Select Publications

Book Chapters

Castelle B; Harley M, 2020, 'Extreme events: impact and recovery', in Jackson D; Short A (ed.), Sandy Beach Morphodynamics, Elsevier, pp. 533 - 556,

Castelle B; Harley M, 2020, '22 Extreme events: impact and recovery', in Sandy Beach Morphodynamics, Elsevier, pp. 533 - 556,

Harley MD, 2017, 'Coastal Storm Definition', in Ciavola P; Coco G (ed.), Coastal Storms: Processes and Impacts, Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1 - 22,

Ciavola P; Ferreira O; Van Dongeren A; VanThiel de Vries J; Armaroli C; Harley MD, 2014, 'Prediction of Storm Impacts on Beach and Dune Systems', in Quevauviller PP (ed.), Hydrometeorological Hazards: Interfacing Science and Policy, Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, West Sussex, UK, pp. 227 - 252

Harley MD; Turner IL; Short AD; Ranasisnghe R, 2007, 'Monitoring beach processes using conventional, RTK-GPS and video image-derived survey methods: Narrabeen Beach, Australia', in Woodroffe CD; Bruce E; Puotinen M; Furness RA (ed.), GIS for the Coastal Zone: A selection of papers from Coast GIS 2006, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, pp. 151 - 164

Journal articles

Warrick JA; Buscombe D; Vos K; Kenyon H; Ritchie AC; Harley MD; Janda C; L’Heureux J; Vitousek S, 2025, 'Shoreline Seasonality of California's Beaches', Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 130,

Harley M; Chaaya F; Kinsela M, 2025, 'CoastSnap community beach monitoring: new innovations in smartphone-based monitoring of the coast', ,

Repina O; Carvalho RC; Coco G; Antolínez JAÁ; de Santiago I; Harley MD; Jaramillo C; Splinter KD; Vitousek S; Woodroffe CD, 2025, 'Evaluating five shoreline change models against 40 years of field survey data at an embayed sandy beach', Coastal Engineering, pp. 104738 - 104738,

Warrick JA; Buscombe D; Vos K; Bryan KR; Castelle B; Cooper JAG; Harley MD; Jackson DWT; Ludka BC; Masselink G; Palmsten ML; Ruiz de Alegria-Arzaburu A; Sénéchal N; Sherwood CR; Short AD; Sogut E; Splinter KD; Stephenson WJ; Syvitski J; Young AP, 2024, 'Coastal shoreline change assessments at global scales', Nature Communications, 15,

Kinsela MA; Morris BD; Ingleton TC; Doyle TB; Sutherland MD; Doszpot NE; Miller JJ; Holtznagel SF; Harley MD; Hanslow DJ, 2024, 'Nearshore wave buoy data from southeastern Australia for coastal research and management', Scientific Data, 11,

Ibaceta R; Harley MD, 2024, 'Data-driven modelling of coastal storm erosion for real-time forecasting at a wave-dominated embayed beach', Coastal Engineering, 193,

Turner IL; Leaman CK; Harley MD; Thran MC; David DR; Splinter KD; Matheen N; Hansen JE; Cuttler MVW; Greenslade DJM; Zieger S; Lowe RJ, 2024, 'A framework for national-scale coastal storm hazards early warning', Coastal Engineering, 192,

Martins K; Bonneton P; de Viron O; Turner I; Harley M; Splinter K, 2023, 'NON-LINEAR DISPERSION EFFECTS IN NEARSHORE WAVES: PERSPECTIVES FOR DEPTH-INVERSION APPLICATIONS', Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference

Vos K; Deng W; Harley MD; Turner IL; Splinter KD, 2023, 'SPATIAL VARIABILITY IN BEACH-FACE SLOPES FROM SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING', Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference

Ibaceta R; Harley MD; Turner IL; Splinter KD, 2023, 'Interannual variability in dominant shoreline behaviour at an embayed beach', Geomorphology, 433,

Vos K; Harley MD; Turner IL; Splinter KD, 2023, 'Pacific shoreline erosion and accretion patterns controlled by El Niño/Southern Oscillation', Nature Geoscience, 16, pp. 140 - 146,

Martins K; Bonneton P; de Viron O; Turner IL; Harley MD; Splinter K, 2023, 'New Perspectives for Nonlinear Depth-Inversion of the Nearshore Using Boussinesq Theory', Geophysical Research Letters, 50,

Ibaceta R; Splinter KD; Harley MD; Turner IL, 2022, 'Improving multi-decadal coastal shoreline change predictions by including model parameter non-stationarity', Frontiers in Marine Science, 9,

