 2018, 'School-based prevention and early intervention programs for depression', in Handbook of School-Based Mental Health Promotion, Springer

Journal articles

Torok M; McGillivray L; Gan DZQ; Han J; Hetrick S; Wong QJJ, 2025, 'Adherence and efficacy outcomes in young Australians with suicidal ideation using a self-management app and digital engagement strategy compared with a sham app: a three-arm randomised controlled trial', eClinicalMedicine, 79,

Kusuma K; Larsen M; Quiroz JC; Torok M, 2024, 'Age-stratified predictions of suicide attempts using machine learning in middle and late adolescence', Journal of Affective Disorders, 365, pp. 126 - 133,

Walker N; Peden AE; Bestman A; Baffsky R; Willoughby M; Ma T; Moeller H; Torok M; Peden M; Ivers RQ; Cullen P, 2024, 'Interventions that address interpersonal violence experienced by adolescents globally: A systematic review of reviews', Injury Prevention, 30, pp. 363 - 372,

Calear AL; McCallum SM; Kazan D; Torok M; Werner-Seidler A; O'Dea B; Morse A; Farrer L; Shand F; Batterham PJ, 2024, 'Randomised controlled trial of an online mental health and suicide gatekeeper resource for parents and caregivers: study protocol', BMJ Open, 14,

Zbukvic I; McKay S; Cooke S; Anderson R; Pilkington V; McGillivray L; Bailey A; Purcell R; Tye M, 2024, 'Evidence for Targeted and Universal Secondary School-Based Programs for Anxiety and Depression: An Overview of Systematic Reviews', Adolescent Research Review, 9, pp. 53 - 73,

Kade SA; du Toit SA; Danielson CT; Schweizer S; Morrison AS; Ong DC; Prasad A; Holder LJ; Han J; Torok M; Wong QJJ, 2024, 'Aberrant cognitive empathy in individuals with elevated social anxiety and regulation with emotional working memory training', Cognition and Emotion, 38, pp. 605 - 623,

Rheinberger D; Baffsky R; McGillivray L; Z Q Gan D; Larsen M; Torok M, 2024, 'Digital therapeutics in the hospital for suicide crisis – content and design recommendations from young people and hospital staff', Digital Health, 10,

Josifovski N; Torok M; Batterham P; Wong Q; Beames JR; Theobald A; Holland S; Huckvale K; Riley J; Cockayne N; Christensen H; Larsen M, 2024, 'Efficacy of BrighterSide, a Self-Guided App for Suicidal Ideation: Randomized Controlled Trial', JMIR Mental Health, 11,

Baffsky R; Rheinberger D; McGillivray L; Torok M, 2024, 'Factors that influence young people’s experiences of emergency suicide care in Australia: a qualitative study', International Journal of Mental Health,

Onie S; Armstrong SO; Josifovski N; Berlinquette P; Livingstone N; Holland S; Finemore C; Gale N; Elder E; Laggis G; Heffernan C; Theobald A; Torok M; Shand F; Larsen M, 2024, 'The Effect of Explicit Suicide Language in Engagement With a Suicide Prevention Search Page Help-Seeking Prompt: Nonrandomized Trial', JMIR Mental Health, 11,

Povey J; Raphiphatthana B; Torok M; Nagel T; Mills PPJR; Sells JRH; Shand F; Sweet M; Lowell A; Dingwall K, 2023, 'An emerging framework for digital mental health design with Indigenous young people: a scoping review of the involvement of Indigenous young people in the design and evaluation of digital mental health interventions', Systematic Reviews, 12,

Baffsky R; Ivers R; Cullen P; McGillivray L; Werner-Seidler A; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Toumbourou JW; Stokes R; Kotselas P; Prendergast T; Torok M, 2023, 'Co-design and Development of Implementation Strategies: Enhancing the PAX Good Behaviour Game in Australian Schools', Journal of Prevention, 44, pp. 679 - 704,

Torok M; Passioura J; Konings P; Wong Q; Qian J; Larsen ME, 2023, 'A Spatial Analysis of Suicide Displacement at a High-Risk Cliff-Based Location Following Installation of a Means Restriction Initiative', Prevention Science, 24, pp. 1292 - 1301,

John JR; Thavalingam V; Tye M; Dean K; Barzman D; Sorter M; Lin PI, 2023, 'Appraising risk factors of aggression in children and adolescents at psychiatric inpatient units', Psychiatry Research, 327,

Chen NA; Mok K; McGillivray LJ; Konings P; Passioura J; Torok MH, 2023, 'Hotel Suicides in Australia 2006-2017: Examining the Frequency, Characteristics, and Spatial Clustering', Crisis, 44, pp. 380 - 388,

