Select Publications

Book Chapters

Apoifis N, 2020, '‘I Hope Little Worms Die in Your Arse’: Fieldwork, Anarchists, Fascists and Academic Snitches', in Navigating Fieldwork in the Social Sciences Stories of Danger, Risk and Reward, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 107 - 128

Apoifis N; Wadds P; Spurway K; Schmeidl S, 2020, 'Collecting Stories', in Navigating Fieldwork in the Social Sciences Stories of Danger, Risk and Reward, Palgrave Macmillan

Wadds P; Apoifis N; Schmeidl S; Spurway K, 2020, 'Sharing Stories', in Wadds P; Apoifis N; Schmeidl S; Spurway K (ed.), Navigating Fieldwork in the Social Sciences:Stories of Danger, Risk and Reward, Palgrave Macmillan, London

Apoifis N, 2014, 'Unity in Street-Militancy: Athenian Anarchists and Anti-Authoritarians', in Arvanitakis J; Kabesh A (ed.), Revolt and Revolution: Reaching for the Possible, The Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 79 - 89,

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