Harley MD; Masselink G; Ruiz de Alegría-Arzaburu A; Valiente NG; Scott T, 2022, 'Single extreme storm sequence can offset decades of shoreline retreat projected to result from sea-level rise', Communications Earth and Environment, 3,

Doherty Y; Harley MD; Vos K; Splinter KD, 2022, 'A Python toolkit to monitor sandy shoreline change using high-resolution PlanetScope cubesats', Environmental Modelling and Software, 157,

Harley MD; Kinsela MA, 2022, 'CoastSnap: A global citizen science program to monitor changing coastlines', Continental Shelf Research, 245,

Vila-Concejo A; Splinter KD; Harley MD; Lowe R; Fellowes TE; McCarroll RJ; Coco G, 2022, 'Creating communities and communicating science during COVID-19: From Coast2Coast to Coast2Cast', Continental Shelf Research, 245,

Turner IL; Harley MD; Hanslow DJ; Kinsela MA; Splinter KD, 2022, '‘Coastal Management Guide - Managing Coastal Erosion’: A STEM education resource for secondary school teachers', Continental Shelf Research, 244,

Vos K; Deng W; Harley MD; Turner IL; Splinter KDM, 2022, 'Beach-face slope dataset for Australia', Earth System Science Data, 14, pp. 1345 - 1357,

Uebelhoer L; Koon W; Harley MD; Lawes JC; Brander RW, 2022, 'Characteristics and beach safety knowledge of beachgoers on unpatrolled surf beaches in Australia', Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22, pp. 909 - 926,

Chataigner T; Yates ML; Le Dantec N; Harley MD; Splinter KD; Goutal N, 2022, 'Sensitivity of a one-line longshore shoreline change model to the mean wave direction', Coastal Engineering, 172,

Fellowes TE; Vila-Concejo A; Gallop SL; Harley MD; Short AD, 2022, 'Wave shadow zones as a primary control of storm erosion and recovery on embayed beaches', Geomorphology, 399,

Leaman CK; Harley MD; Splinter KD; Thran MC; Kinsela MA; Turner IL, 2021, 'A storm hazard matrix combining coastal flooding and beach erosion', Coastal Engineering, 170,

Matheen N; Harley MD; Turner IL; Splinter KD; Simmons JA; Thran MC, 2021, 'Bathymetric data requirements for operational coastal erosion forecasting using xbeach', Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9,

Turner IL; Harley MD; Almar R; Bergsma EWJ, 2021, 'Satellite optical imagery in Coastal Engineering', Coastal Engineering, 167,

Montaño J; Coco G; Cagigal L; Mendez F; Rueda A; Bryan KR; Harley MD, 2021, 'A Multiscale Approach to Shoreline Prediction', Geophysical Research Letters, 48,

Matheen N; Harley MD; Turner IL; Splinter KD; Simmons JA; Thran M, 2020, 'Do we need pre-storm surveyed bathymetry for operational erosion forecasting? Evaluation of representative and synthetic bathymetry alternatives', Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference, 36

Gallop SL; Vila-Concejo A; Fellowes TE; Harley MD; Rahbani M; Largier JL, 2020, 'Wave direction shift triggered severe erosion of beaches in estuaries and bays with limited post-storm recovery', Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45, pp. 3854 - 3868,

Ibaceta R; Splinter KD; Harley MD; Turner IL; Ibaceta Vega R, 2020, 'Enhanced Coastal Shoreline Modeling Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter to Include Nonstationarity in Future Wave Climates', Geophysical Research Letters, 47,

Ibaceta R; Splinter KD; Harley M; Turner I, 2020, 'Enhanced coastal shoreline modelling using an Ensemble Kalman Filter to include non-stationarity in future wave climates', ,

Vos K; Harley MD; Splinter KD; Walker A; Turner IL, 2020, 'Beach Slopes From Satellite-Derived Shorelines', Geophysical Research Letters, 47,

Greenslade D; Hemer M; Babanin A; Lowe R; Turner I; Power H; Young I; Ierodiaconou D; Hibbert G; Williams G; Aijaz S; Albuquerque J; Allen S; Banner M; Branson P; Buchan S; Burton A; Bye J; Cartwright N; Chabchoub A; Colberg F; Contardo S; Dufois F; Earl-Spurr C; Farr D; Goodwin I; Gunson J; Hansen J; Hanslow D; Harley M; Hetzel Y; Hoeke R; Jones N; Kinsela M; Liu Q; Makarynskyy O; Marcollo H; Mazaheri S; McConochie J; Millar G; Moltmann T; Moodie N; Morim J; Morison R; Orszaghova J; Pattiaratchi C; Pomeroy A; Proctor R; Provis D; Reef R; Rijnsdorp D; Rutherford M; Schulz E; Shayer J; Splinter K; Steinberg C; Strauss D; Stuart G; Symonds G; Tarbath K; Taylor D; Taylor J; Thotagamuwage D; Toffoli A; Valizadeh A; van Hazel J; da Silva GV; Wandres M; Whittaker C; Williams D; Winter G; Xu J; Zhong A; Zieger S, 2020, 'Priorities for wind-waves research', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101, pp. 505 - 507,