Werner-Seidler A; Li SH; Spanos S; Johnston L; O'Dea B; Torok M; Ritterband L; Newby JM; Mackinnon AJ; Christensen H, 2023, 'The effects of a sleep-focused smartphone application on insomnia and depressive symptoms: a randomised controlled trial and mediation analysis', Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 64, pp. 1324 - 1335,

Werner-Seidler A; Maston K; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Larsen ME; Torok M; O’Dea B; Huckvale K; Beames JR; Brown L; Fujimoto H; Bartholomew A; Bal D; Schweizer S; Skinner SR; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; Oei JL; Venkatesh S; Lingam R; Perry Y; Hudson JL; Boydell KM; Mackinnon A; Christensen H; O'Dea B, 2023, 'The Future Proofing Study: Design, methods and baseline characteristics of a prospective cohort study of the mental health of Australian adolescents', International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 32, pp. e1954,

Torok M; Burnett ACR; McGillivray L; Qian J; Gan DZQ; Baffsky R; Wong Q, 2023, 'Self-harm in 5-to-24 year olds: Retrospective examination of hospital presentations to emergency departments in New South Wales, Australia, 2012 to 2020', PLoS ONE, 18,

Onie S; Li X; Glastonbury K; Hardy RC; Rakusin D; Wong I; Liang M; Josifovski N; Brooks A; Torok M; Sowmya A; Larsen ME, 2023, 'Understanding and detecting behaviours prior to a suicide attempt: A mixed-methods study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, pp. 1016 - 1022,

Qian J; Zeritis S; Larsen M; Torok M, 2023, 'The application of spatial analysis to understanding the association between area-level socio-economic factors and suicide: a systematic review', Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 58, pp. 843 - 859,

Gan DZQ; McGillivray L; Larsen ME; Torok M, 2023, 'Promoting engagement with self-guided digital therapeutics for mental health: Insights from a cross-sectional survey of end-users', Journal of Clinical Psychology, 79, pp. 1386 - 1397,

Burnett ACR; Wong Q; Zeritis S; Deady M; Torok M, 2023, 'Occupational class suicide risk: 12-year study of national coronial data', British Journal of Psychiatry, 43,

Wong QJJ; Boulton KA; Reyes N; Han J; Torok M, 2023, 'The English Version of the Schema Inventory for Children: Psychometric Evaluation of a Measure of Early Maladaptive Schemas in a Primary School-Aged Sample', Assessment, 30, pp. 251 - 263,

Sharwood LN; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Torok M; McGillivray L; Rheinberger D; Zeritis S; Esgin T; Shand F, 2023, 'Exploring Sociodemographic Correlates of Suicide Stigma in Australia: Baseline Cross-Sectional Survey Findings from the Life-Span Suicide Prevention Trial Studies', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, pp. 2610,

Baffsky R; Ivers R; Cullen P; Wang J; McGillivray L; Torok M, 2023, 'Strategies for Enhancing the Implementation of Universal Mental Health Prevention Programs in Schools: A Systematic Review', Prevention Science, 24, pp. 337 - 352,

Qian J; Wong Q; Burnett A; McGillivray L; Han J; Larsen M; Torok M, 2023, 'Risk of repeat self-harm and suicide death following an episode of hospital self-harm presentation among adolescents and young adults', Journal of Affective Disorders, 321, pp. 191 - 200,

Rheinberger D; Baffsky R; McGillivray L; Zbukvic I; Dadich A; Larsen ME; Lin PI; Gan DZQ; Kaplun C; Wilcox HC; Eapen V; Middleton PM; Torok M, 2023, 'Examining the Feasibility of Implementing Digital Mental Health Innovations Into Hospitals to Support Youth in Suicide Crisis: Interview Study With Young People and Health Professionals', JMIR Formative Research, 7,

Beames JR; Werner-Seidler A; Hodgins M; Brown L; Fujimoto H; Bartholomew A; Maston K; Huckvale K; Zbukvic I; Torok M; Christensen H; Batterham PJ; Calear AL; Lingam R; Boydell KM, 2023, 'Implementing a Digital Depression Prevention Program in Australian Secondary Schools: Cross-Sectional Qualitative Study', JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 6,

Gan DZQ; McGillivray L; Larsen ME; Bloomfield T; Torok M, 2023, 'Promoting Engagement With Smartphone Apps for Suicidal Ideation in Young People: Development of an Adjunctive Strategy Using a Lived Experience Participatory Design Approach', JMIR Formative Research, 7,

Onie S; Berlinquette P; Holland S; Livingstone N; Finemore C; Gale N; Elder E; Laggis G; Heffernan C; Armstrong SO; Theobald A; Josifovski N; Torok M; Shand F; Larsen M, 2023, 'Suicide Prevention Using Google Ads: Randomized Controlled Trial Measuring Engagement', JMIR Mental Health, 10,

McGillivray L; Hui NKM; Wong QJJ; Han J; Qian J; Torok M, 2023, 'The Effectiveness of a Smartphone Intervention Targeting Suicidal Ideation in Young Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Influence of Loneliness', JMIR Mental Health, 10,

Rasmussen V; Spangaro J; Steel Z; Briggs N; Torok M, 2023, 'Trajectories to Suicide Following Intimate Partner Violence Victimization: Using Structural Equation Modelling to Examine Suicide and PTSD in Female Emergency Department Users', Journal of Family Violence,

Torok M; White A; Field MB; Weiss J; Walter ES; Hewitson I; Jervis R, 2023, 'Barriers to stool specimen collection during foodborne and enteric illness outbreak investigations in Arizona and Colorado', JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION, 86,

Long JC; Ruane C; Ellis LA; Lake R; Le Roux A; Testa L; Shand F; Torok M; Zurynski Y, 2022, 'Networks to strengthen community social capital for suicide prevention in regional Australia: the LifeSpan suicide prevention initiative', International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 16,

McGillivray L; Rheinberger D; Wang J; Burnett A; Torok M, 2022, 'Non-disclosing youth: a cross sectional study to understand why young people do not disclose suicidal thoughts to their mental health professional', BMC Psychiatry, 22,

Kusuma K; Larsen M; Quiroz JC; Gillies M; Burnett A; Qian J; Torok M, 2022, 'The performance of machine learning models in predicting suicidal ideation, attempts, and deaths: A meta-analysis and systematic review', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 155, pp. 579 - 588,

Rosebrock HY; Batterham PJ; Chen NA; McGillivray L; Rheinberger D; Torok MH; Shand FL, 2022, 'Nonwillingness to Return to the Emergency Department and Nonattendance of Follow-Up Care Arrangements Following an Initial Suicide-Related Presentation', Crisis, 43, pp. 442 - 451,

Baffsky R; Ivers R; Cullen P; Batterham PJ; Toumbourou J; Calear AL; Werner-Seidler A; McGillivray L; Torok M, 2022, 'A cluster randomised effectiveness-implementation trial of an intervention to increase the adoption of PAX Good Behaviour Game, a mental health prevention program, in Australian primary schools: Study protocol', Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 28, pp. 100923,

Rheinberger D; Wang J; McGillivray L; Shand F; Torok M; Maple M; Wayland S, 2022, 'Understanding Emergency Department Healthcare Professionals' Perspectives of Caring for Individuals in Suicidal Crisis: A Qualitative Study', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13,

Shand F; Torok M, 2022, 'Schools are important for preventing suicide, but more needs to be done', Medical Journal of Australia, 216, pp. 516 - 517,

McGillivray L; Gan DZQ; Wong Q; Han J; Hetrick S; Christensen H; Torok M, 2022, 'Three-arm randomised controlled trial of an m-health app and digital engagement strategy for improving treatment adherence and reducing suicidal ideation in young people: study protocol', BMJ Open, 12,

Josifovski N; Shand F; Morley K; Chia J; Henshaw R; Petrie K; Reda B; Li E; Theobald A; Onie S; Torok M; Berrouiguet S; Batterham PJ; Carter G; Haber P; Christensen H; Larsen ME, 2022, 'A pilot study of a text message and online brief contact intervention following self-harm or a suicide attempt: A mixed methods evaluation', General Hospital Psychiatry, 76, pp. 1 - 2,

Burnett A; Chen N; Zeritis S; Ware S; McGillivray L; Shand F; Torok M, 2022, 'Machine learning algorithms to classify self-harm behaviours in New South Wales Ambulance electronic medical records: A retrospective study', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 161,

Burnett ACR; Wong Q; Rheinberger D; Zeritis S; McGillivray L; Torok MH, 2022, 'Suicide among hospitality workers in Australia, 2006–2017', Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 57, pp. 1039 - 1047,

Torok M; Han J; McGillivray L; Wong Q; Werner-Seidler A; O'Dea B; Calear A; Christensen H, 2022, 'The effect of a therapeutic smartphone application on suicidal ideation in young adults: Findings from a randomized controlled trial in Australia', PLoS Medicine, 19,

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