Robinet A; Castelle B; Idier D; Harley MD; Splinter KD, 2020, 'Controls of local geology and cross-shore/longshore processes on embayed beach shoreline variability', Marine Geology, 422,

Roger E; Tegart P; Dowsett R; Kinsela MA; Harley MD; Ortac G, 2020, 'Maximising the potential for citizen science in New South Wales', Australian Zoologist, 40, pp. 449 - 461,

Vos K; Splinter KD; Harley MD; Simmons JA; Turner IL, 2019, 'CoastSat: A Google Earth Engine-enabled Python toolkit to extract shorelines from publicly available satellite imagery', Environmental Modelling and Software, 122,

Beuzen T; Harley MD; Splinter KD; Turner IL, 2019, 'Controls of Variability in Berm and Dune Storm Erosion', Journal of Geophysical Research,

Simmons JA; Splinter KD; Harley MD; Turner IL, 2019, 'Calibration data requirements for modelling subaerial beach storm erosion', Coastal Engineering, 152,

Harley MD; Kinsela MA; Sánchez-García E; Vos K, 2019, 'Shoreline change mapping using crowd-sourced smartphone images', Coastal Engineering, 150, pp. 175 - 189,

Vos K; Harley MD; Splinter KD; Simmons JA; Turner IL, 2019, 'Sub-annual to multi-decadal shoreline variability from publicly available satellite imagery', Coastal Engineering, 150, pp. 160 - 174,

Greenslade D; Hemer M; Babanin A; Lowe R; Turner I; Power H; Young I; Ierodiaconou D; Hibbert G; Williams G; Aijaz S; Albuquerque J; Allen S; Banner M; Branson P; Buchan S; Burton A; Bye J; Cartwright N; Chabchoub A; Colberg F; Contardo S; dufois F; Earl-Spurr C; Elliott G; Farr D; Flynn J; Goodwin I; Gunson J; Hansen J; Hanslow D; Harley M; Hetzel Y; Hoeke R; Jones N; Kinsela M; Liu Q; Makarynskyy O; Marcollo H; Mazaheri S; McConochie J; Millar G; Moltmann T; Moodie N; Morim J; Morison R; Orszaghova J; Pattiaratchi C; Pomeroy A; Proctor R; Provis D; Reef R; Rijnsdorp D; Rutherford M; Schulz E; Shayer J; Splinter K; Steinberg C; Strauss D; Stuart G; Symonds G; Tarbath K; Taylor P; Taylor D; Taylor J; Thotagamuwage D; Toffoli A; Valizadeh A; van Hazel J; Vieira da Silva G; Wandres M; Whittaker C; Williams D; Winter G; Xu J; Zed M; Zhong A; Zieger S, 2019, '15 priorities for wind-waves research: An Australian perspective', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101, pp. E446 - E461,

Phillips MS; Blenkinsopp CE; Splinter KD; Harley MD; Turner IL, 2019, 'Modes of Berm and Beachface Recovery Following Storm Reset: Observations Using a Continuously Scanning Lidar', Journal of Geophysical Research, 124, pp. 720 - 736,

Lazarus ED; Harley MD; Blenkinsopp CE; Turner IL, 2019, 'Environmental signal shredding on sandy coastlines', Earth Surface Dynamics, 7, pp. 77 - 86,

Splinter KD; Harley MD; Turner IL, 2018, 'Remote sensing is changing our view of the coast: Insights from 40 years of monitoring at Narrabeen-Collaroy, Australias', Remote Sensing, 10,

Beuzen T; Splinter KD; Marshall LA; Turner IL; Harley MD; Palmsten ML, 2018, 'Bayesian Networks in coastal engineering: Distinguishing descriptive and predictive applications', Coastal Engineering, 135, pp. 16 - 30,

Harley MD; Turner IL; Kinsela MA; Middleton JH; Mumford PJ; Splinter KD; Phillips MS; Simmons JA; Hanslow DJ; Short AD, 2017, 'Extreme coastal erosion enhanced by anomalous extratropical storm wave direction', Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 6033,

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